Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Saturday was Hiit 30/30 and Sunday was BH's Yoga for the Warrior along with the 15 min. of abs. Those abs are really tought. This morning was Disc 20 Legs.

    Erika, That leg workout really does sound good. I like when a leg workout moves from one thing to the next.

    Kara, Glad to see that you are still doing well. Congrats on the 4.0 that is great. WTG on keeping up with the STS workouts.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that your DH is suffering also. Hope your weekend of workouts went well, and you are not under the weather still.

    Laurel, Hope you had a great time in Delaware!

    Michelle, Hope your day is going well.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Happy Valentines Day Ladies ~

    Well no workouts for the weekend. :blushing: :sad: Just lots of stuff going on and it didn’t work into the schedule I guess. BUT I did take the “kids” for a long walk both Sat & Sun too, :wink: I also had 9 games of Volleyball yesterday! That was something. We had our regular 6 games and another team picked me up in between our two matches. So that was fun.

    This a.m. I started the week out good with GS Chest & Triceps followed by HiiT 40/20. :smile: I loved the combo and hope to do more like them. Just had to start my workout a little earlier to get both in. Might go to Turbo Kick tonight, but haven’t decided yet. DH is making us a healthy dinner for Valentine’s Day so I may just go home but he said he didn’t mind if I went to class first.

    Laurie: Thanks for the well wishes - Seem to just have the ongoing cough but otherwise feeling good.:grumble: It’s one of those that feels like it might just linger for a while; comes & goes. DH is feeling a lot better and doesn’t have the cough. Good job on the workouts Sat/Sun . . . Today too with Legs! :wink:

    Laurel: Hope you had a nice weekend with your hubby in Delaware. :bigsmile:

    Erika & Michelle – Happy Monday and Valentines Day, hope you both had a great weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Happy Valentine's Day!

    We had a great trip to Dover on Friday/Saturday. It was great to be away for just a little while, meeting new people and seeing some old friendsy. Dover is much smaller than I thought it would be (I expected a city and, instead, found a town), but I liked the feel of the place. Very rural, which made for a nice break from the DC area.

    And the good news is....I'm back to working out! :drinker: I started yesterday with Cathe's 4DS series. I decided this is a good way of easing back in to a program. Yesterday was 4DS Kickbox/Legs, and while I felt my legs shaking during the weights (it never ceases to amaze me how quickly I can get 'out of shape' sometimes), my body actually felt really good. Today I did 4DS High Intensity Step, and I could tell that some of my nagging injuries (like tendonitis in my right forearm) have healed up over the past two weeks. So maybe this break wasn't a bad thing. I'll do the next two workouts in this program over the next two days and then see if I'm up to maybe adding a little more. I don't want to push it right now, but I'm finding the old energy and drive coming back!!!

    kara, so good to see you. Congratulations on your 4.0. I had the exact same reaction to Turbo Fire you did. I was like 'Well, this is okay' when I first got them. And I've grown to absolutely love them. I'm so happy I bought that series. Regarding STS, I didn't have that 'bulking' issue with STS and my legs. In fact, quite the opposite (and I have bulky legs). Has anything else changed, like in your diet? Just curious. Meso 1 really is frantic, at least until you learn the workouts. I was very frustrated by them at times when I first started the program, but I don't notice that anymore at all. But Meso 2 is much better in terms of speed and such.

    Erika, so glad to hear you are continuing to enjoy this Supreme 90 series. The more I read about it, the more I'm tempted to buy it if for no other reason than it is a great deal. That's what so many people say about it. They may not love every workout in the series, but the 1 or 2 they love and the other couple they like make it more than worth the cost.

    Tami, sorry to hear your weekend workout plans didn't work out for you, but maybe that's a good thing. Glad to hear that wasn't because of being too sick though. I'm sorry this cough is lingering, but, hopefully, that will get better soon. I'm glad your husband is feeling better. Love those Gym Style workouts!! Enjoy your DHs dinner tonight.

    Laurie, I love that Warrior Abs section on BH's yoga DVD. I think that may turn into one of my favorite abs sections I have. Just really solid moves. Glad you enjoyed your 4DS workout on Friday. That's definitely one of my favorite workouts ever which is why I started with it yesterday. Love that kickboxing section!!

    Michelle, hope this finds you well!

    See you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentines Day! :heart:

    I had a great weekend, which was full of visits to both my parents and my in-laws. Lots of time relaxing and just hanging out, which was nice! Saturday I ended up taking a rest day as my booty and legs were really sore from the Legs workout on Friday, and I just knew it wouldn't go well if I tried to do my planned workout. Sunday I did Amy Bento's Kickbox Surge, and really liked it. I did a 53 minute pre-mix and felt like most of the time I was standing there trying to figure out the combos, but my GoWearFit showed I had an awesome calorie burn. Well, the only not so good thing about the workout, is I have TERRIBLE DOMS in my shoulders, booty, legs, lats...pretty much everywhere. I don't know why (no real "new" moves to me in that workout), but I am definitely sore...and not "I'm getting sick" sore, this is "I feel like I lifted an obscene amount of weight" sore. Weird! :noway: Anyway, this morning was Fluidity Bar Advanced Workout...ok, I'm not ready for advanced yet...I HURT...yikes, tomorrow might be an interesting morning!

    Laurel-Sounds like the trip was lots of fun. I would have thought it would be a city too, but I bet the town was much more fun to visit! Sounds like the workouts are going well...I'm glad to hear it! :happy: I'm always amazed how fast I get out of shape too...especially endurance wise! I don't really like to be an enabler, but I really think the Supreme 90 Set is a good deal for the price. I'd recommend it to anyone! :blushing:

    Tami--I'm sure it was hard to get your workouts in this weekend, but sounds like you got them in through the games and walks. In all honesty, since I've been wearing my GWF, I have noticed that on my "rest" day, I burn the same amount of calories as a workout day! I just keep myself more busy with things like walks, or running errands, etc and I get a great calorie burn. I bet you'd find the same from your busy weekend! Your GS and Hiit combo sounds really good...I might have to try that one sometime! :happy: Enjoy your dinner tonight with the hubby! :happy:

    Laurie--Sounds like you and Tami and I were all thinking the same thing the last couple days...I just did Hiit last week too! That BH workout sounds like it did your abs good! :bigsmile:

    Kara--Congrats on the 4.0! Sounds like you are doing great, and having fun with the clinicals, even if it means early mornings! :yawn: Glad you popped in to say hi!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentines Day:heart:


    It has been a busy weekend with going away and retirement parties, etc, housecleaning and so on and so on:laugh: I'm not sure if my eating was off or if my legs are retaining water but I decided to throw in some Callanetics and Bar moves to focus on these trouble spots:grumble:

    Zumba was a flop due to the instructor being MIA and a student teaching the class. It was painful to do and painful to watch:mad: Then she would get our heart rate up and then throw stretches in there and we would plummet quickly. Eventually I kind of became frustrated..okay I was frustrated and started to incorporate a count so that the class would be in sync, then I started to explain the correct positioning for squats, stretches, side lunges until the class and the teacher asked if I would teach the class instead:blushing: The next day I wrote a letter to the instructor requesting a complimentary class which she did honor. Next week my co-worker and I are trying a new teacher on the base.

    Kara- As long as you are enjoying your clinicals then the hard work was worth the studying:flowerforyou: Awesome job on the gpa!

    Erika- Oooh you have Fluidity..nice but I need to stay focus on this new Barre rotation, although I must admit the Zumba class was held in a dance studio and it was nice to practice thos emoves with a ballet bar:bigsmile:

    Laurel- Glad to see our Superwoman is back on track! Yes Dover is very small and quaint.....good for a weekend getaway:wink:

    Laurie- I pulled out an oldie but goodie...Janis Saffel and Guillermo..simple kickboxing moves but a good dvd. Does Janis Saffell have any new dvds or did she just phase out of the scene?

    Tami- Feel better soon:flowerforyou: A homecooked meal from hubby sounds great although I was able to get a nice massage from my hubby this weekend:wink:

    I'm packed and doing my last minute errands. I downloaded some workout videos on my Ipad so I'm good to go for the road.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Morning Ladies! I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's Day! :heart:

    This morning was KCM Bootcamp Cardio...always have loved how worked out I get from just 30 minutes! My body is EXTREMELY sore (actually reminds me a lot of how I felt after my accident 5 years ago!), but once I got into the workout, it felt like it loosened up. I didn't realize Kickboxing followed by Barre workouts are so tough on the muscles! :noway: I'm off work today to go with my oldest to a play for school, so maybe with my free afternoon I'll et a good stretch in!

    Michelle-Sounds like you have been busy! :tongue: I'm sorry your Zumba class was a flop...that's no fun! I contemplate adding a 2nd Zumba day in each week, but then worry that I'm going to get a bad instructor. Zumba is one of those classes, that I really think can end up a flop, if you have a bad instructor. Hopefully next week will be better! Good job on taking over on the class! :happy: Yes, I have the Fluidity workouts that came with my tougher than I expected, but a great total body workout!

    Laurel, Tami, Laurie and Kara--I hope you all had a great evening!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Disc 36 Shoulders, Biceps and Triceps love these M3 workouts. :wink:

    Tami, Wow that is a lot of volleyball in one day! :laugh: Have fun with those GS workouts, I always enjoyed them, but really have not done any of the workouts in a long time. How was the healthy meal? We had leftovers at our house. :laugh:

    Laurel, I to love the kb section of that 4DS workout. It just has everything in it that you want to see in a short workout. Glad all the nagging inguries are feeling better after your forced recovery. You are right it might just be what your body needed.

    Erika, Glad you had fun with KCM's Bootcamp cardio, I was looking at that one sitting on my shelf this morning. Bob's ab work is really good, he makes you hold the positions for a long length of time.

    Michelle, Dang on the instructor not showing up, but how great that you where able to give the class some order! :wink: Janis has done nothing since she did those workouts with her hubby. I have always wanted her to do some more, but I'm guessing that she is leaving that up to Guillermo.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Everyday gets better! :drinker: Today I did 4DS Bootcamp, which felt great. That's the toughest cardio I've done this week, and it felt good. I didn't end up coughing through it, which is a good sign. I took a little break, and then decided I wanted to work my legs some more. So I popped in Cathe's Timesaver DVD from her Body Blast series and did Workout #5, which is a combo leg workout from L&G and Step, Jump, Pump. I felt a tad tired (still not where I was a few weeks ago, that's for sure) but it was the perfect length for what I needed today. Now I feel totally energized from my workout. :smile:

    Erika, I'm sorry to hear you are SO sore. You must be challenging yourself in completely new ways. Sounds like you're doing a good mix of workouts. I tried one of Amy Bento's kickboxing workouts once (because I love kickboxing) and, like you, I felt like I spent a good deal of the time standing and staring at the TV. Unfortunately, that's put me off her workouts which is a little strange because I normally handle choreography pretty well. Maybe I'll try another from Netflix again and see how it goes. Sounds like you had a great weekend!

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your Zumba experience. Are you taking the classes at Fort Sam Houston? I ask because one of my friends from this site teaches at Randolph. I don't know if that's an option for you or not, but I've seen her videos (on Facebook) and I would recommend her as an instructor in a heartbeat. Let me know if you'd like any more info. Hope you enjoy your time up here in Virginia. The weather is beautiful right now for this time of the year.

    Laurie, I don't know why this morning, but I was thinking about those STS workouts while doing my workout and thinking about doing another rotation. :noway: I just love them. I'm glad you're enjoying your undulating rotation. I did bicep curls for the first time post-illness this morning, and it was SOOOO wonderful to do them without pain. I've had alot of pain in my right forearm for a number of months. But today....nothing. So I'm definitely going to take this little hiatus as a good thing. And just thinking about STS this morning has me convinced that I needed to be mentally re-energized as well. I'm still planning on continuing the endurance rotation I was on and then going into P90X, but it wouldn't take much to convince me to do STS again. :laugh:

    Tami, hope you're doing well and feeling better with every passing day!

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~

    Just a short workout this a.m. w/ KCM Circuit Burn (did one of the 30-min premixes). :blushing: Hit the snooze a couple times after a later night. We had a wonderful dinner but was a late night because my step son (he’s 22) stopped by with some issues he needed to discuss. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad he came to us finally to discuss things but pretty big things & exhausting trying to reason w/ him and of course “we don’t understand”. So I think tonight on my way home I will get a good hour of Cycling in! :wink:

    Michelle: That’s too bad you invested the time to go to ZUMBA and she no-showed on your class. :grumble: Good on ya for taking charge! They might just ask you to come back again and teach. Sounds like you had a very busy weekend. Thanks for the well wishes. I am doing good, just hanging on to the cough a bit but it is better each day.

    Erika: Ouch on the major muscle pains going on. :noway: Hopefully tomorrow you don’t feel it quite as much. Great workouts though! Sounds like your weekend was fantastic and things are going really well. :smile: Do you know when those KCM workouts we ordered on the pre-order are due to ship out. I can look on her website but thought you might know.

    Laurie: Great job on STS! :bigsmile: I’m with Laurel on already looking forward to another STS rotation one of these days. Dinner was very yummy. We had shrimp on the BBQ, Ceasar Salad, Asparagus & some brown rice. It was perfect and always special when he cooks. I haven’t done a GS workout in quite some time other than the Legs workout and I actually am feeling it a bit in my shoulders, lats and chest today. Feels good!

    Laurel: Yahoo! :drinker: You are back in action. Great job again today and good to know you weren’t coughing through the workout. You will be right into Super Woman mode. That break you had due to illness sounds like it was needed in your forearms. OUCH! I didn’t realize you were having that much pain, glad to hear they are feeling much better. When I did my GS workout yesterday it felt so good to be doing a full upper body workout, I do miss those through this endurance/circuit phase but I’m happy at the same time with the workouts I am doing. STS can always happen again in the future.
    p.s. Thanks for the well wishes. :wink: Each day I am coughing less and less. It’s mostly that dry cough and if I talk a bunch, it comes on but otherwise people don’t even notice.

    Hope you are all having a great day! Talk to you tomorrow. :bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies-

    I'm happy to report that the DOMS are much better today! :happy: I did lots of stretching before bed last night, and I think it helped! This morning was P57 Classic #1. Why oh why is that one never getting easier?!?!? My butt, thighs, arms and back are sore immediately following that workout. I guess more stretching is going to be needed tonight after Zumba!

    Tami--Sounds like an interesting evening. :noway: Can't be easy trying to help, but being told you don't understand! Glad you were able to get in the premix this morning, and I bet it will feel good to get in some spinning tonight! Looks like KCM's DVD's are due to ship mid April...I'm excited! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Great work on ramping up the workouts! Glad to hear your body is responding well! :happy: My body is really getting shocked with these workouts, that's for sure! :tongue: I think it's the combo of heavy weights, barre and circuits that's just frying it, but yet, most days I'm only doing 30-45 minute workouts! However, I'm putting every last ounce of effort into those workouts, which is what I like about the shorter ones. I can't keep that much energy going for an hour or more, so I often feel like I'm not working out as hard as I should! I actually think I'll like Amy's workout, if I can get past the fact that she likes to sing along to the songs (reminds me of Chalene!), as I think her choreography is doable...we'll see how next time goes.

    Laurie--Way to go on the STS workout!! You go girl!!! :bigsmile: I love all the KCM workouts...just wish my collection wasn't so big that I struggle to reach for her workouts much anymore!

    Michelle---Hope you're doing well! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today I felt like seeing if I could do some longer cardio. I was planning on doing 4DS Lower Intensity Step, and decided I wanted to keep the cardio lower intensity....but just longer. So I started with the cardio premix of Low Impact Circuit and then right into 4DS LIS (making the cardio about an hour long...and then doing shoulders/calves/core). It felt really good. I think tomorrow I'm going to try a Turbo Fire workout and see how that a leg workout. I think by next week, I'll be pretty much back on track. :drinker:

    Erika, so glad to hear your body is feeling better. Sounds like you're doing a great combo of workouts. I think you're right about being able to put more into shorter, intense workouts than the longer workouts. That's something I'm learning when it comes to cardio as well. I still like longer strength workouts, but I've been enjoying the shorter cardio in programs like Insanity and Turbo Fire so much because I really do feel I can give it my all for that period of time. Anymore, over an hour is just too long for me if I'm going for intensity. It's fine for days like today when I'm keeping the intensity down, but when I want to really push it, about 45 minutes is perfect for me.

    Tami, sounds like a great dinner on Valentine's Day! I'm sorry your step son made your night a bit challenging, but I hope everything is okay with him and you helped him with his problems. Regarding my forearm, it's tendonitis caused by my grip. It only hurt me on a couple of moves (like incline bicep curls on the ball) so it didn't really concern me. It was more annoying than 'I can't go on anymore!' in terms of pain. But I'm glad it seems to be gone. Glad to hear you're feeling better. So when are we going to start up on STS again? :bigsmile: I'm thinking about a rotation doing the STS workouts three days a week AND STS Total Body one day a week. I'm thinking I won't start it until summer though. I really think my body probably needs the six months or so from that program just so it doesn't adapt. But, boy, it is tempting to start it sooner.

    Laurie and MIchelle, hope you are both doing well. :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Chest & Back for me this morning. Just came back from getting the prep work done on my tooth for the crown that I will get in a month. What a long process, and I the molding material taste awful. :grumble: :laugh:

    Laurel, How wonderful to be feeling so much better. Deciding between P90X and STS is a tough one. I really like them both for different reasons. I think because they work in different ways, it makes for a nice shock to the body. I know that I really felt the workouts when I switched from P90X to STS. Nice workout combo for today.

    Tami, What a great meal, I don't think that my DH could do that without assistance from me. :laugh: Glad you and your DH where there to listen to your step-son. That age is really tough to realize that the parental units probably know what they are talking about. :wink:

    Erika, WTG on those workouts, they really sound like they where hitting your body in a different way. Stretching really does the body good, I'm going to try to get in some extra probably on Friday.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    This a.m. was KPC Legs: Xtreme Mix. . . always like this one. :bigsmile: Will hit the Spinning class again tonight after work for some cardio.

    Erika: Mid-April, that’s awesome! :smile: Thanks for letting me know. Really happy for you that you are finding some great shorter combos of workouts that are hitting you at every angle and feeling so good. :wink: Glad you weren’t too sore today, I’m sure that stretching helped last night too.

    Laurel: That is fantastic news that you are feeling so good and your workouts went well this a.m. What a relief to be back on track. Thanks for your thoughts about my SS. :smile:
    STS: I am not sure just yet but I did see a great rotation with STS & Cathe’s new workouts, :bigsmile: which I think would be really good. It includes all 4 of them. I think giving my body a good break from STS as well for a while is probably good or it won’t be as effective maybe starting it up too soon. Plus, so many workouts/rotations to try still! :laugh: :smile: I would say this Summer would be a good time . . . maybe we will be on the same schedule again at that time :bigsmile:

    Laurie: Great workout again today! :happy: Glad your prep work is done for the crown and you are one step closer to being done with that. Yes, DH does a good job when he decides to prepare a whole dinner. It was fun. It is a tough age forsure and I remember thinking my parents “couldn’t relate” either. :huh: OY! :laugh:

    Michelle – Hope you have a great day! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening ladies,

    I spent all day at HQ listening to speech after speech...dehydrated and suffering from coffee withdrawals due to us working in the IT room:yawn:

    Laurel-Is that Sandra or Zeny? Zeny and I have written back and forth and I plan to attend class next week. I have heard great things about both instructors so I plan to incorporate a class from each in my new rotation:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Wow I was unaware that was her husband:blushing:, it seems like she is still doing workshops etc

    Erika- I did Bar Method and really focused on the reminders and what a difference,,I'm so sore even in my hamstrings:bigsmile: I'm seriously thinking of buying a barre:blushing:

    Tami- Oooh that dinner sounds great especially as I'm eating Chinese takeout:laugh:

    Have a great day everyone:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was Insanity Max Cardio Conditioning.

    Tami, LOL about liking that workout. I remember it being very intense, and afterward my legs feeling like jello. :laugh:

    Michelle, Dang on the dehydration and coffee withdrawls. I'm betting your concentration was really not on the speeches. I wouldn't have known that was her husband, I read it over at

    Laurel & Erika, Hope you are doing well.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I had a great workout this morning! :drinker: I decided to try a more intense but shorter cardio, so I did Turbo Fire 45 EZ, and I had so much fun with it. Then I did Lower Body Blast. I think my legs are going to be screaming at me tomorrow, but the workout felt great. Almost back to 'normal', and it is feeling good right now.

    Michelle, you day yesterday sounds brutal! I really don't like those long days like that. Regarding the Zumba instructor, the one I know is Annette. Her SN here is alf1163. Maybe you should write her and see what her schedule is for teaching. I'm not really sure, but, again, I've seen her videos and she seems to have alot of energy and fun with her classes. Hope you are enjoying these Virginia temps right now!

    Laurie, I totally agree with you about the differences between STS and P90X. I actually think the programs complement each other so very well because they are very different in what they hit but similar in approach. I had great results going from STS to P90X two years ago, and I'm kind of hoping to have the same results doing it in reverse this year (P90X to STS). Good job on the Insanity workout. I'm hoping to get back to those next week.

    Tami, good job with the L&G Extreme Premix. That one is a killer, without a doubt. I think that's Cathe's toughest leg workout when including the premixes. Good job!! I, too, have been looking at some of Cathe's rotations and they look really good right now. I'm still really enjoying these new workouts, so I want to make sure I can continue to use them in whatever rotation I'm going to end up doing. I think that will be tough with P90X, but I think I can at least do the Lower Body Blast and Intensity DVDs with that program.

    Erika, hope you are doing well!

    Enjoy your day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    This a.m. was GS: Back/Shoulders/Biceps . . . was a good workout and time seemed to go really fast.:wink: It ended up being a little shorter than the time on the back of DVD. Debating on try the STRENGTH class at the gym tonight. They have a new instructor now for that class so might give it a try. If not, a workout at home sounds good but always depends on the DH and his schedule. My cough is completely gone now YAHOO! :drinker:

    Michelle: Your day sounds like it was very loooooooong yesterday.:yawn:Coffee withdrawals along with a boring speech. Hope today is better!:wink:

    Laurie: Sounds like you got a good Insanity workout in this a.m. Great job ….. :bigsmile:

    Laurel: Great combo of workouts! :smile: Yes, I think that Leg workout along with B&G and LBB are my top 3 favorites! I bet you will be able to easily incorporate those 2 workouts into your P90X rotation. I have held off selling my P90X wondering if I should give it another shot one of these days.:ohwell: :huh: I didn’t see the results and by the end I was kind of dreading the workouts. It may be different if I gave it another try. That was my first 90 day rotation.

    Erika: Hope you are having a good day! :bigsmile:

    Enjoy your day everyone! :flowerforyou: Talk to you tomorrow ……

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I tried out the Tabata Inferno workout from Supreme 90. I loved this workout! :love: It reminded me a lot of Insanity, but maybe in a little better way. I liked that he didn't do plank type exercises back to back. I liked that the exercise was only for 20 sec, and then a 10 sec rest (this is just for you to set up for the next exercise). Some of the exercises where repeated in other rounds, but it still didn't take away from the workout.

    Laurel, How are those legs today? I didn't think it would take your body long to get back into the swing of things. At first it probably felt differently. I really enjoyed the P90X rotation that I just did, but it really helped that I changed up the leg workouts and cardio. I know that I could never have gotten through that rotation without doing something different. I stuck with the weight workouts, and really had some great results in my back. I think I needed those pull-up/chin-up to help strengthen my back.

    Tami, I think if you would just do the weight workouts from P90X you would enjoy the workouts more. As I stated above. Glad you are fully recovered from the illness also.

    Have a great weekend!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!! TGIF! :drinker:

    Sorry I was MIA yesterday...the day just got busy, and I didn't get a chance to log on and chat. :noway: Yesterday morning was Tracy Staehle's High Intensity Kickbox. MUCH better this time around, as I didn't do the pre-mix. So, the whole workout flowed nicely. I liked it a lot, but it annoyed me that they didn't edit the video better. You can tell she said "perfect" a lot, as they edited it out, but you could see her lips moving to that word. After awhile, I didn't even notice it though. This morning was Squeeze Stronger...WOW! :love: Great workout, and the 80 minutes FLEW by. I had to double and triple check the clock to make sure it was right. I'll be sore tomorrow!

    Laurie--I knew you'd like Tabata! :bigsmile: It is soooo much fun! I love the timing, moves...everything! I can't wait to do that one again!

    Tami--Glad to hear the cough is gone, and you had some fantastic workouts! I still need to do that premix of KPC...someday! :ohwell:

    Michelle--Sounds like a long day :yawn: ...glad you made it through! Those Barre workouts will get you good, if you really focus on them! Check out Craigs List for a Fluidity Bar. They are heavy and kinda clunky, so people seem to want to get rid of them if they don't use them. I got mine for $20. They are really nice, as you can do pull ups on them too (Cathe STS Style!). You might be able to find a deal!

    Laurel--Great to hear you are almost back to "normal" workouts! Sounds like you are having fun...hope those legs aren't too sore! :huh:

    I hope you all have a fantastic day!!! :happy:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Another good workout this morning. I really felt my legs from LBB last night, but when I got up this morning....nothing. :noway: So I decided to do Intensity. I did it on a 6" step instead of 8" because I didn't want challenge my legs TOO much and because I knew this was going to be the toughest cardio I've done post-illness even on 6". It felt absolutely terrific!!! I took quite a break after that and then pulled out an oldie. I did the Upper Body premix (three times premix) from Push/Pull. I never got into the Push/Pull workout at all, but I just felt like something different. I still am not a huge fan of Push/Pull, but I did like the slower lifting speed she used and my arms feel nicely worked out. I just didn't want an endurance workout after Intensity (again, trying to monitor my workouts right now as I get back into the swing of things), and this really did fit the bill perfectly. I finished it all up with Bob's abs from Yoga Warrior. A good workout day, no doubt, and I'll definitely be ready for my old routine next week. :drinker:

    Tami, I'm so glad your cough is gone. Yeah, I think the time on the GS workout says something like 62 minutes on the back, but it ends up being 48/49 or so. I think they must have decided at the last minute that 62 minutes was too long because I remember it wasn't until right when the DVDs were released that there was any indication it was going to be shorter than an hour. I wish they'd left it at an hour because I've always kind of felt the back and shoulder sections could have used a little bit more of something. :ohwell: Regarding P90X, it took me two tries to get through it. The first time, I convinced myself after a few weeks that I was going to launch myself through the TV and kill Tony Horton if I kept going. :laugh: Boy, he annoyed me. I didn't feel ANY of that the second time I did it. In fact, I'm quite the Tony fan now. But like Laurie said, I needed to make some changes to the program, that's for sure. I did additional leg workouts each week, and I did my own cardio. I also did what I wanted to do during my recovery weeks. I think that made the program more effective and more doable for me. I had great results, and that's what is making me anxious to do it again. I really don't think I would have had those results, though, if I had done the program 'as is'. I really needed more cardio and more leg routines to get the best results for my body.

    Laurie, I don't want to hear that about a Supreme 90 workout!!!! You loved it because it was like Insanity? Oh, goodness. I see a trip to Walgreens in my future and $20 less in my purse. :wink: Actually, I'm really glad you enjoyed it, and I like the sound of it based on what you've said.

    Erika, I was thinking about you this morning when I was doing Push/Pull. You asked a little while back if Cathe does any workouts where she does the movements slower. I had forgotten about Push/Pull. She pretty much does a straight two count up/two count down on every rep throughout the workout. Some of the exercises are a little different as well (like she has you doing bicep curls while you've got one leg up on the stability ball for an additional core challenge). Just thought I'd throw that out there to you. The workout, as is, is only about 45 minutes as well. If you go really heavy, you can feel it. It has never been my favorite, that's for sure. But if you ever see a good deal on it, it might be worth a look into if you've never done it before. Good job on the workouts! Hope you aren't too sore tomorrow.

    Michelle, hope you are doing well!!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was Cardio Kicks! :smile: Such a fun one …. Seems to just fly by! Most likely won’t be able to hit the gym tonight on my way home. DH made some plans for us so won’t have enough time for both. :ohwell: :wink: This weekend should be pretty good. I am planning on getting some good workouts tomorrow (cardio/stretch) and Sun. a.m. before our Volleyball Tourn. I want to get in a workout. Hoping to stick to my plan this time! :happy:

    Laurie: How funny . . . I was going to ask you yesterday if you had tried any of the Supreme 90 workouts yet! :laugh: :bigsmile: That is excellent to hear. I’m with Laurel. Off to Walgreens or Bed/Bath to see if I can find it. Between Erika’s reviews and you saying how awesome just that one was … plus I previewed them today to check it out. For the $$$ why not! :blushing: :bigsmile: Great job. :drinker: I think you both are correct on P90X – If I just did the weight portions of the program and implemented my own cardio along with more legs I might enjoy it more. The jury is still out if I will do that rotation again but definitely sounds better this way. I appreciate your feedback on that. May just give it another go one of these days!

    Erika: Nice combo of workouts you put in yesterday/today! :tongue: I’m glad TS Kickbox was better this time around. I am anxious to try Squeeze Stronger … it’s on my ever growing list of “need to try and fit into rotations” :blushing: I highly recommend that KPC workout. Very good!

    Laurel: Excellent job again on the workouts today! :smile: Thanks for the P90X thoughts. I think doing it that way would definitely be better. It seemed so repetitive and I would enjoy adding other cardio + more legs. Definitely will consider that (as I mentioned above to Laurie too). So glad you are back to yourself and feeling the energy again. :flowerforyou:

    Just to give kudos to Cathe’s customer service ….. you all know of my issues with the troubled DVD’s. :grumble: Well they sent me a replacement for Intensity and also STS Total Body (that one is on it’s way) so very glad they are so accommodating. Can’ t wait to do both w/out any hiccups!

    Hi Michelle – :bigsmile: Hope things are good with you!

    Have a great weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Just logging some food/exercise for today! Hope you are all having a great weekend.:bigsmile: So I went ahead and burned that $20 that was dying to be spent on SUPREME 90. :blushing: :tongue: :smile: So today after our volleyball tourn. I came home and did Legs + Tabata Inferno! :wink: I figured after playing 9 games of volleyball that a 35-min Leg workout was perfect then I just couldn't resist trying TI! :bigsmile: Thanks for the recommendation Erika & Laurie ...... loved it! :happy: The time flew by and was a great workout.

    Also . . . . Sat. a.m. I did Max Intensity and the DVD worked beautifully - - no glitches at all. :bigsmile: Anxious to receive my STS Total Body so I can do that one again as well w/out interruptions.

    I'll check in with you all tomorrow. :happy:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!! We've got about 15" of fresh snow on the ground, and I'm contemplating if I'll work at home (hubby's office is closed today--kids are going to daycare) or attempt to go into the office. On top of it being President's Day, with the snow, there are lots of schools/businesses closed! :bigsmile:

    I ended up being so sore from Squeeze Stronger this weekend, that I had no choice, but to take a rest on Saturday! :ohwell: It hurt to laugh, sneeze, walk, roll out of bed, etc. I "think" (trying to remember back) this may be the worst full body DOMS I've had! Heck, it hurt to lay in bed even! :laugh: Sunday I did Peak 10 Cardio...I really do like this one, esp. with all the kickboxing moves. I strapped on my weighted gloves, and away I went! This morning was a new DVD, Patrick G. Lean Hot Body. I just wasn't liking this one, so it's getting sent back to Collage. I think it was partially him as an instructor, and partially the moves. I'd call them odd, before I'd call them unique! :ohwell:

    Tami--Sounds like you had a great weeked with volleyball, Cardio Kicks and Supreme 90!!! Aren't those workouts fun!?!?? I :heart: them! You need to get Squeeze Stronger into your rotation, but beware of the 2 day DOMS! :laugh:

    Laurel--So happy to hear your workouts are coming along nicely! :bigsmile: I'll have to check out Push/Pull. I'm still trying to decide if I prefer circuit work, or more of just weights or just cardio. Once I figure that out (after trying some of my unopened circuit DVD's), then I'll know what to order!

    Laurie and Michelle--I hope you had a nice weekend. Laurie, I hope you're not snowed in too!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Happy Presidents Day Ladies,

    This morning was Disc 22 Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. Saturday I did Bodystrikes and Ultimate Ball from Supreme 90. Another keeper! :wink: I loved it! :happy: Well worth the $20 just for these two workout alone. I'm ready to try the other DVD's out. Sunday was a rest day for me.

    Erika, No we have not gotten the snow, we received the snow/rain/ice/snow/rain/ice..... I was driving in this stuff yesterday, and we spent 30 min. sitting in traffic, becuase of an accident. Not a fun day for us, but we got home safe and sound. Sorry to hear that you are so sore, but still smiling. :wink: I still want to get those Peak 10 workouts, they sound like something I will like.

    Laurel, Did you start reading going La La La La! All this talk of Supreme 90 will get you tempted for sure. Tami is now along for the ride. :laugh: I don't do that Push/Pull workout very much either, but everyone reall likes it. Glad it was just what you needed.

    Tami, Glad that you enjoyed the Leg workout, now I'm wanting to try that one out too! :laugh: Good news on the Cathe customer service! I have Cardio Kicks on tap for this week.

    Michelle, Hope you are doing well. :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Mornning Ladies,

    I'm back at home and the house is still intact although a tad messy:wink: I spent this weekend cleaning, exercising and working from home with my reading contracts...that extra check will cover Summer camp for my eldest. As I prep for Summer I have realized that both girls in daycare and camp equates to 1k per month:huh: so I'm planning ahead now.

    My hotel stay in Va left me dehydrated and ready for some decent meals not to mention a desire to burn off some continental breakfast calories:wink: This weekend was Janis Safell & Guillermon Hardcore Kickbox Circuit and then of course some Bar Method. I'm also eagerly awaiting my Tracie Long dvds and Illaria's Strike 2...I think Kara recommended this Illaria's prior. TOM is rapidly approaching and horrendous pain was my wake up call this morning. I'm not a proponent of any type of pill but I actually took half of a pain killer this morning:sad: .

    Erika- Patrick is definitely different and his constant sayings either annoys you or cause you to chuckle. I have one of his Body Conditioning and I rarely use it..the moves in that one were different but his teaching is different also. I need to find those dvds in my Walgreens. Tracy is awesome..I need to pull that out for sure..Karen Voight also has one out that that I'm seriously thinking of buying:blushing: the ball she uses seems way smaller than the other programs so that has kept me from splurging on another dvd.:blushing:

    Laurel- Glad to see that you are back on track or nearly at least..compared to me you are at 100%:laugh:

    Laurie-Peak 10 is great although her kickboxing section seems to slow the pace of the dvd down but at that time I'm probably gasping anyway:laugh: The strength one was not as interesting to me..Bob harper Strength seems more painful and enjoyable in a wierd way:wink:

    Tami- Glad to hear that you are well and you jumped in on the Supreme 90 too. I have to find those this week:bigsmile:

    Have a Great President's Day! It is a makeup school day for the kids so although hubby and I had planned to go and see Liam Neesom's Unknown, we kept the 4 year old home so there goes that date:laugh:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was Cathe’s HIGH Reps workout! :wink: Felt good and I noticed my Legs were actually a little sore this a.m. when I went to the lunges/squats. Tonight will be TK after work …. Looking forward to that!

    Erika: I bet you are thrilled with all that snow - WOW! :huh: :bigsmile: We are expected to get an inch or two and cold temps but we aren’t getting the storms at all like you guys. Sounds like a great day for you to be at home! Those DOM’s do not sound fun at all. I really hope you loosen up a bit and aren’t so uncomfortable. I do LOVE :heart: those workouts already …. Part of the excitement is the crazy good price! Looking forward to trying more of them. Yes, definitely need to get SQUEEZE into my rotation. Will remember your warning of DOM’s too! :wink:

    Laurie: How fun, another S-90 to look forward too, YAY! :bigsmile: The Leg workout moves along quickly, “circuit” style. Several circuits with 3 different exercises and you repeat them twice. There is a lunge move in there I really liked and wondering if that’s what caused a little soreness today …… lunge forward with weights, move and hold weights in front of feet for a count or two and then push back. Good stuff! You will enjoy Legs too I’m sure. So glad I spent the $20. :bigsmile: Kind of like you said, even if I didn’t like any other workouts (which I highly doubt) the first two I tried were great. I could see incorporating them with other workouts too. :smile:

    Michelle: I bet you are glad to be back! Sounds like a busy day working from home. Hope the pains from TOM lingering go away soon for you. :ohwell: :wink: I had to laugh about the “more painful and enjoyable” comment. :laugh: Isn’t that the truth!??! Eventhough they are tough, it hurts in a good way! I like how Tom in S90 says "The harder you work now the better the effects later" . . . A good reminder.

    Laurel: Hello! Hope you had a great weekend. :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Picture me with my fingers stuck in my ears at all the Supreme 90 talk. :laugh: Actually, once I find them, I have every intention on buying them. They sound like great workouts.

    I got some good workouts in the past couple of days. Yesterday I did Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit followed by STS Disk 17/Legs. I also did Yoga X with DH, but ended up spending more time coaching him than doing the workout. :tongue: Anyhow, I woke up this morning with the worst DOMS in my legs! :noway: Sometimes those STS workouts can do that to me. But I decided to do CCC, which felt great and helped loosen my legs up a bit. I followed it up with Pyramid Upper Body. I definitely seem to be back to 100% when it comes to workouts. :drinker:

    And I need them to be because I gave myself a HUGE incentive for getting more fit on Friday. I was sitting at my computer at 1:00pm, and decided to sign up for Cathe's Road Trip at her gym in New Jersey. :noway: It's only about 90 minutes from us....and I just thought 'Why not?' Very uncharacteristic of me because I don't like working out around other people, and I'm very shy about going into a group of people when I don't know anybody. But I also thought it looked like alot of fun! So I need to get into some better shape between now and the end of July! :blushing:

    Laurie, with that in mind, I want to ask you a couple of questions about your last P90X rotation. Since I fell out of my 16 week endurance rotation because of being sick, I'm thinking of starting P90X next week. But I'm thinking of doing a very modified version. I know you switched out alot of the workouts when you did it the last time. Right now, I'm thinking about doing the two arm workouts, plyo and yoga, but NOT doing the legs/back workout or the cardio. I'm also thinking about adding a total body strength training workout (in place of the back/legs workout). What do you think? I don't want to change it so much I don't get the results, but I also want to work my muscle groups twice a week if possible.

    Erika, sorry to hear about the snow! I hope you're enjoying it, though. Sorry to hear about the DOMS. Good to take a day off though.

    Michelle, I'm glad you made it back home safely. I'm really sorry to hear about the pain, though. Hopefully it is just temporary. I'm sure getting back into your regular routine (to include eating better and getting more water) will help.

    Tami, great job, as always, with the workouts. I'm glad you enjoyed your Supreme 90 workout. Did you find them at Walgreens? Regarding P90X, I definitely think you'll like it better if you change it up to suit you better. I think I would have given it up after a week if I hadn't revised it a bit to meet my cardio/leg needs.

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! FINALLY, a break from the snow (which is needed, to keep businesses/schools open around here!), but we're due for another storm, so I'm getting ready for that! :bigsmile:

    This morning was supposed to be KCM Cardio Blast, but after the warmup, I decided I just felt like dancing and boxing this morning, so I got out my Ipod and did about and hour of boxing at the bag and dancing. It felt great to just let loose! I'm glad my hubby or boys didn't walk in on me though, as they probably would have started laughing! :blushing:

    Laurel--GREAT workout lineup! Sounds like STS got your legs good! :wink: My workout I disliked yesterday, actually got at my inner thighs, and they hurt this morning. Maybe why I didn't feel like doing Cardio Blast! That is so awesome that you signed up for the Road Trip! That will be so much fun, I'll be exited to hear about it! :happy: I'm with you though, I just don't enjoy working out with others in a group, but I'm doing it once a week with Zumba, and it's not so bad.

    Tami--Sounds like sore legs is the story for the day! :laugh: I hope your workout helped loosen them up a bit! I do think the price is a huge piece of the S90 enjoyment. Knowing the workouts are great, and for a great price, is just the best!! I'm glad I ventured out to VF to find out about the set! I probably wouldn't have bought it had I not heard about it so much from those ladies!

    Michelle--Welcome Back! :happy: I hear you on the summer daycare expense...ours will be around $1600/month, but they get to do sports camps and all kinds of fun stuff, so I think it will be worth it for 3 months! Which Tracie Long DVD's did you get? I just got 6 of hers, but haven't had time to try them yet. Let me know how you like that Ilaria one too! I hope the pain is better from TOM approaching...I've had my share of bad months, but they seem to be getting better now as I get older!

    Laurie--I'm glad you didn't get all the snow to go with your bad driving conditions! Sounds like it was scary driving! :grumble: I really liked that Ultimate Ball workout too...different and fun! I think you'd like the Peak 10 Cardio for sure, but I can't speak to the Strength one, as I haven't tried it yet. :blushing:

    Alright, off to work. Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I got a 'normal' (for me!) workout in this morning, and it felt good to be back to 'normal' again. :wink: I started the day with Turbo Fire 55 EZ. I think I've mentioned this is my least favorite of the TF workouts but, for whatever reason, I enjoyed it this morning. After a break for breakfast, I decided to do Pyramid Lower Body (since I did the upper body workout yesterday). I really hate that this workout starts with millions and millions ( least it feels like millions and millions) of leg presses. But once I got through that I thought it would be a piece of cake. Well.....I thought wrong. The floor work on the ball for this workout really gets to me. I was already sore in my hamstrings and glutes from the STS workout on Saturday, and, usually, doing another workout that gets those areas gets rid of my DOMS. The key word in that sentence is 'usually' because, boy, I didn't think I was going to be able to get off my mat after doing this one. But I did....and finished my workout with Jillian's Level 1 Abs. Now THAT seems to have finally loosened up my legs. Go figure. But it was a good, tough workout, and...I enjoyed it. :tongue:

    Erika, I'm glad the snow has finally ended for you (even if it is temporarily). You've had quite a winter out there. Seems like we've been surrounded by people who've had some of their worst winters in history, and we've had next to nothing here. We got about 1/4 of an inch last night and, of course, people were panicking this morning about it (schools closed and everything!). I can't help but think these people are absolutely nuts for their reaction to less than an inch of snow. :huh: Anyhow, sounds like your workout this morning was fun! Sometimes just doing what your body feels like doing gives you the best workout.

    Tami, Michelle and Laurie, hope you are all doing well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was DrillMax Ultra Cardio Scramble . . . been a while since I did this one and always love it! :happy: Last night’s TK was good too. There were only 8 of us in the whole class. :wink: I have had a few days of really good calorie burns – feels good. Always wonder why some weeks I get more of a calorie burn than others?!? :huh: Tonight will be Cycling for just a little more cardio. :wink:

    Erika: Love it that you found something this a.m. that made you move & feel good! :bigsmile: :laugh: Some days are like that, you start something and just can’t get into it! Glad to hear you have had a small break in the winter storms. Yes, the sore legs does seem to be the theme for us this week. Last night I had some moments after nearly an hour of kickboxing/jumping, etc she had us to walking lunges and split lunges. :huh: :wink: All the moving around did help but they were feeling it forsure after that!

    Laurel: Congrats on signing up for the Road Trip! :drinker: What an amazing thing and you have to already be proud of yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone to do something like this! :flowerforyou: Let me say in advance “I’m proud for you”. That would be an amazing experience. :bigsmile: Let me also mention that I bet you are already in “shape” for the event but I am here to encourage you along your “getting in shape journey” for the road trip! I agree on feeling a little apprehensive about working out in front of people. :blushing: The TK class I am used to now and cycling is different but if I do remember years ago working out at a gym always made me feel uncomfortable. Sounds like you are continuing to get in some terrific workouts. Great job this week and I can relate to the leg DOM’s . . What’s up with that?!?! :laugh: I guess just working some different moves can just get in there sometimes. I found the Supreme 90 at Bed Bath & Beyond. Our Walgreens didn’t have them so I tried there. I’ve seen them online too but you have to pay for shipping.

    Hi Laurie & Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:

This discussion has been closed.