Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Back to work and those steel toes:grumble: after wearing nice heels last week:bigsmile: It was nice to see my co-workers but honestly this morning I wanted to sleep in and have the luxury of being at home again with my girls:sad: So after my commute I was in a better frame of mind by the time I arrived at the gate:bigsmile:

    I walked 3 miles today but honestly my back held me back from really working my leg muscles. I need to get my mojo back as I feel so uninspired which really stinks because you guys are such a great group:blushing:

    Erika-I will not complain about my camp again but both girls are also in swimming and gymnastics not to mention just the cost of any fun Summer activity:laugh: Field trips are actually built into that price but today I found out about reg & supply fees too:grumble:

    Laurel- That sounds exciting and somehow I dont think that you have to worry at ALL about being able to keep up with the other attendees:wink: Stepping out of your comfort zone is scary but it will probably be a great experience:bigsmile: Hmmn I need to remind myself of that everyday at work too:laugh:

    Laurie- Are you enjoying the Supreme 90 also? What would you compare it too?

    Tami- Hello:flowerforyou: When do you leave for vacation?

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    I just joined a challenged here on MFP, where we post measurements once a month, and have weekly challenges (this week is 500 kettlebell swings...I'll have to get those in later today and Friday maybe). I was SUPER pumped when I took my measurements this morning (last time was the 4th of January). I'm down 2.5" in my waist, .5" on my hips, 1" on my left thigh and 1.5" on my right and .5" on my arms. :bigsmile: I haven't weighed myself since the 4th of January, so I'll do that before I hop on before I get in the shower.

    This morning was Peak10 Strength. I really enjoyed this one!!! I think I prefer the cardio one over the strength, simply due to the fact that it's really hard for me to push hard on cardio and then follow it up with weights. But, I will work my way up to being able to handle that. I have Atletica on the schedule to round out the strength training this week, and I have a feeling I"ll enjoy that circuit, as it's more weight than weight and cardio.

    Interesting I was logging my steps for the past couple days (we're required to for our insurace for 8 weeks, or our costs go up next year), I was stumped as to what I did yesterday that got me so many steps (and calories burned). It was my boxing/dance combo. Highest calorie burn ever for me! :bigsmile: I was a puddle of sweat when I was done, and cuz I picked songs I liked, I was really into the boxing especially. I'll have to visit that one again soon!

    Michelle--Ugh, those steel toes! :grumble: I'm with you, I really enjoyed spending time with the kids this weekend, especially because we were snowed in, so had nowhere else to be, so we could just snuggle and watch movies, play games, etc. It was hard to go back to work! Sorry you are feeling like you've lost your mojo. Do you have an Ipod, or somewhere you can play some music you like and just rock it out? I highly recommend it! Just do whatever you feel like doing...jumping jacks, jogging in place, kickboxing, dancing, etc. I feel so much better if I get that in every once in awhile AND, it doesn't feel like a workout! :happy:

    Tami--Ahhh...Drill Max! I think I have that one on the schedule for next week. Besides Laurel, has anyone ever done the whole thing, with weights included? I'm curious what everyone thinks of it. I think I remember Laurel saying it was fun. Maybe I can add that to my circuit week soon. Sounds like the legs are loosening up bit. Mine were pretty stiff this morning (I also did kicks at the bag yesterday, maybe that's why!?), but they feel good now.

    Laurel--I like the combo this morning for your workouts. Sounds like it covered every body part well! :bigsmile: That's so funny about the 1/4" snow that shut everything down! :laugh: I think it's funny that so many places were closed on Monday, because the snow stopped in the evening on Sunday, and we got the remaining 3" over the afternoon hours on Monday. Nothing to shut down for, especially here in MN where we seem to always get snow. We'll see what the next storm brings...that's due to arrive I think on Friday.

    Laurie-Good Morning!

    Off to work. Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry I didn't get on to post yesterday, just really busy at work and only had time to update my food and exercise. Yesterday was a Meso 2 Leg workout, and thise morning was Disc 21 Back & Biceps. Both of these left me toasted, just love the Meso 2 workouts.

    Erika, WTG on the positive measurements! :drinker: Sounds like you are into a nice challenge, I'm guessing that the 500 swings is for the whole week? A positive on the Peak 10 Strength workout, those are ones I'm still looking at. WTG on the calorie burn also, what a great way to make the two things you like to do work for your exercise.

    Laurel, Glad that you where able to get back to your normal workout routine! :drinker: I always found the ball work really tough also, that outer thigh would fatigue so fast and the leg would get closer and closer to the floor. If a 1/4" of snow would shut down things around here, we would never get anything done. I think for one solid week we had about an inch of snow everyday. :laugh: Can't wait to here how much fun you had on the Cathe road trip, kind of jealous also. She was suppose to have one in Chicago, but I have not heard anything about that one.

    Tami, I have to laugh at how we say we love these tough workouts! Must be all those lovely endorphins running wild though our bodies after we accomplish something so tough. :wink: I know that I'm much happier since I started exercising, even though I was accused of being obsessed just this week. :huh: I told this person there are worse obsessions that I could have. :wink:

    Michelle, Good question on what I would compare the Supreme 90 workouts to. It is on the same line as P90X, but instead of doing a bunch of different exercises you do one exercise for three rounds doing 8-12 reps with a weight that challenges you. Lets say you where doing chest & back, he gives you one exercise for each part you do 12 push-ups then move onto 12 rows, then repeat this two more times. You do not rest until you are done with the three rounds. He does this about 4 times, with different exercise for each muscle group. There are days that I have a really hard time going to work, usually on those days that the girls are off of school. :wink: I have only previewed some of the workouts, and I have done the Tabata and Ultimate Abs workout. Both of those are really great, and for only paying $20 for 10 DVD's this isn't such a bad option.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    Kelly has a preview of the TLC workout out. Looks AWESOME!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Erika, I just did Drill Max in its entirety this morning! I love it. :love: I don't really like circuit workouts because my heart rate doesn't usually stay up during the weight sections, so I don't really count them as cardio workouts. And I don't usually like circuit workouts because the weight sections are usually too short and too light for me to count them as a weight workout. So I kind of feel like I'm moving around for an hour without really working anything as much as I should. But I don't feel that way at all about Drill Max. While my heart rate comes down during the last three weight sections, it stays up long enough for me to definitely consider this a cardio workout. Plus the weight portions are fun to me. I don't count it as a weight workout because the weights are light (Cathe uses 3#, 5# and 10# weights), but they seem effective. I highly recommend this one if you are looking for a solid circuit workout.

    So, as I said, this morning I did Drill Max. I followed it up after quite a break with the upper body workout from High Reps. Yowza!! I'm feeling my arms now! But I wanted to get a good solid upper body workout in today because next time I lift will be next Tuesday when I'm starting P90X. I'm headed out to California tomorrow to attend/present at an Air Force Conference, so my workouts over the next few days are going to be difficult to get in. But I'm going to try. I won't be back until Sunday night and then I have a full day training session on Monday for my volunteer work at the Pentagon. So I probably won't 'see' you all until next Tuesday! :cry:

    Tami, great job with the workouts. Thanks for letting me know that Bed, Bath and Beyond actually carries the DVDs. I thought they were only available through them by mail. So that definitely gives me a couple of options. I'm going to look for them soon, but I probably won't do any of them for some time as I'm planning this P90X rotation and then I'm going to move right into an STS rotation (I think) that will carry me through the summer. But I definitely want to get these workouts.

    Laurie, I think Cathe is still planning a Chicago Road Trip, but they are still looking for a venue. Keep your eyes open. I think her 'away' Road Trips may actually be a tad more enjoyable because I don't think they're as crowded. At her gym, there are people who've been every year, and that has me feeling a tad intimidated being one of the 'odd people out'. I don't think you'd face that in Chicago as much. But that being said, I'm really looking forward to this. Maybe it will get me out of the 'I don't do gym classes' mode I'm in....and have been for years. :blushing:

    Michelle, don't worry about your mojo!! It will be back. You still amaze me given what you've been through the past couple of months with all of the changes in your life and your dedication to maintaining a fitness routine. You are to be congratulated right now, so don't beat yourself up!! I hope your back gets to feeling better soon.

    I'll see you all next week!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was Lower Body Blast w/ the Leg Cond. Drills! :wink: We are having the craziest winter storm that just hit this afternoon so most likely I won’t be going home and then all the way back to the gym for cycling. :sad: It has been a “white-out” for several hours now :noway: & people are mentioning how bad the roads are. Still doesn’t compare to your storm Erika, but it’s definitely piling on the inches.

    Michelle: Definitely don’t worry about your mojo! :flowerforyou: You are amazing in all that you do and still keep up with a healthy lifestyle w/ exercise. My trip is in one month! :drinker: We leave on March 21st! Can’t wait, it should be nice & sunny in Phoenix by then. I’m hoping to have some fun photos and I can post some here for you guys. DH told me last night he would love to see me take advantage of a spa or something while we are there because he knows I would enjoy it. :bigsmile: Ummmmm YES please! Very sweet of him.

    Laurie: It is pretty funny – :laugh: I always think that when I comment about how much I enjoyed a TOUGH workout, but it’s the truth. I’m accused of that same thing all the time (obsessed). :blushing: I just laugh anymore instead of trying to defend my enthusiasm for it. Great job on your STS workouts! :wink: Do you feel like you are getting good results with this rotation?

    Laurel: How funny that we both did DrillMax w/in a day apart. Great job on the workouts again today. :smile:
    I bet you are excited to start P90X?! :wink: How fun that you are headed to sunny California. Enjoy your time and hope you get to do something fun too, not just work. :smile: Enjoy and we will talk to you soon.

    Erika: OUTSTANDING! :drinker: I bet you are so thrilled. Good on ya as well for signing up for a challenge here at MFP. Keep us posted with how you’re doing! I have done DrillMax in it’s entirety as well. Definitely a “top of the list” workout! If you are wanting the combo of good cardio and weights. As Laurel mentioned, the weights are lighter but your HR does stay up throughout the workout. It’s a good one. :wink:
    The legs are all good now, no more DOM’s. Thanks for the link . . . I will check it out! :bigsmile: Those are coming right up, how exciting. My collection of favorites just keep growing and growing! I love it though.:blushing: :happy:

    I hope you all have a great evening ….. talk to you tomorrow!:smile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me yet today, I didn't sleep very well last night. I think I'm getting a cold, but so far all it has been is slight sinus congestion. I'm hoping to get in KPC and Ultimate Ball from S90 when I get home from work.

    Erika, Thanks for the KCM information, will look at that when I get a chance.

    Laurel, Cathe will probably have that Chicago trip during the summer, sure wouldn't want to do anything around here in the winter months. :laugh: That would make it a little difficult for me to go to the road trip, since my summers are so busy. Have fun at your conference, should be nice in California! :wink:

    Tami, When snow comes down that fast it is really hard to navigate in it even if it is only a couple of inches. So far so good on the results in the shoulders and biceps. Of course I don't look at my back all that often, so I really have not noticed. I am starting to get some great looking legs though! :laugh: Funny how Cathe is so good at those leg workouts.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!! :bigsmile:

    I'm feeling really energetic this morning...must be all the good workouts this week! :happy: Last night was Zumba, followed by 250 KB swings when I got home. This morning was Powerstrike 5 followed by 250 KB swings. Ahhh....I feel great!!!! :bigsmile: I think I'm going to start incorporating swings into my weight days!!!

    Tami--Ooh, that workout sounds like it got your legs good! Sorry to hear about the weather putting a damper on your cycling plans. But, I figured I'd better share some of our weather with you! :laugh: Thanks for the input on Drill Max, I'll have to add that one in! BTW, here's a clip of Split Sessions...I'm so excited!!!

    Laurel--Great workouts, once again. I bet those arms are talkin' to ya! :wink: Have a fantastic time in California--I miss that state. We went there on our honeymoon, and keep meaning to go back, and just never do.

    Laurie--Way to go on the STS workouts. I bet your legs and Back/Bi's are equally feeling it today! :tongue:

    Michelle--Good morning!

    Off to a work function for the day. I'll catch up with you ladies tomorrow!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    I definitely made a smart decision not to try and go back to the Cycling class. :wink: It took me twice as long to get home on the very icy roads and we ended up with 6+ inches! :noway: I would have just been home and had to change and go back within minutes just to try and make it. :grumble:
    This a.m. was MMA Kickboxing ~ it has been such a long time since I pulled this one out and just kind of decided on it last minute.:bigsmile: It was good, I was happy with the workout & enjoyed the ab work at the end.

    Laurie: I’m sorry to hear about your cold. :flowerforyou: I hope you get some good rest tonight and it goes away very soon. Maybe if you are feeling up to it tonight and get in your workouts it will help sweat it out! :laugh: :wink:
    That is fantastic that you are seeing some results from STS. :drinker: Yes, Cathe does have a way of working those legs like no other!

    Erika: Don’t you just love those high energy days/weeks?!?! :bigsmile: Great job on the workouts and getting in your KB swings too! Thanks for the clip, looks great! Some great variety and looks like some nice standing ab work as well. :drinker: Yahoo! Looking forward to those too.

    Hi Michelle & Laurel :flowerforyou:

    Hope you all have a great day . . . chat with you tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!! :drinker:

    I'm glad it's the end of the week, even if it did go fast! This morning I got my butt kicked with Ilaria's Atletica! :tongue: This one was TOUGH!!! I finished the 1st of 4 "series" and questioned whether I'd make it through the rest of them! Sweating buckets, with an all weight workout. Part of the trouble is I started with too heavy of weights, as you do a lot of reps, which I didn't realize. I ended up going from 20's down to 10's and even 3's for some of the work. I'd highly recommend this one!!! :love:

    Tami--Wow, 6" is a lot for your area, isn't it?!? What do you think of MMA Kickboxing compared to the Boxing or Fusion ones? I have those 2, and keep hesitating on the Kickboxing one for some reason.

    Michelle, Laurel and Laurie--Have a great Friday and weekend!!!

    I may check in later today, if I get the chance, if not, I'll catch up with you all on Monday (with about 4-6 more inches of snow under my belt!).
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Got KPC and Ultimate Ball done last night, and this morning was Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. Got a much better sleep in last night, still have that slight stuffy nose.

    Erika, I'm so glad that it is the end of the week also. WTG on the Ilaria workouts! How many reps does she do? Does your check in group have a list of challenges that they are going to do? How do you keep track of how many swings you do. :wink: I think I would be lost on the count after 50! :laugh:

    Tami, That is a lot of snow! When it snows like that I just like to stay indoors and read. :wink: I like that MMA Kickboxing workout also, and the ab work too.

    Have a wonderful weekend,
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    I think it's like 16-32 reps, depending on the move. The first section is all kettlebell inspired moves, and it's hard to do that many reps with a heavy dumbbell. Plus, you do every section twice!:noway: My check in group is new...It's just a Bikini Body challenge or something like that. I have to search to find the thread all the time. I think it goes until mid-May. One of my MFP friends is heading it up, and adds the weekly challenge at the beginning of the week. I did my swings in groups of 50, so as not to lose count, and also I was having a hard time doing more than 50 at a time, due to the spike in the HR!

    I'm thinking I'm going to add 50 KB swings to my strength days, along with pushups...just thought it might be fun!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies & TGIF! :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was STS Total Body – it was so great to do this workout w/out any DVD issues. :smile: Such a great workout! This evening I am going to try and hit the Cycling class on my way home for some cardio.

    Erika: As Laurel would say: “La, La, La, La ….. fingers in my ears, can’t hear you!” :laugh: I have seriously looked at that one several times. Great to hear it was so good! :wink: The TOUGH and “sweating buckets” part pulled me right in. Good job on your KB swings too! :drinker: Yes, that snow was a lot in such a short time. After that finished up it has been completely thick ice on the roads w/ that hard compact “shiny” snow on top of the ice.:huh: Yowsa. I don’t think we will get more snow but it is supposed to be very, very cold the next few nights.
    Definitely I would say very similar in all three. MMA Fusion has some of the most variety (combo of KB & Boxing) I would say and love the abs the most in Fusion. MMA Kickboxing has punching drills, kicking drills and then a combo of each. You do 3 circuits of that format. It also has a little bit of a cardio “bursts” factor mixed in with it as well. It’s definitely not overly advanced – all of the moves are easy to keep up with. Just a straightforward KB workout.

    Laurie: Great job on the workouts! :bigsmile: Glad to hear you are feeling better and got some good sleep. :wink:
    I’m anxious to try the S90 Ultimate Ball workout . . . and of course the rest of them but that seems like it might be a nice one to incorporate w/ others as well.

    Hi Michelle & Laurel ~ Hope you both have a nice weekend!

    Talk to you all soon! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :happy: I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!

    Saturday was my rest day (lots of running around for us that day!), and Sunday I did Drill Max Ultra Cardio Blast....whew, that was fun! :bigsmile: This morning was Booty Barre. I'm getting excited for vacation...only 3.5 weeks away! Gotta get some good workouts in over the next 3 weeks!

    Tami--Glad you had a good workout, and no DVD issues!! I hope you were able to make it to cycling on Friday night! :happy:

    Laurel, Michelle, Laurie--Happy Monday!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I had a great workout weekend. On Saturday I did my Tracie Long Leaning Out which was not overly intensive but it defiitely created a body heat with some heartrate spikes not to mention soreness in one butt cheek:blushing: I'minterested in several others but my new rule is No dvd purchases unless I have used them in a rotation for at least 4 weeks:grumble: Sunday was llaria Bodystrike Vol 2 which is more lower body based but it was awesome! I think that I will pull out my original as I like the tribal beat but the choreography was kicking my butt:blushing: ILaria's body is amazing and her cueing and reminders is truly awesome. This morning was Killer Abs and Back with Michael Olijade who I truly enjoy as his voice is melodic and I love boxing and jumprope:bigsmile: Overall I'm happy with my picks for the next 4 weeks and have Amy dixon's Super fit Bod in my next 4 week rotation.

    Erika- The weather is nice and hot so when you get here it will be bikini time.:laugh:

    Tami- It is so wierd to hear you speak of snow and ice when my A/C is back on because we are hitting 78 degrees:bigsmile: Did you also buy Supreme 90?

    Laurie- My Supreme 90 is sitting in my totalfitness cart due to my new rule, however I was able to see 7min of footage and the various exercisers doing different things at once has me a bit concerned...does this affect you while working out or are the workouts solid enough that you overlook those things. For the price it is a steal but I definitely do not have any more storage for unused dvds:blushing:

    Laurel- Have a great day!

    Tonight starts my 8 week rotation on nights..oh the fun of it all.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    KCM's 30 MTF Kickboxing premix #1 for me on Saturday, Sunday was a rest day and this morning was SC Cardio Corc Circuit. Whew! :wink: We have a visitor this week that has four furry legs. She is a Scottish Terrier, and full of energy. Our dog just looks at ther running around, and I swear that she thinks the dog is crazy! :laugh:

    Erika, The workout sounds pretty good, but will hold off for now. I really have way to many workouts that I haven't tried yet. Want to do a Supreme 90 rotation, just from previewing them.

    Tami, When I did the Ultimate Ball workout for the second time, I did so much better with the workout. I still am unable to just do a one footed plank on the ball, it is very unstable. :wink: But I'm getting better at it, and I'm sure it is helping my core a lot. I am going to be done with the undulating rotation at the end of March, so then I'm going to start S90.

    Michelle, From what I have previewed of the workouts, the fact that the exercisers are going at different paces will not bother me at all. It was the same way with P90X, so it shouldn't be a problem. I usually don't look at the tv when I'm working out, so that may account for why I'm not bothered with it. That is what I like about Illaria's Bodystrike workouts, all lower body. You feel it for a couple of days afterwards. :laugh: I hear ya on the storage for unused DVD's, if the library won't take some of the ones I don't use I will be getting rid of them.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :smile:

    The weekend was pretty good. I had a hair appt Sat a.m. and lots of running around so ended up being a REST day, but that was pretty much planned other than wanting to get in some Yoga Warrior. Yesterday I did STS Plyo Legs followed by Supreme 90 Cardio Challenge. :wink: Was a good combo again and the S90 workout was great . . . AGAIN. :bigsmile: I’m 3 for 3 on these so far! This a.m. was Circuit Blast . . . it was one of those mornings of staring at all the DVD’s wondering which one. This was a good choice! :smile: Tonight I will go to Turbo Kick.

    Erika: Sounds like we had a similar Saturday. Yay for Drill Max Cardio. :drinker: I am on countdown to my vacation as well! We leave on March 21 and I cannot wait. It will be nice and warm there I’m sure. Hoping to get in lots of good workouts before then too!

    Michelle: Yes, I did get Supreme 90 and I am really enjoying them so far. :bigsmile: I have used each one in addition to another workout so far and really like that combo. So far 3 for 3! Really like them. I’m very jealous of your warm weather. :grumble: We had single digits recently and now all week in the low thirties w/ snow/rain mix. Very wintery outside. Good to hear you had some nice workouts this weekend, I bet it felt good.:wink:

    Laurie: Good to know on the ball workout. :smile: I almost did that one yesterday and then decided on the Cardio Challenge instead. Hoping to do the Ultimate Ball this week … depending on how I set up the rest of my workouts this week. Tomorrow a.m. I have 4DS BC/KB Cardio planned. :bigsmile: Hope your 4-legged visitor is good while he is at your house.

    Hi Laurel ~ Hope you had a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    Today was KCM Circuit Burn Cardio and Gorgeous Core. I feel great, and couldn't believe how fast that 30 minutes of KCM went! :tongue:

    Tami--Sounds like you had a productive "rest" day too. My only problem is I never know if Saturday or Sunday will be my rest day each weekend...I go back and forth, depending on what's going on, when I get up, etc. But, so far it's worked out ok. I'm lovin' the workouts for Sunday!!! :happy: Isn't Supreme 90 fun!?!? I'm forcing myself to still do other DVD's, but all I really want to do is more of those! We're only a couple days apart on our vacation departure! As much as I love winter, I'm excited for a change of scenery. I can handle winter, until we get that first set of really warm days (we had it a couple weeks ago), and then it makes me excited for spring. Then we just go back to winter...hmmm...:grumble:

    Laurie--Nice choice of workouts Saturday and yesterday! The visit from the Scottish Terrier sounds fun! :happy: Let me know when you plan to do the S90 rotation, and if you're following their schedule or your own. I may join you!

    Michelle--I have Leaning Out on my list in the next few weeks too. Sounds like a good one. I've been wondering on PowerStrikes, but not sure I need another lower body workout just yet! Can you tell me about Lotte Berk High Round Assets? Is it similar to anything else I may have...P57, Booty Barre, Squeeze, Callanetics???

    Laurel--Good Morning!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Disc 7 Chest, Shoulders & Biceps for me this morning. I'm looking at the adds again on this site, and how can Cinnabon Cream of Wheat be healthy? Sound delicious though. :laugh:

    Tami, I'm going to try the S90 Leg workout tomorrow, figured that one would be a good sub for the leg workout I had planned to do. Have fun with the Ultimate Ball, I think it has now become on of my favorite workouts. I have noticed that he does ab work in all of the workouts, that reminds me of Jillian. I know when I did a Jillian rotation, I lost a lot of inches in my waist. Right now that is my problem area, so maybe S90 will help in that area too.

    Erika, So far it is looking like March 23 will be my first day with the Supreme 90 workouts, I know that is a Wednesday. I want my rest day to be on Sunday, and with the rotation I created that is how it works out. I'm following the workouts pretty much the way they have it on their rotation, but I think there should be a rest day between the Shoulder & Arm workout and Cardio Challenge. They both work the shoulders pretty good.

    Day 1: Chest & Back
    Day 2: Ultimate Ball
    Day 3: Tabata Inferno
    Day 4: Shoulders & Arms
    Day 5: Rest
    Day 6: Cardio Challenge
    Day 7: Legs

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    It's good to be back! I got some good workouts in this weekend, which is good. I didn't expect that. And today, I started P90X. :drinker: I have a pull-up bar for the first time (actually, it's positioned much like Cathe's tower, so I'm not doing full pull-ups but more like the pull-ups her backup exercisers do in STS). I did Chest/Back today using that bar it make a difference. :noway: I still have my workout cards from the last time I did P90X (August-October 2009) and...well....I'm not as fit as I was then. :embarassed: But I expect once I get used to the new pull-up bar and get back into the swing of things, my number of reps for things like pushups will go back up. I also did Ab Ripper X and, after a break, a cardio session combining the cardio from Low Impact Circuit and Turbo Fire 30.

    Laurie, I'm really curious how you are going to like this Supreme 90 rotation. Please keep us posted, especially since you've just done a P90X and an STS rotation. I'm thinking about doing a Supreme 90 rotation after I finish P90X and STS as well (which would be early September). How's the new furry visitor? Sounds TOO cute. And, yeah, I'm thinking anything with the word 'Cinnabon' in it isn't very healthy. :laugh:

    Erika, so glad you are enjoying your Supreme 90 as well. It's great to hear that you are having to force yourself to do other workouts because that speaks volumes about how much fun these workouts are. too about Supreme 90!! I did Circuit Blast for the first time yesterday morning (before my training session). I can't believe it has taken me over a year to do it. I really enjoyed it. Definitely one I'll pull out again. I'm glad you've posted about how much you enjoyed that one in the past, because that is, ultimately, what got me to finally do it.

    Michelle, I like your DVD purchase rule. I definitely want to have a plan for any new workouts I buy. There are so many workout programs coming out right now that look good, and there just aren't enough hours in the day to do them! Glad you enjoyed Tracie Long's new workout. I always enjoyed her as an instructor.

    Hope this finds you all doing well!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I hit the bed at 4:30am this morning due to it being filled with the kids:grumble: After moving legs and arms and preventing hubby's head from falling off the bed I found a good spot and snuggled in until the garbage truck rolled down the street this morning at 9am. My attempt to run downstairs was hampered by aching joints and tight muscles in my hip fascia:blushing: . The night shift is definitely 7 hours on my feet and without stable shoes my body defnitely paid the price last night. I ordered Skechers toning shoes but they run big and must go back so unfortunately I grabbed slip-ons last night:noway:

    Tami- Glad for your feedback on Supreme 90 as I know you are truly a Cathe fan who does not veer too much from her massive collection:laugh:

    Laurie- That schedule looks great and definitely reads like a P90x schedule..are you combining Supreme 90 with other dvds or is your focus to maintain or build muscle?

    Laurie- Welcome Back..yes too many dvds in my cabinet:blushing: My bday is approaching this week and even my 4 year old asked what I wanted for my bday..a new dvd? then replies "but you have too many already":blushing: My focus now is committing to a steady rotation with a great instructor that I enjoy working with. Years ago when I trained with free weights I relied on my cards, some music, weekly gains and completed 12-16 week rotations..too many dvds tend to obviously distract me in my old age:laugh:

    Erika- Yes High round assets I actually checked out of the library...short, brief and definitely hits the booty:wink: I wished they had that one in 30-45 dvd version b/c it is no nonsense, hits all those areas and you are fluff, gimmicks, etc. As you also own Tracy LB then that dvd, Tonique Mat or P57 LB would be great to combine to hit your pear shape combined with HIIT on the treadmil. Hmmnn..that sounds great for me too...need to add that for future rotation:wink: I just found my note from Sylwia and she did mention following up the floor work with intervals on the treadmill:noway:

    Have a great day. I'm off to finish my errands.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. ended up being Tabata Inferno. I hit the “snooze” a couple extra times :blushing: :grumble: so only had time for a shorter workout. Tonight will be cycling after work. :wink:

    Laurie: I was going to ask you the same thing as Erika on the rotation of S90. :smile: I have their recommended calendar. I was thinking of a rotation as well & maybe combining an S90 w/ another one :bigsmile: (ie: Legs w/ Cardio or Shoulders w/ Ball, etc…) since they are shorter workouts. Enjoy the “Legs” workout.

    Erika: :wink: :laugh: On which day to REST …. I’m the same way on weekends but have tried sticking to Sunday forsure being a Leg/Cardio day from when I did my Undulating rotation. YES – Loving the S90 workouts. Thinking of trying a rotation with them forsure; maybe their suggested one. I’ve been debating on when to do another STS rotation but now that I have S90 I would love to give that a go! Anxious to try them all out. :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Welcome Back! :flowerforyou: Congrats on Starting P90X again and your new pull-up bar. That is awesome. Is it a stand then or one you put up in your doorway? I have often debated on getting the one that Cathe sells so it is more like an actual pull-up. I am sure your strength for P90X will be back in no time. :wink: Especially after you adjust to your new bar & how that is working your muscles vs. the bands. You’re welcome for mentioning Circuit Blast (again & again) :smile: :laugh: I’m glad it inspired you to try it and you liked it.

    Michelle: Sounds like a long & tiring night. I feel for you. :ohwell: :smile: Hope the aches & pains went away as you have gone through your day today. I’ll keep my reviews coming on S90 but it looks like all will be positive. It does seem I don’t veer to far from Cathe doesn’t it!?!? :blushing: I guess they seem to motivate me and I always feel like I worked hard. I also really like Kelly-Coffey Meyer. Always looking for a good variety so I don’t get stuck in a rut though. Glad to have S90 added into the mix. When is your B-day?

    Hope you are all having a great day! :flowerforyou:
    Talk to you tomorrow . . . . Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Happy Hump this week is moving fast! :bigsmile:

    This morning was P57 Thigh and Seat AND Arms and Abs, plus 25 pushups and 50 KB swings. I decided on my strength days, I'm going to add 25 pushups and 50 swings, until I leave for vacation! :happy:

    Tami--I :heart: Tabata Inferno. I am patiently waiting for it to come up in my current rotation, which I believe is on Saturday! :bigsmile: I think that is my favorite out of all of them!

    Michelle--Ugh, those night shifts sound draining, and those poor feet! :noway: I hope you are able to get some nice comfy shoes soon, to make those aching muscles go away! Glad you were able to find a spot in bed amongst all the "guests" and get some rest!

    Laurel--Welcome back!!! Glad you got right into your P90X rotation, and with a new pull up bar too!!! I use my ballet bar for pullups (I have a pull up bar, but don't like using it), and I enjoy that much more. Maybe some day I'll get back to my pull up bar! :ohwell:

    Laurie--I like the lineup of your S90 rotation. I also think having the Shoulder/Arm workout backed up to the Cardio Challenge is a bit much, unless you do Cardio Challenge without weights (which I did the first time I tried it, as I had just worked shoulders the day before). I may have to give that a go, but mine won't be until into the summer.

    I hope you all have a fantastic day. Zumba tonight, yeah!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Boy am I glad that I chose a 30 min workout! I put Gabbie out this morning, and she came back in with a face full of burrs! :noway: So I took the time to get them all out, because I know that it couldn't be comfortable for her to have those things imbedded in her Scottie mustache! :wink: She was really good about it, but I did have to get DH out of bed to help me hold her still.

    Supreme 90 Legs was great, and as Erika had said it moved from exercise to exercise. It got your hr up, but still delivered on the "I feel like I got a leg workout". :happy:

    Laurel, Welcome back! You are right it will not take long to get back to what your sheets had previously. I was surprised at how my body got shocked with these workouts, you would think one way of lifting isn't any different that another! WRONG! :laugh: Gabbie is a sweetie, but I can do without her little presents! I'm not used to her "I want or need to go out" signals. :grumble:

    Michelle, Sorry to hear about the hip, that sounds painful. :flowerforyou: I don't know if I'm going to be doing other workout with this rotation. If I do something else it will probably be adding some cardio like kickboxing.

    Tami, One of the things I really like about these shorter workouts is that I can get them in when I don't have the time. Even the fact that I can workout out for under 40 min. and still feel like I got in a workout. That is such a plus. That Tabata Inferno is up in my favorites with Insanity and Cathe's Hiit! :wink: I'm still thinking on the double workouts. I would love to see what would happen to my body by just doing the one workout a day! I like to experiment, that way I can determine if something works or not. :happy:

    Erika, Hey that is ok, I will be the test subject on this S90 rotation! :laugh: I like the pushup/swing challenge you have for yourself. Push-ups are such a great exercise for the upper body and core. Enjoy your zumba class tonight! I need to look at the workouts that are in the recovery week, just to see what those are all about. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies:yawn:

    I decided to throw on hubby's thick black socks and wear my toning shoes which were so comfortable but truly that uneven surface truly recruits all kind of muscle:laugh: Last night I walked about 4 miles and the guidebook only recommends 45minutes and wow my body is feeling it today. Along with that Killer Abs and Back w/Michael Olijade has my abs hurting which is rare with most workouts so I'm definitely keeping that in the rotation:bigsmile:

    Erika- Oohh that sounds like fun not to mention possible booty soreness in the morning:laugh: . I like that push up challenge and was pleasantly suprised this week to knock out 16 military push ups as my core strength has disappeared...gone are the days when I could do 50 in two minutes:ohwell:

    Laurel- My poor pull up bar is sitting in the garage..unfortunately I hated that part of P90X and hubby opted not to do the workout:grumble: . Our 3 year would request to hang from the doorway more than me:laugh: Have fun with your new purchase!

    Tami- Glad to hear you were happy with the dvds. I will place it on my list and my bday is this Sunday:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Another addition to the family..little Gabby, if you had only asked I would of gladly sent you my lil man Capone:laugh: Ok everyone has me interested in this Supreme 90, I think my biggest concern is that P90x definitely did not shrink me so I'm wondering if these will decrease the inches or the pounds:bigsmile:

    Off to wake up with some coffee plus the 4 yr old decided she wanted to stay home with me today.

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I am feeling the P90X Chest/Back workout today, that's for sure. Mostly in my rear delts/upper back so it is, no doubt, a result of doing pull-ups/chin-ups for the first time since....elementary school. :laugh: Today I did PlyoX, and I really do enjoy that workout for some odd reason. It felt really good. I took a break and finished it up with KickMax....another goodie. I'm actually really glad to be back to a rotation like this. I don't know why, but it seems I have to think less with rotations like this, even if I've got another rotation written down completely. Strange.

    Laurie, it really IS amazing how one system can be so different on your body from another. The other place I feel yesterday's workout is in my core, and I rarely (if ever) get sore ab/core muscles anymore. But for some odd reason, the combo of that chest/back workout and ab ripper X really get to me more than any other ab/core combination ever has. Sorry to hear about the doggie burrs. That couldn't have been fun for her...or you. At least she sounds like a good pup....despite her little 'gifts' to you.

    Michelle, your night shift sounds TOUGH! I see you're feeling your abs as well, so you know what I'm going through right now. Well, if nothing else, it serves as a good reminder of how often we use our abs/core during the day, right? :tongue:

    Erika, enjoy Zumba tonight!! I like the idea of adding kb swings and pushups to your strength routine. Have you noticed a big difference doing kb swings and if yes, how? I was reading a thread over at about how some people have really noticed a change in their body from kettlebells, and I'm wondering if I shouldn't try to figure out a way of working my one little kb into my routine more often. Any thoughts?

    Tami, the bar we have is the kind you mount inside your doorway. I have always been hesitant to do that since we rent, but in this house....not so much. There is the option of having it at two heights because you can use it as a pull-up bar or a bar for holding for feet for abs. We opted to mount it high (for my husband) and about half way up the doorframe for me. That allows me to sit on the floor (or lay at an angle) and do pull-ups like Cathe and her crew do in STS. I don't have full range of motion in my shoulders, so being able to do a full hanging pull-up is probably never going to happen for me. But this really provides a good alternative. And it was cheap....something like $25. Can't go wrong there in my book! I bought it for my husband for Christmas (he has wanted a pull-up bar forever), but I have no doubt I'll use it more than he will. :wink:

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Well just a p.m. workout for me tonight :ohwell: Had to help out early this a.m. for our office meeting set-up.
    So will head to the Cycling class again tonight.

    Erika: What a great plan on your strength days prior to vacation! :wink: Love that. Sounds like you got a couple of good workouts in this a.m., that is excellent! TI is a great one, that’s forsure.:bigsmile: I can see myself going to it over & over again. Enjoy ZUMBA tonight.

    Laurie: Poor little Gabbie. :huh: I bet that was a surprise when she came back in this a.m. It is amazing on that Leg workout how quickly it goes and does definitely give your legs a good workout.:tongue: I liked those lunges that you hold the dumbbells forward for a moment, pause and then push back. Something different. I’m with you on finding some good quality workouts that are shorter; they come in handy on certain days forsure. . . like yesterday’s workout for me. :wink: Also, that is a good idea on the experimenting . . . that way if the extra workout isn’t needed it’s a bonus forsure!

    Michelle: Your shifts do sound pretty tiring. :yawn: How long do you have the night shift for? I know I have said this before, but you are AMAZING for all that you do and keep up with your workouts as well. :drinker: Good on ya for that! Inspiring forsure. If S90 is on your list – I did also see it today when I ran to Walgreens on my lunch break. As everyone has mentioned that seems to be the place to find it. I think w/ S90 there is more of a cardio factor than I found with P90X. (This is for the first 3 that I have tried).

    Laurel: I can totally relate to what you are saying on your rotation and not having to think as much. :wink: I understand completely what you are saying there. :smile: I have often wondered why too? I bet you are feeling it in your rear delts & upper back; doing more traditional pull-ups would definitely be a pull there I would think. Thanks for the info on the bar. I think you had mentioned that you got one at Christmas time. Excellent gift for you as well. :wink:

    Hope you all have a great evening!
    Talk to you tomorrow. :smile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Quick check in, as I have to get on the road!

    Zumba was awesome last night...she FINALLY introduced a more current song, which we all were waiting for. So, I had an awesome sweat/calorie burn going on! This morning was Rapid Fire with Susan Chung. This is my 2nd time doing it (a pre-mix again), and I have to say, this one is different than all my other kickboxing workouts. She DOES NOT ever stop!!! There are no shuffles in between moves, or jump rope, etc. She goes from one punch to another combo to a kick sequence to another combo, etc. There really isn't much TIFT, and you are constantly moving. I was really worn out after my 42 minute workout this morning. Can't decide yet if I like this style or's intense, and great calorie burn, but I kinda feel like I need at least a few seconds to gather myself together before we go on to the next move. The heavy bag section was really fun though!!!

    Tami--I hope Cycling was fun last night, and you were able to feel like you worked it good, with no morning workout occuring! :frown:

    Laurel--I'm glad you are enjoying the new rotation, sounds great!!! I can't say for certain that it's only KB that's making my legs and butt look so good, but it's gotta be a bit part of it! I have consistently been doing either swings or a KB workout once a week since January. That, paired wtih barre and alternating weeks of heavy weights and circuits is really doing it for me! I have absolutely NO saddlebags left! I didn't have much to begin with, but enough to notice, and they are GONE. My hubby tried to pinch my butt last night and said he couldn't even get a grip because it was so rock solid! LOVE IT!! :bigsmile: My legs are smaller (but still really defined) and my booty is nice and perky! I'm stickin' with this rotation for a while!

    Michelle--I hope the soreness is better, but that means they're working, right??!? :bigsmile: The booty is sore this morning...not just squatting down sore, but sore to the touch! Youch!

    Laurie--Yikes, burrs don't sound like fun! :grumble: Glad you still got a workout in, and your rotation sounds great! Can't wait to hear how you like it so I can start up on it next! :laugh:

    Ok, time to get on the road! Talk to you all later!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    It was P90X Shoulders/Arms for me this morning. I was curious how it was going to go since I've still got some DOMS from those pull-ups on Tuesday, but it went surprisingly well. I played around with my weights a bit because I really want to focus on form while I'm doing this program this time. Sometimes I tend to let my mind wander, and I'm trying not to let this happen. It felt good. I finished it off with Ab Ripper X followed by Turbo Fire 45. That latter felt so FUN to me this morning! I love it when I don't want a workout to stop, and that's how it felt this morning.

    Erika, boy, you sure sold me on your rotation!!! No saddlebags and a tight perky booty?!? Sign me up!! :happy: Thanks for answering because that is really good to know. And it kind of meshes with what people on videofitness were saying as well. And thanks also for another review of Rapid Fire. I'm still toying with getting that one. It sounds tough but from what I understand, there are quite a few premiixes which makes it somewhat versatile, right? I really don't need any more workouts, but there are a couple I've read about (this one, Supreme 90 and Paul Katami's Bootcamp) that have me ready to make another DVD order. Glad you enjoyed the Zumba!!!

    Tami, thanks for letting me know I'm not alone when it comes to a rotation. I never did a rotation before STS, and now I'm hooked. How did that happen? :huh: I must admit, I was really enjoying my endurance rotation.....but it feels good to get back to heavier weight training. For whatever reason, my mind prefers that type of working out. I think my body likes both....but I enjoy the weights more mentally for some reason.

    Michelle and Laurie, hope this finds you both doing well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :smile:

    Spinning was great last night. It’s pretty funny there is a guy in there who asks me after every class how many calories I burned. :laugh: :laugh: He also told me is can never catch me on the sprints, pretty funny! We have a few regulars in there and it makes it fun. This a.m. was Bob Harper Super Strength. :wink: Just love him. Hoping to get in a workout this evening as well, either a shorter one at home or hit the Strength Class at the gym.

    Erika: You go girl!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: I’m with Laurel. Sign me up too. That is fabulous that you are having noticeable changes and feel so good with your rotation. I would stick with it too if I was you. Great job.
    That’s really fun that you enjoyed ZUMBA last night. My friend who goes Cycling with me is obsessed with Zumba. She even leaves our class early to hit the Zumba class across town at 6:30. Cracks me up!

    Laurel: Good work on your workouts this a.m. (again) – glad P90X is going so well! :flowerforyou: I’m definitely inspired to start a rotation since I have been on this Endurance/Circuit one for a while now. Thinking about the S90 when I get back from vacation. That would be good timing to start one up then. In as much that I am absolutely enjoying the variety of this, I do miss (as we both mentioned) the structure and weight training of a more fixed rotation. Then do another STS after that.

    Laurie: I might have to join you on the S90 rotation. :huh: :wink: I would start right after I get back from vacation.
    You are starting the 23rd did you say? Hope you have a great day!

    Hi Michelle – Hope you had a good evening at work and your body isn’t too sore. :wink:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
This discussion has been closed.