Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Just got out of an all day training session, and getting in my lunch right now. This morning was 10 Min. Solutions Knockout Body with Jessica Smith.

    Tami, Yep March 23 is my start date with S90, really looking forward to it. When do you get back from your vacation? My hamstrings are sore right now from that leg workout. :wink: It just started up this afternoon, guess it took a little while for it to take affect. I liked those lunges also, and the fact that your heart rates gets up their.

    Laurel, WTG making sure you are using proper form this round of P90X. Tony keeps reminding you through the workouts, just like Cathe. PlyoX and KM in one day! You have really gotten your endurance up there for sure.

    Erika, Glad you had fun at Zumba. I still need to get that Rapid Fire workout, I know I would love the non stop pace. I'm so glad that your rotation is doing what you wanted.

    Michelle, Yes the S90 workouts are fast paced, and keep are suppose to keep your heart rate up through the whole workout. The people in the DVD are sweating quite a bit, and I don't think it is from the hot lights. :laugh: Hey I will be the experiment, and let you all know how it goes with the inches and pounds. :laugh:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    And thanks also for another review of Rapid Fire. I'm still toying with getting that one. It sounds tough but from what I understand, there are quite a few premiixes which makes it somewhat versatile, right? I really don't need any more workouts, but there are a couple I've read about (this one, Supreme 90 and Paul Katami's Bootcamp) that have me ready to make another DVD order.

    Laurel--There are a lot of pre-mixes on Rapid Fire...most are around 45 minutes. I think there are maybe 10? Her Kickbox Section is the non-stop one, but I think her Shadowboxing was too. The abs are good, and I really like the heavy bag (easily could be done w/o a bag). I think once I get more used to it, I'll be able to enjoy the pace with no breaks! :huh: I will mention, there is just some non-significant music throughout...nothing like Top 40 or really motivating, which is ok with me sometimes. If you need good music to get into the kickboxing moves, this doesn't really have it. Hang tight on Paul Katami's Bootcamp...I have that one too. Hoping to get to it soon to decide if it's a keeper or not!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Erika - Thank you so much for the review and breakdown on this one! :bigsmile: I forgot to mention that earlier. This is in my DVD box waiting to be in my rotation! :blushing: :wink: I’m excited to try it. I think I will really enjoy this style of KB workout.

    Talk to you tomorrow ~ Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Life got in the way this morning with an early call from hubby to bring new blankets b/c due to a Lice incident all cots and pillows had to be bagged and returned home:noway: At least this school notified me, last year my eldest's school did not notify me and a student and her parent had not disclosed the information until my daughter too was infected:grumble:

    Yesterday, I did Leaning Out with Tracie and the second time around was even better. This morning I feel it right where I need to in the glutes and I'm so excited that I committed to another purchase of her Defined Lines and Paul's Katami KettleBell drills:bigsmile:

    Erika- I'm excited for sure and can honestly say that taking a few weeks from Barre and doing things worked out well. Last night while getting dressed I noticed that my rear looked like a "peach" and I even did the pencil test:laugh: Now with all this talk of no saddlebags,I'm definitely ready to include PK's KB workout in the next week as this peach needs to be shrunked:blushing: What is the exact rotation?

    Tami- :flowerforyou: Those words came at a great time as I'm getting dressed now and prepping to trade off with hubby and head out the door. Thank you so much:blushing:

    Laurel-Paul Bootcamp is fun and I'm sure you will like that one..just not sure if it may be too intermediate for your advanced training:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Great....while you are testing the S90 I will follow my Tracie/Paul Katami/ilaria's KB with Michael's Abs to see what it does for this pear shape:laugh:

    Ok off to join the night shift folks,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :happy: Happy Friday Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    This morning I pushed aside the Fluidity Bar workout and decided to tackle one of my new DVD's. I have so many I haven't tried, and was itching to try one. So, I did Tracey Staehle's Parts Series--Glute Camp. WOWSA!!! This workout uses a band, dumbbells and the Bosu ball. I'm having a hard time sitting on my ball at work today already! :laugh: I'm really enjoying all of Tracey's workouts I have, and had just ordered 2 more, as she is having a 1/2 price sale on her website. I'm excited to try a couple more. Followed up my morning workout with 25 pushups and 50 swings. They are getting easier! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Sounds like a rude awakening yesterday! :grumble: But, you're right, better you got notice early, then before it was too late! So glad to hear you like Leaning Out, as I have that one, and I'm dying to try it. I might actually switch up my rotation for next week so I can give it a go! Have you tried the Katami's KB drills yet? That ones on my wish list! Sounds like the booty is getting whipped into shape, great to hear!! My rotation is this: Week 1: Barre/Squeeze on M-W-F, Cardio on T-Th-Sa; Week 2: Strength Only M-W-F (heavier weights) and Cardio T-Th-Sa; Week 3: Barre/Squeeze on M-W-F, Cardio on T-Th-Sa; and Week 4: Circuits M-W-F, Cardio T-Th-Sa. I incorporate KB usually into both the Strength only and Circuit weeks. After my vacation, my only switch is that I'll alternate Circuit weeks with Strength (heavier) weeks. Barre/Squeeze will fall into Circuit weeks.

    Laurie--Hope your training session went well, and glad you got in a good workout in the morning! :bigsmile:

    Tami--Fuuny about the guy in your cycling class! :laugh: Sounds like you've got a good mix of people in that one! I'm really glad to see such awesome results from the rotation, because I'm doing workouts I like. I liked STS, but was starting to dread it, and then realized I need to do what I want, or I'll get burned out. Now that I'm really into the workouts, I think it's working for me!

    Laurel--I hope the DOMS aren't too bad this morning! Those pull ups can really do a number on the muscles!! Keep up the great workout combos, sure sounds fun!! :happy:

    Well, back to work! Talk to you all later!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Disc 2 Back & Triceps for me this morning.

    Tami, You have that DVD too! :happy:

    Michelle, Another instructor that I have heard good things about is Paul Katami. Hope you avoid the lice outbreak, those are not fun at all. My sister is a daycare manager and she does those checks on a weekly basis. My family goes to her to check their kids, because we don't see those outbreaks as much as she does. :wink: I think it is a big reason why her son has a buzz cut. :wink:

    Erika, Don't be trying to tempt me with Tracey! Who doesn't need to get their lower body worked good, but my hands are over my ears! :laugh: I'm so glad that you are getting the results that you where hoping for. How much longer before you head to your vacation?

    I will not be posting on Monday, I will be heading up to the northern portion of my state for my Uncles funeral. He passed away on Wednesday night from a long battle with prostrate cancer.

    Have a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I started out my day with Cardio Fusion's Mix and Match premix. It felt really good. For some odd reason, I'm doing alot more step lately. I went off of it for a little while, but I find myself reaching for it more and more. Maybe it's because I know I need to get ready for Cathe's Road Trip and there's ALOT of step there. :tongue: Then I finished up with YogaX. Definitely one of my favorites, and it felt great today.

    Laurie, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle. Please have a safe trip.

    Michelle, based on what I've read, I definitely don't think Paul Katami's Bootcamp could be considered 'too intermediate'. :laugh: But that you for the compliment. I've heard great things about his kettlebell workout as well, but I think I'd need a different weight kettlebell to do it, and I'm really trying to stop pouring all our money into workout stuff right now. :blushing: I'm sorry to hear about the lice, but at least the school acted responsibly. What a pain, though.

    Erika, thanks for the breakdown of Rapid Fire. I'm definitely interested in that one because the non-stop action kind of appeals to me. Turbo Fire workouts are like that, and I find the time flies. I've joked before that I've worked out with Cathe so long that I don't notice bad or non-existent music in workouts....I only notice good music when it pops up. As you can see, Cathe's music isn't what draws me to her workouts. :laugh: Let us know when you try Katami's Bootcamp. I'm interested in your impressions.

    Tami, great job on the workouts! As always!! Just a couple/few weeks until you head to Arizona right? I talked to my Mom yesterday (she lives in Phoenix) and it was in the 80s! Sounds like heaven to me....and we've not had a bad winter! I bet you're looking forward to it.

    Hope you all have a good weekend. Again, Laurie, take care and have a safe trip.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Well last night I had the house to myself for just a little while so I took advantage and tried out the S90 Ultimate Ball – really liked it. :bigsmile: So 4 for 4 on S90! This a.m. was STS Total Body, another one on the favorite list. :wink: Will head to cycling tonight after work and hope to get in some good workouts this weekend. :happy: I really need to schedule out the next couple weeks as well before vacation!

    Michelle: What a morning you had yesterday! :huh: Yikes. I hope everything is all good there. Glad your workout was good and got in there just where you want it too! I always have to laugh when a workout feels so good we can’t wait to get our hands on more! :laugh: :bigsmile:

    Erika: Great job on pushing aside one for the other to keep the motivation factor up there! :drinker: I have just 2 of Tracey Staehle's workouts and I do like her just haven’t invested in any others. Glad you were able to take advantage of her sale & get a couple more. :smile: Thanks for posting your rotation – It looks like a good one forsure.

    Laurie: Ultimate Ball – I can see why you love it! What a great ab workout. :wink: I enjoy the variety so much in that one, the time flew by. Also, are all the people in those DVD’s the most fit people ever!??! :noway: WOW, they look fantastic. I’m so sorry to hear about your Uncle. :flowerforyou: Safe travels and we will talk to you when you return.

    Laurel: Yes …… I am on the countdown and checking the weather in Phoenix everyday because I am so excited for some sunshine and warmth. 80 & sunny to me is a dream right now! :smile: It will be so nice to just get away and enjoy the time off. I’m curious about their fitness center and taking advantage of that. :wink: Might even get in a class . . . we will see. That is a little bit on the intimidating side but if it looks like it would be really fun to try I might just go for it!
    That’s great you are doing more & more step, preparing for the Road Trip. :bigsmile: You will be a pro no matter what she throws at you guys, it will be so much fun I’m sure.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :bigsmile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies!!! :happy:

    I'm feeling quite energetic today (not sure why), but a little shaky from this mornings S90 Total Body workout. I think I pushed it on the weights during the clean and presses, and my arms are a little spent! Man, those workouts go fast!! :bigsmile: Friday night I tried a new one...Bosu Xtreme Cardio workout....all I gotta say is WOW! That was the hardest workout I think I have done to date. Think along the lines of Drill Max, but using a Bosu to leap up on to. It was REALLY fun. I bought a set that has 5 workouts on the Bosu (some strength some cardio) and can't wait to try them all! Saturday was Tracey Staehle Strike Zone...I loved it! It has some fast moves, but also some slower, where you use all the power you have in you. I was a puddle of sweat at the end! Yesterday was a new Zumba class. I decided to try a new instructor, and it was really fun! What a great weekend of workouts!

    Tami--Isn't Ultimate Ball fun!??! I really liked that one too! I hope you had a great weekend of workouts too! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Way to go on the step workout, and Yoga. I'm sure you'll do lots of step workouts on the roadtrip, so good idea to get as many in as you can! I think you'd like Rapid Fire...the title comes from lots of rapid kicks, punches etc. It's fun!

    Laurie--Way to kick butt with those STS workouts!!! :bigsmile: I leave for vacation on the 19th, so I'm counting down the days. Still trying to figure out what workouts to bring though! :laugh:

    Michelle--I hope you had a great weekend!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I hope you all had a good weekend. I did! I finished my first week back to P90X on Saturday with Legs/Back. This is one workout I'm thinking about substituting out later in the rotation, but I wanted to keep it in for a little while since I'm new at the whole pull-up thing. I enjoyed the workout and finished it off with Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance. So much fun!!

    Yesterday I took a break day, which felt good. It was raining all day, so I was kind of low on energy. I did spend a good portion of the day going to Walgreens and Bed, Bath and Beyond looking for Supreme no avail. Looks like it will be a mail order for me. :ohwell: Today I was back to P90X with Chest/Back. This one felt SOOOOOO much better than it did last week. I'm curious to see if I'm as sore as I was after last week's round, though. After a good break, I did IMAX3. Man, I really have to force myself to do that workout because I really don't like it.....but I feel GREAT when I'm done with it because it is such a tough workout. So I'm glad I did it....but if you'd asked me this morning if I was looking forward to it.....another story altogether. :blushing:

    Tami, keep the reviews of Supreme 90 coming! I'm enjoying reading all of them. Right now I'm trying to figure out when to do a rotation with that set, but I think I'll try to actually get it first before scheduling a rotation. :laugh: Always thinking one step ahead when it comes to workouts. No doubt Phoenix will feel great to you right now. And if you like oranges, now is the time they are at their absolute peak. So if you do like them, try one (or a few :wink: ) for me!

    Erika, don't those high energy days feel great? I love them. Wow is all I have to say about the Bosu Xtreme Cardio if it is the toughest workout you've ever done. You've done some TOUGH workouts. I don't have a Bosu so at least I'm not tempted to buy that one.....yet. :tongue: Glad you enjoyed your Zumba class yesterday as well.

    Laurie and Michelle, :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Wow is all I have to say about the Bosu Xtreme Cardio if it is the toughest workout you've ever done. You've done some TOUGH workouts. I don't have a Bosu so at least I'm not tempted to buy that one.....yet. :tongue:

    Laurel--I think it's the combo of the 10 "blasts" she does (think Hiit, as they are 30 seconds each), but yet you really don't get much of a rest while you're ramping up to the blasts. The more I think about it, it's something like a Hiit or Drill Max, but on the Bosu. So, you stand on it, and then do tuck jumps, or burpees, or split jumps, etc. I was a little worried about getting hurt (due to the unstable environment), but just took my time and didn't jump too high the 1st go round. My legs were burning so bad about 1/2 way through, I didn't think I'd be able to make it! I'll report back on the rest of the set as I get to them!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Im in a training class this week at the La Quinta Inn hyped up on coffee and trail mix. My poor body was unable to crash until 3am so I'm definitely tired as the alarm went off at 6am. Yesterday was my birthday and it was a tech free day spent with the family. On saturday I went to the hairdresser after work so it was a long 22 hr day:yawn: I slept in late and hubby and the girls baked a cake with a beach theme for was delicious and I did indulge:blushing: After a great meal we shopped and the we relaxed all day.

    Break is over

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Well the weekend was good for workouts! :wink: Sat. I did KCM Circuit Burn and yesterday was Lower Body Blast w/ Leg Cond. Drills. This a.m. I went ahead with Peak 10 Cardio Intervals because I hadn’t tried that one yet and it felt like a good day to give it a try. :happy: I was on the fence of which workout to do today for some reason. :blushing: Luckily I have the rest of the week scheduled out. P10 is very similar to my Turbo Kick class that I will go to tonight. It was lots of fun, I did get a pretty good calorie burn and will definitely go to it again.

    Erika: Love those days of high energy! :bigsmile: I feel that way more on the weekends than during the week unfortunately . . . work kind of gets in the way of that good fun energy! WOW the toughest yet. :huh: :bigsmile: That is great. I’m with Laurel on feeling safe (so far) because I don’t have a Bosu ball either. It does sound like a really fun workout and tough. I bet you will feel it tomorrow since you are working different muscles w/ the balance factor.
    Yes, Ultimate Ball was so great.:wink: I am anxious to use that one again and again.

    Laurel: Sounds like you got in some great workouts even though you had a nice little break! :tongue: Darn it on not finding S90 at those stores. Yes, probably getting them in your hands first before planning the rotation is a great idea! :laugh: LOL. I will keep the reviews coming forsure. Planning on doing the Legs & Tabata Inferno on Wed again. Phoenix will feel so fabulous and I will definitely try some oranges while I am there . . . for me and you!

    Michelle: Happy Belated Birthday! :flowerforyou: Sounds like you had a great day with your family. Enjoy the rest of your day at the training.

    Laurie -- :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies! :bigsmile:

    This morning was another switch-a-roo on the workout calendar. I had Cathe's Hiit on there, but my left knee has been bothering me off and on since my Wednesday night Zumba class, so I've been trying to be easier on it (except for the Bosu workout on Friday :blushing: ). I chose to do Tracey Staehle's Cardio Kickbox instead. Perfect workout for me today. It wasn't intense like a KPC or Rapid Fire, which is what I was looking for.

    Tami--So glad to hear you liked Peak10. I really enjoyed that one too!! What a great lineup of workouts over the weekend...sounds fun! As much as I enjoyed that Bosu workout, I'm worried I won't reach for it again, as it was very tough. I tend to shy away from those (like Cathe's Hiit). But, maybe I'll have a morning with a burst of energy, and I'll go for it again. Sad thing is, I REALLY modified it, as my knee was kind of hurting every once in a while, so I didn't even put in a full blown effort. You know it's tough with the instructor is gasping for breath! :huh:

    Michelle--Sorry you've been stuck in training, and forced to get the coffee flowing to stay awake! :grumble: Hopefully, your body will adjust, and you'll be able to handle the caffeine during the day, but still sleep at night!

    Laurel--Congrats on finishing the 1st week of P90X! :drinker: Burmmer you couldn't find S90. I couldn't find them here either, so called the BB&B Customer Service number to order one. Hopefully, you can get it that way! I hope you are feeling energized (and not too sore) today, after Sunday's rest day, and yesterday's Chest/Back workout!

    Laurie--I hope you had safe travels yesterday; so sorry to hear about your uncle! :cry: Never fun to have to say goodbye to anyone close! Hopefully our weather didn't make it your way, as we're just getting hit with one snow storm after another!

    I'll check in with you all tomorrow. Have a great Tuesday!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I have not worked out yet today, just way to tired from all the traveling. I will get my workout done after I get home from work today though.

    Erika, We where having snow showers all the time I was at my parents, nothing to bad. The roads where all good on the way home yesterday. No Bosu for me either, just never something that I had an interest in. Sounds like you are having a good time with it though.

    Tami, That is interesting the the P10 workout is like your Turbo Kick class, now I'm even more interested in those workouts. I wonder when she is coming out with more of them. From what I understand there is suppose to be 10 workouts in the set.

    Michelle, Happy belated Birthday! How very nice that you had such a great birthday. Hope your body gets back into the routine after all these different shifts, and training sessions you are having to go through.

    Laurel, You can order the S90 workouts from also, and if I'm not mistaken you just have to type in 10OFF in the coupon code to get the discount. If I remember correctly they are on backorder for her also. One of my friends was trying to order and couldn't.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    In class right now after a decent night's sleep. Hoping to do my PK Kettlebell tonight after class.

    laurel- I can't find S90 here either but Totalfitness has it available plus you get to see some footage of various DVDs.

    Laurie- welcome back and my condolences to you and your family:flowerforyou: Rest and relax after a mentally tiring weekend.

    Erika - I have been suffering with knee pain and I have been trying to strengthen it with exercises in order to prep for my next Bar Method rotation. Does Bar also affect your knees? My knee has stiffened and ache all day but they say that lunges can help to strengthen my knee so I have continued to perform them with Tracie. I think the steel toe and he long shifts on my feet has contributed to an old knee injury.

    Tami- Peak 10 was fun but I have not repeated that one as much. ....have you tried her strength workout?

    Ok time for me to listen to the instructor

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I really piled on the workouts today for some odd reason. I think it is because my schedule is off by a day, and I feel like I'm not getting enough of a leg workout in right now (a problem I have with P90X). So I started my day with PlyoX, which felt great. I took a long break for breakfast....and then I did the standing portion of LBB followed by Insanity's Pure Cardio. :noway: It was tough, but I feel thoroughly worked out now. :laugh: I'm so glad I decided to start up with P90X again because my motivation was way down for awhile there, and it seems to be coming back in full force now.

    Erika, thanks for the additional info on the Bosu ball workout. I'm not so sure I'd want to do it only because I'm so afraid of getting hurt. I mean, I'm so prone to injury on stable surfaces that I can't imagine doing tuck jumps on the Bosu!! I would be deathly afraid of that, so, again, thanks for providing some additional info. I hope your knee starts feeling better. Good job in listening to that and not pushing through Cathe's HiiT. Definitely not a workout to do when you've got sore knees.

    Michelle, HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm glad you were able to enjoy the day with your family. Sorry to hear you are back in training. I find training days to be brutal because I have to be on somebody else's schedule for eating/drinking, and my body doesn't always like that.

    Michelle and Laurie, thanks for the recommendation of I've been trying to avoid ordering from her because when I order on-line like that, I can't stop at one workout. :wink: Workout DVDs are like potato chips to me I guess. But I think I will order from her (and get Rapid Fire and Paul Katami's Bootcamp while I'm at it) when she gets Supreme 90 back in stock (I haven't checked whether she's got them this week or not...but I will!)

    Laurie, I'm glad you made it home safely. Sorry to hear about the snow. No doubt you're tired from the trip. :flowerforyou:

    Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your Peak 10 cardio workout. I haven't even looked into those....and I'm promising myself that I won't. :blushing:

    Hope you all enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    Last night was Turbo Kick and she changed up our routine again so that was pretty fun. :smile: Looking forward to the second time around because I will know it better. This a.m. I did High Reps and tonight will be Cycling for some cardio. We are having such a gloomy/gray/rain-snow mix day :ohwell: I am anxious to workout this evening

    Erika: Good idea on the “switch-a-roo” if your knee was feeling it a bit. :smile: Yes, the workouts have felt good. Quite a variety going on! At the same time, I am getting excited to do a regular “set” rotation again though forsure. :wink: Thinking S90 is going to be up next when I return from vacation.

    Michelle: Hope your class went well today and you are able to get in your KB workout if you are feeling up to it! All day of class can make a person tired that’s forsure! :wink: I haven’t tried the P10 Strength, just that one. What about you? It seems I remember most of the reviews on one or the other that people were liking the cardio better.

    Laurie: Welcome Back. I’m sure you do feel a little bit zapped from all the traveling. :tongue: Again I am sorry for your loss. :flowerforyou: Hope you get your workout in this evening if you are up to it, will probably feel good!

    Laurel: Great job on the workouts today! ! :bigsmile: :noway: You were feeling the energy weren’t you??! :wink:
    Glad P90X is treating you well and you are enjoying it. If you don’t need the S90 right away I would go with that plan. Order it up on totalfitness (along with the others) – that will be the best price I’m sure.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon & evening! :smile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Beautiful Ladies!! :bigsmile:

    Yet another snowy morning here in MN...I think we're supposed to get about 3". This is our 3rd "nuisance" snowfall, as they call it, for the week. We've got another one coming Friday night. Just enough to mess up the driving around here. :grumble: This morning was S90 Back and Biceps...I really enjoyed this one a lot. Different twists on a traditional move. I think this is a go-to for the weights workouts. I followed that up with the 1st chapter of Tonique Mat, and then got in my 25 pushups and 50 swings. My booty hurts now!!! :noway:

    Tami--I never realized that the classes are the same for several weeks until they switch it up. I couldn't figure out why my 1st 3 Zumba classes were exactly the same, but now that she's throwing in some new stuff, I get that it takes a couple times to get the moves down! I really like when she switches it up!! :bigsmile: Great workout in the AM, and I hope you made it to cycling, despite the yucky weather!

    Laurel--WOW, what a great string of workouts!!! :happy: I only wish I had enough time/energy to do all those! The Bosu does take some getting used to, as you're always on an unstable environment, but I really enjoy that challenge. I started by getting the Bosu for a Tracey Staehle DVD I got, which is more traditional moves, but on the Bosu (strength focus, mainly), but I heard about the other Bosu workouts on VF and it was only $25 or something, for 5 workouts...couldn't pass that up! I have to focus hard on being careful, so I don't get hurt, as I'm naturally clumsy, so I'm always worried about getting hurt! :grumble:

    Michelle--I totally forgot to wish you a Happy Birthday! :blushing: I kept meaning to jump on here to write it, and then couldn't remember why I kept coming to the site! :blushing: Anyway, I hope you had a great day! How did you like PK Kettlebell? I'm anxious to hear a review of that one. So far, Barre work has not bothered my knees. I really think it's my Zumba class, probably because of all the twisting and turning we do. I think I've got the right surface/shoes for it, but it's just a lot of twisting. My knees are usually sore (along with my hips and butt) the next few days afterwards.

    Laurie--I'm glad to hear you had safe travels, and that you are home now. I'm sure you are getting right back into those workouts, as I'm sure you missed them! :wink: I'll try to keep this weather from coming your way, as it's getting to be a nuisance now. If we're going to get snow, I want to get dumped on...not just a few inches to screw up the work commute. I want a snow day!!!

    Well, I better get going. I've got a 7 year old standing next to me asking me a million questions about you ladies, and it's driving me crazy. He wants to know why we use all these faces, how I can type so fast, what all your names are, where you live, etc. Now, he's starting to read everything I wrote...time to go! Have a great one!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Disc 34 Chest & Back this morning. Was very nice to get back to the workouts.

    Michelle, I'm glad that you took a little time to check in with us. Hope you where able to get that workout in, I just didn't have the energy last night. Sat my butt on the couch for most of the evening.

    Laurel, That lack of leg work is something that I have a problem with in P90X also. Wow Plyo X and Pure Cardio! I don't know if I could have gotten through both of those. That is exactly the way I felt when I started P90X, it was a motivation thing also.

    Tami, Great workouts! We where suppose to be having rain, but for some reason those weather people where WRONG! The snow is coming down almost as if we where in a snow globe! :huh: I would rather have had the rain.

    Erika, I wish our snow was the nuisance variety! This is that heavy wet snow, just glad that the girls do not have school today. LOL on the twenty questions from your ds, it is cute but I can understand where all those questions can get annoying. Glad to hear that the S90 Back & Biceps was a good one also.

    Thank you all for the well wishes, I really appreciate all the kind thoughts.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Just typed up a response and, of course, my computer decided to stop working. :grumble: So frustrating. Anyhow, I dialed my workouts back a bit today. I was a tad comatose last night after my workouts, and my husband kept asking me if I was okay. I kept telling him I was just tired and to blame Tony Horton! :laugh: I always get tired when I start back on heavy weights, so this is no surprise. But I dialed it back a bit today. Just a bit, though. I did P90X Shoulders and Arms and Ab Ripper X. And then after a break, I did Turbo Fire 55 EZ. It all felt great which surprised me after how I felt last night!

    Erika, the description of your little one watching you post has me smiling. How cute!! Sorry to hear about the snow. I imagine even snow-loving you is ready for this winter to end. Great job on the workouts!!

    Tami, I'm glad you enjoyed your Turbo Kick class! Are you going to do Laurie's S90 rotation? It looked great. I have no doubt you'll be happy to be back to a rotation.

    Laurie, good job on getting back to the workouts. I'm sure it felt good. Yep, P90X was definitely developed by a guy who doesn't understand the need to work legs as much. That's one of the faults I've always found with the much emphasis on the guy show-off muscles (like chest/back), and not quite enough emphasis on what I want to show off (like my legs!) So I always have tried to add more leg work to make it more balanced.

    Michelle, I hope this finds you well.

    Talk to you all tomorrow.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    La dies,

    OMG. My inner thighs are in major pain from thenKB clinic:love: Paul is great and is a master instructor and it shows. Apparently he also trained Jillian for her DVD.l

    On a quick break but wanted to let you know the workout was great.

    laurie and Laurel - Enjoy your day off...obviously your body needs it.

    Erika- That DVD was really good. I will enjoy using that one with tracie for great heart rate was up there and then I did 35 extra swings. Now my inner thighs are screaming:laugh:

    Tami- Enjoy your workouts!

    Ok my break is over.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    So no workout this a.m. :sad: :grumble: :sad: I stayed up too late and hit the snooze, :yawn: snooze and OFF button on my phone. It was the workout I was very much looking forward to (S90 Legs & Tabata Inferno) so I have been a little disappointed about it but “maybe” tonight after work I will get it in. Depends on the plans with DH. He is leaving town in the a.m. so we might have a date night. :smile: So I will just be a day behind in my rotation and do Legs/TI tomorrow a.m. instead. :wink:

    Erika: That is so darling about your son standing there reading and asking about all of us.:laugh: I can just picture it! :drinker: for S90 AGAIN! Haven’t done that one yet but definitely will. Planning on doing the S90 rotation when I return from vacation! :wink: Sounds like you had a nice combo this a.m. along with your push-ups and swings! It is nice that they eventually switch up the routine. Sometimes we have done the KB workout for 8+ weeks before so we are definitely ready for a change but at the same time it is nice to get the routine down so you can really work hard. Cycling was good last night, thanks!

    Laurie: Way to get back into the workouts, I’m sure it felt really good! :smile: Our weather is crazy too. Today has been just gray and rainy, no snow. Really looking forward to seeing the sun in a couple weeks. :bigsmile: When I get back from vacation (March 25) I think I’ll start up the S90 rotation that Sunday. So I will be right behind you on that!

    Laurel: I bet you were tired after yesterday’s workout! :tongue: Yowsa. Yes, I have decided to do the S90 rotation - - I’m going to try and write it out and incorporate some other S90 or HiiT + some of my favorites into the rotation as well. Since they are only 35 min. We’ll see, but that's what I would like to do! :smile: Then probably STS again after that. Maybe that will be about when you start up STS too?

    Michelle: I hope those thighs feel better tomorrow and not even more of the DOMs. :tongue: So that was his KB workout you did? Sounds like he must be fantastic. Hopefully you are having a good day? Still in the classes?

    Hope you all have a great evening! Talk to you tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was S90 Legs, really do enjoy that workout. Might be because I can get it done in such a short time. :wink:

    Laurel, I'm sorry but I had to LOL about the comotose state! :laugh: It truly is amazing how you body has to adjust. Glad that you enjoyed your workouts.

    Michelle, So Paul got your inner thigh working good! I didn't know he trained Jillian for her DVD! Guess that is why his workouts sound so good. :wink:

    Tami, Those two workouts are fast becoming some of my favorite ones. I love the Tabata workout the most, of course! :laugh: I did that one on Sunday morning, before I left to go up north. I did find out that it was better for me to do that workout right after I get out of bed, having any food in my stomach makes me nausious! :noway: Are you going to follow the rotation, or do two of the workouts?

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning I opted to sleep instead of workout. Not so much because I was tired, but my body HURTS!! That S90 Back and Bi's seemed easy enough when I was doing it, but my back muscles are REALLY feeling it! Plus, my legs are sore from the KB swings and Tonique, so Zumba last night was a little tough. My legs were so tight I just couldn't get into the class. I'll try another Zumba class Friday night with a friend, hopefully S90 Chest, Shoulders and Tri's doesn't kill me on Friday morning! :ohwell:

    Tami--Glad I'm not the only one pushing the snooze button! In the back of my mind, I'm mad that I didn't get up, but know that I would never have been able to pull off MMA Boxing this morning! :laugh: I'll attempt that, or something else, tonight though. Glad to hear that it's normal for the routines to not switch for several weeks. I was starting to think it was our instructor! :huh: Zumba is one of those classes that you can really teach it however you want, so it's very interesting to see how each instructor does it. My Weds. night instructor does more low impact and simple moves, but it allows me to really push myself (I add jumps or lunges, etc), as I know the moves. The class I took last Sunday, was more high impact (lots of jumping jacks!), so that, along with complex choreography, made it a little harder to follow. I'm interested to see how the instructor I'm going to tomorrow night teaches. My friend that goes to her regularly, says she uses all hip-hop current songs, and she is a dance instructor outside of Zumba...the other 2 instructors I've gone to do more Latin than anything...should be fun!

    Michelle--Glad to hear that workout was good...I've added it to my wish list! :blushing: How much longer are you in this all day workshop stuff??!

    Laurel--I hear ya on the pure exhaustion from the workouts...that was me last night in Zumba. I just couldn't get myself to want to move my legs or arms, and it really showed...I was just tired. My muscles were sore, and they weren't havin' it anymore! :laugh: Glad your morning workout was better, even if your "dialed back a bit" workouts are still leaps and bounds above my daily workouts! :wink: Way to go!!!!

    Laurie--Glad you got back to your workouts in style! :wink: Sounds like you are getting a bit more of the snowy crud than us...we just keep getting 1-2" here and there and then it melts off during the day, as we've been near 40 quite a bit. Another round comes in tomorrow night...yipee...not! If it's going to snow, I want it to really snow!

    Have a great to you all tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Woke up to rain which is never a strong motivator for me. I always prefer to lay in bed and listen to the raindrops hitting the roof over pretty much anything else on days like today. :wink: But I forced myself out of bed....and I'm glad I did. I started my day with the Ultra Cardio Premix from Drill Max, and, boy, did that shake the cobwebs out of my a good way! It's been quite some time since I did that one, and it felt great. Then I did YogaX, and, for some odd reason, the time just flew by in that one today. I must have been in my 'zone'. Now I feel both energized AND relaxed.

    Laurie, good job with S90 Legs. Have you been following the updates on Asylum? I'm sure you have. Last I saw, it is projected to be released mid-April. I like that it is a 30-day program instead of longer as well. I think I might really enjoy what Shaun T. is putting together right now. The descriptions of P90X MC2 don't suit me as much right now but, hopefully, as more details emerge, I will find myself wanting that one as well.

    Tami, sorry to hear you didn't get your morning workout in. I'm sure your body was telling you something when it had you turning off the alarm over and over again. Hope you enjoyed your evening with your husband. I hope he isn't going to be gone too long. Regarding STS, I'm really not sure when I'm going to start up again. The original plan was right after I finished P90X, but I might wait a month instead (and do Asylum for that month) which would have me starting around the first part of July. I don't know. As I've said many workout, so little time. :ohwell:

    Erika, I'm glad you listened to your body this morning if you were that sore and lacking energy last night. It really isn't good to workout if you are too sore or tired because it won't be effective. That's something I need to listen to more and more as well. :blushing: I find it hard to distinguish between just being lazy and too tired to workout sometimes. This morning....I was obviously just feeling lazy. :wink:

    Michelle, sounds like that Paul Katami KB workout is a killer! I've heard great things about it. But I've decided to start with his Bootcamp to see if I mesh with him as an instructor before looking into his Hardball workout (which I've read great things about) and his KB workout. But I'm definitely keeping this KB routine in the back of my mind, especially if it hits inner thighs so well. That's a 'trouble zone' for me.

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Well this a.m. I got in yesterday’s “planned” workout so that was great! :bigsmile: S90 Legs followed by Tabata Inferno. Both felt really good and I think it is a nice combo. :wink: Tonight I am planning on a workout of some kind since DH is gone but not sure what just yet.

    Laurie: We did the same today! :happy: I know, those two workouts are great I think. I am hoping to do the rotation but add-on to each. (Of course, because the obsessive part of me thinks 35 min must not be enough:blushing: ). So I will see but my thoughts are: a body part + abs or a body part + cardio or cardio + abs style of add-ons. I’m going to see how that feels & go from there. One thing I thought of this a.m. is that same warm-up every day is going to get a little old …. :laugh:

    Erika: Glad I wasn’t the only one too this week w/ the tireds for a morning. :wink: Although if your body is hurting, I think it was a very wise choice and a much deserved break. You may not have been able to accomplish too much in your workout if you were that sore & been really sorry later. :smile: Your classes sound really fun and a good variety. I hope the class tomorrow is fun as well!

    Laurel: Awwwww :heart: Drill Max Ultra Cardio Mix is such a great one! :bigsmile: Glad you decided to do that one and with YogaX to follow you must feel great. Thanks …. Evening was good. :smile: We had to go buy him a pair of pants and then had a quick sandwich before heading home. He is only gone until Monday night, so that isn’t too bad at all. That’s right, Asylum is coming out very soon for you guys. I know you have been really excited for that one. Which reminds me of Insanity ….. still on the “to try” list. I love all the choices though, a good problem to have!

    Hi Michelle – Hope you are having a good day! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Friday! Funny, I feel like I was just saying this...the week has flown by!!! :bigsmile:

    So, I took a complete rest day yesterday (man, did my body need it!), but my shoulders, back and hammie's were still screamin' this morning. I think it was the S90 Back/Bi's (and it worked my shoulders too!) and the KB swings/Tonique combo on the legs. I struggled hard through S90 Shoulders, Chest and Tri's this morning...shaking uncontrollably the whole time...using only10's!!!! Maybe I'm just having a "weak" week?!?!? Anyway, Zumba tonight with a different instructor will be sooo much fun!

    Tami--Way to get in that workout. Sounds awesome!!! I wonder if I could double up the S90 workouts? :ohwell: I am just exhausted after every one of the workouts! I have realized, that I push myself much harder during 30-45 minute workouts, than 60+ minutes though. I just can mentally keep going strong the whole time if it's shorter. That's why I was struggling with P90X when I did it and STS too, this last round. But, hopefully I can build on that to get back up closer to an hour!

    Laurel--Way to get outta bed, when the rain is calling for you to just stay in bed! :tongue: Weird how rain can do that...maybe it's that way with snow too, which might explain why I have had many mornings where I feel a force pulling me back into bed--but, then I have a dog pulling me out! :laugh: She's on workout time...if I don't get out of bed right when my alarm goes off at 5am, she's in my face scratching me or licking or nudging me. So, it's my 2nd alarm clock! :laugh: Only mornings I get to stay in bed, is if she's too tired to get up!

    Laurie--Love that S90 Legs workout too...heck I love them all (except Core Dynamics :frown: )! I was looking at my workout calendar through June, and not sure I'll be joining you ladies for the S90 rotation, but I think on my heavy weeks, instead of alternating S90 and Gym Styles and KCM, I might just stick with S90...we'll see!

    Michelle--Happy Friday...the weekend is almost here!

    Have a great one! I'm on the road for the day, and then coming back to quick get ready for Zumba, and off I go!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was S90 Tabata Inferno, and still loving this workout. :wink:

    Erika, I'm looking forward to the warm temps this weekend, I'm thinking that a little running outdoors might be something that hapens with Cami at my side of course. I can't go anywhere outdoors without having company. :laugh: Core Dynamics isn't a favorite to you, I will have to see how it goes when I get to those workouts. I know that in P90X Core Synergistics is one that I don't enjoy, so I'm guessing that this one is somewhat like that one. Sounds like a good plan joining us when you have that on your schedule.

    Laurel, Do you know many people in the service that are in Japan right now? If you do please let them know they are in our thoughts at this time, sure sounds like they are going to be busy helping out. I have not heard a lot about Asylum, just that it has been put back to April. The 30 days is very doable for me also! I to am probably not going to be getting the MC2 right now, I think I have enough variety right now to last the rest of my life. :laugh:

    Tami, And look at that I did Tabata this morning! :laugh: We must be twins! :laugh: Sounds like a good plan with S90, when I have enough time I will probably do some add ons also. I know that this system sure does target the abs a lot, so I'm not going to be doing any ab add-ons. :happy: It has abs in every workout, so I'm hoping that my core starts go get even stronger. I know that I still can use the help in that area, maybe I will be doing perfect pikes on the stability ball by the end of the rotation. Right now I can do them, but the control isn't there.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    I finished off Week 2 of P90X this morning with Back/Legs and Ab Ripper X. I really am going to have to substitute out the Back/Legs workout later in the program, but I'm going to try to keep it in until about half way through next month's workouts if possible. It just begins to annoy me after awhile more than anything. But the workout felt good this morning. I took a break and did Intensity. I must legs were SCREAMING throughout this working this morning. Must have got them good, but it was a great add-on to the Back/Legs routine so I might continue to do them together until I sub out Back/Legs. We'll see if I have it in me to do them next week. :tongue:

    Tami, glad you got your workout in. I'm with you in thinking 35 minutes is not enough, despite the fact that pretty much everything I've read indicates otherwise. Of course, the Surgeon General recommends something like 60 minutes of activity five days a week, but I think it is all in what you're trying to achieve in those 60 minutes. But, no doubt, 35 minutes of strength training or 35 minutes of HiiT training in a day is enough. I just can't convince myself of that is all. :blushing: Glad to know I'm not alone though. But as I get older, I think it is a lesson I'm going to have to learn. :ohwell:

    Erika, I'm glad you took all of yesterday off, especially if you were still feeling so tired this morning. Sounds like your workout this morning was a bit of a struggle. I hope Zumba goes well tonight!

    Laurie, thanks for asking about people I know in Japan right now. I know a few and haven't heard anything from anybody about how they are doing. I'm hoping everybody is okay. I need to look at the map a little closer to see how close the earthquake was to one of our AF bases up north of Tokyo. I imagine they were the worst hit, and I imagine there has been quite a bit of damage if it is close. When I saw how badly it shook Tokyo despite it being so far away, I got scared for everybody in Japan. That was quite an earthquake. Changing subjects, I'm glad to hear you may not be jumping into MC2 right now either. Again, I like to think I'm not alone in these things. There are just so many other things to do right now that I'm enjoying.

    Michelle, I hope you are doing well. Enjoy your weekend!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

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