Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:

    S90 Cardio Challenge + Ultimate Ball for me this a.m. :wink: Heading to cycling tonight after work! The weather is definitely keeping me motivated in the evening to head to the gym. Since it is just rain, rain & more rain. :grumble: I am supposed to be signing up for golf lessons but waiting for the weather to change first. :ohwell:

    Erika: Sounds like our weather pattern is the same as yours. :huh: Woke up to rain & snow today, supposed to be the same all week except Sat & Sun no rain; part sun and hoping for 60 degrees. :smile:
    Sorry about the stomach ache …. :ohwell: At least you know what caused it! :laugh: I understand why you crawled back into bed ….. I bet it felt great! Hope you get in your workout if you are feeling like it later!

    Laurie: Same workouts again today! Very fun one I think. This week S90 Cardio Challenge is on there 2 or 3 times. I have to keep track of which one is schedule and which one I am adding-on so I keep the schedule straight. :wink: Truly enjoying the workouts, glad you are too. :bigsmile: Do his other workouts look pretty good? How fun that your daughter is going to get into golf. I also wish I would have taken this up earlier but I wouldn’t have changed my 30+ yrs of softball so not sure when I would have done it.

    Michelle: Can’t wait to hear how you like Tabata Inferno! I have a lot of fun with that one too. :happy: Hope you continue to enjoy the S90 workouts. How fun will that be going to a concert & Vegas w/ your BFF!

    Laurel: Sounds like you had a great combo of workouts! :bigsmile: Yes, my BFF and I have been friends since we were like 14 yrs old and truly love our time together, no matter what we are doing! We mostly laugh and chat it up a lot. :laugh: She is not much for working out (hates it actually) and I have been working on helping her w/ nutrtition. She's coming around! :wink:
    The leg workout is pretty good. It is only about 35 min and moves along at a good pace (like all of them). It doesn’t give me the feeling of say a Cathe leg workout (I think you know what I mean:wink: ) but with the pace and working your legs in all the moves you do feel your legs.

    Here is a breakdown:

    Short warm-up (4 min or so) and then some Ab exercises: Crunch on stability ball 15, Scissor kick crunch 15, Seated twist 15: Repeat

    Prisoner squats 25
    Triple heater: Glute raise with feet on S.B., roll ins w/ feet on S.B., Glute raise with feet on side of Ball
    Db lunge forward/back 12 per side
    Sumo squat, come up on toes 15 to 20
    Db straight leg deadlift 12
    Side lunge 12 per side
    Split lunge on Stability Ball 12 per side
    Forward lunge with a reach 12 per side
    Db squat 12
    Repeat Circuit

    End with Triple heater . . . . Cool down 5:57

    I know you have the DVD to review but thought this would give you a quick overview!
    So as an add-on if you are feeling like getting in some leg work but not doing an hour + of legs I think this would fit nicely.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I managed to pull myself out of bed for my AM workout, despite the gloomy/rainy weather again. I was excited to try a new workout, so it motivated me to get up. I did Tom Holland's Total Body Workout. This man is just awesome, plain and simple! :bigsmile: The whole 42 minute workout was filmed without any edits at all, and I only caught 1 error (he said squats instead of crunches). The workout reminded me of the pace of the S90 workouts, and it was a total body workout--with lots of crunches and pushups too! The only thing that bugged me, is that Tom uses his "bedroom" voice quite a bit during the workout, and kinda reminds me of Barry White or something of the like! :laugh: But, workout wise, great workout. I'm very excited to do it again! Basic moves, no weight for leg moves (which I'm beginning to really appreciate, being that I've seen my thighs shrink dramatically since removing weights from lower body moves--yet I'm not losing muscle!), and nice music in the background. It's a keeper!

    Tami--I can't believe the weather we're all getting! :grumble: The weatherman keeps saying this is normal for April, but I'm not buying it. I remember last year by the last week in April, all of the cherry blossom trees were blooming...not even close right now! The boys and I finished off the Easter candy last night....done with it now! One thing I have realized, I really don't like chocolate like I once used to. I actually could probably live without it (and that's what gave me the tummy ache too). Now, there's other candy I have to indulge in sometimes, but at least I can count chocolate out of that mix!!!

    Michelle--Send the warm weather this way! :wink: I think you're the only one that isn't getting rainy, cold weather!!! But, I'll admit, I'd take cold over humid any day, so you can leave the humidity there! :laugh:

    Laurel--Great to hear that you are lovin' P90X so much. I wish I could have gotten into it, but I have a pretty defined "style" I like, and if it doens't fit the bill, I just know I won't stick with it. Looks like P90X is one that doesn't get old for you! Great to have another one to add to the list like that!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Yes, great news on no tubes. We haven't had to worry much about ear plugs or anything like that, as my kids really don't swim much in the lake (underwater at least), as many of our friends/family have pools, so we spend a lot of time there in the summer. But, I know when he first had tubes surgery, we were leaving for a waterpark that same day, so he did have to do the wax, and it was, you go through it so fast!!! Great job on the workout!

    Have a great Wednesday!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was Back & Biceps, it worked out better time wise for me to switch yesterdays and todays workouts. I came home from work yesterday, and my house was spotless! :love: My oldest cleaned like a mad woman, she is so like me it is scarry. :laugh:

    Laurel, I had that same feeling about the P90X workouts when I was doing them. I think it might be incorporating the Insanity workouts and kickboxing into the rotation. Golf is one thing that I really never got involved in, but then again I was into other things when i was my dd's age. Like Tami I was very into softball. Have a great time with your BIL today.

    Michelle, Dang on the humidity! Have fun with Tabata Inferno, that is one of my favorites. Sounds like a great plan, the kettlebells will work great with the S90. Tom does incorporate kb moves into his workouts, he just uses dumbbells.

    Tami, Now I have a question, how are you able to golf and not use your softball swing? That is the problem I have while golfing. :laugh: Can I call the golf courses to find instructors for my dd? I am such a novice when it comes to golf. :laugh: I really enjoy Cardio Challenge a lot, so far I'm not bored with these workouts. Looks like Erika gaves us a thumbs up on another of Tom's workouts.

    Erika, Thanks for giving the info on the Total Body workout, it probably is a nice addition to the S90. I think the S90 TB workout is only 22 min., so this probably would be a good one to do an exchange on. WTG on the legs! That is awsome. :drinker: I think I heard yesterday that this has been our coldest spring in 15 years. But I think two years ago we had this same type of temps. I remember having to wear a winter coat/hat/gloves to some of my dd's track meets. And we where getting rain also, I don't think these weather people can predict anything. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Just time for a quick check-in before I leave you all for the rest of the week. :cry: I don't know why I feel the need to turn my house upside down and inside out everytime somebody comes for a visit....but I do. It drives my husband crazy. Worse drives ME crazy. But I do it nonetheless. :ohwell: So that's what's got me busy today....getting ready for houseguests tomorrow.

    But, of course, I got my workouts in first. I started with P90X Shoulders/Arms, and was able to up the weights in all categories! :drinker: My arms are spent now, but I love that feeling. I finished it off with Ab Ripper X (of course) and then Cathe's Step Works. That's an oldie and I was thinking 'This will be lighter intensity'. Wrong. Kicked my behind today! But I enjoyed it so no problem there.

    Erika, glad you enjoyed your workout this morning. Sounds perfect for you. I totally agree about how workouts click with people differently. I think that's why I'm surprised that I like P90X because, usually, I get really bored doing the same thing over and over. I can't believe you said you could live without chocolate!!! :noway: :laugh: I wish I could say the same. I keep waiting for that sick feeling people describe after eating cake or chocolate or whatever....and I never feel it. My tummy simply says 'Yum. Give me more please.' :blushing:

    Tami, thank you SOOO much for the breakdown of that leg workout. That really gives me a good idea of what it is about. I think it might be perfect as an add-on leg workout during this next round of Insanity/P90X. I don't think I could do one that gave me that 'Cathe feeling' would be too much. But I know with P90X, I need to work my legs twice a week. So thanks for this. I will give it a shot....hopefully over the weekend. Since I may not have time to preview it first, your breakdown is perfect!! :flowerforyou:

    Laurie, how wonderful that your daughter cleaned the house! Send her my way, okay? I'm sure she'd like to see DC, right? :laugh: Regarding golf, you should be able to call a golf course and ask about instruction. Most do either private or group lessons and have a variety of price ranges depending on how many lessons you want, etc.

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your humidity. We're kind of hot and humid here as well. We've been up in the 80s since Sunday, and it feels really humid to me though I don't know what the humidity levels actually are. I just know my hair is a mess all the time right now which tells me it's humid. :tongue: Sorry to hear about the exercise ball. You know it's hot when.........

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your week. I'll be back on Tuesday (I hope) next week!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    This was my day to sleep in but with kids that is completely impossible:grumble: So after the library, the bank, the park, lowes and then lunch meals for both girls I was able to do my workout routine:laugh: Today I combined Tabata Inferno with Core Challenge due to the melthing stability ball and I really loved his core circuit. As you know I hate Abs and will avoid any at all time but this was great:bigsmile: The bst part is that the 4 year old did Tabata Inferno with me and actually told me to pause the dvd aat one point to get her 1lb weights:love: I'm excited to continue with his dvds..thanks ladies because it truly is the deal of the year:wink:

    Laurel- Stop stressing on the houseguests but if it makes you feel better if the pest man is coming to spray, I will clean the entire house the night before:laugh: my mom is the same way:blushing:

    Erika- I will look for that dvd..still waiting for my KCM Train Like a Contender:grumble: It feels like 90 degrees at 11pm at night..I'm not excited to see Summer at all:noway: We actually need rain and have been placed on a water restriction.

    Tami- My bff has been around since HS and of course we are godparents to each others children...unfortunately although we only live 4.5 hrs away we do not get together much but when we do it is just like before:laugh:

    Laurie- Yes I'm excited to try that rotation as KB seemed to work well on my lower body and hopefully Tom's circuits will just peel the fat away:laugh:

    Ok off to shower and take a nap before work.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was S90 Back & Bi’s! :wink: My first time on this S90 workout and I really liked it. No “add-on” this a.m. because it ran right about an hour and I was making notes on my weights etc. so next time I am prepared. Good workout. Planning on hitting the Cycling class tonight; actually going to try the Tri-Cycle class. :smile: It is a class designed for the Triathletes & their training. We’ll see how it goes!

    Erika: Glad you were able to get up regardless of the crummy weather. :flowerforyou: Very fun on the new workout! Sounds great …. Minus the Barry White voice. Ha Ha, that is hilarious.:laugh: :laugh: I will have to check that out – just what I need another to the collection. I do like a good Total Body workout though and like Laurie mentioned, it would be great to sub into the S90 rotation. :wink: I may do Cathe’s Total Body as well as a sub in during this rotation. Good news on not craving the chocolate anymore!

    Laurie: Ha Ha …..:laugh: :laugh: I’m not! That’s a HUGE problem for me. I just started golf year before last & last year was so awful (weather) that I only went once. Unfortunately I gave up softball @ that time to take my first golf lessons. Between my DH and the golf professionals I talked to they told me not to try and do both. From just the 5 lessons I took I could see why. #1 I wanted to “kill” the golf ball … when you are learning a golf swing it is better (it seems) to try and just make contact nice & smooth. A lot of the concepts are the same with pulling your hips through and rotation but the swing is different. It’s a difficult adjustment altogether. I am wanting to definitely get back into it but waiting for the rain/snow to stop.
    Yes if you call up any of your local golf courses and talk to one of the pros/instructors they can get her signed up. Either private lessons or sometimes group lessons are also offered.

    Laurel: Thanks for checking in with us before you leave for the rest of the week! :wink: Great job on the workouts this a.m. and going up in weights. That’s one thing I do wonder about with S90 – my strength. We seem to use lighter weights due to the faster pace; so I wonder if I am getting stronger in this type of training or is it more endurance based. I'll be anxious to see as I get further into the rotation. Just completed the first 30 days though .. That was fast! :wink:
    I know what you mean on having a cleaning frenzy prior to guests arriving. I do the same thing and truly they appreciate it but I worry way too much about it. Enjoy your company!
    p.s. I’m glad that breakdown helped. :bigsmile:

    Michelle: That is so cute your daughter did the workout with you and went to find her 1LB weights! :smile: Very nice having a partner. Glad you liked the workout(s). I know what you mean on ab workouts. I have a tendency sometimes to let my mind wander during ab work. His workouts don’t do that to me at all, very fun & unique moves.

    Hope you all have a great rest of your day & evening! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was Tabata Inferno, guess we are on an S90 mania around here. :laugh:

    Last night DH and I went to test drive a used Hyundai Santa Fe. It only has 20,000 miles, and had leather interior with all the bells and whistles. Just wish I didn't have to replace my van around the same time that we got the loan information for dd's college tuition. :wink: Oh well, guess that is what happens.

    Laurel, Glad you could stop over before you have a much enjoyed weekend. Thank you for the golfing information, I will check that out. I had to laugh, because my dd would love to go to DC. I'm trying to plan a vacation out there, but we just seem to keep getting these added costs. :noway:

    Michelle, That is so great that your DD needed those weights for her workout. :happy: I'm so glad that you are enjoying the workouts. I know that Tom is helping with my fat problem. :laugh:

    Tami, The first time I did Back & Biceps I did the same thing, it really helps to know what is coming up next. Interesting cycle class they are offering, next we will hear that you are in a tri! :wink: I know they do indoor tri's around here, because of the weather. I'm so glad to hear that my problem was because of my softball swing. I did such a horrible job the first time golfing that I just gave up after that. :laugh: Thank you also for the info on golf lessons, I will call a couple of places around here to find out some costs. It probably would be good for her to be in a group, but private is fine also.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!!

    What a crazy, whirlwind morning. Throws your whole morning off when you have to be out the door by 6:45, with 2 kids, for dental appts. They normally aren't out of bed until 7:30, and I'm not usually even done with my workout until after 6, and in the shower around 7! But, we did it, with a quick trip to the coffee shop for breakfast before school, and then off to work for me!

    My workout this morning was KCM's New TLC. I did the boxing workout....ouchie, my shoulders are going to be feeling it tomorrow. :noway: GREAT workout, one of my favorites, as she really got my HR up during that 30 minutes. It feels a little weird to be doing no kicking, but I liked it! :bigsmile: I thought I'd share something interesting with you that I saw on Kelly's Facebook page the other day. One of her friends asked her how often she works out, and what types of workouts she does. She said that she honestly only works out to her own stuff (many of the DVD's she releases, she teaches classes of in a studio), and she only works out 3-4 times per week. I loved that she was so open about that, and I would have to say that most instructors don't strictly do their own workouts, or only workout 3-4 times per week! I think she is such a great, honest and fit instructor! :happy:

    Laurie--Ooh, a new vehicle! I love those Santa Fe's! :heart: I've seen a few and I really do like them. Bummer that the timing wasn't good, but I think with kids, it never is....if it's not college, it's braces, or clothes, or sports, or's crazy how much all that adds up! Great job on the workouts yesterday and today! BTW, send your DD to my house, I'd love to have someone clean like that. I have been getting better about allowing my boys to clean for me, when they offer, but I have to try really hard to not notice the streaky windows/mirrors, or the fact that the dust cloth didn't quite make it across the whole table, or the mop making it to all the areas of the floor. At least it's a start! :bigsmile: BTW, question for you...are you doing 1 S90 workout per day? If so, how have your results been? Just curious...

    Tami--How was class? It sounds very interesting! :tongue: Weather is STILL crummy here...we're supposed to get a nice day tomorrow, and then back to rainy and cloudy. Ugh! But, it's getting easier to get up in the morning, so I must be getting used to it! :laugh: Yes, the Total Body Workout is a good one. Traditional moves (bicep curls, tricep kickbacks, rows, pushups, crunches, lateral raises, squats, lunges and overhead presses), but great workout to sub in for S90!

    Michelle--Wow, sounds like you had a productive day yesterday! Love that your DD wanted to join in on Tabata. What did you think of it? I :heart: that one! As you can see above, I did TLC this morning...just so awesome!!!!! I hope you got some sleep last night to make up for no sleeping in yesterday!

    Laurel--I know you're off cleaning your house right now (I do the exact same as you, clean it from head to toe!), so you're probably burning off calories like crazy. I burn CRAZY amounts of calories when I'm cleaning!!! Ya know, on the chocolate thing, I have always been addicted to it UNTIL I completed avoided it for about 4 months. Nothing at all with chocolate in it, and when I decided to try it again, it just didn't taste as good as I was expecting. Nor did my tummy like it!!! So, now I don't really crave it, which is nice. But, I crave other things in it's place! :grumble:

    Back to work! Have a great Thursday!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:

    The Tri-Cycling class was a lot of fun. :wink: Just the sound of it had me wondering a bit how it would go.
    I absolutely loved the music and the instructor is an IronMan/Triathlete so he was really good. It is more of a steady state of training. So sprints are longer, hills are longer, etc. It went by really fast. I will definitely go back.

    So hoping to get my workout in this evening ….. I use my Iphone alarm clock & didn’t realize the battery went dead. :huh: :grumble: First time that has happened. So needless to say I woke up around 6ish in a panic. Luckily not later! :ohwell: Hoping to get it in after work though. :smile: Tabata Inferno & S90 Legs are what are on my schedule.

    Laurie: It’s great that we are kind of on the same schedule right now ... TI is great. :wink:
    When it rains it pours right?? :huh: College tuition, new vehicles, Yowsa! I feel for you. :wink: That is truly how it goes sometimes and on the other end of it all you wonder how you did it but you just do. Good luck with your decision on the Santa Fe – those seem like great cars. :smile: I’m anxious to know what you think of your results from S90 as well. Like I mentioned to Laurel yesterday, this style of training seems to be more endurance (due to the pace) and so I wonder if I will be stronger in the end? :huh: He talks about that style making you stronger at the end of 90 days. No matter what, it is different forsure from what I have been doing with STS & Cathe so the shock to my system has to be good! Right?

    Erika: I can only imagine your morning! :noway: That is craziness when it is out of your routine and then you have 2 little ones to get off as well. Sounds like you handled it well though and everything worked out. :bigsmile: Hopefully the dentist went good for them! Yes our weather is STILL crummy too. :angry: I told someone yesterday I’m tired of being tired of the weather! Geesh. BUT tomorrow thru Sun is suppose to show some improvements. Fingers crossed. :wink: That’s great news that TLC is so good. I keep eye balling that one wondering when I’ll get it in. Really looking forward to it and the other one as well. KCM is awesome and I love that she is so honest about her training. She seems like a neat lady.

    HI Michelle – Hope you are having a good day! :flowerforyou:

    Hey Laurel – You probably burned some crazy calories today between cleaning and your working out. Hope you enjoy the rest of your week and weekend. :wink:

    Talk to you all tomorrow – FRIDAY, Yahoo! This week has gone by fast. :drinker:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    I took the day off of work today, and I'm sure glad that I did it is in the 60's outside. Got my S90 Chest, shoulders & triceps finished, and was able to watch the Royal Wedding. :wink: I have to say that her dress was beautiful. Now I'm watching BBC, and she has on another beautiful dress.

    Erika, Hope you have a great weekend after you hectic morning yesterday. I agree with you that there is always something that isn't timed right when you need to buy something, but we should be ok. Just don't enjoy those payments. :laugh: I love the just boxing type workouts. Really helps those arms and shoulders. Interesting on Kelley. Yes I'm doing one workout per day, but I've been really good on my eating. I'm going to hold off on weighing and measurements until I finish the 90 days. But I can already tell that there is a huge difference.

    Tami, Glad you enjoyed your cycle class. I have noticed a strength increase in things like Cardio Challenge, I have started using heavier weights for all the exercises that he uses weights in. I never thought I would use 10 lb weights on some of those shoulder exercises. I started out using 5lbs, I'm really interested in how the workouts will go for the last 30 days. For me this has been a great addition. I really like the information from Tosca, it has helped me control my cravings.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies & TGIF! :drinker:

    I was able to get in Tabata Inferno & S90 Legs this a.m. :wink: The Yankees were on when I got home :ohwell: so DH was already settled in watching. Decided to get in my workout today and tomorrow will be Total Body so I guess yesterday was my “rest” day. :ohwell: :wink: Hoping to get in a couple workouts tomorrow & Sunday as well.

    Laurie: Very nice to have a 3-day weekend forsure w/ 60 degree temps too! :smile: Good job on the workout and glad to hear you are noticing improvements, that’s awesome! I'm looking forward to the 2nd time through on everything now that I have weights wrote down, etc.

    Hello Erika, Michelle & Laurel ~ Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I'm so happy to be back...missed you ladies on Friday!! I did KCM's Split Sessions (the leg one) and I liked it. :happy: I'll be honest, I went kinda light on weights because it was legs, and kinda had that "that was kinda easy" feeling. :ohwell: Well, we all know what that means...DOMS! I ended up taking 2 rest days (Sat. and Sun.) AND went to go get a massage because I was so sore...I should have known! :noway: I don't think it was easy, I think she had more traditional leg work (deadlifts, squats, lunges, etc), and just a little twist, rather than her normal way out there twist on a traditional exercise. That's why I was thinking in my head it was easy.

    This morning was KCM Circuit Burn. Only did 1 30 minute session, as I had to get back new puppy!!! :bigsmile: We got a 2nd puppy yesterday (my Mother's Day gift), after a short discussion about it on Saturday, and then it was decided when we met her on Sunday. We got a Cockapoo, named Lily, and she's 3 months old. Our poodle, Lexie, isn't too sure about her yet, but Lily wants to follow Lexie everywhere. So dang cute. 1st day/night home, and no accidents. I got up once with her to take her out, and then she slept quietly in her kennel the rest of the night. So proud! :smile:

    Tami--That tricycling workout sounds like fun, but a lot of work too! Great decision on the rest day--I don't think I'd want to interrupt the Yankees game! :noway: Sounds like you got in your workout on Friday morning, so you're back on schedule! Thursday went well, the day ran smoothly and the dental checkup was good!

    Laurie--I watched the clips of the wedding, what a beautiful dress, you're right!!! :love: Great job on the workout, I'm very excited to hear your results from the S90 rotation, as I'm thinking of doing another 30 minute/day workout rotation with KCM and S90 (and my 30 minute barre workouts). I'll have to look that over! Thursday went well, thanks for asking!

    Michelle and Laurel--Hope your weekend was great!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~ :smile:

    Weekend was pretty good! :wink: We had our one nice weather day yesterday and it felt great to see blue skies. :bigsmile: I got my workouts in this weekend which is always excellent too.:wink: STS Total Body (instead of S90 TB) + Ultimate Ball on Sat & then yesterday I did S90 Chest/Shoulders/Triceps, it seemed to fly by and my shoulders were working so that was great. :wink: This a.m. I decided to do Lower Body Blast for my leg workout instead of S90 Legs. It was a great workout and I got my Cathe in again. :bigsmile: :laugh: Tonight will be TK after work!

    Erika: That is so great you got a new little addition for Mothers Day. :flowerforyou: I’m sure Lexie will get used to Lily soon and they will be great pals. How fun! What a neat early gift. Sorry to hear the DOM’s got ya again. :huh: :ohwell: YOWSA! It’s interesting how when you think it’s going along fairly easy and that’s when you get zapped the most. Hope they are better tomorrow. Good job on getting the workout in this a.m. though, probably felt good to move a bit :wink: (sort of). Hope you have a great Monday and little Lily does good.

    Hi Laurie, Laurel & Michelle – Hope you all had a great weekend! :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    I'm back on days so it was off bright and early to arrive at 6am and due to the heightened security entry was longer. I finished my contract work this weekend so those 16 hr workdays these past 5 weeks are finally over. Two of my checks arrived and it was really worth it to send off a hefty check to my credit card:wink:, plus I'm waiting for two more:bigsmile: Saturday night I had at least 6 hrs of sleep so I woke up and did KCM train like a contender and then Tracey's Defined lines Butts & Gutts and strangely enough the push ups with the paper plate has me hurting and I can actually feel a twinge in my hips..nice combo as KCM is a workout without the dread factor. I suffered with DOMS for 3 days after Tabata:noway:

    Erika- Do you think the DOMS is due to reps or just hitting those muscles from another angle? Have fun with the new puppy:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Thinks of all of those months where you did not have the extra bills and were able to save. I remember when hubby came back from Iraq my forerunner was acting up and he bought me a new truck because we were maintaining two households in two cities with him commuting once per month:grumble: Did I mention his car was stolen before leaving for Iraq so we had two new car payments after 10 years without and then his rent plus our mortgage:noway: We juggled the two households for ten months until they reassigned him..unfortunately we still have the car notes:laugh:

    Laurel- Hopefully the weekend with the guests went great and you did not stress too much:flowerforyou:

    Tami- That sounds interesting..tri-cycling:noway: What type of exercises are done in S90 legs bodyweight only or weighted?

    We have inventory this week so I was out in the warehouse all day in my dreaded back up pair of steel toe shoes:mad: Needless to say my feet were not happy and my motivation to workout was gone:blushing:

    Tomorrow on the schedule is Brook Benten Kb Butts & Gutts & Core Fusion Thigh section.

    Have a great day :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Ok so I decided I could do anything for 10minutes and put on Core Fusion thigh section, then hubby called and asked if I had already worked out and he would do what I did except Barre:laugh: We initially had a S90 challenge but he backed out as usual as he hates dvd workouts but we did Shoulders & Arms. Then I did 45 KB swings as Paul Katami KB combined with my Barre mixture finally did something to my thighs:bigsmile: My business pants today were at least 2.5 inches loose in the upper leg and waist area and as I had not worn them in two months it was too late to change this morning:blushing:

    Erika- Thanks for that rotation sample:flowerforyou: and making me feel normal as we continue our search for the perfect dvd arsenal for these pear bodies:wink: .

    Laurie, Laurel, & Tami- Thanks for your support, wonderful encouragement, great anecdotes and daily commitment to fitness:smooched:

    It has been a long year and because of all of you I stayed constant even with the plateaus, lack of motivation and yearlong wait for that dang scale to make a downward spiral. Through your rotations, recommendations, trial and errors and persistency I kept the faith because of my online support family.:love::flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    I should never take a day off of work! :laugh: Oh well, I'm keeping up with my S90 workouts, and did Cardio Challenge today, legs yesterday and something on Saturday. :laugh: Sunday I had a rest day, but was outside hauling brush.

    Oldest DD just called me, and apparently she is suppose to receive an award for Most Outstanding Senior Athlete on Wednesday evening. I'm very proud of her. :bigsmile: They told her ahead of time so that she shows up to the awards banquet. :laugh:

    Tami, WTG getting in workout subs. I'm still ok with doing just these workouts. My sweatpants where falling down this morning, and I think this is the first time in a while that I had to use the ties. :laugh: Guess that exercise/eating combo really does work. :wink:

    Erika, Congrats on the new little addition. It will help her to have your other dog, they are good teachers. You will be fine with the 30 min./day. Because I know that I'm only getting in 30-40 min. of workouts, I really give the Tabata and Cardio Challenge workouts may all. I try to go as fast or as heavy as I can on those workouts. Oh my on the lower body DOMS. :noway:

    Michelle, I'm so glad that we where there to support you this year! :flowerforyou: I find that I get my workout done, just because I know that I am going to get on here and tell all of you also. :wink: Dang you really did get in some great work yesterday. :drinker: on the business pants, I'm waiting for that moment when I get my belt out so that I can keep my pants up. :laugh: Wow on running both those households at one time. I don't feel so bad now. :smile:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    It's good to be back! :flowerforyou: Had a great time with my brother-in-law, but I also like having my house back to just my husband and I. :blushing: But everything worked out well, and we really did have alot of fun.

    I was able to get my workouts in over the weekend. I even did my first S90 workout on Sunday!! :drinker: I did the Legs workout. Tami, once again, THANK YOU! for posting the breakdown of this workout. It really helped me because he does move quickly in between exercises. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to trying some of the other S90 workouts.

    Today also marks Day 3 of my P90X and Month 2 of Insanity rotation. Today was Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning (my favorite Month 2 workout!) and P90X Plyometrics. I thought the combo might kill me :wink: but I took off enough time in between workouts (and got some food) that I actually enjoyed both workouts quite a bit. far, so good on this rotation. I'm really making sure I'm protecting my joints right now when doing the impact and such so that, hopefully, I'll be able to make it through this without any injuries and such. That's what I fear the most. But, at the same time, I'm really loving the challenge! I must admit that, despite my bad eating habits of late :blushing: , I feel really fit right now, and I like that feeling.

    Erika, congratulations on the new family member!!! I'm sure it will take some adjustment, but I have no doubt your other pup will adapt. Sorry to hear about your DOMS over the weekend. I feel that way with some leg workouts as well (that they are kind of easy) and then the next day....YOWZA! They sneak up on me more than any other type of workouts, that's for sure.

    Tami, thanks again for the breakdown for S90 Legs. It really did help me alot. If the other workouts are like this one, he sure knows how to pack a punch in a short period of time! I can see why you and Laurie are enjoying them so much because there's no time for down time in them, is there? I was interested to read, though, that you are wondering if you are losing strength. I haven't watched the other workouts yets, but, no doubt, the leg workout is an endurance workout. And increasing endurance is a good thing too. But keep posting on whether you continue to feel this way. That's one of the things I like about STS the most--that it incorporates all aspects of strength training not just one. I'm not sure I'd want to do a 90 day rotation that only focused on one type of strength training. Looks like you continue to great with your always!

    Laurie, huge congratulations to your daughter!!!! What an honor!! :drinker: I hope she enjoys the banquet. Sounds like these workouts are really doing some good things to your body, though you had me laughing when you said that the whole exercise/eating combo really works. :laugh: It does, but, sometimes, it is just so dang hard!! :tongue:

    Michelle, you are so sweet!! You have truly been a source of motivation (and wonder) for me as you've transitioned back into the working world. I often wonder how I'll handle it when I get back to that point, and I can't imagine handling it half as well with you....and I don't have your challenges (like young children)!! You are amazing. I'm so happy to hear you are back on days. That should help a bit with your energy/sleep and such. Good news on the pants being too loose!!! I love that feeling!!

    So is anybody here thinking about pre-ordering Cathe's new series? I'm still on the fence though, no doubt, I'll probably go ahead and do it. I wish there was a little more info out there about these workouts. If they are as intense and she says they are (but just low impact), I'm definitely interested. But I was one who was not really pleased with Cathe's Shock Cardio series (love some, others....not so much) because of the lower intensity on some of the workouts (like the MMA workouts in particular). And that has me hesitant to purchase this series. Any thoughts? Just curious.

    Hope this finds you all well!!!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!! :bigsmile:

    I'm running on a shorter amount of sleep today. My little Lily was up at 2:30 to go to the bathroom, and then wanted her Mommy, and wouldn't stop whimpering until I gave in, 3 hours after she started! Stubborn little thing, but she is worth it!!! :bigsmile: So, it will be off to bed early tonight! Due to the early wake up (and a needy "child"), I didn't get in my workout this morning. But, my boss called me on the way to work to ask if we could do a walking meeting instead of inside in his office. It worked out great, as I got in a 20 minute power walk! YEAH! :happy:

    Laurel--I'm glad you enjoyed your BIL's company, but I hear you on getting your house back! :wink: Great job on the S90 workout...sounds like you are on the S90 love train along with the rest of us! I just love those workouts! :love: Awesome job on Insanity Month 2 and P90X. If you are still alive after that combo today, then you're officially superwoman!!! I personally am not going to pre-order any of the Cathe workouts. I'm going to wait to hear some reviews...too many I'm not so sure of!

    Laurie--Thanks for the reassurance on the workouts. :wink: I know I do better with shorter workouts, as I can really drive a ot of energy into them, vs. the longer ones, I get tired out. I might just have to do another round of the 30-45 minute workouts!!! Congrats on the award for your DD, that is so awesome!!! I'd be a proud mama too! :bigsmile:

    Michelle-You are rockin' it girl!!! :bigsmile: How much were you lovin' putting on those pants and they were loose!! :drinker: Great job on getting those workouts in, even when the motivation wasn't there!!! I'm not sure what to think of my almost constant DOMS...I think I'm just confusing my muscles so much, that they hurt! I only have mild DOMS from KCM's Circuit Burn yesterday, so that one must be moves my body is used to moreso. Glad you are back to days, and done with the contract work. Maybe life will feel a bit more "normal" now! I bet those extra checks were certainly nice though!

    Tami-Great lineup of workouts over the weekend/yesterday! :bigsmile: I think I'd be bedridden for days if I did that lineup, with the way I've been getting DOMS lately! :laugh: My workout yesterday did feel good, although my muscles were still tired! :noway: The girls are starting to get along better, hopefully by this weekend there won't be so many "cat fights!" I had to laugh last night, I was home with my youngest while Dad and older brother were at baseball and he says "Great, I'm stuck at home with all these girls!" Since we don't have any actual girl children, he considers the 2 dogs like having 2 sisters...too cute!

    Back to work...can't wait to get things done and head home to see my little Lily! The weather is finally nice enough to get her out in the yard to play!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Turbo Kick went well last night! This was my second time through this routine and it was good. :wink: She did some add-ons and then at the end we did some conditioning work on the Bosu ball – including jump squats …. Hello balance! :laugh: It was fun though and then a bunch of push-ups on the ball as well. This a.m. was S90 Cardio Challenge + Ultimate Ball. Such a great combo & felt great. Planning on Cycling tonight after work.

    Michelle: Glad to hear from you & congrats on receiving your paychecks from all of your hard work. :drinker: :drinker: I bet it felt great and also for the pants being loose; a fantastic reminder that good things are happening!
    Let me just say THANKS to you :flowerforyou: as well for being a constant inspiration of a hard working, fit woman who provides me with motivation and support as well every day. :bigsmile: I am so amazed at all that you juggle in your busy days and yet you find the time to include fitness into your day as well.
    I appreciate you and all of the ladies here :heart: :flowerforyou: . . . truly my fitness BFF’s/family here every day and enjoy being able to report in & have the enthusiasm come back.
    S90 Legs is with weights. You use lighter weights than you would traditionally use because of the pace. Definitely work the legs in every angle in a short time.

    Laurie: That is fantastic to hear about your daughter and her athletic award! :bigsmile: I bet you and your DH are beyond proud of her. Good on ya for the baggy sweats action - Yahoo. I love it when that happens and getting the right combo working together (workouts/eating) is always a great thing! I’m so happy that you are enjoying the workouts and all of us here are sharing in the fun as well. :smile:

    Laurel: Hey friend! :flowerforyou: Glad you had a nice time with your brother-in-law and that you have your house back. Great job on keeping up with your workouts regardless of the house guest. Yahoo for trying out S90!!
    You’re very welcome on the breakdown . . . it has helped me a lot to have my sheets of exercises all ready to go and now including which weights because it does clip right along. Definitely “no time for down time” is right.

    I think my thoughts on strength gain or not is due to the program using lighter weights. I guess I often feel like if it is lighter weights, more reps and a faster pace I’m not necessarily getting stronger. Just sort of backwards thinking because I realize this method of training is effective whether it be S90 or another program. :smile: Probably my STS mind kicking in. :blushing:
    I’m not sure on the new Cathe videos just yet either. I want to see some clips and possibly hear feedback before I order them. I can’t imagine her making a workout that wasn’t challenging and worth the $$$ even with low impact.

    Erika: Poor little Lily. :sad: It’s like having a new child in the house I understand the lack of sleep and no workout but great that you got a power walk in with your boss. :smile: Are things feeling a little better at work these days now that you have a plan in your sight for leaving eventually and pursuing the TJ instructing?
    I think if I had a plan for what I wanted to be doing instead it would feel a lot better. I wouldn’t feel “stuck”. Thanks for the kudos on my lineup of workouts! :wink: I was laughing about you saying you would be bedridden for days. Sounds like the DOM’s are getting better though, that’s good to hear! Have a great evening with Lily and your family.

    Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey ladies,

    This morning I turned off the alarm and climbed back into bed to snuggle with the 4 year old and jumped up 20 minutes later:noway: TG my lunch bag was packed and the water bottle filled because I grabbed everything and ran out the door without coffee or my protein shake:sad: I ate some sushi with my coworkers for lunch and then ate some M& M's that some workers from another dept. offered me as they were my assts today:blushing: I did say no to some birthday cake:bigsmile: No major DOMS today but I can feel that my back was DOMS in the arms either so I need to go heavy next time. Hubby was huffing and puffing with some moves and did go light at one point but overall it was a solid upper body workout. So far 3/10 dvds are winners:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Congratulations to both you and your daughter because a good work ethic definitely begins at home:smile: I'm sure that she is thrilled and maybe it is time to gift those five finger shoes now:wink: Adidas also has a similar type of shoe for half the price:wink:

    Laurel- Yup ..nothing like enjoying the house after the guests are all gone. That is why when we travel to visit family, I always stay in hotels except for my mom's house which is split and has my room on the other side:laugh:

    Erika- Oooh that is not the fun part at all:bigsmile: . I remember traveling home with Capone and at the hotel he woke up at 2:30am and my hubby had to take him for a long walk to calm him down. Have fun with your girl and Capo is also referred to as my son..that is when he is behaving:laugh: Not sure about that DOMS you use glutamine preworkout or in your shakes/recovery drink usually includes glutamine?

    Tami- Interested in seeing the type of leg circuit he creates in the limited timeframe:laugh: I would like to try that Ultimate ball but half of the time was spent trying to stay on the ball..will try to inflate it some more this weekend and do the workout. Awwwh back at you:flowerforyou:

    I was tired on the drive home so I will enjoy some reading this evening and leftovers:laugh:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    So is anybody here thinking about pre-ordering Cathe's new series? I'm still on the fence though, no doubt, I'll probably go ahead and do it. I wish there was a little more info out there about these workouts. If they are as intense and she says they are (but just low impact), I'm definitely interested. But I was one who was not really pleased with Cathe's Shock Cardio series (love some, others....not so much) because of the lower intensity on some of the workouts (like the MMA workouts in particular). And that has me hesitant to purchase this series. Any thoughts? Just curious.

    Just saw the descriptions on these! They sound really good :bigsmile: I'm interested :flowerforyou: :blushing: . . . . Just what I need, more DVD's! :laugh: Hope to see some clips. Do you think she will be posting some?!? :wink:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    What a beautiful morning, even though we had frost on the ground. :noway: Got in Back & Biceps this morning, and after work DH and I have to go out with his parents. I just looked at the menu, and there is nothing that I can eat. :huh: Well the salad isn't fried at least. :laugh:

    I was at youngest dd's track meet yesterday, and was wearing my winter coat/hat/gloves. My feet where frozen by the time she was done running her 200. Today is suppose to be in the 60's, so at least she will have better weather for todays meet.

    Laurel, I think that combo of workouts would have killed me. :laugh: I like having the house on a normal footing also, but it sure is nice to have the relatives around. We will be having that for dd's graduation in a month. I'm not sure if I'm going to be getting the new Cathe workouts or not. They look like they would be good, I guess I just need to see more footage of the workouts. I know for sure that I'm not going to pre-order though. I agree with you on the eating portion being hard, tonights eating out is a prime example. Glad you enjoyed the S90 Legs workout.

    Erika, I see you are in love with your little Lily already. :wink: It sometimes amazes me how we can get so attached to these animals, that is how it was with Cami and I when we saw each other. :wink: I saw the forecast for the next week this morning, and I was sure glad to see the temps where starting to move up. I don't even think I care that there is suppose to be rain. :laugh:

    Tami, I had the same thoughts on strength gains with this program. At first I was disapointed when I couldn't lift as heavy as in STS on some of the exercises, but as I'm doing the program, I'm able to start lifting heavier weights or doing more push-ups. I like the fact that planks are soooo much easier for me. I think my weakest part was my shoulders, and this program has really given me major strength gains in there and in my core. :drinker:

    Michelle, Now you have a really good idea on those shoes! That might be something that she would love. :wink: Speaking of stability balls, yesterday I found my ball deflated. I'm thinking that it has finally given up on me. :laugh: I needed a new ball, but this one was doing it's job so well. The first time that i did the Ultimate Ball workout, I to had a hard time staying on the ball. As I keep doing the workout, my core has gotten so much stronger. I couldn't hold one leg up for the full 30 seconds. Now I am shaking, but I can hold it for the full 30 on each leg. I'm hoping that you hit the 10/10 on those workouts, because that is my feeling on them.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! :happy: I am having that feeling that I forgot to do something this morning, but hoping it's just that I forgot to post on MFP until now! :ohwell: Had a blast playing with Lily in the yard yesterday...she sure has some spunk, but not too much! Bedtime wasn't fun, she actually started barking. Turns out, she just needs to clearly see us and she stops. So, my hubby took her downstairs and slept on the couch with her next to him, and she slept the whole night through (and no accidents either!). I needed that full nights sleep! I can tell she's going to be like our matter how long we let her "cry it out" she never did stop. Lily is looking to be the same way. I guess we'll just have 2 dogs in bed with us sooner rather than later. That's ok with me, I don't mind the snuggles! :bigsmile:

    This morning was Cardio Barre Advanced. Not sure how I feel about it yet. It was like P57 on speed! :noway: I broke a sweat, but not any more than a P57, Booty Barre, Squeeze, etc. But, man oh man was it fast!!! I'll have to try it again to see what I think. Maybe next time I'll feel a bit more in control of the workout!

    Laurie--That sounds like a cold track meet! :grumble: I'm sure hoping these 60's stay in the forcast for good, and maybe a little less rain. My boys have baseball (between the 2 of them) 4 nights a week, so I'm going to be spending lots of time at the ball field! Good luck on dinner, I struggle with those type of situations where everything is fried, and you're limited to salads. Sometimes I just don't feel like a salad (I have them virtually every day for lunch as it is), but I know if I eat anything fried, my stomach will not like me! Isn't that the truth, that when you see those pups, it's just love at first sight. I just love that little Lily, and am making sure to give Lexie lots of attention too, so she eventually will be friends with Lily. Right now, she wants to be as far away from her as possible, and all Lily wants is someone to cuddle with!

    Michelle--Glad you got that snuggle time in, and were still able to get to work on time! I was thinking of you and Capone this morning during my workout...I had Lexie licking me the whole time, and Lily trying to dodge my feet as I was doing kicks. By the time I got to the abs section on the floor, I felt like I was being smothered in kisses. Very sweet, but I know I wasn't focusing on my workout very much at that point! They both were very interested in my new yoga socks too (if you don't have those, get them...they have traction on the bottom that works well for barre workouts!), so I had to dodge them from time to time! :laugh: Regarding the DOMS, I''m not sure what is with them. I do have a protein shake after my workout, but I don't think it's ever helped one way or the other. I don't do a pre-workout drink, as truth be told, I might pee my pants if I have to do any jumping, so I try to only sip on water as needed. I guess that's what 2, almost 9 pound babies, does to your body! :laugh:

    Tami--What did you think of the Bosu work? Hard, isn't it? I love it, but it's so incredibly challenging for me, that I find myself avoiding it! :blushing: I'd love to get to a point where I pull that out anytime I do pushups, but not sure I'll get there anytime soon! Regarding the TK thing, I found out last week, that the pay for instructors is next to nothing (most places, even the good ones, pay maybe $20 or $25 for each class), so I don't think I'll be ever leaving my FT job to teach. I know my body couldn't handle multiple classes a day, and maybe just 2-3/week. That just won't work, compared to what I get paid now. So, I think I'll still go through with the training (I also found out I'd need to get a group instructor certification, which costs about $600), but maybe teach for fun? Not sure yet. But, the job is going a bit better, so I'll hang tight for now. Thanks for asking!

    Laurel--Good morning!!! :flowerforyou:

    Have a great day ladies!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning was P90X Back/Biceps followed by Insanity Max Recovery. This was a surprisingly tough combination. I love the Back/Bicep workout because I can really push the weights, and my arms were fried at the end. I took a good long break, but the early plank and pushup work in the Recovery workout nearly killed me! :tongue: It definitely got better as it went along, but, no doubt, I was thinking that I would have preferred to be doing a higher impact workout during the early portions of that second workout over anything that relied on my arms. But I got through it!!

    Tami, sounds like a great Turbo Kick workout. Jump squats on a Bosu Ball? I don't think so! :laugh: No doubt I would have been falling everywhere. Thanks for the feedback on the S90 and strength. I'm going to preview the upper body workouts over the next little bit because I really am thinking they will be a great compliment to my Asylum rotation. But I'm so happy with my strength gains from P90X right now that I'm afraid of losing it!! But I think the combo of Asylum and S90 would insure I wouldn't lose any gains I've made at all. In fact, based on what Laurie said about her results, it might be quite the opposite. I, too, like the sound of Cathe's new workouts. I'll probably preorder because I can't argue with the deal (I think they end up being half price or something). No doubt I'll use them. I use all of Cathe's DVDs at one time or another. :blushing:

    Laurie, I'm really glad you described the gains you've made with S90 because that really helps me. I love the idea of increasing my shoulder strength and my core strength. I could tell from the leg workout that he really does focus on the core, and I love those types of workouts. Very functional, and I really do notice that in every aspect of my life. I can't believe you had frost on the ground!! We were in the mid-80s yesterday! :noway: But today we're back down in the low 60s, so.....Sorry to hear about the menu you'll be dining from tonight. It always annoys me when I look at a menu and can't find anything that isn't fried or covered in cream sauces or whatever. I think every restaurant should have healthy options, and by 'healthy' I don't mean a salad covered in bacon, cheese, fried chicken and Ranch dressing!

    Erika, sounds like the little pup is still adjusting. I'm glad you got a full night's sleep, though. You had me laughing at your description of trying to workout with a dog licking your face! I'm thinking that would have been a challenge. :happy: Sorry to hear being a TK instructor isn't going to work for you financially, but I hope you continue to pursue for fun reasons if nothing else.

    Michelle, glad you and DH are enjoying the workouts. I keep hoping my husband will start a program with me like P90X or S90...but no such luck here so far. :frown: But I keep trying. Hope you enjoyed your evening!!

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies :flowerforyou:

    I am so happy to report despite the 34 degree temps when we woke up this a.m. :huh: it is sunny and supposed to be 60 degrees today! It feels so amazing. :bigsmile: Today was S90 Back/Bi’s … what a great workout this is, (2nd time through). I really enjoy all of the circuits on this one and often feel bored training my back; not on this one. :wink:
    Planning on hitting the Tri-Cycle class again tonight and then head home to take the kids out for a walk in the sunshine.

    Michelle – Glad you are liking the S90 workouts so far! :wink: Great that your DH did the workout with you. My hubby would probably never do a workout with me or even want too. He truly dislikes working out. :ohwell: Yes, get that ball some air so you can do Ultimate Ball, I think you’ll enjoy it!

    Laurie: SO I have to say that this a.m. as I was doing S90 Back/Bi’s (as well), I did go up in weights and was thinking, OK I am getting stronger - - - :blushing: :wink: with the moves being more familiar the second time around & increasing my weights I was feeling like “yes, this is strength gains right here”. :smile: Don’t you love the DB good morning with prone press? Unique and works! :wink: Good luck tonight on the eating out …. That is so tough when you can’t pick the location. :noway: I know how that is when I go to different restaurants or functions that my DH brings me too and kind of stress about the poor choices. I sometimes have something small and clean at home so that I can just eat something very small and simple wherever we go if I have no idea what will be served.

    Erika: I think it is so wonderful you are enjoying little Lily so much! :heart: So cute that they sometimes just need that attention to sleep. I know when you are going through that period it’s tiring and what not but cute that she loves the attention. The Bosu was a good workout. :bigsmile: Definitely something that engages your entire body! We have used them for the push-ups before and I do like that, it’s challenging. I can’t imagine a whole workout (which I remember you mentioning a while back) using the Bosu. Jump squats were tough, :huh: I was happy that I managed to only come off a few times. The legs were shakin like crazy! I’m glad you mentioned the Yoga socks to Michelle. I have often thought about getting some of those but just haven’t. I would like the traction a lot. :wink: I’m glad things are going better at your job and maybe teaching can still be a part of your life down the road just as a part time thing. :wink:

    Laurel: Great job on the workouts this a.m. :drinker: Sounds like it was definitely a burner and probably felt really great when you were done! 3 of us did Back/Bi’s today …. How funny. :laugh: I think due to the shorter length of S90 they will definitely be a great combo with your Asylum. :wink: As I was mentioning to Laurie above now that I think about this program so far and even this a.m. going through the workout, if I break it down, I am building on the program and obviously getting stronger. Don’t worry about my earlier comment and concern . . . :blushing: :ohwell: obviously now that I am in the second phase and increased the weights, etc. already that = strength.:smile: It’s building strength in a different way than say STS or P90X. Which is great because it is different! :wink: I know 100% that my core strength is definitely improving. I would say every single workout in S90 concentrates on the core and I also really enjoy that.
    When you put it that way on the Cathe Pre-Sale …… Hmmm, I think you’re spot on! :wink: :bigsmile: I better get out my M/C before May 31st.

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Evening Ladies,

    Laurie- Bummer as Back & Biceps were on my schedule but worked knocked everything out of me as I had a 4am alarm:grumble: Instead I pulled the fridge out and cleaned a gazillion dustbunnies. Afterwards I decided to clean my truck and then downstairs:blushing:

    Tami-My hubby will usually do a workout with me to get in my good graces:bigsmile: Being military he definitely prefers group training, running or bicycling so it is truly like pulling teeth to get him to commit.

    Laurel- Keep trying..he may suprise you one day by joining you in a killer session:laugh:

    Erika- Glad that your new girl is working out and keeoing you busy:bigsmile: Poor hubby:laugh:

    Night lady as my poor eyes are closing:yawn: .

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Ultimate Ball, and since my stability ball is flat I used the pill shaped ball that I got with my Barry's Bootcamp set. It worked out all right. :laugh: I really need to get a new stability ball soon.

    Oldest dd received her plaque last night, and the thing is bigger than I thought it would be. It has her name, and Outstanding Senior Athlete. It has two medalions on it that represent Cross Country and Track. That was pretty cool. Then her coach announed the captains yesterday, and she received that honor also. I'm glad that she is ending her senior year on such a high note.

    Erika, I'm sure the more your Lily gets used to her new home, she will not be crying so much. The funny thing about last night was that the only "healthy" think they had was a garden salad. I didn't get it because I didn't want to just eat this little bit of lettuce. :laugh: DH and I ended up sharing a pizza, so in the end it was to bad since I loaded the pizza with veggies. :laugh:

    Laurel, I can see that those month two Insanity workouts will be tough combined with P90X, but it sure does sound like you are getting through them really well. Oh I remember all those planks in that workout, it really wasn't much of a recovery workout. :laugh: Yesterday ended up being in the 60's, but it sure was cold in the morning.

    Tami, Sounds like your weather was just like ours. :wink: The one thing I do enjoy about these S90 workouts is that he throws in kettlebell moves, clean & presses etc. I think that helps make it a lot more fun to do the workouts. The first time I did the back & biceps workout I really noticed that my back had DOMS. That doesn't normally happen to me in workouts. I can lift quite a bit of weight for my back, but this faster pace has me going down in weight. That is why I'm surprised when I feel DOMS.

    Michelle, To bad you couldn't do the b&b workout with Tami and I yesterday. :laugh: It is a longer workout, but really tough.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was a great workout combo. I started the day with Insanity's Max Interval Circuit. For me, this is the toughest workout of the Insanity set (and also the longest, which is probably why it is the toughest for me!). And then I did my YogaX from P90X. I love doing tough cardio before YogaX, so today was a perfect workout day for me. I actually had a little DOMS this morning from yesterday's workout. It eased up early in the cardio workout, but it made me feel good to know that I'm still challenging my muscles right now. I hadn't felt any DOMS since the first couple of weeks of doing P90X, but probably the combo of intense upper body workouts yesterday did the trick. But I'm glad they didn't stick around!

    Laurie, congratulations again to your daughter! This must be such a fun time for her, and doing so well has she ends her high school career will probably carry her into college so well. I bet you were a proud Mom last night! Good job with choosing as healthy an option as you could. Pizza isn't that bad for you as long as it isn't loaded with high fat stuff (like pepperoni) or has a stuffed cheese crust or whatever. So I think that's a good option. I agree the Insanity Max Recovery workout isn't much of a recovery. I remember the first time I did it, I thought I was going to die!!! Sure, there's no impact, but some of those plank moves......:noway: :tongue:

    Michelle, sorry to hear about your workout, but it sounds like you got alot done if you pulled out your fridge AND cleaned your truck. Hope today is going better!

    Tami, great job with the workouts. Thanks again for your feedback on the S90 workouts. I actually previewed both Chest/Back and Shoulders/Arms yesterday, and I really liked what I saw. It makes me anxious to try them out because I was really impressed with the different exercises and the circuit style he works them in (not to mention the exceptionally fit background exercisers!). I definitely think they'll be perfect with Asylum. It should be a fun rotation for me next because I'll be doing ALL new workouts. It's been a long time since I've done something like that!

    Erika, I hope you're doing well and that your little pup allowed you to get some sleep!

    Take care!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    The Tri-Cycle class last night was different than the week before (not quite as good) :ohwell: but I was glad I went. There was a sub filling in and she was very quiet, didn’t say much and had the music really low. Sort of odd …. I just went ahead and tried pushing myself throughout; felt like a good workout but anxious to try the other guys class again. :wink: The “kids” were thrilled to see me when I arrived home to take them for a walk and some tennis ball action – it’s like sprints for dogs! :laugh: Today was Ultimate Ball and I also did S90 Legs.

    Michelle: Sorry you missed Back/Bi’s. :smile: I’m sure you’ll get it in soon & really enjoy it! Sounds like you did a very functional workout without it though! Hope you got some good sleep last night.

    Laurie: That is so awesome to hear about your daughter. :bigsmile: I bet she was so happy for the award as well as Team Capt. You must be so proud of her and what a wonderful Mother’s Day present. :wink: Sounds like the dinner worked out nicely for you. I’ve seen those balance balls on T.V. I think. I bet that was a challenge! :wink: Great job compensating and getting Ult Ball in. I know what you mean about feeling it in the lower back on a couple of his workouts. Definitely use some muscles there in a new/different way. . . . which is a good thing!

    Laurel: Yowsa! :huh: That sounds like a great combo you had today. I think it’s great that you have stayed committed to Yoga. Still one of my ongoing goals to do it at least once a week . . I keep putting it on the schedule for my REST day. :smile: :blushing: S90 - That is exactly what I keep thinking/feeling throughout these workouts is the variations on a particular exercise plus having it be circuit style. :bigsmile: Yes, there are some crazy fit people in these videos. :noway: Sally is so fit, WOW!. I think your next rotation sounds amazing! :smile: I bet you are really excited to have all new into a rotation, very fun.

    Hi Erika – Hope you are having a great day and all is well with Lily. :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow – Tami
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Night Ladies,

    So after some serious DOMS in my biceps frorm S90 and then major quad trauma from Core Fusion I decided to jump in with Brook Benten Butts & Gutts KB workout..not sure about this one:ohwell: It is very repetitious and although it definitely does increase the heartrate it was kind of flat, then I added Tonique Mat back section and that was a nice finisher for the lower body:laugh:

    Laurie- Awesome way to conclude her HS year:flowerforyou: Celebrate this weekend because she worked hard for those awards:wink:

    Laurel- Glad that the previews seemed interesting:wink: Yes his circuits are definitely great at hitting the muscles continuously til muscle failure.

    Tami- Today I will make up my workout and I'm excited to get in there with those circuits:bigsmile:

    Erika- Did the little one have a rough night?

    Have agreat workout:bigsmile:

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