Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Total Body yesterday, and Core Dynamics today.

    My youngest DD's track meet was rain out, or should I say it was called because of hail. :laugh: So anything to do with youngest dd's track meets have to do with my feet, because I was soaked all the way to my knees by the time I got to my vehicle. :wink: Oldest had her conference meet last night, and they didn't have any rain at all. She came home with a certificate from the Kiwanis Club for Outstanding Performance. :wink:

    Michelle, Great compliment on your arms! Let the vainity flow, because I'm betting that you do have better guns. :wink: Dang on the boss though, I feel for you. I to have one of those. :wink:

    Laurel, I agree with all that Tami said about the S90 workouts. They have given me more cuts. I think it was a shock that my body needed. I keep wondering why is it that the body needs these little changes, but these workouts have proved to me that it is necessary. I will be 48 in August, so I'm heading toward that dreaded 50! :wink: Totally understand that once you get past that 45 mark, you are looking at going over that half way point in life. :wink:

    Tami, My DH is gone tonight, and youngest will be at her 8th grade formal. So it is just me and the oldest tonight, and one of her many guy friends. She doesn't have a boyfriend, just friends that are guys. She tells me that she doesn't have all that many girl friends, because most girls are to emotional. This coming from a very emotional girl. :laugh: All right now you need to tell me what the ingredients are for your Chick Pea Cole Slaw, because chick peas are my all time fav legume. :happy:

    Erika, What a crazy day you had. So starts the busy summer baseball season I see. I have been looking at a couple of new workouts myself. I am hooked on the S90 Tabata workout, and found out that Amy Dixon came out with a new one called Breathless Body (I don't understand these silly titles for workouts :noway: ). I'm also interested in Asylum, and still looking at Peak 10. Have heard they are having problems with the discs getting scratched. :huh: Not going to get those until I see more reviews, and they get the scratch problem handled.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies, TGIF!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, I didn't get in my treadmill walk last night or my S90 workout this morning, as the tireds hit big time! :grumble: So much so, that I went to the doctor this morning. I'm waiting on test results, but they are testing me for everything under the sun...mono, Vitamin D deficiency, Iron, Magnesium, some muscle disorder (as my leg muscles are ALWAYS sore), etc. I should have the tests back today. I'm so incredibly tired (and that's after 9+ hours of sleep), that I might not even make it through the whole work day. Hopefully we get some sort of result that explains it, otherwise I'm just stuck with the tireds for awhile. :noway:

    Laurie--I'll just have to hear about your S90 Workouts for awhile, as I just don't have the energy to get to mine. I hope I come up with a sudden burst of energy later so I can get my workout in, but not counting on it! :frown: Bummer on the hail out of the track meet...I sat in the rain watching my son play baseball last night...brrr! Great job on your other DD getting the've gotta be a proud mama!! :happy: I have seen the previous for Amy's DVD too, looks good. If you're not already, check out VideoFitness for reviews...some have said they were concerned with it being a tabata type workout, but that it's an hour long. I'll be curious to hear that. Peak 10 sounds really good though!!! I just ordered Booty Barre Arms/Abs and Quick Cuts Pilates. One more barre workout, and my wishlist is fulfilled! :bigsmile:

    Tami--I hope you enjoyed the workout time last night while hubby was away! :wink: That salad sounds awesome!! Keep up the S90 Workouts so I can live vicariously through you! You should sell some of your DVD's on nice without any fee to list!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel and Michelle--Good Morning! :happy:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was the end of week 2 of this crazy Insanity Month 2 and P90X Rotation. One more week of P90X and two more weeks of Insanity. :drinker: I think I'll make it. If I had two more weeks of both, I'd be bailing. But with just one more week of the combo, I think I'll be able to push through. I'm really glad I started this rotation in such a way that it forced this off-set in the programs because that will enable me to complete both rotations barring any unforseen circumstances. Anyhow, this morning was Insanity's Max Interval Sports Training. I love that one! And now that I'm doing Month 2 workouts, it felt MUCH easier than it did when I was doing it during Month 1. And then I did P90X Legs/Back and Ab Ripper X. My legs were pretty tired at the start of the workout, but I ended up pushing through that and felt great towards the end. Really looking forward to my day off tomorrow though!

    Erika, I'm so sorry you are feeling this way. But I'm glad you went to see the doctor. I hope you get an answer from the tests they are running. Hopefully you feel like the doctor took you seriously and will follow-up if they don't find anything definitive right now. I'm thinking about you! :flowerforyou: Please let us know what you hear when you get a chance (if you feel like sharing, of course!)

    Laurie, congrats again to your oldest DD. She's enjoying a great time right now, isn't she? Sorry to hear about the youngest's track meet. It must be spring. :ohwell: Thank you SOOO much for your feedback on S90. That is exactly what I wanted to hear! I did up my Asylum/S90 rotation yesterday, and I'm very anxious to start it. Yeah, the age thing....what is it about 50? I didn't have any problems with 40, but 50? I'm hoping I get over that in the next four years, that's for sure. Because it's going to be a long four years if I don't! :laugh:

    Tami, like Laurie, thank you SOOOO much for your feedback on S90. This has me so excited to start the program. And congrats on the compliment on your arms! That must have made you feel good. My birthday is week after next, so it is coming up. Like Laurie mentioned, it really is the getting closer to 50 thing that is getting to me right now. My husband turned 46 last month, and one of his staff members jokingly said 'That's almost 50, right?' So that's how he refers to himself that almost-50 guy. He just laughs about it, but I HATE hearing that from him because I don't see him that way!!! And I certainly don't see myself that way. is reality. And reality isn't great sometimes. :ohwell: But I'll get over it, no doubt. It's all in my mind (thankfully) because my body and health are actually doing pretty well! (Knock on wood!!)

    Michelle, I hope you're doing well.

    Enjoy the weekend!!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    I'm off today and definitely tired from the heat and warehouse concession was to curl ever case that I loaded and hold the peak contraction for a good upper body workout:tongue: I felt better when I considered it a workout until the said manager saw me later and said, "Is he working you hard, oh that is great". Meanwhile I was feeling icky, sticky and ready to hit her with a case but I smiled like a good girl:laugh:

    Yesterday was KCM Premix for Training Like a Contender which I really enjoy and would do daily if I had the time:wink:

    Erika- One of those crazy days that only seem to occur when the husband is out of town. Last Sunday the washer died on hubby and he did not tell me until Monday afternoon, so after heading to Lowes and buying a new set of top loading appliances, Delivery day which was suppose to be my off day until the manager told me otherwise ten minutes before the shifts ends, we receive the call that the set was damaged and is the last set. Then the salesperson ask us to switch sets but they would keep the price the same:grumble: Later that night hubby takes the girls to a laundromat and comes home with two exhausted kids at 11am who did not want to wake for school:grumble: The lowes calls on delivery day to say the new set is also damaged:grumble: These are the type of days that I wonder what the heck am I doing?:blushing: Everything was handled great and minus the whimpering puppy and the wrapped up boo-boos you handled everything deserved a sleep-in:wink: Keep us informed on what the doctor says and hopefully this can be fixed soon.

    Laurie- We had 30mph winds but TG no hail. I'M actually thinking of ordering Breathless body:blushing: yes the name is wierd but the workout is Tabata based so I'm interested to purchase. I was the same way in BFF and I had more male friends none of whom we dated but we considered females back then to be to whiny and weak:laugh:

    Laurel- Fifty is the new 38 I say:wink: so ignore the numbers because I'm sure that your body is in better shape than many 20 year olds and will continue to perform as such in the next decade:bigsmile: . We turned out quite fine and picked good hubbies too..well I did but her 2nd hubby can be a bit jeckyl & hyde every two years or so:wink:

    Tami- Great to hear about those results with S90.:bigsmile: I'm hoping to at least get at least one workout in per week and I really like the Back/biceps workout. I still have several to try but looking at Total body next as that sounds like a great calorie burner.

    So my bff is in town due to her mom falling and breaking a knee. I have not visited yet as her mom went through a phase where she left town and never told us anything even though we lived 10minutes from each other. I accepted her decison as she was going through some personal stuff and she and my BFF were estranged but I still felt slighted:blushing: Although I have not visited the hospital I did cook dinner for them and my BFF picked it up. I also packed a goodie bag with snacks, drinks, etc and sent that to the hospital but on my off day I truly just want to relax and now go there and sit for several hours catching up so the speak:blushing: I keep putting it off and feel somewhat guilty..ugh the guilt will cause me to get up and go today instead of early tomorrow b/c now my BFF is saying she may be checked out later today.sounds like a trck to me:laugh: I'm thinking she needs a reprieve also.

    Have a great weekend my mfp family:flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    Today was Tabata Inferno! Love this one always …. It just flies along and gets your HR up there too. :bigsmile:
    Ended up taking the kids for a nice walk last night, the weather turned really nice instead of stormy so it was perfect. Then made the Edamame & Chickpea Slaw for my friends house tonight. I’ll post the recipe here Laurie that way if any of you are interested help yourself! :wink:

    Laurie: Congrats to your daughter, you must be so proud of her. :bigsmile: I can just picture the track meet and all the rain for your other daughter. Yikes on the soaking feet; I bet you were so cold. :ohwell: That is a great way of summing S90 up: The shock that your body needed. :wink: Definitely, I agree! Plus $19.99 -- AMAZING

    Erika: I am so happy to hear that you were able to get in to see your doctor and sad that the tired’s have come on that much. I am thinking about you and hoping all the best for your results. :flowerforyou: Hopefully something very easy to pinpoint and you can get back on track in no time. Thanks for the encouragement on selling my DVD’s (again) I might get on there this weekend and do that! Hang in there – I hope you have a good weekend and feel better. :wink:

    Laurel: You deserve a nice relaxing break tomorrow forsure! :smile: You have truly been putting in some time and great effort with your rotation! Hope you do something just for you or maybe enjoy some golf with your DH again. You’re welcome on the S90 feedback. I’m glad you are excited. I think your upcoming rotation will be fantastic and just continue to build off of what you have been doing.

    My DH turns 48 this year and talks about it like he is already 50. He always says, wait until you turn …. Which is funny because he has been saying that since we met and I have a much different aging process (how I feel) due to my activity level and what I have done for work vs. his 23 yrs of hard physical labor (prior to his job now). :ohwell: :wink: But the numbers do bother me & he just laughs. He always says, what are you going to do? It doesn’t seem to bother him at all or he just never admits it. Now my mom, who as you know just celebrated turning 70. She truly CELEBRATES her age and said she feels better and is proud to announce her age to the world. Maybe something shifts eventually and the number isn’t that big of a deal. We’ll see. :wink: Hang in there – you’re an amazing woman who has reached some fabulous physical and I’m sure emotional goals throughout your life thus far! :wink: :bigsmile: Celebrate your accomplishments and embrace them, ignore that number! :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Good to know on the TLC workout! I am looking forward to trying that one. :smile: Your mgr truly sounds like such a “treat” to work with, you poor thing. :grumble: Way to smile through it. I’m sure that’s not what she was looking for. Sounds more like she enjoys a reaction people might give her through being a pistol! :grumble: I think you will really enjoy S90 Total Body. :smile: Congrats by the way on hitting your 20LB’s .. :drinker: I saw that posted earlier! Yahoo, that’s awesome.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :bigsmile: Hope to get in some good workouts this weekend. :smile:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Edamame & ChickPea Slaw

    • 1.5 Cups Fresh Chickpeas
    • Olive Oil Cooking Spray
    • ¼ tsp. Sea Salt
    • 4 tsp. Olive Oil, divided
    • 1 head broccoli stalks, shredded
    • 1 head purple cabbage, shredded
    • 1 head cabbage, shredded
    • 1 cup shelled Edamame beans
    • ¾ C. green or red bell pepper julienned
    • 1.5 C. carrots, shredded
    • 4 green onions, chopped

    Dressing: 2/3 C. Apple cider vinegar, 2 T. raw organic honey, 2 cloves garlic, minced, ½ tsp caraway seeds, ½ tsp gr. Pepper.

    Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Place chickpeas on a large roasting pan coated with cooking spray, sprinkle w/ sea salt & drizzled lightly w/ 2 tsp olive oil. Bake for 30 min tossing occasionally. Remove from oven and let cool.
    Combine broccoli, both cabbages, edamame, bell pepper, carrots & onions in a large bowl. Set aside.

    Whisk together vinegar, honey, garlic, caraway seeds, pepper & remaining 2 tsp olive oil. Pour over slaw, tossing gently. Chill for 30 minutes. Top w/ roasted Chickpeas.

    Another dressing that I really like with this recipe …. :smile: Gives it a little kick and very good:
    OTHER Dressing ~ Spicy Chile Dressing:
    ¼ C. Light Mayo, 3 T. Fresh Lemon juice, 1 T. Dijon Mustard, 1 tsp. Sugar, ½ tsp. sea salt, ½ tsp. ground cumin, ¼ tsp. cayenne or more to taste. ¼ tsp gr pepper.

    Enjoy :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I go in for 4am this morning so an early check in for me:wink: I was finally able to do my Squeeze Stronger Upper body and Waist followed by Jessica's Smith 10min KB dvd and boy oh boy it hurts to cough or sneeze this morning:wink: love that! I"m hoping to get a workout in today but after arriving home at 11pm last night to a "We love you" cake and the girls waiting up for me, I ended up snuggling with the youngest and watching Bones & Criminal Minds until 2am with hubby. Needless to say we all slept in this morning even Capone as he did not bark and just watched the birds through the sliding door until I made it downstairs at 11pm.

    Tami- I have not tried the Edamame would you describe those?

    Have a great Monday ladies:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Shoulders and Arms this morning, Saturday was Cardio Challenge.

    Erika, Hope you get some answers from the doctor with those tests. I have a few friends that have thyroid problems, and the tireds are a big part of that. Hope your weekend went well and you got in some rest.

    Laurel, Really tough combo on that one. I'm glad that you are able to push through those tough workouts, I don't know that I would have the will to even try something like it. :laugh: Bet you enjoyed your day off of exercise, you really will need it for the last push on this week. That fourth week should be a walk in the park after these last three. :wink: Are you going to be adding in other workouts with the Insanity that last week?

    Tami, That recipe really looks great, and as I was reading it I was drooling. :laugh: My grandmother was that way about her age, and I would like to be the same as her. My grandmother that is still living has complained about getting old for years. :huh: I know I don't want to be like that, sure don't want my grandchildren to call me the Wicked Witch like we called her. :laugh: Love her, but dang she could be a nasty lady at times.

    Michelle, Whenever I see TLC I always think of the TLC channel. :laugh: I love watching Bones. Also love that JS Kicboxing workout you did. Sorry to hear that you are having problems with the DOMS, but it sounds like you are enjoying it. :laugh: We sure are crazy people for enjoying our sore bodies. :laugh: I love Edamame beans, and they really do make them convient now. You can buy the heat in the bag in the frozen food isle. My youngest will chomp on those for a snack. All I do is heat up the frozen pods, put some sea salt on the pods after they get out of the microwave. Youngest likes to eat them cold, and I have to say that is my favorite way also. Oh dang, now I do think that I need to get that KCM workout, since both you and Erika have given it the thumbs up.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mornin' Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Well, no feedback from the doctor yet, but some of my bloodwork results came back higher than the normal range, so I'll wait to see what that means. I added some dizzy spells and headaches to the mix this weekend. Definitely think I need to do some further tests. I was exhausted on Friday again, and so tired on Saturday that I just started crying (out of frustration). I ended up missing some fun time with the kids because I just couldn't stay awake any longer. Hopefully the doctor has some answers today.

    I did manage to get a short workout (barre) in yesterday and a longer barre workout today. I think I need to keep everything very low key for awhile, until these tireds get outta me! :ohwell:

    Laurie--I can't tell from the test results (or maybe that result isn't back yet) if I have a thyroid issue. Right now, my CO2 level is pretty high, which looks like it means kidney/lung issues, which I don't think I have. So, maybe that indicates something other than that? I'm sure I'll know more later today.

    Michelle--Awww, what a sweet surprise to come home too! Your family is soo sweet! :heart: I hope you're able to successfully cough/sneeze without pain today. I know that pain :noway: ...Squeeze gets me every time!

    Tami--Great workouts again...ahhh Tabata Inferno...when my energy is back, I'm hitting up that one for sure!!! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--Way to rock those Insanity/P90X workouts, as usual!! You always amaze me with your combos!! :happy:

    Off to a work meeting...hopefully the doctor will have called by the time I get out!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning's workout was tough. I only did Insanity's Max Interval Circuit yesterday (followed by a round of golf), so I don't know why I felt so worn out. Maybe it is because it has been more humid than normal and maybe I'm not as hydrated. Or maybe it is because I'm starting the fourth week of a ridiculous exercise program and I'm just plain tired! :tongue: Who knows. But I managed to get through it all right. I did Insanity's Max Interval Plyo followed (after breakfast) by P90X Chest/Shoulders/Triceps and Ab Ripper X. So glad this is the last week of this rotation.

    Erika, I was thinking about you all weekend. I'm sorry you didn't get any definitive answer from the doctor. It definitely sounds like you need to pursue this. I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling better. Please keep letting us know how you are doing. I hope they find an answer soon. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle, sounds like your schedule is going crazy again. Sounds like you got some good time in with your family over the weekend though. How sweet about the cake!! What a nice surprise that must have been. Love both Criminal Minds and Bones too!

    Laurie, I think I'll probably do some light weight workouts next week while I finish the Insanity rotation. Definitely not anything heavy, but maybe more endurance based than what P90X has been. Then I plan on taking almost a week off before I start Asylum. I don't think that's going to happen (because I won't let it happen), but I'm going to try to limit my workouts to one a day for a few days and also take a few days completely off. I've got little aches and pains popping up that I know would be all better with a few days rest. So I'm going to give my body that before I start another really tough rotation. At least Asylum is only 30 days....and I'm not planning on doing it every day like I have been doing Insanity.

    Tami, hope the slaw went over well for your gathering on Friday night! Thanks for the recipe. Looks really tasty and like a perfect summer salad. Thanks for the great words about birthdays. The number has never ever bothered me before. I was one of those that said any sign of aging is just a sign of what I've been through in life. It means I've lived, and that's a good thing. So I don't look at my face for wrinkles (because I don't care if I have them) or anything like that. I do color my hair but wouldn't if it had been growing in a pretty grey instead of the really ugly stuff I have! And, no doubt, I'll stop this dying process sometime because I really don't like it. And my mother, who is 81, is more youthful now (in a good way) than she was when I was a kid. And that's how I want to be. So I don't know why it is bothering me right now. Actually, I think it probably has more to do with my husband's impending retirement from the military than it does my age if I'm being totally honest. I think that is bothering me because of the word 'retirement' and because the life we've known for so long is going to come to an end. And despite all of the stresses of being in the military, I'm not sure I'm ready for that. But we know this is his last job in the Air Force (he has to retire by January 2014), and I think that has me feeling older than I normally would feel. But you are right....I just need to focus on other things right now because there is so much to celebrate in life! So....thank you for those words! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you all enjoy the day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Good weekend minus our rain again. . . :angry: Sat. was semi-nice though! Saturday I did BootCamp and yesterday was S90 Chest/Shoulders/Tri’s workout. :wink: I had planned on getting in a nice walk with the dogs later in the day but it started absolutely pouring rain again. All afternoon and still raining. :noway: Today’s workout is going to be Turbo Kick after work. Missed my a.m. workout :grumble: :cry: :ohwell: so S90 Total Body is planned for tomorrow a.m. instead.

    Michelle: Edamame is really good I think. :smile: It’s hard to sort of describe the taste but it is excellent shelled in salads or whatever you want a good little burst of something healthy/protein. Steamed w/ sea salt (like Laurie mentioned) is a great snack. The texture is firmer than say a lima bean or kidney bean; similar size though. This recipe they are shelled already and just the beans. That’s great you got Squeeze in, I know you have been wanting to pump up those arms a bit! You’re family does sound so kind and you all seem to have so much fun together, how special. Glad you enjoyed your time with them.

    Erika: I was thinking about you this weekend as well wondering how you were doing. :flowerforyou: Please keep up posted. I am anxious to hear what advice they give and for you to start feeling good with energy again! Hang in there, it will get resolved.

    Laurie: Great job with S90!!! :smile: I keep meaning to ask you. In the warm-up on these workouts there is a lady on our right (his left) who looks so enthused during the arm swings. :laugh: Have you noticed her?

    Laurel: Awesome work with your workouts! :happy: I bet the combo of humidity and the tough combo you have going on really zapped you. Yes, it is a great salad for summer forsure. :wink: I sometimes make extra and pack it into wraps too w/ chicken breast or tuna! The get together was nice, very quiet and just 5 of us so it was perfect.

    Hope you have all had a great day ~ talk to you tomorrow! :smile:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    My body is soooo sore:noway: Those side bends with the broomstick is killer and my obliques will whittle down with consistency:wink:
    This afternoon I did Tonique 1:noway: OMG tell me she splits those sections in because I felt like the bunny...going and going and going:laugh: Then her cool down in that swimsuit...yikes..that is incentive. I'm currently trying a Tonique & boxing rotation for the next 3 weeks before my trip to California, hoping to see some additional inches off the thighs.

    Erika- I feel for you..big hugs. After that night shift I slept like for 36 hrs straight and finally my body seems steady again. I was going through that phase but during Lent I went towards a more natural diet skipping the processed stuff and that is actually when the weight started to drop. I feel really good and also started taking Fish oil pills along with eating fish like tuna or salmon twice a week. Do you use omegas or fish oil? Has anything else changed for falling out, achy joints, etc? Tell that doctor to hurry up b/c your extended family is concerned:wink:

    Laurel- Focus on the wonderful things that you know now at this age...youth is great but with wisdom comes a wonderful sense of self. yup.. I do watch Oprah as you can see but I have definitely gained a sense of self along with the confidence to choose me first at times instead of everyone else.:flowerforyou:

    Tami- I will give them a try. Yes the cake was great and my hubby and the girls are wonderful even when mommy is sometimes grouchy with work:embarassed: . As a matter of fact hubby told me that if I'm not happy then come home because they would prefer me happy at home than stressed with work.:blushing: I squeezed really good and my triceps feel so buffy:wink:

    Laurie- KCM is great and fun. As a matter of fact I put MMA boxing in on Sunday but took it out immediately because it seemed so boring and the background music sucked:laugh:

    My booty hurts already:laugh: yeah for Tonique.:wink:

    TTYL & have a great Tuesday:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Ultimate Ball for me this morning.

    Erika, Dang sorry to hear how tired you are, sure doesn't sound like fun. Hope you get those results quick, so that you can start getting better.

    Laurel, Good idea on taking a week off before the Asylum rotation. I'm sure that your body will need a break after this though workout month that you are doing. Totally impressed with how well you are doing with it though. I'm wondering myself on when I will stop the hair coloring. Right now I just have patches of gray, so I will probably keep up with it. I just hate spending the $ on getting it colored. :laugh:

    Tami, Oh yes that dear girl sure is having the time of her life during the warm-up. :laugh: I'm so glad that she is in other workouts, so that we get to see her smile at what Tom says. Everyone is way to serious in these workouts IMO. :wink: Glad you enjoyed your time with your friends.

    Michelle, LOL about the cool down swim suit in Tonique! :laugh: Shocked the heck out of me when I first saw it. :blushing: I'm very glad to hear that you are tossing those pounds with your healthy eating. That part of the getting healthy process is the hardest for me. Everyone thinks that the exercise part is tough, but to me that is the fun part. :happy: All right my list just keeps getting a little bit bigger on the DVD purchases.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    The workouts this morning felt MUCH better than they did yesterday. I think it is because I ate more protein last night than I had the night before, and that really does seem to have a significant impact on my energy levels when I'm working out. Good thing I'm not a carb lover, because I actually prefer eating more protein most of the time. Except for pasta. I do love a good pasta dish every now and again. :ohwell: Anyhow, this morning I did Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning and Insane Abs. And then after breakfast, I did P90X Plyometrics. I am really beginning to feel the impact of the Month 2 Insanity workouts in a good way. PlyoX has never been a really tough cardio challenge for me, but this morning, I hardly got out of breath on any of the moves. I LOVE the way Insanity improves my cardio conditioning. I suppose that's why I keep doing it. And, of course, because of Shaun T. :heart: :blushing:

    Tami, sorry to hear about the rain this weekend. We're having our fair share right now as well. Not fun, but I suppose it is spring so it's to be expected. Great job on the always!

    Michelle, I, too, was laughing about the Tonique 1 cool down outfit you mentioned. :noway: But she can get away with it, but it sure was a bit of a shock the first time I saw it too! Thanks for the wonderful words of and about wisdom. Yes, I really don't ever want to go back to my teens or 20s when I was so insecure. I love the confidence that comes with age.

    Laurie, I am SOOOO with you on how the exercise is the easy part in a healthy life. It is the eating that gets me! Always has. I try, but, boy, I sure wish I could control it better.

    Erika, I hope you are doing well. I'm thinking about you!!!

    Enjoy the day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!! :bigsmile: I had continuing education this morning, so am finally getting out here to say hi! I heard from the doctor late yesterday, and she said everything is 100% normal on my test results. She testing so many things, I think every base was covered! I was tested for all of my vitamin levels ( to make sure my Shakeology shakes are providing me with vitamins like my previous multi was), and came out with perfect levels on everything there. I was also tested for joint and muscle diseases, and all negative there. Also tested for mono, hormone levels, etc. All fine! I can say that the tireds were gone completely yesterday, as well as today, so not sure what to think!

    This morning was a 30 minute treadmill walk while previewing one of the instructor TurboKick Rounds. Well, I've officially decided that there is no way I can teach TK, if I have to learn from those DVD's. They are EXACTLY like the TK Fan Volumes, and Chalene drove me absolutely nuts in those, and she's just as obnoxious in the actual instructor rounds. I got about 10 minutes into the workout and just couldn't take it anymore. Not sure why, but that lady drives me nuts. Kinda like nails on a chalkboard! :noway: So, that is how I ended up on the treadmill! :laugh:

    Laurel-Wow, the workout on Monday sounded tough (so did this morning, but yesterday was killer! :tongue: )! I'm glad today felt better, and that's so awesome on the cardio conditioning! I think I would probably pass out cold if I tried a tough cardio workout right now...just haven't done a really tough one in quite some time. I'm moving more into the barre/pilates realm, and really enjoying it so far! With how tired I've been, I just can't get up the strength (or motivation) to get in those tough cardio sessions anymore! I'm happy to say that the tireds were gone Sunday, yesterday, and so far today, but now I'm plagued with a spinning feeling and headaches. I honestly think it might be due to not being on my birth control pills this month. I forgot to order them, and it's the 1st time I've been off of them in many years. We'll see how next week goes!

    Laurie-Oooohhhh Ultimate Ball....I'm just going to sit here and daydream about that for a bit! :laugh:

    Michelle--Oh, those dang broomstick side bends. Why oh why do they hurt, even after doing them so many times!??!? :noway: I like your 3 week rotation, I'm excited to hear the results! Tonique will whip you into shape for sure...that lady has a ROCKIN' body! :happy:

    Tami--I can so relate to the non-stop rain. I'm so dang tired of it!! :grumble: We had rain all day Saturday, nice (but REALLY windy) Sunday, and it's supposed to be beautiful all week...until this weekend...then rain AGAIN! :noway: I really could do without the rain! Glad you got in some good workouts, regardless of the weather!

    Back to to you ladies later!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Turbo Kick went well last night, was happy to get my workout in. :wink: This a.m. was S90 Total Body & Core Dynamics – fun combo! Definitely planning on Cycling tonight after work since I missed last Tues. :smile:
    I’m thinking this Fall when Cathe’s “new” workouts come out I will purchase the download on her cycling DVD. That would be fun to have on my Ipod for the gym.

    Michelle: Sounds like you got those muscles good with Tonique ~ Yowsa! :huh: I’m the same way that when I feel it even if an area is hurting the next day I’m glad about it. We are crazy that why, right? :blushing: I just know if it’s sore something is working/changing in there, my hope anyway!

    Laurie: I’m glad to not be the only one who noticed her. :laugh: Pretty funny! I bet when she saw the final take on the DVD she wished she would have known the camera was on her at that moment. Ultimate Ball is on my schedule tomorrow. I think I may have mentioned this before but with Ultimate Ball & Core Dynamics it makes it fun working abs I think. Normally it can be boring and I really enjoy the S90 abwork.

    Laurel: Great combo today! :drinker: You are truly pushing through the last part of this combo and sounds like you are in fantastic shape. What a great feeling & big congrats for all your hard work. :bigsmile: I can relate on the more protein vs. more carbs. I am way more of a protein eater and sometimes I crave some good carbs but not too often. The other night I did have some spaghetti which I haven't had in a very long time. My DH asked if I was craving carbs :laugh: :noway: He was pretty surprised.

    Erika: So great to hear that all your test came back 100%.:drinker: :bigsmile: Probably a relief and at the same time, just like you mentioned then you wonder where in the world these “tired’s” are coming from. :noway: Good that you have had several days in a row. Maybe it is just a pattern with your cycle where it affects you. Maybe keep track of the days to see if they fall consistently. Just an idea. The good news is that you are feeling good today! Nice walk on the treadmill I’m sure, minus the instructor video driving you crazy! :laugh: Is that the only way to get certified then?

    Hope you all have a great day ~ Talk to you all tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Day 4 of no tireds!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: I'm not sure what to think, but I've been less tired at night, and it's been easier to get up in the morning. It could be a few (we've had a TON of either cloudy or rainy days in the last month), being off the pill (although I've been on it for 15+ years and not had the tireds like this before), or just needing several rest/light workout days in a row. I'm inclined to think it's the weather, but then again, I have never had a problem with seasonal disorder. My workouts have been lighter than normal ever since I got back from my trip, so I hardly doubt it's that. Whatever it was, I'm glad it's better. I'm keeping notes about how I feel, so I can talk with my OBGYN doc in a couple weeks, to see if she thinks it's from being on the pill. If it is, I might need to look into getting my tubes more babies for this girl! :wink:

    Tami--Glad TK class was good, and I hope last nights cycling was just as good! :bigsmile: I'll be interested to hear some reviews on Cathe's new workouts. I'm waiting for those until I order. Thanks for the idea to track my cycle. I do know my body does eventually get used to my pill, and then I have to switch up the dosage/meds every few years, so maybe that's what's going on? We'll see what my OBGYN doc says. The other thing that pops into my mind, now that I think about it, is that ovarian cysts run in my family, and usually show up around my age (as far back as my mom can remember, someone has had them in her family--including her), and I wonder if the formation of one would cause tireds? Again, a good question to ask my OBGYN! Regarding TK Certification...yes, the only way to get certified to teach that method, is through Chalene's program/DVD's. I could look into just regular kickboxing, but I think that involves more cost (certified to teach group classes + certification to teach kickboxing), and I think you then need to come up with your own workouts--whereas Chalene has it all layed out for you. I just don't know that I can handle her non-stop chatter!!! :noway: I tried turning the volume off, but then I miss out on all the cuing clues....hmmm...I'll have to think of something creative! :happy:

    Laurel, Michelle and Laurie--Good Morning!!1

    Have a great day! I get to do a company-wide walk today (several thousand emloyees expected to participate), so that will be nice to get out and enjoy this beautiful 70 degree weather today! :happy:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me yet, another sinus headache. I will get a workout after my hair appointment though. :wink:

    Laurel, Right now a very nice vendor of our just brought in Panera bagels. I'm dying wanting one! :noway: That is the problem that I have. I love food! :wink: That calls double workout duty tonight. Actually I think that Tabata Inferno is the one I'm scheduled to do, so that will work off a bagel won't it. :laugh:

    Erika, Wonderful news on the tireds. If all the test come back fine, you might want to try a sleep study. Just to see how well you actually are doing during the night. :wink: A lot of wonderful things start happening to your body once you hit a certain age. I went through a time when I had insomnia. The female system is a mystery sometimes.

    Tami, I agree with you on the S90 Core work. Makes me want to get that other one they offered. I have not heard to much about it, but if it is the same vain, then it probably would be a good one too. I never dread doing these two like I do Ab Ripper X. :laugh:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Forgot to add my workout! :blushing: The Bar Method Dancer's Body...ouchie! Michelle, if you don't have this one, I think you'd really like it. It's advanced! :bigsmile:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This morning it was P90X Back/Biceps and Ab Ripper X followed by Insanity's Max Recovery. Again, my arms were fried after Back/Biceps (really pushed the heavy weights this morning) but, oddly, I actually got through the push-up/plank portion of Max Recovery better today than I have the past two weeks. That was good because I was really dreading this combo this morning. Two more days!! :drinker:

    Tami, good idea on Cathe's Cycle DVD. I think that's one I won't purchase, but I hope I don't live to regret it. :wink: I know, I can always get it later. Glad you got your workout in last night.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the sinus headache. I hope it goes away soon! And, yes, I think Tabata Inferno will burn off a bagel!

    Erika, I'm so glad you heard back from the doctor and everything looks good. And I'm glad you are feeling better. Like Laurie said, the female system can be a mystery, so some if it might be coming off the pill (though you've suffered from this before). I was also wondering if you are really sleeping as much as you think you are, but if you are wearing your GWF, I found it to be pretty accurate in actually knowing when I was sleeping (as opposed to just lying there). What's it telling you? And, yes, the weather can really impact your mood too. So it might just be a combination of factors right now. I hope as we move into summer that you start feeling better though.

    Michelle, hope you are doing well!

    Enjoy the day!
