Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Yippeee I was able to do Defined Lines and it was definitely different in a good way. Of course the newness of the dvd had me lost with a few choreographed moves:blushing: but I enjoyed the diversity of the workout enough to include it weekly. Push ups with the paper plate...ugh I was already sore from my kettlebell workout:laugh: Curious to see if tomorrow will bring on DOMS...overall a unique workout.

    Tami & Erika- Safe travels on your vacation..enjoy every moment and take lots of pictures to share with us:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning I wanted to try out one of the S90 workouts that so I did the cardio challenge. I found it an interesting way to get your heartrate up by using weights in some exercises. Has a lot of shoulder work, so it is a workout that you really wouldn't want to do after doing shoulders. Overall I liked the workout, it was 30 min. exercise 30 min. rest.

    This girls party was good, and I had fun talking with the family. Only one incident between oldest and DH's mother. She is a person that is offended by the smallest thing. I guess as a grandaughter you shouldn't think something your GM says is funny. :huh: My oldest just let it go and still enjoyed the rest of the party.

    Laurel, Congrats on completing the first round of P90X. Go for the personal training. I have a friend who has RA, and she works from her home or goes to the clients home. I think that you will do a great job at it.

    Michelle, I love how you get in such a variety of workouts. So did you have DOMS from that workout? We all have our priorities for our exercise routine, so getting the heavier KB is probably your best option right now. I think those Supreme 90 workouts will still be there when you decide to try them out.

    Tami, I didn't want to workout at all this weekend, and I'm not in a pre-vacation mode. :laugh: I think it was because I was so dang busy. It is nice that I will have another person doing these workouts with me. We may have different opinions on the workouts. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies :bigsmile:

    Just wanted to drop in and say hello before we head out! Found out the weather isn't quite as hot as what we had thought so did a little adjusting on the clothing I am bringing. Oh well, I am happy to be leaving and not at work forsure! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Laurie: Wanted to give you this link to look at. I found it over the weekend. A person doing S90 took the time to write out each of the workouts and their time frame. Might come in handy:
    I went ahead and copied the down onto paper so I can know which days I might have more time to double up or not :wink:

    Hope you all have a great week! Talk to you when I return .... I'll check in Friday. :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Yesterday was the start of my 'recovery' week. I've decided to focus on some cardio intensity this week, so I did Insanity's Max Interval Circuit yesterday. This morning was Max Interval Plyo and then after breakfast....P90X Core Synergistics. I haven't done that latter workout too often as I normally just do my own thing during recovery weeks. I really like some of the moves in it....and I really DON'T like some of the moves in it. But I'm going to try to do it twice this week and see how it goes. It felt good today, and I felt really strong...even after doing all that plyo work in Insanity. So something must be working right now.

    Tami, have a great vacation!!! I really hope you enjoy it. I thought the temps were in the 80s down there. I hope they are. You should also have LOTS of sunshine. Enjoy!! We'll miss you!!!

    Michelle, you had me laughing when you mentioned how you are appreciating sculpted arms more as you age. Isn't that the truth!!!???!!! I remember a female boss of mine mentioning once that no woman near 50 should go sleeveless (she was picking fun at herself....because she was going sleeveless at the time), but I was in my 20s and I didn't understand what she was saying. Boy, do I understand now. Give me veins and bulky muscles anyday over the flab flapping in the wind! And, boy, are my arms prone to the latter! GREAT job with the workouts!!!

    Laurie, I'm glad things went well at the birthday party this weekend, despite a little family trauma. What's a family gathering without at least one episode of 'tension'? Glad you are still enjoying this Supreme 90 workouts. I've decided to hold off on getting them for a little while until I know how I'm going to fit them in to my schedule. I'm also really curious the results you, Tami and Erika get from them as keep the reviews coming!!

    Erika....hope you are enjoying your vacation!!!

    See you tomorrow.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Whew the 9-5am really kicked my butt and when I surfaced it ws way later than planned. TG hubby had already fed, cooked and had the girls in quiet mode for me to sleep as I really need super darkness and ultra quiet to sleep:blushing: I was really unable to recuperate at all but opted tohead to Lowes and grab some plants to replenish the backyard that Mr. Capone had destroyed to include our water feature:mad: On Sunday the workout was digging holes, planting, pruning, and mulching all three garden beds which stinks because our soil is clay based and filled with rocks. It was a nice upper body routine and kept me busy for over an hour.

    Erika & Tami- Enjoy your vacation:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- Yes..I'm definitely happy that flapping guns is not so much of an issue..if only the thighs would cooperate:bigsmile: As Summer rapidly approaches I definitely will step up my arm game because I truly do hate sleeves and my "guns" need to be in tip top shape when I flex them in my tank shirts:wink:

    Laurie- Aaah the gathering of family and the occasional drama of it all:bigsmile: Too many people too many emotions. I was not sore from Defined lines except for my upper body and those push-ups, the Kettlebell workouts earlier that week really worked my shoulders and then adding on the paper plate push-ups added to my soreness. I would of thought the LB moves she used with the paper plates may of caused some DOMS..but no. I love the KB workouts because at the end of my routines my legs have been worked, my heart is racing and those swings are working the arms and package. Today on the menus is Pauls' KB workout and maybe Squeeze Stronger Upper body if I'm super energized.

    School is back this week so I'm off to check on homework stats.

    Have a great day.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Today was Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs for me. Max Cardio Conditioning has become one of my favorites. I always feel good after that workout. I took a long break and then tried Insanity's Core Cardio and Balance. I haven't done that one but once I believe (it's a recovery week workout and, again, I have a tendency to do what I want during my recovery week). I didn't particularly care for it to be honest.

    Michelle, garden work like that is tough!! I love it, but it always kills my back. No doubt you are exhausted from your schedule. Are you ever going to get on a set schedule? I hope so. Sounds like your family (minus Mr. Capone :wink: ) are being supportive of you which has got to help.

    Laurie, hope you are doing well!

    Erika and Tami, enjoy those vacations!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Legs for me this morning, really do like that workout. My heart rate was way up there when the workout was done. Just got back from getting the new crown put on my tooth! :drinker:

    Tami, Enjoy your vacation! I will check out that link when I have the time.

    Laurel, Now see I really like the CC&B workout. :wink: I don't like some of those moves in Core Syn. either, I think it is the pace he does some of them also.

    Michelle, Glad you where able to get some much needed rest. I don't enjoy doing gardening at all. :huh: And of course you are getting help from Mr. Capone, but of course the bad kind. :huh: Have fun with your KB workouts.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Laurie- I actually laughed when you mentioned help from Capone:laugh: ..this dog drives me nuts:grumble: Gardening is not my favorite as I hate worms:noway: however Mr. Capone has destroyed my professionally installed garden beds and the backyard has become his domain and my it is now or never as hubby likes to pretend that if he ignores the problem then it will cease to exist:grumble: How does the new crown feel and look?

    Laurel- My schedule will continue to fluctuate throughout the year but this is the only nightshift that I will train in. After this my schedule will either follow a 5/6am-1/2pm schedule. I actually like the peace and quiet of the nightshift and I have a great rapport with my PM...the lack of sleep or trying to sleep when the world is active is the main issue. Daily I feel as if my body is low on gas and during the day my mind is in a fog so to speak:blushing: and now my body will not shut down until 6am even on my off days:frown:

    Today is another tired day so my goal is to do at least 50 dips and push-ups to work the upper body. Tonight I will be on my feet all 8hrs and I usually can log 2+ miles of walking per night.

    Off to pick up the little one from daycare.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    So I took the girls to McDonalds for cones and that sparked my energy for some wierd I did not order myself one:laugh: I completed 45 dips, PK Kettlebell drills, one circuit of illaria BS Vol 2 and 20mins Jessica's Smith 10min KB solution. Overall a nice combination and I'm feeling some stiffness in the upper from those bells and Jessica really tapped into my glutes:bigsmile:

    Off to grab some sleep now so I may not check back in until tomorrow.

    Have a great and Sunny day:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today started the Supreme 90 rotation, and I did Chest & Back. This workout really does move quickly, but I was able to use the pause button to get my rounds completed. The third round of this workout the exercisers only complete two round, so I paused and completed the last round. I like all the exercises, and I was huffing and puffing with sweat flying! :noway: That was a bit of a shock for me. I had to wipe sweat off my glasses, and out of my eyes. :huh: Feeling my back, chest and abs. :happy:

    Michelle, WTG getting that extra energy boost, you really did a great combo mix. We didn't have such a sunny day, we had pouring rain in the evening. I am hoping this weather goes away quickly, and we get that lovely sun back again. The crown fits perfect! He had to do a little bit of resculpting on the new tooth. Apparently my back tooth moved, and the temp crown got stuck while he was taking it off. That was a 10 min. adventure! :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I did Paul Katami's Bootcamp workout today....thanks to Erika! :flowerforyou: It's a great workout, and I really enjoyed it. She sure has me pegged on what kind of workouts I like. I found that he really progressed it from easier to more difficult in a way that I could get through it. Cathe has a tendency to start some of workouts really hard, and I'm left wondering in the first 10 minutes whether I'm going to make it through the hour or not. Definitely not the case with this workout. In fact, I thought the first 20 minutes or so that the workout might be too easy on me, but that wasn't the case at all. It just gradually built up intensity until I got to the point of saying 'He wants me to do what?!?" I really liked Paul as an instructor and will definitely be looking at more of his workouts down the road. I finished it off with another favorite of mine....Bob Harper's Yoga. What great workouts today!

    Laurie, I've heard some mixed things about that Supreme 90 Chest/Back workout (if it is the one I'm thinking of). As you indicated, most people have found the exercises performed too quickly. Was it annoying to have to continually hit the pause button? I'm just curious as I continue to assess whether to buy this program. But it sounds intense, which has me wanting it (of course!) I don't know what it was with me and the Core Cardio and Balance workout. Like I said, I think this is only the second time I've done it, and I think it has to do more with the fact that if I'm going to do an intermediate workout, I'd actually rather reach for something with a higher 'fun factor' than that workout has (at least for me). I like the moves and the pacing and all that....but I find it a tad boring as well. Oh, well. I'll probably try it again next recovery week to see how it feels. Sometimes it just takes a few tries for a workout to connect with me. Sorry to hear about the rain. We've got the same thing...and they're talking the possibility of snow over the weekend. I want spring back!!!

    Michelle, I'll say you had a burst of energy!!! WOW!! It must have felt good. I'm glad to hear your schedule will settle down at some time. I think working nights would be good because of traffic and such, but I know my body would never be able to adjust to it. So my hat's off to you for being able to handle it so well right now while you're in training.

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Ultimate Ball for me this morning, and I'm very very surprised at how much my abs are talking to me right now. It has to be doing abs from C&B and then the ball workout this morning. :bigsmile: Don't let the fact that this is an ab/core workout fool you, my heart rate was up through most of this workout. Two 30 sec. rounds of pikes really are tough. :wink:

    Laurel, At first having to hit the pause button bothered me, but it wasn't that big of a deal. I think some of the exercisers are not doing 12 reps, so that makes them go faster also. My back was hit in places that I must not have hit in previous workouts, because I was feeling it all day yesterday. Sounds like Paul's workout would be something that I would enjoy also. Dang, all these workouts and not enough time to try them out. We got a trace of snow last night, it sure is a bit depressing to see the ground covered in white again. :huh:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm doing a bit of moonlighting and working from home with my online contracts:blushing: The sad part is that I actually make more per hr compared to my govt gig:grumble: Oh well..Summer camp is approaching so a mom must do what she must:laugh:

    Laurie- Snow:noway: wow and here we are with our AC on full time:laugh: I hope that you are taking measurements because you are our test subject here:wink:

    Laurel- I'm glad that you like Bootcamp 4x4..I also thought it was fun but by thhe last circuit I was gasping for breath. However as you are the superwoman on our group I feel good that I was able to keep up with a dvd that you also thought"he wants me to do what now":laugh: His Kettlebell drills dvd is also like is only 30minutes but be builds up and by the end you are saying "what". I definitely enjoy his workouts too:wink:

    Have a great day.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    I started off today with Insanity's Max Interval Circuit. I'm so glad I've dedicated this week to doing alot of Insanity because I can already tell there has been an improvement in my cardio capacity. I really probably should do them more often than I do. Anyhow, after a long break to get my hair cut :drinker: (always feel better when I get that done!) I did Core Synergistics. It went better this time than last.

    Laurie, I've heard great things about that Ultimate Ball workout. Pikes are SOOOO tough. Thanks for letting me know more about Chest/Back. I think I could probably deal with the pace as long as the exercises are good. I'm intrigued that you said it works your back in ways you haven't hit it before because, working out with Cathe as long as I have, I can honestly say that I think her back work is a bit lacking. Looks more and more like I'm going to have to get this series!

    Michelle, yay for moonlighting! I don't know how you fit it into your busy schedule, but I think it is great that you've got the opportunity to pick up some extra $$$ right now. I don't think I'm the Superwoman of this group at all!!! Actually, I think we're all pretty amazing. :flowerforyou: Unlike the rest of you, though, I have the luxury of time (since I'm not working right now) and that is a true blessing and enables me to do much of what I do. Trust me, if I was working full time every day, my workouts definitely wouldn't look the same. :tongue: Glad to hear Paul K.'s Kettlebell workout is progressive intensity as well. I want another kettlebell workout, and I think I'll go for that one when I do get one. 30 minutes for a KB workout seems perfect for me.

    Tami and Erika....hope you're having fun!

    I may not be able to check-in tomorrow as I'm headed to the Pentagon for some meetings/volunteer stuff. If I don't make it, I hope everybody has a great weekend. I'm going to pretend that the weather people aren't calling for snow this weekend and, instead, continue with our plans to go see the cherry blossoms down in DC. Cherry blossoms in the snow? Not what I'd prefer, that's for sure.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Tabata Inferno for me, still love this workout. After three workouts my whole core area is feeling sore. Nothing that hurts, but I know that I have been working it.

    Michelle, I was thinking of you when I saw Tracy Andersons infomercial this morning. She really does some interesting moves, but I don't know how I would like them. Looks like the ladies that are doing that system have gotten some great results. You have the AC on! :noway:

    Laurel, I need to get in an Insanity workout soon. The tabata workout does meet that need for me though. Hope you are able to see those cherry blossoms without the snow. I'm so jealous, one of these days we will be heading out east on a vacation. I so want to see those cherry blossoms. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Snow:noway: and to think I was aomplaining of the humidity lately:laugh: Hopefuuly Erika and the family is enjoying the great weather.

    Laurie- Keep up the great work with S90. Did you mean Tracie Long ? that is my new choice for female instructors. Anderson ...Is that Paltrow's personal trainer because I have heard some interesting things about her both positive and negative:ohwell: I love Tracie' Long style and I'm glad that I purchased Leaning Out & Defined Lines....can't wait to get 50mins to actually do it this wknd:laugh:

    Laurel- Cherry Blossoms....not the snow again:noway: I'm headed that way in two weeks with a stop in Chicago....sure hope the weather is good then. I will send you some of my sunshine so that you can see those blossoms:flowerforyou: PK kettlebell workout is perfect at 30mins and he also has a bonus core segement that I'm hoping to do when I have some time in the next 3 weeks or so:blushing: Using his KB workout and then adding in my dips and triceps has definitely left me with some DOMS in my upper body which is pretty nice as I'm preparing for my tanks and halter tops:laugh:

    Have a great day as I'm moonlighting for the next week.


    Ps. laurie- I was curious and went searching for the infomercial..Wowzer is all I can say..those women definitely hit those troubled areas. hmnnnn
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Boy, and I glad it's Friday. For some reason, this has been a long week. Of course, it doesn't help that I was stuck in the Pentagon all morning dealing with some typical military bureaucracy. :grumble: Anyhow, I did manage to get my workouts in. I started the day with Drill Max, definitely one of my faves. After I got home, I really needed to clear the cobwebs out of my brain, and working out is about the best way for me to do that, so I did Step Moves. Probably a little more cardio and step than I needed today, but I was just going with what I felt like doing. Tomorrow's a rest day, so that's probably good.

    Laurie, how great those workouts focus on the core so much. You're getting me more and more interested in this series with each post! :happy: We actually had pretty nice (but cold) weather today, and I'm so hoping tomorrow is like this because it would make perfect viewing for the cherry blossoms. I've always wanted to see them, so....we're going to take our chances and see what it looks like.

    Michelle, please send that sunshine!!! There are some nasty weather systems crossing the US right now, but, hopefully, in a couple of weeks, you should be fine. Southern Virginia has definitely been much better in terms of weather than we have, so if you are going to the southern part of the state, it should all be good. Thanks for more info on the PK Kettlebell workout. Let me know how you like the core section. I imagine it is probably pretty tough since he seems to do tough! :tongue:

    Tami and Erika, I think you are both either back or headed back soon, so.....Welcome Home!!!

    Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies :bigsmile:

    Sounds like you have all had a good week of workouts and doing really well! :smile: I missed chatting with you all! :wink: Vacation in Phoenix was really, really nice. The weather the first day was raining and not too warm but it gave us time to get into the resort, go find a Trader Joes for some affordable eats in our room and just hang out a bit. The rest of the days were the perfect weather days. 80 degrees and sunny . . . I enjoyed the pool a bit and just relaxing. We also visited a friend of DH's who hasa home there and went to dinner with them. Truly the 3 days went very fast and was mostly just relaxing ..... I didn't workout one time :blushing: but felt ok about it (kind of):huh: told myself it was ok . . . . just felt there wasn't enough time to enjoy the weather, resort, time with my hubby, etc. if I worked out.

    We didn't make it to the baseball game which was disappointing, wasn't a lack of trying we just got lost and then by the time we hit the parking lot with thousands of others it was full, :grumble: no place to park other than maybe 3 miles from the ballpark. DH said he would rather at that point just find our way back to the resort (after a couple hrs in the rental car) so we did. :ohwell: :smile:

    Friday a.m. I started out with STS Total Body, yesterday was KCM Circuit Burn and today was beginning of S90 rotation with Chest & Back followed by Ultimate Ball. Volleyball is on the schedule for this afternoon. :wink: Feels so good to be back into my workouts. I was feeling sore last night but that's ok. :wink:

    Laurie: I agree with your comments on S90 and the Chest/Back workout. I had read that as well so luckily I was prepared for the quick pace. I paused as well to get my 3 sets in on each. I know forsure they were doing 8-reps. :noway: It definitely had some back exercises that felt great and unique. Love the variety of movements. This program truly focuses on the core in all that it is working! Ultimate Ball is a great workout. I realized it is on the "schedule" for tomorrow as well, but it just sounded good after Chest/Back and was!

    Laurel: Great Recovery Week! Yowsa :drinker: Not surprised though ....... sounds like you are doing fabulous and having tons of energy, that is great. Glad to hear you took a rest day Sat :wink:

    Michelle: How fun to be out in the yard and doing some spring clean-up. We are still having the snow/heavy rain mix. I guess we had a nice day while we were gone though. We didn't take many pictures at all :blushing: but I posted this one for you all. This was in front of the main area of the resort. It was really beautiful there. I was sad to leave :cry:

    Erika: Hope your trip was fabulous with your family! :flowerforyou:

    I'll check in with you all tomorrow .... gotta get some food before heading to volleyball matches.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!! :bigsmile:

    It's cooooolld back here in MN!!! I'm missing the 80's and sun! :tongue: I'm happy to report I got in my planned workouts every day I was gone: Sun-Tabata Inferno; Mon-Cathe's Travel Fit; Tues-KCM Kickbox; Weds-KCM Body Training; Thurs-Powerstrike; Fri-Strength with Bands. Great workouts, and actually I did really good with my eating too! So happy with myself!

    Tami--Love the new picture! You look nice and fit and tan! :bigsmile: Glad you had a wonderful time, with great weather, and quality time with the hubby! Sounds like you got right back into workouts upon return--WTG!!!!

    Laurel--Sounds like recovery work with Insanity was good for you! :happy: I'm glad that you enjoyed PK's Bootcamp. I knew you'd like it! I was ok, until I realized it was going to get progressively harder, and I realized I wasn't going to be able to make it all they way through. Those type of workouts just mentally don't work well for me...not sure why though!

    Laurie--Great job on the S90 Workouts! Sounds like they are getting your core good, and you are getting in some great sweat sessions! I did Tabata on vacation, and it made me miss the rest of the set! I'll have some in my rotation this week! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Sounds like you had a crazy week filled with tired days, but glad you were able to get some gardening in and also some workouts! You're right, it was humid in TX! I couldn't figure out why everything was so, I know! We had great weather, but it took us 5 hours to get over the bridge to SPI, when we got there...last night of Texas week=lots of spring breakers! Once we got to our condo (on the north end of the island), it was nice and quiet...only a couple other people from either, MN, WI or MI, so it was nice! I hope to go back again, as it was really nice there!

    Well, off to get dinner ready, and then off to Zumba! I missed it!!!!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Wow, was it tough to get up with the 5am alarm this morning! :grumble: I think I was in vacation mode still, plus that 7-8pm Zumba class kept me all riled up until well past 10. Great class, and she swapped out a few songs, and added in a lot of squats! My legs are sore today! I'm also happy to report no achillies pain (this is the class where we wear no shoes), as I really concentrated on keeping my heels on the ground, instead of staying on my toes.

    This morning was KCM Weights....I haven't done any KCM weight videos in so long, and after this morning, I remembered why I love her as an instructor! :heart: She really packs in a lot of stuff, in a short amount of time. 38 minutes later, I was dripping with sweat...during a weight workout. Pretty unusual for me! Needless to say, it felt great!

    I hope you all had a great weekend, and are having a good Monday morning....I'm ready to go back to bed! :yawn:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday was S90 Shoulders & Arms, what a great workout. I'm still feeling the Doms this morning. Sunday was a rest day for me, and this morning I decided to do S90 Legs so that means S90 Cardio Challenge for tomorrow. Love all these workouts so far, they are different than other workouts that I have so it is a good addition to my collection.

    Michelle, Oh yes you liked the Tracy Long DVD's, I had heard that her new workouts where pretty tough also. I'm ready for some warmer weather, seems like this cold is never going to end. :wink:

    Laurel, Hope you had a great time viewing the cherry blossoms, bet it smelled wonderful. :wink: I would think that Step Moves would clear the cobwebs, it is a workout that has you thinking. :wink: So far these workouts are worth the $2 per DVD price I paid.

    Tami, That is what vacations are for, you shouldn't feel guilty at all. What baseball team where you hoping to see while you where down there? I'm going to be starting the exercise in S90 C&B as soon as Tom starts explaining the exercise. If figure that I will get a jump on the others before they can start. :laugh: Shoulders and Arms is a lot better as far as pace, so you don't feel as rushed.

    Erika, Had to be a big shock to the system getting back to our lovely weather after enjoying 80 deg days! :noway: WTG on your vacation eating and exercise, you did a great job. Glad to hear that your achillies was pain free, and that Zumba is going so well. Love that KCM workout also.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    We did get a chance to see the Cherry Blossoms on Saturday. It was COLD, but it was also really pretty (the new photo was taken that day). Ended up we walked for about 8 or 9 miles, though it didn't feel like it at all. But because of that, I decided to take yesterday as a complete rest day so my body was fully recovered for starting round two of P90X. I felt that was okay since I didn't really take much of a 'recovery' week either. :tongue: So today I did P90X Chest, Shoulders, Triceps. I definitely don't like these round 2 workouts as much as I like the round 1 workouts, but it felt good. I've also decided to try to do a modified Insanity rotation during this round since I think my upper body will be able to handle it, so I finished it up (after Ab Ripper X) with Plyo Cardio Circuit. That felt great! I'm glad I took the extra rest day because my body felt really strong and energized today.

    Tami, I love the new photo!! You look amazing!!! I'm glad you had a good time in Arizona and took the opportunity to just relax and enjoy yourself. A few days off is sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself. I'm anxious to hear how you enjoy this Supreme 90 rotation. Let us know!

    Erika, love your new photo too! Your boys are SO cute. Glad you had a warm vacation in TX and great job in keeping up with the workouts (and the eating!) Thanks again for Paul K's Bootcamp workout. Like I said last week, I really enjoyed it. I like those progressively difficult workouts, though I understand why you (and others) may not like them. I have done a few where I feel like I'm going to die and the instructor then says 'So let's pick it up a notch!' That's not good. Sorry to hear it is cold back in MN. We woke up to snow yesterday! What's up with that? Thankfully it had disappeared by mid-afternoon, but it is still cold. I want spring! :ohwell:

    Laurie, you continue to sell me on these Supreme 90 workouts, especially saying how they differ from anything else you've got....and I think you've got a more varied workout collection than I do. Like I keep many workouts, so little time. But I certainly can't beat the price, so....I know I'll cave eventually. :laugh:

    Michelle, hope you had a good weekend!!

    So happy everybody is back!! See you tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm still moonlighting with these extra hours of at home work but it wil be a nice extra check.:bigsmile: This weekend was crazy as we had a birthday party for the 4 yr old, interview for a potential babysitter/mommy helper and then a meet with the lady who will sleep in this week because hubby is away on business:sad: So far everything looks great and we are all set for tonight...fingers crossed.

    My lack of sleep has led to missed workouts this weekend but I did do some gardening yesterday during a break along with push-ups and dips whenever I past the couch or table:bigsmile: Hubby thinks I'm crazy but whenever I look in the mirror I'm a smiling:blushing:

    This week starts my 5x per week Physique 57 & Core Fusion rotation so I'm really excited to get started but due to my schedule I have created a schedule that is open so depending on my mood, time, etc. I will commit to any video on my list.

    Erika & Tami- Welcome back and I love the new pics:flowerforyou:

    Laurie- I had a cold front come in last night so this morning it was back to sweaters for my ten year old:grumble: Oh I guess I will cave and buy them but will do so via Totalfitness since they have a return policy. Tracey Long's are not dreadfactor tough but different and enjoyable. The more my joints talk to me the more I realize that tougher and longer is not always better and she seems to focus on functional fitness.

    Laurel- Glad you were able to see those Cherry Blossoms and I love the picture. Hopefully the weather will hold out although I must admit that I love wearing my trenchcoat so a nice chill will be enjoyable:wink:

    Have a great day..glad to see that everyone had a fun-filled vacation and made it back safely:bigsmile:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    Well this a.m. felt super early but I was determined to not hit snooze … even once! :wink: So I woke up before the alarm even, (which would have been before 4). At any rate, I got in Ultimate Ball & Cathe’s DBL HiiT from Intensity. :tongue: It was a great combo. Headed to Turbo Kick after work tonight! Feels great to be back into my workouts forsure. Body even has some DOM’s going on!

    Erika: Welcome Home! :flowerforyou: Yes, I agree on the alarm clock after vacation is a little tough. :yawn: Great job on the workouts while you were gone and the eating, that is fantastic. :drinker: The eating is something I really tried to stay with since I wasn’t working out. Thank you for saying I look “fit” that’s a nice compliment. :blushing: I tried to hang out at the pool as much as I could to soak it in. Very rainy and gray still here. It does feel fantastic to be back at it on the workouts and starting a new rotation is fun too! p.s. You're photo is really great. You have such a nice looking family. Your boys are little cutie pies!:smile:

    Laurel: Thanks so much for the compliment! :smile: I like your new photo as well. What gorgeous scenery that must be to see. I will definitely keep you in the loop on this rotation and the workouts. In our description of the fast-paced Chest & Back workout I am sure you are wondering what in the world? :huh: But even so, knowing that in advance and just concentrating on the moves made it a good workout. I have not been disappointed with them yet, hoping for good results. It is definitely a different mind-set doing training at kind of a cardio pace; working the muscles differently :wink:

    Laurie: Thanks for the info on Shoulders/Arms. :wink: From what I read, the Chest & Back is by far the “fastest paced” one of the whole set, so good to know. Yes, when I would hear him already explaining the next exercise before I was finished I thought, how are they going so fast?!? :huh: 8 reps is one way! I agree, S90 is definitely a different approach than any workouts I have done either. I structured my days a little different from there set schedule, trying to fit an extra leg day in there too. My REST day will be Saturday’s unless things come up. Looking forward to the rotation. S90 Cardio Challenge is really fun I thought. Looking forward to that one again. :smile:
    The game we were trying to get to was a Giants game because someone my DH knows left us tickets. The White Sox played the next day at a different field but we couldn’t get tickets. He is a true baseball fan (Yankees are his lifetime favorite team) but any game “live” would have been good to see.

    Michelle: WOW! :noway: :wink: You are a very busy lady this week. Good job for fitting in the push-ups at any given moment. That’s really great. Sounds like having an open rotation this week is the best plan you could have. Hang in there and good luck with the baby sitter/mommy helper interviews.

    Hope you all have a great evening! Talk to you tomorrow. :smile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :happy: Wake up this morning was much better, but I am SORE either from Zumba or KCM yesterday (or both!). This morning was Janis Saffel Strike Zone. I really enjoy this one, but her "How We Feelin'?" is kind of annoying. But, I like the workout so much, I overlook it (but subconsciously count how many times she says it!).

    Tami--Great job getting up and not hitting snooze! :wink: It was sure tough yesterday, that's for sure! Glad you had a nice trip, and got lots of time to soak up the sun. I didn't get as much as I wanted, as my hubby was sick for the first 3-4 days, so I was on kid duty, but I got to fully enjoy the last half of the trip, while my hubby played with the boys. I hope you enjoyed getting back to TurboKick...I didn't realize how much I missed my Zumba class!

    Michelle--I have to give you props for all of your work hours you are putting in, taking care of the kids, and still finding time to drop down and get in those pushups and dips! :tongue: I'm glad to hear you are interviewing for a babysitter/ need to get some "me" time too...especially when the hubby is away! I bet you are excited for your barre rotation! I missed those workouts while I was gone...I can't wait to get some in next week (this week is heavy weights/KB's).

    Laurel--I LOVE cherry blossoms...I can almost smell them now! (Love your picture, BTW!) Glad you are feeling good as you go into P90X round 2! Way to listen to your body and adjust the intensity as needed! :happy: Glad you are getting the snow and not us! I'm a winter lover, but about this time of year, I know it's not snow that will stick, so I figure, why bother! Once we get a day or two in the 50's, I don't like going backwards!

    Laurie--OOOH, all your talk about S90 has me wanting to do some more of those workouts...I just can't decide...barre, S90, KCM, etc. I love them all!!! :bigsmile:

    Off to Southern MN for the day. Catch you all tomorrow!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning was PlyoX and Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance. Both workouts felt good. I have a little soreness from the upper body workout yesterday, but nothing like I had when I started up P90X. I like the little soreness because it let me know I worked things a little differently, but I'm certainly not sorry that I don't have the DOMS I did four weeks ago!

    Michelle, my goodness you have alot going on!!! No doubt you've had to let a couple of workouts slide given your current schedule, but I love that you're doing pushups and dips when you can! That makes all of the difference in the world when you can't get a full workout in. I hope things calm down soon for you.

    Tami, way to get back into the swing of your workouts! Great job!! This morning's combination sounds great.

    Erika, sorry to hear your hubby was sick on your trip. I hope he's better now. What a pain to get a vacation and end up with a bug! Glad you are still enjoying your Zumba classes.

    Laurie, hope you are doing well!

    Take care!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Last night’s Turbo Kick was really good & this a.m. I did Tabata Inferno followed by S90 Legs. :wink: Felt really great even with some pretty tired legs at the end but I was happy I had the time to fit both in. Tonight will be Cycling after work.

    Erika: That is a bummer your hubby got sick on the trip! Nothing worse than to feel crummy while on vacation. :ohwell: Hope he is doing better and nobody else gets it. Great job on the workouts. :smile: You’re starting to sound like my girlfriend who just loves :heart: ZUMBA so much! That’s excellent you are back into it and enjoying it so much. We should be getting our new KCM workouts soon?!?! April anyway. :wink:

    Laurel: Excellent workouts again today! :drinker: It sounds like you are feeling really good through this rotation? I’m with you on having a little soreness. You feel like you must have worked something new, which means change … which is always great! :wink: I have been feeling some soreness this week, but it’s all good! Hoping to do some Yoga this Sat a.m. I think that will feel really great.

    Laurie & Michelle – Hope you both are doing well and have a great day! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Afternoon ladies,

    I was soooo exhausted after a 24hr day that I crashed once I fell asleep this morning. Upon coming home my eldest was wheezing and did not feel well and actually asked to stay home:noway: , then the 4 yr old was stuffy with weeping eyes after a night crying because she was unable to connect with dad on the webcam:sad: The babysitter was great and actually fell asleep in her room after calming her down. So after taking her with me, giving meds, etc I totally crashed.

    The best part was my ten year old made breakfast and brought it upstairs to the bed and then was off to make coffee:love: It was ao unexpected and tasted sooo good that I ate half of it and fell asleep before the coffee was finished:blushing:

    Finally after a trip to the library, the bank and the grocery store I came home and did Physique 57 Classic:noway: Now this morning I was having major discomfort in my right knee causing a slight limp but I really needed to get this rotation before one day became two weeks later:blushing: My entire LB is screaming loudly:laugh:

    Erika- Oh no poor thing.. thank goodness the entire family did not get sick. I really would love to go back to a Zumba clas but I will wait until May when I'm back on a 6-3 shift. Hopefully I will find a good fit instructor wise:wink: Yes the sleep in sitter is the wife of one of my husband's soldiers and she use to run her own daycare on the base. We have met her at several Christmas of those soft spoken women that are great with kids. We were happy she was willing to care for the girls at night, the other sitter is to help with getting to actiivities and a mom and dad's night out/movie date. She is really sweet and her references were excellent so I'm really excited to know that we can go to a play and not have to buy tickets to take the kids anymore because we don't have childcare or family around:laugh:

    Tami- Oohh I saw that calorie burn for those workout this morning.. way to go! Either cycling or TK is working those legs because they look great:wink:

    Laurel- Yes my plate is full but and the hardest part is not beating myself for not making it all work:blushing: The night shift is great because it is a quiet period to get things accomplished but most days I feel as if I'm living on another planet in another timezone:laugh:

    Laurie- How is the weather ? Its raining here but still warm but the Sun is definitely not showing herself today.

    Have a great day.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies...we're at the 1/2 way mark for the week YAHOO!!!! :bigsmile:

    This morning was Kettlebell Goddess Full Body Strength and Gorgeous Core Metabolism Booster. I always am amazed at how much work a 30 minute KB session is (and this DVD goes at a nice slow pace, so you can get all the moves down). I got done and looked at myself in the mirror and I was soaked in sweat!!! :laugh:

    Michelle--The helpers sound absolutely fantastic! :bigsmile: It took us a LONG time to find even a general babysitter around here, as most are either too young or 16+, so they are always going out with friends on the weeknights/weekends. We finally found a 12 and 15 year old, that love to babysit the boys, so we have been taking advantage of that, when we can! You must have been very tired to crash before the coffee was ready! :laugh: What a sweet daughter to make breakfast for you...can't wait until my boys are old enough to do that! :happy: Great job on getting in P57. Do you think the knee soreness is from the workout??

    Tami--Sounds like you had a great TK class and then following it up in the morning with Tabata and Legs! :tongue: I'm betting you're feeling a bit sore this morning! Yes, we should have KCM workouts coming soon...can't wait!!!!

    Laurel--Way to go on the P90X and Insanity workouts! :bigsmile: Good to hear that the DOMS are still there, but not as bad as last time! I still have them from Monday's KCM workout, and it was a little challenging to do KB's this morning with tight hammies and sore abs, but I made it through.

    Laurie--Good Morning!

    Off to get ready for work. Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I think that these busy days at work can stop right now! LOL I like being busy, so I should say to much. Anyway yesterday was my continuation of S90 with Cardio Challenge, and this morning was Chest & Back.

    Michelle, We are still having the cold weather, just happy that it isn't snow. :wink: You are one dang busy lady, makes me tired just reading about it all. :wink: Sorry to hear about the knee pain.

    Laurel, Glad you had a good time seeing the blossoms. I'm not a huge fan of the weight workouts in phase 2 of P90X either. Love your new picture, I should probably update mine also. I'm one of those that hates to be in fron of the camera.

    Tami, That Tabata Inferno always gets me tired at the end, and I feel it in my butt and legs a lot. Love you new pic also.

    Erika, Sorry to hear that you DH was sick while on vacation. Good workout when you are soaked like that.

    Have a great day!
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