Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday was Core Dynamics, and Sunday was Cardio Challenge. Started out today with S90 Legs.

    Oldest DD didn't have a track meet, it was just to cold. We actually are having snow this morning. :noway: I guess this is spring in Wisconsin. :wink: Youngest did really well with her solo, and should have results today. We had to leave before anything was posted.

    Laurel, When I have a chance I will take a look at some of the Asylum reviews. I know that a lot of the coaches have the workouts already. Wow on your workout! I think I would have stopped after P90X Legs & Back. :laugh: I can understand why you wouldn't want to go into the Asylum workouts right away. :wink:

    Michelle, Hope that you are able to recover from your hectic schedule. Oldest is suppose to have another meet on Tuesday, and they are still calling for snow. We will see how that goes. Youngest has a track meet on Wednesday, hope that she is able to get that one in also.

    Erika, Good idea on taking care of yourself. So glad that you where able to have a DVD of your presentation. It only helps when you know what you can improve on. I have heard good things about Tom's other DVD, hope you have fun with it.

    Have a great day
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Wasn't my best weekend, that's for sure. After all that energy on Friday, I woke up on Saturday to rain and some painful ovulation. :grumble: I hate that. It put me in a bad mood all day. Good thing it was my rest day because I wouldn't have been able to workout with the pain. But yesterday I woke up feeling much better and did Insanity's Pure Cardio, took a break, and then did Cathe's Cardio and Weights. I haven't done the latter in probably three years and just had the absolute best time doing it. I love pulling out some of these older workouts sometimes!

    Today I did Insanity's Plyo Cardio Circuit followed by P90Xs Core Synergistics. I'm finishing my last week of my first month of Insanity right now but am also on my recovery week for P90X. I'm still a little unsure whether I'm going to get through the second month of an Insanity rotation while doing P90X, but we'll see. The good thing is that it would only be for three weeks because the first week of my next phase of P90X is also my recovery week from Insanity. Man, it's hard keeping this stuff straight!!!

    Michelle, I'm so sorry you weren't feeling well. I hope you were able to get some long rest over the weekend and are feeling better now. No doubt the weird schedule, lack of sleep and long days caught up with you. A few days off working out isn't going to hurt you right now. Just rest and recover!

    Erika, I, too, am sorry to hear you weren't feeling well this weekend. Maybe that's one of the reasons you were so tired, but if you aren't feeling more energy now....maybe not. I hope you start getting more energy back soon. I go through phases where I have more energy and others where I don't. But I've never really been as tired as you described last week. Take care of yourself, listen to your body, and don't push your workouts too hard!

    Laurie, I'm set to get my Asylum DVDs tomorrow. I'm hearing from some people now that they are actually harder than Insanity. :noway: But the reviews have all been positive so far, which makes me happy. I'm anxious to see what they are all about now. I'll let you know what I think when I preview them but I won't be doing them for a little over a the earliest. Sorry to hear about the snow! Not fun this time of the year. And I got my S90 DVDs in on Saturday! :drinker: I'm going to spend a little time previewing them to see if I can work them into a rotation after I'm done with P90X. Again, I might try a hybrid of Asylum and S90, but I need to look at both programs first to see if that's going to work out or not.

    Tami, hope you had a good time with you Mom!

    Enjoy the day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    The sore throat has pushed into a full sneezing, nose blowing, coughing, more sneezing daily fits. I worked this weekend but at least that can be performed on the sofa with the laptop on my lap:laugh: It seems like there is never enough sleep as I keep dozing whenever there is a lull:blushing: Unfortunately no workouts although I did crank out some military pushups and mountain climbers before bed last night..I know..wierd:laugh: I have lost my bulk in my arms and although I hate the attention they get I also dislike when they get too soft-looking plus my weight loses from the top down so they look wimpy:laugh:

    Laurel- Feel harder than insanity. Supreme 90 can also be purchased in your Bed, Bath and Beyond store and coupons ususally come in the Sunday newspaper for 20% or $5:00 off. I called my local store and she said they have plenty of them so hopefully hubby can pick it up for me with my coupon.

    Laurie- Definitely wierd weather..sending some of my sunshine to you:bigsmile:

    Erika- Glad the presentation went well. Tell me of that Xtend when you get a chance.

    Have a great day ladies.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :bigsmile:

    So glad to be back with you all! :smile: I had such a nice time with my mom. I will post a photo of us later today. It was her surprise Birthday party/Retirement party that was planned by a couple ladies at her work. Lots of fun she was completely surprised and it meant the world to her that I was there too. :bigsmile: We had lots of fun just chatting and hanging out, we did quite a bit of shopping/browsing and I made her dinner one night at her house as well. Other than a lot of walking, no workouts :ohwell: so I was chomping at the bit to get back for that. Yesterday I played in a Volleyball Tourn from 10-3. We kept winning so we ended up playing like 5 matches! :tongue: Needless to say, it wasn’t what I thought the day would be and no workout happened when I got home. This a.m. started back into S90 rotation with S90 Legs + Tabata Inferno. :wink: Will be headed to Turbo Kick tonight after work.

    Erika: Happy Belated Birthday!!! :flowerforyou: My mom shares the same day with you, very fun! It sounds like you had a great time with your family and lots of B-day wishes! Yahoo on the Turbo Instructor class coming up. :drinker: That is so exciting, very happy for you! I’ll be anxious to hear your review on XTend Barre as well, I almost ordered it and have it still on my wish list. I was very excited to come home and find my new KCM workouts in the mail. Anxious to try those! Sounds like your presentation went well for you, that’s great! :smile: I’m glad you got some extra sleep. Between the trip, stress at work, etc. sounds like your body really needed that. Hopefully you start getting that energy level back up soon. It’s frustrating when you just can’t get that feeling kicked. :wink: It will happen though!

    Laurel: Sounds like this round of P90X is going fantastic for you! :bigsmile: I was curious when I asked you last week how it compared before. That’s great and glad you aren’t bored whitless at all from it. It’s great to know that your body loves that program. :wink: I cannot believe you are finished up with Round 2 already!! WOW, it has flown by it seems. YAY on ordering S90 and Asylum too. I know forsure you will love the workouts in S90. :heart: :bigsmile: As we have all talked about they are great “add-ons” or good for a shorter workout, can’t go wrong with the price! I bet you are thrilled to get Asylum in your hands since you have bee anticipating that one for so long now. :wink:
    Holy Energy on Friday you had!!! WOW. :noway: :laugh: :wink: If Birthday cake is the trick, I’m in! I only feel sick to my stomach when I eat B-day cake! Great job on the workouts.

    Michelle: I am so sorry to hear you aren’t feeling well, along with no sleep. :yawn: Poor thing. I hope the sore throat, coughing, sneezing, etc. goes away very soon for you! Love it that you got the push-ups and mtn climbers in, that’s great! Sounds like S90 will be in your hands very soon, that’s great. :wink: I love it that you will also be able to use your coupon.

    Laurie: Congrats to your daughter for doing so well in her track meet last week! That is excellent. :drinker:
    Great job on S90 and thanks for the insight again on what’s to come for me. :smile: It’s kind of nice being a little behind you so I get to hear what it’s like. Keeps me motivated! Tomorrow is Total Body, looking forward to it! I don’t even want to mention our weather but since you were talking about snow …. N. Idaho is having the same Spring you guys are having right now it sounds. :huh: Today it is snowing (not sticking really) but cold and cloudy. I woke up to 33 degrees and it is only supposed to be about 46 today. Yowsa! What is going on with this weather. Sat in the forecast is supposed to be 50’s and kind of nice …. Fingers crossed for that.

    Hope you are all having a great day! Michelle, PLEASE send me some sunshine too.
    Talk to you all tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :bigsmile:

    We're expecting snow AGAIN...2 inches only, but still! I fully enjoyed winter, but we had a couple weeks of spring, and now back to ths?!?!? This morning was a walk on the treadmill, as my shoulders were too sore from yesterday's workout to do any kickboxing! :noway: That Tracey workout yesterday just fried my arms, I was expecting to have DOMS, but not this bad! :huh:

    Tami--Welcome back! That's so great that your mom was surprised! Neat that we share the same birthday too! :happy: Even though you didn't get in your workouts, I'd bet you had some great calorie burns from the walks! Since getting my GoWearFit, I have been amazed at how many calories I burn during a walk...much more than I ever thought! But, I'm sure you're glad to be back to the strength training! I've got Xtend Barre on the calendar for tomorrow, so I'll let you know then, how it goes.

    Michelle--I hope that crud goes away fun! :grumble: You crack me up with your mountain climbers and pushups before bed...sounds like something I'd do! :happy: Try to get some rest and get better fast! Xtend Barre review coming tomorrow morning!

    Laurel--Sounds like your rest day was planned at just the right time. I'm glad it worked out for you, and you were able to kick it back into gear on Sunday! You already have blown me away with your first month of Insanity/P90X, I can't imagine month 2 as well. But, if anyone can do it, it would be you! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Sorry to hear the track meet was cancelled due to the cold (there's another round of that headed your way today/tomorrow!), but sounds like your DD's solo went well. I'll be excited to hear the results!

    Off to get ready for work. Headed into the snowy part of the state later this morning...hope I make it out unfrozen! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was S90 Cardio Challenge. Tomorrow starts up the last two weight workouts, should be a nice change of pace.

    Oldest DD has another track meet cancelled, but this one was moved to Wednesday. Hopefully the weather will start cooperating. :wink:

    Laurel, Totally understand not working out when you are in that pain. Sometimes you just have to curl up in your comfy clothes, and do nothing. I didn't get a chance to check out the reviews, but will try to get that done soon. Will be interesting to see if you are able to incorporate both systems together. :wink:

    Michelle, Sorry to hear that you are sick. Sounds like a good quick workout before you get into bed. I will do exercises during commercials. You forgot to send that sunshine, I just was being pelted by sleet! :laugh: Maybe tomorrow. :wink:

    Tami, I'm hoping that you like Total Body as much as I did. It is really full of variety, and you can up the endurance factor on the workout with the weight you choose. Yep that sure does sound like our weather, and since there is suppose to be track on the agenda for tomorrow, I just hope it improves. Glad you had fun at the party for you Mom.

    Erika, I'm hoping the snow will stay away, they are getting between 4-8" north of us right now. Major Doms! I'm sinding that these S90 workouts really work the shoulders. I think in every workout he finds some way to work the core, legs and shoulders. Not that I'm complaining, because it really is helping the arms look good. :wink: Safe travels today. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was a complete mish-mash of workouts. I started with Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance. Then after breakfast, I did Ab Lab from Paul Katami, followed by Turbo Fire 30....followed by Insanity's Cardio Recovery. It was fun. Lots of variety and nothing (outside of the first workout, of course) too intense.

    Laurie, I think you might like Paul K.'s Ab Lab. It's 30 minutes long and consists of exercises lasting, one right after another. He starts standing, moves to planks, then does more 'crunch' moves (though no true crunches). The time flew, and while I didn't find the overall workout too tough, he really challenged me on a couple of moves. Definitely something to work up to. I hope you avoid the snow. All these cancelled track meets must be a pain right now. I just got my Asylum set so I'm going to start previewing a bit this afternoon. I'll let you know what I think.

    Erika, sorry to hear about the DOMS! Sounds like you really challenged those shoulders in a new way. Thanks for the vote of confidence on doing Month 2 of Insanity and the last month of P90X together. I was trying to convince myself this morning that the only barrier to me doing it is my mind. And, of course, my mind chips and and mentions that there is that body thing as well that might not like it. :laugh: So....we'll see.

    Michelle, I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I'm glad you are taking care of yourself and getting some rest. You need it right now. I looked all over Alexandria for Supreme 90 but it wasn't anywhere (at either Walgreens or BBB) and that's why I ended up ordering it online. Kind of a pain to live in this big a city and not be able to find something like that. :grumble:

    Tami, welcome back! Sounds like a great time with your Mom. I'm glad you were able to share that time with her. As Erika said, don't underestimate the benefits of a good walk! I'm sure your body enjoyed a little break from the higher intensity for a bit. Congrats on the volleyball! I'm really looking forward to trying out S90. I have so many new workouts right now!!! And I have to wait a month to try any. :ohwell: But that gives me plenty of time to preview and come up with a good summer rotation for myself.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was a great S90 combo of Total Body & Ultimate Ball. Really enjoyed Total Body a lot! :wink: Tonight will be Cycling after work.

    Erika: Yowsa on the shoulders feeling the DOM’s! :noway: I picture this as one of those days you dread taking a shirt off up over your head. :huh: :laugh: I’ve had that happen before and can relate. I hope tomorrow they are feeling better. Thanks for the thoughts on walking …. I feel better already for missing those days! :blushing: Truly I do underestimate the fact that we hardly sat down each day other than the evenings. Good to know it is still a calorie burner. Thanks for that. Looking forward to your review; should be a perfect one if your shoulders are still feeling a bit on the sore side of things tomorrow. Did you receive your new KCM workouts yet in the mail?
    On the snow factor. :grumble: By the time I left TK last night it was dumping huge flakes down and a sideways wind going. Lovely! :noway: :ohwell: :angry:

    Laurie: Great job on S90 Cardio Challenge! :smile: That’s a fun one right up there with Tabata I think. Yes, Total Body was a nice variety and anxious to do it again (which I will soon) to adjust some weights a bit. I’ve been trying to write down LB’s as I go on sheets of note paper so that I have them ready to go since we move along quickly. :wink:

    Laurel: Definitely sounds like quite a variety of workouts today! That’s awesome. :flowerforyou: It’s really fun to have lots of “new” workouts lined up but hard when you can’t do them for a month. Very true though that this will give you time to cipher through them and decide what you want to try, in what order, and where into a new rotation you want to put them.

    Hi Michelle ~ I hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Hello Ladies!!! I'm happy to report that the tireds are going away a bit more each day! :bigsmile: I'm still ready for bed around 8:30 each night, but that is completely normal for me. Just didn't like that total exhausted feeling all day long! The 3 days off helped, I think. Although my workotus lately have definitely not been high intensity or very tough, I think my body just wanted a longer break than 1 day per week! :blushing:

    So, this morning was Xtend Barre...I :heart: it! It's totally different than the other barre workouts I've done (Booty Barre, P57, Squeeze, Fluidity), and a nice change of pace. I'd rank it up there with Booty Barre as far as the cardio aspect. I had a nice coating of sweat on me the whole time. :tongue: LOTS of plies and curtsy lunges, and definitely a dancer style (pointed toes, perfect dancer form). Calorie burn wise, it was about 50 calories higher burn that P57 classic workout, but about 50 calories less than Booty Barre. I really liked it because it's different than everything I've tried so far. The arm segment, legs, and abs were all different. If I had to say something not so good about it, I'd say that I didn't struggle at all through it. I maybe had to stop a couple times in the ab segment (which is normal, no matter what Im doing...I think I have weak abs!), and the arms (only because I am still having some terrible DOMS from Monday's workout) but otherwise made it thorugh without a problem.

    Tami--Nice combo!!! Isn't Total Body fun?!?!? :bigsmile: You're right, trying to lift my arms over my head yesterday was a challenge, or lift them to the side, or heck, just lift them at all! :laugh: But, I like that! I'm not sure what to recommend to you for a good barre workout! I think Booty Barre might be to fast and choreographically challenging for someone new to barre, I really like P57, but would start with just 1 of the DVD's to make sure you like it, but I think Xtend is more like what Cathe probably does in Lower Body Blast. More focused on the legs with plies, curtsies, lunges, etc. Full body, Squeeze and P57 are my favorites. Lower Body, I would say Xtend and Squeeze Lower Body are what I would go to....I hope that helps! I like all the instructors the same. I did get my KCM workotus last week, just haven't had a chance to try them. Maybe next week!?!? I hope you didn't get too much snow...we just got enough to stick to the grass lightly.

    Laurel--Wow, you had quite the workout variety this morning! Way to go! :bigsmile: You'll rock that 2nd month of P90X and Insanity!!!

    Laurie--I sure hope that snow missed you! I'm hopeful this is our last round of it! It's not even sticking really, so it's just a pain to have the cooler weather! You're right on S90, major shoulder work, and core work. Love it! :heart:

    Michelle--Good Morning, hope you are feeling better! :flowerforyou:

    Off to get ready for work, and I'm heading to the mall at lunch to buy some cute summer shoes!!! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Back & Biceps for me! :bigsmile: Wow, this is some workout, and I'm feeling the biceps big time right now. He does two back exercises, and one bicep. The bicep exercise is almost a double duty one though. The first biceps exercise was a db curl in and out. I think that there was only one biceps exercise that wasn't double duty, and that was concentration curls. :laugh: I went as heavy as I could, and had to drop down on a few. I loved the combo of deadlift with bent over row, that really became a challenge.

    Laurel, Sounds like Paul's workouts are pretty good. I probably will be getting the ab workout, and the one that you where able to get from Erika. They sound like workouts that I would enjoy. I'm ready for any information you can give me on the Asylum workouts. :wink: Great job on the workouts.

    Tami, I'm hoping it warms up just a little today, my oldest still has their track meet scheduled. I really would like to go and watch her run. She was hoping for a cancellation, only because it was in the 30's when we woke up this morning. :noway: Let me know how you like Core Dynamics! It is short, but he really does a great job of getting that core work in there. I don't know that Tom really calls this week a recovery, because the workouts are pretty intense.

    Erika, We only had the trace of snow, but it we where getting thunder and lightening las night. When my oldest dd was coming home last night, she said that is was getting slippery out. Good to hear that you have more energy today. Have a great time finding those shoes. :wink: Nice that you had a different barre workout, plies and curtsy lunges really get those thighs good.

    Michelle, Hope you are feeling better. :flowerforyou:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    Yesterday I had an inventory meeting at 10am with the PM, so after getting in at 5am and finally falling asleep at 7 it was time to get up and shower to get out the door by 9:15am. Needless to say I had the director sign off on my sick leave form and took last night off. I was in bed by 9pm and still was exhausted this morning:yawn: I work online today so I'm up and working but another day night off to take meds and sleep sounds great to me.:bigsmile: The sore throat has eased but my voice is nearly gone too and then there is the miserable cough. It seems the high oak count here brought out some allergy issues so I had to take medicine last night to help with breathing and sinuses:grumble: I have to take it for 4 days so hopefully I'm not too sleepy tonight when it is time to go to work. Last night I did 20military pushups before bed but my stuffy nose made me feel as if I was going to suffocate:blushing:

    Erika- Glad that the new Barre offers something different esp. for us Barre fanatics:wink: I'm ordering the new Bar Method and eagerly awaiting delivery although right now timewise I'm not sure when I would be able to enjoy it.

    Laurel- Bummer about not finding it in such a big city:grumble: Hopefully it will be the worth the hassle:laugh:

    Laurie- Sounds like S90 is still a winner for you:wink: My sunshine has disappeared too..instead it is humid and gray skies for me:ohwell:

    Tami- Glad to see that you are back and jumped right into things:bigsmile:

    Have a great day ladies

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Insanity Pure Cardio followed by P90X Core Synergistics. The more I do the latter workout, the more I appreciate it. It's taken me awhile to warm up to it, that's for sure. But it felt like a good workout this morning, and the time just flew by. I'm anxious to get moving on the next phase of P90X though, so I'm glad this 'recovery' week is almost over.

    Michelle, sorry to hear you still aren't feeling well. I'm glad you are able to work at home today. We're having the same issues with pollen count and oak. It quadrupled in rate yesterday in some places. Good thing I don't suffer too much from allergies, but everything is covered in yellow dust. :grumble: We're supposed to get some rain later today, and that should help things out a bit.

    Erika, glad to hear you are slowly recovering from your 'tireds'. No doubt your body just needed a bit more of a break than you were giving it. Thanks for all of the info you provided on Barre workouts. Like Tami, I've become interested in barre workouts from doing Cathe's Lower Body Blast. You described the workouts perfectly. I'm not sure if I'm going to get one yet, but I really appreciate your recommendations to Tami. :flowerforyou:

    Tami, sounds like you got in some great workouts yesterday! I'm so anxious to see this S90 Total Body workout that I've been hearing so much about! Sorry to hear about the snow last night. And here I am complaining that we're going to be down in the 50s on Friday. I've been spoiled by such mild weather here....and it's only been six months! :noway:

    Laurie, that Back/Bicep workout sounds perfect for me. I'm really getting anxious to crack open these S90 workouts right now. Regarding Paul Katami, I've got three of his workouts now....the Bootcamp workout (from Erika); Ab Lab; and Hardball. I really enjoy Paul as an instructor. And I find his workouts doable, tough, and effective....and that's a great combination for me. I highly recommend them. If you've got any specific questions, let me know.

    So I previewed by first Asylum workout yesterday.....Speed and Agility. Whoever said these were easier than Insanity wasn't watching the same workout I watched yesterday. There is no way that's easier than Insanity. It may be on par with Month 2 Insanity workouts....but it isn't easier. It is about 45 minutes long. Shaun T. starts out with a warmup using a jump rope (provided with the set). I won't use a jump rope because of ceiling issues, but one of the background exercisers doesn't either. He does a long warmup then a stretch (like Insanity) except the stretch isn't as long as those in Insanity. Then he starts into the workout, and it is one move after the other (like Pure Cardio or Max Cardio Conditioning) pretty much using the ladder on all of the moves. I'll have to see how that works for me, but I can certainly see how the ladder provides an extra challenge. The moves are similar to those in Insanity, but he also provides enough new moves/variations on moves that I definitely didn't see this as just another Insanity workout. There is quite a bit of plank/upper body work in this workout which will make it tough for me. And between my shoulder and back, I know I'll have to modify a couple of moves. But I think I'll get a good workout regardless. I looked over all of the rotations provided (Asylum, Asylum/Insanity and Asylum/P90X) and they look great! I was impressed and want to try each one at some point in time. They are all 30 day rotations. And, just for the record, Shaun T. looks ALL kinds of awesome in this DVD. He was fit in Insanity but, man, he is FIT!!!! in this series. I'm going to have a hard time not focusing on his abs the entire time I'm supposed to be working out. The man is a work of art. :blushing: So if I get addicted to Asylum, you all will know the real reason why. :laugh: Hope to preview another workout today, but we'll see if I have the time.

    Hope you all enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :smile:

    Today was Core Dynamics & Cardio Challenge! :wink: Another great combo for me. I did enjoy Core Dynamics a lot, love all the planks! Cycling went well last night, it was a totally different group of people & the workout was good. I am planning on going to the later class again tonight.

    Erika: So glad to hear your “tired’s” are going away. :smile: The break and extra rest has probably helped. Thanks for the review on XTend Barre. When I have watched the previews of it I had the feeling it didn’t seem to challenging (even being a “new to Barre” person) so it’s looking like if I want to incorporate Barre the P57 is maybe the way to go. I can also just use my Lower Body Blast portion once in a while too if I am feeling like an add-on or even Tonique. :wink:

    Laurie: Very nice, another good S90 workout! :happy: I will be looking forward to that as well. Funny you mention Recovery Week …. Is there one w/ S90? :huh: :wink: I will have to look at the schedule again. I wrote the workouts down since I am adding, etc. on a daily calendar type book and just refer back to the actual schedule to make sure I am on track but since I feel like I just started (week 2 or 3) I wasn’t even thinking of a Recovery Week. :laugh: I am happy to report we have partial sunshine out today! :happy: Do I dare even mention that?!? Supposed to cloud up and get rainy again later today but be nice for Sat. I will keep my fingers crossed for warmer/nicer weather for you and your daughter’s track meet. Brrrrrrrr that’s what I always dreaded about track season and then softball was the cold this time of year.

    Michelle: Happy for you that you are improving and not getting worse with the allergies/cold symptoms! :wink: Glad you have been able to pump in those meds and do some work at home. I bet that helps a ton, not having to talk so much, especially with no voice happening. Here’s sending you some good energy and health! :flowerforyou: Good job on the military push-ups.

    Laurel: Great workouts again today! :bigsmile: You are truly a star ….. :drinker: I bet you are super excited to get into Asylum soon, fun that you are getting to review the workouts plus get a little peak at Mr. Shawn T. :wink: He is fit, that’s forsure, and easy to watch - YOWSA! Yes, we will all know if you stay on that rotation for a bit what is really going on there. :laugh: :laugh: S90 Total Body goes by really fast; it is not a very long workout at all (which most of them aren’t as we’ve mentioned) but it does hit all the muscles & has the cardio factor for the pace you are doing each set. One thing forsure with S90 is that you are working your core in pretty much every workout, he focuses on that a lot, whether it is part of the workout itself or part of the warm-up.

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Never underestimate the Xtend Barre Workout :blushing: OWWWWEEEEEEE! My booty and tops of my thighs hurt soooo bad today!!! Who would have thought! Can't say I've had my entire booty hurt like this from barre before, normally it's my sides of my booty or my saddlebag area. This is all over!! Ok, it's a keeper for sure! :bigsmile:

    This morning was Amy Bento's Hi/Low Cardio Knockout. I got this via a trade af VF, and I realy like it! I :heart: Amy's music in her DVD's, and I think it makes it all worth it. Plus, she has some challenging choreography, but not something I can't pickup after a couple tries. It keeps my HR up the whole time, which I really like!

    Tami--Glad to hear you enjoyed your S90 combo yesterday! I still need to do Core Dynamics again, so I can remember what I didn't like about it?? :ohwell: Yes, I would say if you want to "feel the burn" during the workout, that P57 is the one to try. I really liked Xtend Barre, but I think you may appreciate actually "feeling" the workout as you do it, as opposed to not feeling much until the next day.

    Laurel--Glad to see you have caved and purchased S90!!! You'll love it! :bigsmile: I agree with waiting on the Barre DVD's, if you're not sure. It's something you have to want to do, as it's a totally different style than Cathe, Shaun T, Tony Horton, etc. It is similar to a Yoga feel at times, so maybe it wouldn't be as tough of a transition to you, as it was to me. I still struggle with Yoga! I saw a clip of one of the BeachBody coaches doing and Asylum workout, and saw her post the next day about how sore she was, and it scared me to death. I know it is a workout I'd never be able to do (mentally and physically!). I'm excited to hear how you like them!

    Michelle--Rest up, and feel better soon! :flowerforyou: I hope you're able to get some good quality sleep--when you get the chance that is! Make sure you fill me in on the new Bar Method DVD's when you try them!

    Laurie--Wow, thunder and lightening, huh? I'll take that over this snow, sticks for awhile, then melts crap! Great job on the S90 workout. You ladies are causing me to consider re-doing my current rotation to get in!!!! :laugh:

    Have a great Thursday! Mine is packed full of meetings until 2pm. I'll be ready to get up and move around after sitting all day! :laugh:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    I forgot to tell you ladies....I was approached yesterday by my manager to let me know that several managers met regarding our presentations, and it was determined that I did the best job out of 15 presenters! Pretty cool, considering I did not go through the training for the presentation, like everyone else did! Just had to share!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today is my 21st wedding anniversary. How did I get to be this old? Unfortunately, my husband is on a plane right now headed back home from Germany, so I haven't been able to see or talk to him yet today. But the good news is he'll be home tonight--let-lagged and all--so at least I'll get to see him. Hard to believe we've been married this long, to be honest. I guess that's a good thing.

    So I decided to go a little easier on the workouts today. We had a mini-heatwave hit yesterday (highs around 90) and I was trying to brave it through without AC since I knew we were going to drop over 30 degrees over night. But it made for a long night and I didn't get much sleep. :grumble: Next time I won't be as stubborn, that's for sure. Anyhow, I started the day with Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit. After breakfast, I decided to do something new. I have never done the X Stretch DVD from P90X, so I did a good warm-up/lite cardio (from Cathe's 4DS Kickbox) and then did the stretching DVD. I actually liked it. Easier than YogaX (this is usually my yoga day), but I liked the feel of it because Tony wasn't as serious as he is in YogaX. I needed that little bit of lighter energy today. I'm gearing up for starting P90X again, so I also want to take it a bit easier the next couple of days so I have the energy to go into Round 3 of P90X AND Month 2 of Insanity. :noway:

    I previewed two more Asylum workouts yesterday....Verticle Plyo and Relief. Relief is a 22 minute stretching workout, and it looks really good. Verticle Plyo......:noway: . It's going to take some mastering. Like Speed and Agility, it is one move after the other for 40 minutes without breaks. And, boy, does he work some interesting compound power jumps on one leg. Yeah, I think I'm going to be working up to that one. I have a hard enough time on two legs. :huh: But in looking at them and the rotations included in the program, I'm pretty sure that my next rotation is going to be a combo of Asylum and S90. It will probably be Asylum cardio and S90 strength. What I think I'll do is just substitute the P90X workouts included in the Asylum/P90X rotation with similar S90 workouts. I think that's probably the best way for me to do Asylum without it being an every day thing right off the bat. I don't think I'm going to be up to that after finishing this full Insanity rotation.

    Erika, congratulations on the great feedback from work! That must feel good to you, and it probably couldn't come at a better time given the issues you've had recently with your job. Celebrate! :drinker: Sounds like that Barre workout really did what it was supposed to do.

    Tami, great job with the workouts. Glad you enjoyed the different cycling class. I'm really anxious to get into these S90 workouts. I love the way you and Laurie have described them. I love workouts that work my core constantly. That's one of the reasons I actually enjoy Turbo Fire so much...because all that punching is really good for my core. So I think this S90/Asylum rotation may be the best of both worlds for me next.

    Michelle and Laurie, hope you are both well.

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Today is my Birthday! :smile: So far it has been pretty fun and I am meeting a couple friends for lunch. Sushi place that is really good, so looking forward to that. DH is going to make me dinner tonight so no workouts tonight. He was pretty sweet and offered to coordinate dinner around an evening workout though since he knows that’s what I enjoy.

    Erika: Xtend Barre sounds like it did the job, that’s forsure! :wink: I haven’t given up on which one to try because I do think I would enjoy it . . . So many options & so many I already miss in my current rotation. :blushing: :wink: Thanks again for your reviews/thoughts. That is such great feedback about your presentation ~ great job! :flowerforyou: That had to feel awesome to hear.

    Laurel: Happy Anniversary! :bigsmile: Very fun that your Anniversary is on my Birthday ~ what a great day!! :laugh: :bigsmile:
    I think I had learned that last year and just forgot. :blushing: :wink: I'll remember from now on! That's so amazing, huge CONGRATS! :drinker: Glad to hear your hubby is on his way home. Hopefully you can have a nice weekend together after he has recovered a bit from jet lag. Nice weather you are having! I’m so jealous of your warm temps. :wink:
    I am currently truly considering Insanity with my S90 rotation as well. Laurie had mentioned last week (or week before) about the first month forsure could fit into the rotation as far as time goes; so at least the first month of Insanity w/ maybe my last month of S90 and then finish second month of Insanity by itself.

    Hi Laurie & Michelle – Hope you both are having a good day and all is well there! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!!

    Well, after a VERY tough day of sitting all day yesterday (with a really sore booty!), I mustered up enough courage to tackle Squeeze this morning. To my surprise it was MUCH easier than Squeeze Stronger (I've only done Squeeze once, Squeeze Stronger much more), so I was happy about that! :bigsmile: Now, we'll see if I am in pain tomorrow or not! :laugh:

    Laurel--Happy belated Anniversary! :heart: What a great accomplishment to have made it 21 years!!! I have seen so many marriages crumble lately, that it's refreshing to see a long lasting marriage! I hope you had some quality time with you hubby when he got home! Ok, once again I have to went lighter on the workouts?!??! :laugh: The lighter ones sound hard! :tongue:

    Tami--I hope you enjoyed the remainder of your birthday yesterday! :bigsmile: Happy belated Birthday! Sounds like a great lunch you had lined up and a nice dinner at home with the hubby too! Great plans all around!

    Michelle and Laurie--Good Morning! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Had a busy day yesterday at work, but now I have a couple of hours without the bosses being around. :smile: Yesterday was Ultimate Ball, and this morning was Tabata Inferno.

    Erika, That is really great that you where given that wonderful feedback! :drinker: Dang on having to sit all day on a sore booty! :laugh: Why do I laugh about something like that. LOL

    Laurel, Dang, gone one day and I miss out on wishing you a Happy Anniversary! XStretch is the best total body stretching DVD out there IMO. I love how I feel afterwards. Sounds like a winner for you also. :huh: Power Jumps on one leg! :huh: OK I'm totally intimidated right now! I hate jumping on one leg, my feet hurt doing those type of moves. The S90 weight workouts will be great subs for P90X.

    Tami, I also missed out on your birthday, so Happy Belated Birthday. :drinker: Sounds like you had a nice evening planned with your DH.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Happy Friday Ladies!

    This morning was my last workout in Month 1 of Insanity. :drinker: I did Cardio Power and Resistance. For some odd reason, I felt really tired this morning, but I powered my way through it. I'm looking forward to a week off from Insanity right now, but I'm surprised how much I enjoyed this last month. After my last rotation of Insanity (September/October of last year), I didn't think I'd ever want to do one again. But I'm happy I did. Now ask me in a month if that is true, and we'll hope the answer is the same. :laugh: Anyhow, after that I took a long break and couldn't decide what else I wanted to do. I wanted to do something, though. So I settled on Cathe's Low Impact Circuit. I haven't done that workout in a few years, and I'm really glad I pulled it out because it felt fun to me which was nice after feeling so tired from Insanity. Just the right thing. Made me realize that I'm beginning to miss Cathe!

    Tami, Happy Birthday!!! Now that you mention it, I also remember that my anniversary and your birthday were on the same date. I'll try to remember that for next year as well but no telling given my memory these days. :embarassed: Not my favorite part of aging, that's for sure. Anyhow, I think you could probably get a great rotation with Month 1 of Insanity and S90 workouts. I highly recommend it if you want a challenge. You'll probably find things like your core and your overall endurance stronger than you've ever felt them. The thing that keeps pulling me back to Insanity is its crazy effect on my overall cardio conditioning. It really is unbelievable. I notice it most in how quickly I can recover from doing high impact bursts. My heart rate drops back to 'normal' in almost no time. I'll keep you posted on how I'm going to do with Month 2 of Insanity combined with P90X to let you know whether I think it is best to do Month 2 alone. I've only ever done Month 2 on its own, so this will be a first for me. I'm kinda thinking it may be a bit too much, but maybe I'll surprise myself. :ohwell:

    Erika, hopefully you'll be pain-free when you wake up tomorrow! That would be a nice change, wouldn't it? Thanks for the anniversary well-wishes. Like you, we know way too many people who don't make it very long, so I'm proud that we've been married as long as we have....and still enjoy each other. :wink:

    Laurie, I'm glad to hear you enjoy XStretch too!! I don't know why I've never really heard anybody talk about that one because I was very impressed. I'm going to be doing that one again, that's for sure. I watched a couple more Asylum workouts yesterday. The 'Strength' workout looks great. There are alot of compound moves (though I'm not sure if they are truly compound as much as 'combined' moves). For instance, he'll do a bent over row then go to the ground and do pushups (using the weights as pushup handles)....if that makes any sense. I really liked the look of it. There is a substitute for each chin-up/pull-up move, so I'm going to be doing that. So don't think you have to do pull-ups in this series if you don't want to do them....because you don't. Again, I really liked the look of this workout. It looks challenging, but I imagine from watching it that it will fly by. I also previewed the Core workout (the title escapes me right now......yeah, it's that memory thing I mentioned above!) This one I'm going to have to do before I form an opinion on. There is alot of back work, which is good. But....I don't know. I'll have to see how effective the moves feel to me to tell whether I think is is a good workout or not. Some core moves look pretty tough, that's for sure. But this is the one I was most luke warm about in just previewing the workouts. I think I forgot to mention that this set comes with a set of bands (similar to Cathe's firewalker bands) and in that Verticle Plyo workout, he puts them around his ankles and wrists to do things like pushup jacks. Sure, Shaun T. Whatever you say. :huh: I haven't pulled them out to see how much resistance they provide but it just looks tough!!

    Michelle, I hope you are doing all right!

    Happy Easter everybody. Enjoy the weekend.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    The Birthday ended up being very nice with my healthy dinner at home! :smile: This a.m. was Total Body followed by Ultimate Ball again. Really enjoy these “combos” I have been putting together.:bigsmile:
    Tomorrow I am planning on getting in a “Cathe fix” and doing Intensity I think. Need a little extra cardio after all these B-day extras :huh: + I miss that one already. :wink:

    Erika: Youch on sitting down on that sore booty all day! :noway: Hopefully today was better and gets better each day! Thanks for B-Day wishes.:smile: Yes, it was fun to feel special all day, even if I was at work. :ohwell: I will definitely re-visit Squeeze Stronger again. Always seem to get more out of any type of workout the 2nd time through & the more I do them. Hope you aren’t too awfully sore today or tomorrow from doing SQUEEZE.

    Laurie: Great job on TI & Ult Ball! :bigsmile: Two of “our” favorites! How did your daughters track meet go the other day or did it get cancelled?

    Laurel: Congrats on finishing up Month 1 of Insanity!! :drinker: :drinker: Thanks for the thoughts on that (Month 1) w/ S90. I think due to time and from what you have both said about the intensity factor in the 2nd month that might be the perfect way to go. :wink: Yes, definitely keep me posted though.
    I didn’t ever do the XStretch when I did P90X. I might have to get that out sometime.

    Hi Michelle …. Hope your week is ending up nicely and you are doing alright/feeling better! :bigsmile:

    Happy Easter everyone, enjoy your times with family! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I hope you all had a fabulous Easter! :happy: It was beautiful and sunny here in MN, and we spent the day with my side of the family playing outside most of the day. The boys got all loaded up on candy (and Mom did a bit too! :blushing: ), but it was all in good fun!

    So, Saturday I was super sore from Squeeze (I knew I shouldn't have called it easy!), so all I managed to do on Saturday was about 40 minutes of Yoga, but it felt really good. Sunday was a rest day. Today was KCM Powerscultpting from her LIFT DVD, and of couse I was sweating up a storm! I just can't get enough of Kelly....she can pack more punch into 30 minutes than anyone I know! :tongue:

    Tami--I'm glad to hear your birthday was great, and the dinner at home sounds like it was just what the birthday girl needed! :bigsmile: Yes, I do recommend trying Squeeze Stronger might be your solution to a barre style workout, as she gets those muscles on me everytime!!!!

    Laurel--Great job on wrapping up month 1 of Insanity!!! :drinker: You're a rockstar! No such luck on not being sore on Saturday, but it was better than it had been last week! The tireds are now gone in the morning (that's when I was having them the worst), and I'm actually able to make it until 9pm, whereas I was barely making it ot 8pm before! Glad those are behind me!

    Laurie--I hope you enjoyed that couple of hours without the boss on Friday! Those times are the best! :bigsmile: I had to laugh that you were laughing at me having a sore booty and having to sit all day. Heck, I laughed at myself as I was trying to position myself on the chair so it didn't hurt quite so bad!!!

    Michelle-Good Morning! Congrats on your weightloss!!! :bigsmile:

    Off to a Dr. appt with the oldest to see if he needs tubes in his ears for the 3rd time....hopefully not!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday was Chest, Shoulders & Triceps another tough workout. Sunday was a rest day, and this morning was S90 Legs.

    Laurel, I like the fact that he has an option for non-pull-up loving people such as myself. That makes Asylum even more appealing. I will be interested to hear how that core workout is. :wink: Getting away from one type of instructor and then coming back makes it almost new. I know that I have a lot of workouts that I have not done in a while, and probably would have a great time after doing the workout. :wink:

    Tami, Good job on the combo workouts, and of course getting your Cathe fix into the rotation also. :laugh: Oldest DD got a 3rd in her 600 (said she didn't like that race :laugh: ), and they got 2nd in the 4x100. She said that they could have gotten first, but they didn't do a good job on their handoffs.

    Erika, We also had some nice sunny days this weekend, it sure was nice to see it for once. Hope all is well with your little one and his ears. My nephew had his adnoids taken out because he was having so many problems with his ears and constantly getting tubes put in. Must run in my family, because my brother had his removed also. Glad you enjoyed the KCM workout.

    Hope all you ladies enjoyed your Easter, I had a great day even with having to sing for two services. :smile:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning,

    Although I'm still under the weather and now hubby too, I decided to work out this morning and start my week off right:bigsmile: I did S90 Chest & back upon awakening and then found myself feeling sick as if my sugar was too low:ohwell: I grabbed some water and pushed through it but that was wierd as I ate too well yesterday for Easter:blushing: Overall it was a good quick and out in less than 35minutes:bigsmile:

    Laurel & Tami- Happy Belated Anniversary and Happy Belated Birthday:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laurie- Hand offs can totally ruin the finish but practice makes perfect:bigsmile: I'm officially in the S90 game as hubby and I are suppose to do a rotation however as he does not do well with at home systems I may opt to incorporate it into my rotation as I really want to do a combo of Kettlbells and Barre as I finally see my legs shrinking:bigsmile:

    Tami- What's up with the sore booty? My Train like a Contender is on its way and I'm excited as the music sounds great and of course I love boxing or kickboxing:bigsmile: I hope not on the tubes..thanks, after eliminating my trail mix and skipping my workouts except the walking at night the swoosh fairy showed up:laugh:

    Working form home today and it is my last week of night shift..woo-hooo:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a great day,
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    We had a great Easter weekend here. We started with rain on Saturday. It was my rest day, so I didn't work out, but after the rain cleared, my husband and I got out to hit some range balls on a local golf course. Had alot of fun. Yesterday was glorious....85 and sunny! Absolutely perfect. I started the day with Cathe's 4DS Kickbox (doing the entire thing), and it was enjoyable. Then my husband and I went out and played golf!! We had so much fun! The course here is very hilly, so I got alot of good walking in during it....especially since I don't play very well. :laugh:

    This morning was P90X Chest/Back which felt great! I can't believe how many more push ups/pull-ups I'm doing from just eight weeks ago. It's one of those things that amazes me about how this program works. I finished it with Ab Ripper X. I'm going to try to keep the intensity of my cardio down this week in prep for Month 2 of Insanity starting next week, so I ended my workout today with the cardio combo of low impact and high impact step from Cathe's 4DS series. It was alot of fun for me, and the perfect amount of energy.

    Tami, hope you got your Cathe fix in! These past few days of doing a few of her workouts makes me wonder if I shouldn't do a short Cathe rotation before moving into Asylum. I'm finding the break from her for the past little bit has me enjoying her workouts SO much when I am doing them now. I guess I'll see how I feel in a month from now! I never dreamed of the day when I thought Cathe would be my 'easier' alternative (and, boy, she isn't 'easy' by a LONG shot) but compared to Shaun T. in Insanity and Asylum......yeah. :noway: Hope you do pull out those Insanity workouts sometime because I think you'll really enjoy them.

    Erika, sorry to hear you were so sore on Saturday! But it sounds like you had a great weekend. I'm really happy to hear that your 'tireds' are going away. Maybe a good bout of sunshine and some time off working out has done wonders for you!

    Laurie, I previewed the final two Asylum workouts on Friday. One is Game Day, and it is similar in format to Max Interval Sports Training....but much more intense. It looks like a fun workout to me. He does alot more sports (swimming, soccer, running, tennis, basketball, etc) than he does in MIST and it moves faster. Then I previewed 'Overtime' which is a 13 minute add-on workout (no warm-up or cool down). If I'm being perfectly honest, I'll never do this one. It is TOUGH, and I know my 45 (nearly 46) year old body just isn't meant to be doing things like that. I'm not too upset about it since it is just an add-on workout, and my hat's off to anybody who does it because....just wow. So, all in all, there is only one workout in the bunch that I'm not too keen on (Back to Core), but I'm willing to give it a shot. I'm really curious to start reading info about people getting results from this series. I think there are a couple people over at videofitness who are doing the rotation, and I hope they post their results. I would think the results--if following a good diet--would actually be better than Insanity because of incorporating weight training in the mix. But we'll see. I know alot of people weren't happy with their physical results from Insanity.

    Michelle, good job getting in a workout this morning, though I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling too well doing it. Maybe it was just a tad too much coming back off an illness. Or if you ate more sugar than you are used to yesterday, it could be that your insulin levels spiked and then fell off more dramatically than they usually do. Regardless, hopefully you're feeling better now. Let us know how you like these S90 workouts! I guess I'm the only one left who hasn't tried one. :blushing: But at least I have them in my possession so I'll catch up sometime! :tongue:

    Enjoy the day!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~

    Spent Sat. with my BFF for a fun day of walking in the SUNSHINE (yes we had 1.5 whole days & now raining again):bigsmile: and went and had pedicures, she treated for my B-day! It was very nice. I felt pretty good about my weekend of workouts! Yesterday was Max Intensity (got my Cathe fix). :wink: Also took the kids for a walk in the sunshine. Saturday I went ahead and did S90 Cardio Challenge + Core Dynamics. Today was S90 Legs. No Turbo Kick tonight. I was invited to a friend’s house for her Pampered Chef party.

    Erika: Sounds like you had a great weekend and fun times with family. :smile: That’s so great. I bet the Yoga felt really good for your sore body … good job on KCM workout today!

    Laurie: Good job on the workouts! Legs for me this a.m. too. :wink: I am going to try and get in another leg workout this week as well. Missing Cathe’s LBB, so hope to fit that one in too! Congrats to your daughter. Sounds like she did great. :bigsmile:

    Michelle: Sorry to hear you are still under the weather ….. :ohwell: :flowerforyou: Glad you liked S90 Chest/Back. Hope you enjoy all of the workouts. Hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou: Thanks for the Happy Belated Bday wish.

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend of weather and golfing! :bigsmile: That’s so great. Yes, I know I miss Cathe’s workouts (even thought I am enjoying S90) and then when I do one it reminds me again, not that I need reminding. :wink: :laugh: Her intensity is pretty up there ….. Can’t imagine thinking that is easier than another. :noway: Yikes!
    Great job starting your next phase of P90X.

    Hope you have all had a great day – talk to you tomorrow! :smile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mornin' Ladies!

    It's a cold, rainy, gloomy morning here in MN, and although I woke up to my alarm, after about 1/2 hour of putzing around the house, I decided to can the workout, and go back to bed!! :blushing: My youngest and I ate too much Easter candy last night, so I went to bed with a stomachache and woke up with the same. That, and the sound of rain pelting on the house, made it too easy to crawl back into bed! I may get an evening workout in, we'll see! :ohwell:

    Tami--Sounds like a fabulous Saturday with your BFF! :bigsmile: Glad you got some sunshine this weekend too....we just seem to be getting either rain, snow or cloudy and windy days here. We're supposed to have 1 nice day (Friday--it will hit 70) and the rest of the days are supposed to be rainy this week. Usually the rain motivates me to workout (because I have nothing better to do, not being able to be outside), but the mornings mixed with rain, makes it too easy to crawl back into bed! Great job on teh workouts!!!

    Laurel--You had some great weather there too! I bet you had a blast getting out on the golf course, and it's such a good workout too! :bigsmile: Lovin' your idea of lower intensity cardio, in prep for Insanity month 2! Can't wait to hear how the 2nd month is for you!

    Michelle--I sure hope that crud leaves your house soon! :grumble: No fun being sick, espeically when you've got kids to take care of, (the hubby too, I'm sure :wink: ), jobs to work, and upkeep of the house...not to mention getting some "me" time in there! Good news from the doc, hearing is 100%, and 1 tube is already out. Just waiting for the 2nd tube to come out, and we'll see what it looks like from there. Glad to hear you liked the S90 workout!

    Laurie--Yeah, you got some sunny weather too! :happy: Now, just hope you don't get this's a pouring rain, not a nice light rain. Cade doesn't need tubes, yet. We're waiting to see what his hearing is like after the 2nd tube falls out. He's had is tonsils and adnoids out too (before the tubes even), so we're hoping he's done with surgeries now. Even though the surgery goes really fast (only takes about 5 minutes), Cade doesn't want to do it again, as the tubes don't feel good when they are trying to loosen up and fall out.

    Off to get ready for this rainy work day. Now, if I didn't have to leave the office for a meeting, it might not be so bad! Not a fan of getting all prettied up in my suit, only to have it get soaked with this sideways rain we're having! :noway:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Cardio Challenge for me this morning! :wink:

    Michelle, Let me know how you enjoy those workouts. I feel it was a great purchase for me. :wink: You might have felt a little off because of being sick also. Wonderful news that you only have one more week of the night shift, it has to be hard having those time changes.

    Laurel, I'm with you on my body not needed those crazy workouts. Probably will not attempt that workout either. I liked Insanity for bringing up my endurance, but I really didn't change my body in any significant way. Trimed down my waist a little, but it did improve my calf muscles. Now that is a muscle that I never thought I would have cuts in. My youngest is interested in starting golf, I'm thinking of getting her some leasons this summer so she is prepared for the high school season.

    Tami, What a great way to spend the day with you BFF. I could use a pedicure for the summer. I'm still not missing any of the other instructors, but I'm guessing that will change. Maybe not. :bigsmile: I was looking at his other workouts, and I know that he has two total body, ab and one that was done for the abs diet.

    Erika, Well we had pouring rain this morning, so we didn't miss what you had. :laugh: Glad to hear that your ds doesn't need the tubes, they can be such a pain during the summer also. Having to wear those bands over their ears while swimming. I sure wish they had those when my oldest had tubes in her ears. I had to use a swim cap on her, and she hated it because it would get to hot. :smile: Ouch on the tummy and to much candy!

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I don't get P90X. You'd think I'd be tired of these workouts by now, and I thought I was. But each time I pop one in, I'm having a great time. Today was Plyometrics. I feel like I've done this workout a gazillion times now, but I really enjoyed it today. And in keeping with a little lighter cardio, I did Cathe's Kick, Punch, Crunch. Definitely on my Top 10 list of favorite workouts and it didn't disappoint today. It has been a good number of months since I did it, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Really enjoying this break from Insanity right now, but I'm also mentally geared up to do that last month.

    Erika, sorry to hear about the upset tummy. I don't blame you for going back to bed. Sounds like a perfect morning for just a little more quiet time.

    Laurie, I think it's great that your getting your youngest involved in golf. I see parents with their kids at the golf course quite a bit, and I wish I'd taken it up when I was younger...that's for sure. It really is a nice, gentle, peaceful sport...but so incredibly challenging! We were out on some fairway on Sunday, and it was so absolutely beautiful. Nothing but trees and grass (and my husband) in sight. I told my husband I could have happily sat down there and stayed in that moment forever. That's what I like most about golf. My golfing game....well, it's good for a laugh! :laugh: Regarding Insanity, I've never seen many physical changes either. I just think I need strength training to see any difference in my physique anymore.

    Tami, great job on the workouts. Glad you got your Cathe fix. I'm enjoying mine this week, that's for sure. How fun that you were able to spend Saturday with your friend. Sounds like you had fun, pampered yourself, and enjoyed the sunshine! Is the S90 Leg workout good? I'm thinking about slowly incorporating that in my rotation as my second leg workout during the week but couldn't remember what you all had said about it. I'm anxious to get started on these S90 workouts!

    Michelle, I hope you're doing well and that the sickies have left the house!

    Talk to you all tomorrow....I hope. My brother-in-law is coming in on Thursday so I'm going to be a bit busy trying to get ready for that. But I'll try to pop in and say 'hi' tomorrow. The rest of the week....I'm not so sure about.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning ladies,

    The Sun is finally back and the humidity is out of control:noway: This morning I woke up with slight DOMS in my pecs and hamstrings plus some core:bigsmile: My Ultimate ball was cancelled due to the heat of the garage slowly but surely depleting the air in my ball:laugh: , so instead I will do a Core Fusion and enjoy Tabata Inferno tomorrow...I think:wink:

    Laurie- I have not done weights in months so it was a pleasant change so I'm definitely planning on doing a rotation. I will do it in a 4 week increments as I really want to do a 4 week Kettlebell/Barre rotation in May but I will use the cardio dvds througout.

    Laurel- No worries on getting your set as I'm sure you will probably use it for add-ons only:tongue: Yes definitely an insulin spike as I was completely off all yesterday even with minimal consumption of carbs later..definitely indulged a bit with the casserole and cake:laugh:

    Erika- Good news on the tube:bigsmile: I had too much cake but now I just walk by the dish and ignore that fluffy pink mess:laugh:

    Tami- Glad to hear your date with the BFF was great. My bff and I are suppose to have one of those getaways later this year in Vegas at Celine's concert.

    Have a great day.

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