Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    No workout for me yet, my knee started acting up at work yesterday. This morning it was still a little sore, so I'm hoping that it will get better by the time I get home.

    Ladies I think my oldest dd is ready for HS to be over. Apparently some of the other Senior girls feel that she is not captain material. :laugh: Of course this is all jealousy on their parts, and teenage girls being teenage girls. :wink: I don't know why someone who has been in track 4 years, made it to the state meets three of those years, has only missed one practice the whole of those years would not be the coaches choice. Plus she is the only Senior on varsity with those qualifications. :laugh: And she runs the practices for varsity when the coach is at a JV meet like he was yesterday. Now I wish we had a Smiley that rolls their eyes. Being a Mom I get a little frustrated with this stuff, but she doesn't care so I know I shouldn't either. Guess it is that Mama Bear syndrome coming out. :laugh: Just a little venting on my part I guess, thanks for listening.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you are still getting those DOMS. I really need to start getting in the Yoga again. I know that on Sundays that would be the perfect day for it, just no motivation sometimes. :wink: I was happy the pizza had a really thin crust also, so I didn't feel so bad about having a couple of the slices with the crust. When are you starting your new rotation of Asylum/S90? You should be in great shape by the time you are finished with this P90X/Insanity round.

    Tami, I'm going out and getting a new ball right after work. :wink: I don't think I could take that pill anymore, it is fine for the Barry's workouts, but not for these ones. Having that instability really does make a difference with these workouts. Hope the guy gets back quick so that you get a good cycle class. :happy: Our "kid" has to go to the vet this morning, she is a whimp when it comes to going there. They haven't even tried to poke her with a needle, and she it crying. :laugh: Probably because she was a stray, and had round after round of shots while enduring that.

    Michelle, Oh dang! You really went through a torture session on your lower body! I almost want to say OUCH for you. Have your girls spilled the beans about what they will be doing for you on Mother's Day? My girls have nothing planned as far as I can tell. The youngest one even asked me what I would like to do. :laugh:

    All you Mom's have a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!! I just realized I didn't check in yesterday....must have been busy! :wink: I got in a nice walk with Lexie (Lily looked at me like I was crazy when I put her harness and leash on her, so she stayed home), as I had an early morning meeting, so didn't get my workout done in the morning. Today was Lotte Berk Muscle Eats Fat and 50 KB Swings.

    Laurie--I bet that S90 ball routine was interesting with the pill shaped ball! :laugh: Sounds like it worked out ok though. I sure hope that knee feels better later so you can get in your Friday workout. Congrats again to your DD, what an awesome honor to get the award and be named captain! Good job on the dinner selection last night! I'll have some bad eating tomorrow, as we are visiting some friends, and they are not healthy eaters. But, I figure I'll just roll with it instead of making a big stink. Every once in a while is ok....

    Michelle--Sorry to hear the DOMS are hitting you, but I think that's a good thing! :wink: I was considering that KB workout for awhile, but now I'm glad I didn't. I don't do well with repetitive stuff. Question for you...I did Lotte Berk Muscle Eats Fat this morning...I liked it, but felt it might be too easy. I'm wondering though if it's just because it's much slower than Booty Barre, Squeeze, P57, etc. Do you feel that one (and High Round Assets) get at those muscles, or are they too easy for you too? Lily had a good night. She's been sleeping in her kennel in the other bedroom with hubby. No whining, and holding her bathroom time all night. She's doing awesome!!! :happy:

    Tami--Great workouts the last couple days, and glad to hear you were able to push yourself in the tri cycle class, even though it wasn't as good as last time. That's always tough when the instructor plays the music too low (one of my Zumba instructors does that, and I struggle with ever going back to her class!), as you really can't get into it as much. :noway: Lily is going great, she's started to whine or bark if she needs to go to the bathroom, and that's about it. She did smother me with kisses this morning while doing my workout, that is after she spent about 15 minutes making "friends" with her reflection in the mirror. I think she thought it was another puppy from her litter, and was trying to figure out how to play with her! :laugh: Get the Yoga socks, well worth it! :wink:

    Laurel--You still amaze me with your P90X/Insanity combos. I am so glad it's going well for you, and you are only having mild DOMS! :happy: WTG on pushing through those tough ones! Lily is doing great, I got smothered with kisses again this morning...about the only thing I can do to keep her quiet while the rest of the house sleeps, as she usually wants to snuggle at 5am, so I just have to let her crawl all over me. But, I'll take it...she's too cute to not! :happy:

    Have a fabulous day and Happy Mother's Day to all you great moms! :happy:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :smile:

    In honor of my darling mom I posted our picture here for you guys to see! :wink: That was from last month when I went to her special B-day party! I hope to look as great as her when I am 70. :smile: She is truly amazing. Today was Tabata Inferno & Core Dynamics. :bigsmile: Going to a “girls” night after work so no evening workout. Looking forward to that though with lots of laughter.

    Laurie: I hope the knee feels better later today ….. probably good that you didn’t push it and aggravate the pain. :wink: Teenagers can be so awful to one another. :grumble: I don’t blame you one bit for wanting to vent. Geesh. It’s really fantastic that it isn’t bothering your daughter, she sounds like a really remarkable young girl with a good head on her shoulders. :smile: Glad to hear you will be getting a new ball.

    Erika: Look at you with your darling family! :bigsmile: Very nice …. You all look so happy, thanks for sharing that with us! Little pups are so much fun as they are learning everything new. The first time you put them on a leash they do often look at you crazy. She sounds like she is doing fantastic with the potty training and everything, that’s awesome! Enjoy your weekend and Mother’s Day.

    Michelle: Hope those DOM’s go away soon! :noway: :smile: I always appreciate having mild DOM’s because I feel like things are happening then. Sounds like you had a couple of nice workouts.

    Laurel – I will say good job on the workout in advance because I am sure you rocked out another amazing combo! :flowerforyou:

    I hope you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend with your families! :flowerforyou: I’m hoping to get in some Yoga tomorrow and if the weather is nice (or even not raining & windy), take the kids somewhere fun for a nice hike. Sunday will be S90 combo. :smile:

    Talk to you all soon! :flowerforyou:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today ended my first week of the silly Insanity Month 2 and P90X rotation. I survived it!!! Only two more weeks to go (and then, of course, one more week of Insanity). :ohwell: Today was Insanity's Max Interval Plyo, a break, and then P90X Legs/Back and Ab Ripper X. This was a tough combo to be honest. I was pretty tired starting out the Legs/Back workout, but by about halfway through, I felt really good. I can't believe I've stuck with this Legs/Back workout this entire rotation, but I have. With only two more weeks, I'm not going to change it now, that's for sure. I can really tell I've upped the intensity of my workouts this week because I have been hungry all week. But the good news is, even though I'm eating more, I'm really seeing some very positive changes to my body. It makes me anxious to start this Asylum/S90 rotation because I have the feeling those changes will carry on.

    Laurie, I'm sorry to hear about the issues with your daughter. Teenage girls....what can be said about them? I know I was one once, but I never really 'fit in', and it certainly sounds like your daughter doesn't 'fit in' with that crowd either. And that's a good thing! I'm glad she isn't letting this bother her, and hope she continues to be proud of her accomplishments. Sorry to hear about your knee pain. I hope it's just temporary. I'm going to be starting my Asylum/S90 rotation the first full week of June (I think the date is June 5). I've pulled both series out so I can do my rotation up over the weekend. I haven't been this excited to do a rotation since I started STS! I think it's because both programs are new to me. I'm going to develop a 30 day rotation and see how that feels. Asylum looks so tough that I'm not sure I'm going to want more than 30 days of it, but we'll see. If it all goes well, I might stretch it to 60 days...or even 90. :tongue:

    Tami, sorry to hear you didn't enjoy your cycle class as much. Hopefully next time you attend the other instructor will be back. I can't imagine a quiet teacher/quiet music being very motivating....unless you're doing Pilates or Yoga. But definitely not cardio!! I am amazed at how fit some of the women are in S90!!! Wow! That's inspiring....though I know I'll never have the discipline (food-wise mostly) to ever be that ripped! Amazing! Love the new photo!!! Thanks for sharing your Mom with us! Enjoy the girl's night out!

    Erika, I love your new photo too! Great picture!! Glad to hear the pup is behaving well.

    Michelle, sorry to hear you weren't too impressed with your new workout. That's never fun. Sounds like you had a great workout, though. And tough on the back!! Yowza!!

    Too all you mothers, Happy Mother's Day!!! Enjoy the weekend.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Total Body for me this morning. I had a very nice Mother Day, got to sit down and read all day. :bigsmile: On Friday I got out and did an interval run, and my knee seems to be fine now. Don't know what the heck that was all about. :wink: Saturday was Tabata Inferno, and Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. I didn't workout on Sunday at all. We also went to DH's parents for dinner.

    Erika, I'm sure once Lily realizes what a walk is she will be all for it. Mine gives me these looks if I don't take her out right when I get home. :laugh: Two bad eating days for me, last night was chinese. :huh: Oh well, Total Body was a great this morning. Maybe I will feel like doing a run with the dog after work. If it says this sunny then I probably will.

    Tami, I love your picture with you and your Mom. I'm going to have to do the same when I see her on Memorial Day weekend. An evening out with the girls is always fun, hope you had much laughter going on.

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you survived your first week of that tough rotation. With all those pull-up/chin-ups in Legs & Back, with the Insanity combo that had to be tough. It can surprise you how much Shaun really does get in the upper body during his workouts. I'm going to wait on the Asylum for a bit, I'm just to busy right now to add something else to my mix. I think after the summer is done, then I will be ready for a new program.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    What a crazy, but fun, weekend for me!!! Friday night the boys and I got together with a neighbor for a playdate, while the hubbies were off playing poker, then Saturday we drove up to St. Cloud for a day with some friends, and the boys got to play all day with their boys. Then, on the way home, stopped by my parent's house to drop off my mom's Mother's Day present, and the boys got to play with their cousins for about an hour. Sunday, was lots of relaxing!! :bigsmile: I had 1 thing on my to do list..clean out the boys' toy room. We bagged up around 10 bags of toys to donate to church for their garage sale fundraiser. Felt soooo good!!!

    I ended up taking 2 rest days, as I just didn't have time to workout either day. But, that's ok with me! :happy: This morning was S90 Total Body...LOVE that one! :heart:

    Laurie--I smiled this morning when I saw we had the same workout today! Lily was good this morning, and stayed in her kennel with minimal whining, while I was working out, so I really got to push it. I actually got dizzy toward the end, so I must have pushed hard! :tongue: Great workouts on Saturday, and great to hear that you got to read all day on Mother's Day! :happy: Can you send some sun this way...all we've been getting is rain since yesterday morning, and it's supposed to continue all day today and tomorrow. Ugh!

    Laurel--I can't believe you have only 2 weeks left of the Insanity/P90X combo...that is going so fast. :happy: I love that you are pushing yourself to get through the workouts, and I'm sure that's why you're seeing such awesome results. Have you been wearing your GWF? Are your daily calorie burns going up quite a bit with these tough workouts?

    Tami--LOVE the photo of you and your mom!!! Now, I see where you get your beauty (and youth) from :wink: . I can not believe she is 70!!! I hope you had a wonderful girls night out!

    Michelle--Good morning!! :flowerforyou:

    Off to stare at the rain out my window...ugh! :grumble:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I see that everyone had a great Mother's day:flowerforyou: I actually worked yesterday as that was our inventory day:grumble: and afterwards I went and grabbed some groceries to get back on track nutrition wise this week:blushing: Upon arriving home the girls told me to head upstairs because they were not finished and needless to say my attempt to read led to a 4hr nap until 8pm:blushing: So last night was a late celebration and we skipped the restaurant since we dined at my favorite place Pappadeaux on Saturday.
    Today on my schedule is Brook Benten Butts & Gutts Premix, KCM TLC premix with Tonique Mat side. On Saturday I did P57 Thigh & Seat Booster with Tonique Mat side section....nice combo:bigsmile:

    Erika- High assets is very easy due to our background with several variations of Barre but can still cause some tingling if you work the movement in mini pulses and maintaina strict position:wink: I have not done that one in a long time and I wish that it was a longer workout but right now you definitely need some tougher routines. Working all three has definitely improved my endurance because on Saturday I actually did Tonique Mat while searching on the internet..this week I will combine side and back:wink:

    Tami - I love that picture and your mom looks great..definitely great genes:bigsmile:

    Laurie - I also had a bad eating weekend:blushing: pasta mardi gras..a pasta dish with shrimp, cajun sausage, crawfish, mushrooms in a vodka sauce:blushing: On saturday it was a bread pudding in bourbon sauce and then Haagen Daz on Sunday.

    Laurel- Time is flying with this rotation...glad that you are excited about your rotation:bigsmile:

    I'm off today but because of my nap yesterday I stayed up until 4am reading a book that has been sitting there for two weeks.
    Hoping to relax all day, cook dinner, exercise and read my book.

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Glad to see that it looks like everybody enjoyed their Mother's Day. I'm not a mother, but I enjoyed the day anyhow! :smile: Saturday was my rest day from working out, but my husband and I got out and played golf. We had so much fun, we decided to do it again yesterday. Except this time we decided to walk the course, which is quite hilly. It felt like a good workout, especially since I had done Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning and the leg portion of Cathe's Maximum Intensity Strength right before going out! But it was a beautiful day and, again, we had alot of fun. Glad I'm not the only one who had a 'bad' eating weekend. Last night it was pizza from Domino's. :blushing: At least we ordered a 'healthy' pizza....but still. :ohwell:

    Today was a tough workout! I started the day with Insanity's Max Interval Circuit. And then after breakfast, it was P90X Chest/Back and Ab Ripper X. A very tough combo, but I am happy to say that I was able to up the number of pushups and pull-ups I did in the strength workout which made me happy because I was afraid Insanity (and the plank/pushup work in it) would have exhausted me too much. This is the last time I'll be doing Chest/Back in this rotation, and I'm really happy to say that this morning I did 95 pull-ups and 325 pushups (all on my toes!) during that workout this morning. :drinker: Of course, now I can't feel my arms, but.....:laugh:

    Michelle, I'm sorry you had to work yesterday, but I'm glad you got a chance to enjoy a little time with your family. It must have been a good book to stay up until 4am reading it!! I hope you enjoy the rest of your day off.

    Erika, sounds like a busy but fun weekend! Sounds like you really pushed yourself on your workout this morning. No, I'm not wearing my GWF right now. I have a tendency to get a bit obsessed by numbers every now and again, and I really don't want to think that I'm not doing enough right now (doing both Insanity and P90X at the same time) if my numbers aren't what I think they should be. So I decided to NOT wear it right now while I'm doing these intense programs just to keep me from thinking 'Boy, I should probably go for a walk to burn more calories' when I know my body is probably needing more rest than it needs more calorie burn (if that makes any sense) right now. I'll probably start wearing it again when I'm doing the Asylum/S90 rotation since I haven't done those programs before, and I'm curious to see how my body responds to them.

    Laurie, glad to hear your knee is feeling better. Sounds like you had some great workouts over the weekend, though I'm glad to hear you took yesterday off. I love those days when I can just sit and read, but even though I'm not working right now, I don't get those very often. I'll let you know more about Asylum as I'm doing it. I read a couple of reviews from people on videofitness (people who I know love to push themselves very hard) who definitely think it is harder than Insanity. I'm curious if I feel the same way. From the preview, I wouldn't be surprised if I have the same feelings. I think it will be a great program for shaking things up a bit and, no doubt, that's why they kept it at 30 days.

    Tami, I hope you are well and enjoyed your weekend!!

    I'll be at the Pentagon all day tomorrow, so I'll see you all on Wednesday.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello Ladies ~

    Weekend was good! Sat. I decided to do Bob Harper’s Cardio Burn workout …. :wink: Yesterday I did S90 Chest/Shoulders & Tri’s followed by MMA Fusion for some more shoulder/core work. :smile: It was a good combo & I haven’t done the MMA workout in such a long time. Today’s workout will just be Turbo Kick after work tonight. I took some cold medicine last night due to a completely stuffed nose & it made me groggy this a.m. :yawn: Other than stuffiness I feel just fine, but already tired of blowing my nose! :grumble: “Legs” was on the workout schedule today so I will put it with another, maybe tomorrow a.m.

    Laurie: Great job on the S90 workouts!!! :wink: Sounds like you had the perfect Mother’s Day. Relaxation and a good book, very nice. The “Girls Night” on Friday was pretty good. We picked a place that ended up being really hard to hear people talk so it was limited on the group fun but always nice to see the girls and get caught up.

    Erika: That is very sweet of you to say – thanks so much.:blushing: :wink: Again, I can relate on the weather. We had rain all weekend … the downpour kind that just doesn’t let up. :angry: Today it is cloudy and wet but not raining (at the moment). Tomorrow though we have sunshine and 60+ degrees! Yahoo. :bigsmile: Total Body is on my rotation again next week. Looking forward to that one again! Great job today :drinker: Sounds like you had a really fun weekend with your family, that is so great.

    Michelle: Sounds like you have a great day planned today! :smile: Sorry you had to work on Mother’s Day but good that you had some family time when you got home. Thanks for the compliment on the photo. :wink: Yes, I hope to follow in her footsteps forsure.

    Laurel: “I did 95 pull-ups and 325 pushups (all on my toes!)” WOW! :noway: :noway: You are truly a star! :drinker: That is so fantastic ….. what a great feeling. I am assuming this was throughout the workout not at once?!?! Either way that is truly the best! I can’t believe you only have a little time left on your rotation. Did you get things penciled out for your upcoming rotation of Asylum & S90? :smile: Very fun that you were able to get in a couple golf games with your hubby this weekend, that sounds like lots of fun.

    Hope you have all had great day! Talk to you tomorrow. :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile:

    This morning was a 30 minute treadmill walk while reviewing some DVD's to determine what I should add to my Ebay pile! :laugh: Trying to clean out the ones I don't like/use so I can focus on the ones I do! The walk felt good, as I was a little sore in the legs from S90 yesterday!

    Tami--I hope that pesky cold moves out fast. :grumble: My youngest has the same...some stuffiness, a nuisance cough and the tireds, but otherwise he feels fine. Great mix of workouts, I need to pull out my MMA Boxing to review that one again and make sure it's still a keeper! We've got 80's on tap for today and tomorrow, but with thunderstorms off and on all day! :noway:

    Laurel--Sounds like the golfing definitely counted as a "workout"! But, then I look at how many pushups and pullups you did, and I feel like THAT is a workout! Wow!!!! :tongue: Great job, you should be very proud!!! That right there wiped out the pizza you ate, for sure!! :happy:

    Michelle--Bummer that you had to work on Mother's Day, but sounds like you got in a much needed nap! :happy: Nice mix of workouts, I bet that gets your endurance up!

    Laurie--Glad you had a good Mother's Day, and sounds like the weather is cooperating for you still! I hope you got out to enjoy it! We had a break in the rain around dinner time, and then it turned very windy, so we ended up coming in. I was starting to worry that Lily might blow away! :laugh: Glad your knee is all better!

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I have to work from 2-10pm tonight so I tried to sleep in and then do my workout. Needless to say I was off chedule so I pulled out something not on my schedule Michelle Dozois Cardio Intervals and after 30minutes added a leg section from Core Fusion. So a quick hello to everyone as I'm off to shower, grab my coffee mug and hit the road.

    Have a great day MFP Family:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies ~ :smile:

    Stuffiness is a lot better today. :happy: Turbo Kick was good last night and this a.m. I did S90 Cardio Challenge followed by Ultimate Ball . . . again, I really like this combo. I’m hoping to go to Cycling right after work.

    Erika: You are the Ebay queen! :wink: I love it. Sounds like an enjoyable walk on the treadmill. Yes, not sure where this cold came from. . . .:huh: NOWHERE actually! I’m going to blame it on all the rain. :grumble: At any rate, it still seems to be centered right in my nose so that’s doable. :wink: Very nice on the weather for you guys minus the thunder storms. We have 67 and blue skies today. It feels like summer to us. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Thanks for popping in to say hi! :smile: Sounds like you got a couple of good workouts in today before your long day at work. Great job, as always!

    Laurel: I’ve decided to go ahead and order those “new” ones on the Pre-Sale of Cathe’s Low Impact. :blushing: :bigsmile:
    I think they all sound really good. . . Can’t resist and I think they will be a good compliment to any rotation that I am doing. Speaking of rotations – I am going to sit down this weekend and start figuring out how my last part of S90 and starting Insanity combo can be worked out on paper. Any advice?

    Hi Laurie ~ Hope you are having a great day! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,461 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Busy day yesterday, and I'm planning on leaving early to go watch my youngest run at a meet. I didn't work out until after work, I woke up with a sinus headache, and runny eyes. By the afternoon I was much better. Yesterday was S90 Core Dynamics and this morning Cardio Challenge.

    Laurel, Nice that you where able to get out to golf. We have been having some nice weather around here, and the golf courses are just loaded with people. Are you going to be including the sports conditioning workout into your rotation? That one is a fav of mine. :happy: Great job on the push-ups! :drinker: I would think that the Asylum workouts are tougher, after all Shaun is suppose to be super ripped. That means his conditioning is better than the last workouts, so why not make them tougher. :wink:

    Erika, I have seen that you your area is getting the storms. We have been able to avoid them so far. I leave work and it is cold, when I get home it is hot. My job is closer to Lake Michigan, so the wind is blowing the cold inland. I'm always happy to get home to my warmth. :laugh:

    Michelle, WTG getting those workouts in. Glad you where able to keep us posted.

    Tami, Sorry to hear that you are stuffed up! Glad that it isn't affecting your workouts though. :wink: I think that Cardio Challenge really works great with core work.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :happy: Hi Ladies-

    It's going to be one of those crazy days! :noway: Hubby is out of town, and I have a work meeting about 2 hours south of my house, and have to make it back in about 1 hour 45 minutes, in order to pick the boys up from school and get them to baseball ontime. Not sure yet when they'll eat dinner! :grumble: Plus, the tireds are back....:angry: Not sure what is going on with my body, but I'm just wiped out all day long. I've tracked my food a few days and my iron is normal, sugars, sodium, fats, carbs, etc. The only thing I'm low on is protein. I'm hoping to find time to get to the doctor for a blood panel to see if they can find anything going on through that. Just can't seem to shake it.

    After 1/2 hour of contemplating if I could pull myself out of bed for my workout, I did it. I had S90 Shoulders and Arms, and man are my arms fried! It's actually hard to type because my arms almost feel numb! It was a good workout! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Way to keep up with those workouts, despite the headache. If I remember correctly, you have allergies? I bet they are in full swing right now! :noway: Have fun at the track meet today! Yes, got some storms, but not near my home. My parents had a tornado touch down about a mile from their home, but only damaged 1 home. They said they could see it coming down out of the sky...scary! We've just got more rain on tap for today, tomorrow and through the weekend....

    Tami--Glad TK was good Monday night, and sounds like you had a great workout yesterday morning and hopefully night too! :bigsmile: Glad to hear that cold is under control! I'll gladly take the title of Ebay selling stuff on there! Now, if I could just sell it, and not feel like I need to replace what I sold, I'd be golden! :laugh:

    Michelle--Good to hear from you! Glad you got your workout in, and hopefully you had a good day at work yesterday, and slept well too! :happy:

    Laurel--Good morning!! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I've been pretty busy the past couple of days. Yesterday was expected. Today....not so much. Oh well. I got in my workout yesterday though. What a brutal combination...Insanity Max Interval Plyo and P90X Plyometrics. I felt fine doing them, but by late afternoon yesterday, I was wiped. :yawn: But I woke up feeling surprisingly good this morning, so today was P90X Shoulders/Arms and Insanity Max Recovery. That recovery workout is no recovery for me. I dislike it more each time I do it! :laugh: Following a tough upper body workout, it is a killer!

    Erika, I'm so sorry to hear that the tireds are back. I hope you get a chance to see the doctor soon because something might be off. Too little protein can do it, but this also sounds a bit chronic. I have no clue what could cause it, but I hope you get it checked out sometime soon and get an answer. Good job on getting through a workout this morning, though. Hope your crazy day isn't too bad!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the headache yesterday. I've been suffering one as well from all of the pollen. It's just dull, but it is bothersome. We're supposed to get some rain starting this weekend, so that should help. I'm going to be doing Max Interval Sports Training on Friday and the following Friday. It is one of my favorites and the rotation allows for it to be substituted in for Cardio Core and Balance (which I don't enjoy as much). I'm looking forward to it!! I'm hearing great things about Game Day from Asylum which is very similar and can't wait to try that one out as well!!

    Tami, I'm going to preorder Cathe's new ones as well. I just haven't done it yet. I made the decision about a week ago to do it, and keep thinking I have....until I remember I haven't. :ohwell: But, no doubt, I'll get to it soon. Regarding your next rotation, as both Laurie and I mentioned earlier, I would focus on Month 1 of Insanity instead of the Month 2 workouts right now. They are a more flexible length (between 38 and 42 minutes) and the combination of the time and intensity allow them to be worked with other systems better. I know this sounds odd coming from somebody who is combining Month 2 Insanity with P90X, but, to be brutally honest, I don't think it is at all necessary (or, in fact, wise) to workout this hard. I'm just doing it because....well, I don't know why.....but I digress. I would suggest you alternate Insanity and S90 days right now because Insanity does incorporate so much upper body work in it. While I have no doubt you could handle doing Insanity and S90 back-to-back, like with my current rotation....I don't think it is necessary. So I'd continue with your S90 combos and if you want to pair Insanity with anything else to make it a longer workout, maybe combo it with Insanity's Cardio Abs or the Core/Ball workouts from S90. Hope that helps!

    Michelle, sorry to hear your schedule is all messed up again this week. Hope that's just a one-time thing!

    Enjoy the day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    This morning it was back in by 6:30 and I was busy all day breaking down displays with the grocery team. I'm currently rotating through this dept with my not so friendly manager whose section this is:grumble: Upon showing up I was told to go and see one of the leads for instructions and it was manual labor from there on...hope that counts for my upper body workout:tongue: I work with a good group but I'm feeling more like a worker bee than someone in training. This will be a long 5 months as she tends to favor her other trainees who are currently away for the next two weeks:sad: TG I'm friends with all of the other depts...yesterday one of the associates saw me in the warehouse without my blazer and she said, "Oh you have Michelle Obama's arms". After saying thank you, I thought to myself, my arms are more cut than hers:laugh: So tomorrow it will be Squeeze Stronger Upper body as I obviously need to start working my arms again:blushing: Yes vanity has raised her ugly head:laugh:

    So no workout today and my energy was low also so I need to take out those vitamins as I have been slacking:blushing:

    Erika- Not sure what is going on as I sometimes goes through phases of exhaustion and then at night I can't shut down which means that I'm up until 2am with a 4:30 alarm:noway: Hopefully resuming my vitamins and maybe increasing my water consumption will make a difference as the temps here are hot and humid as we deal with high winds, cloudy skies, some lightning and no rain.

    Laurie- Hopefully that track meet will be awesome and the weather will be great:flowerforyou: Gald to see you are feeling better.

    Tami- I need to try that many rotations and so little time for me:blushing:

    Laurel- What type of results did you see after finishing month 1 of your crazy rotation?:tongue:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Late check in for me …… but I didn’t want to miss you all today. :flowerforyou: So this a.m. was S90 Back/Bi’s . . . this is such a great workout and I enjoy the non-stop work along with the unique moves for your back. :wink: Even while you’re training your Bi’s your back is working. This evening I decided to workout at home with KCM Circuit Burn – fun to do that one again. The Cycling instructor was gone again this week so I thought a nice workout at home would be great vs. a quiet music cycling class. Plus DH was gone so it all worked out. :wink: I made a good choice. I then took the kids for a walk and they LOVED it!

    Laurie: Sorry to hear you had a sinus headache but happy that you are much better already and it was short-lived! :smile: Great job on S90. One of the many things I am loving about S90 is the core/ab training throughout. How did your DD’s track meet go?

    Erika: Awwww friend, sorry to hear the tired’s are back. :flowerforyou: That is so frustrating I’m sure. :grumble: Sounds like you had a crazy hectic day today as well with DH being gone. No time for feeling tired, right??!! Hopefully the blood panel can tell something for you and you can narrow down if it is something you are missing in your diet or what’s up there.
    Good on ya for getting in your workout! Sometimes if I do force myself when I feel tired I am so glad I did it. It gives me more energy then. . . Hopefully you felt that way and don’t have too many DOM’s tomorrow. :wink:

    Laurel: Thanks for the info on creating my rotation. :smile: That is exactly what I needed to know. I know you and Laurie have mentioned (a couple times now:blushing: ) that it will definitely work in the first half but I just wasn’t sure on the timing/which workouts to put together or not to put together; so alternating the 2 will be the way to go it sounds for the first month. Then by the second month of Insanity I will be done with S90. Also knowing about the alternation due to all the upper body is great too. I know Laurie had mentioned that as well. :wink: Thanks again to both of you! :flowerforyou:
    I was laughing out loud :laugh: at your comment: “I don't think it is at all necessary (or, in fact, wise) to workout this hard. I'm just doing it because....well, I don't know why.....but I digress” I’m sure it is a personal goal that you have set in front of yourself – I absolutely get it and commend you for sticking with it. :drinker: I’m sure it is a tough rotation.

    Michelle: :laugh: :laugh: I love it. Great that you got a compliment on the arms and funny that your thoughts after the fact went to “but mine are more cut!” I bet they are. :wink: Give SQUEEZE a good workout tomorrow! :smile:
    Sounds like work has been very busy for you. Sorry to hear Ms. Friendly is still being so fun to work with, that’s too bad.

    I hope you all had fabulous days ~ I’ll talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,819 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Can't believe I'm the first one to check in today. I hope you are all well. I had a good workout this morning. I did Insanity's Max Cardio Conditioning and Cardio Abs, and followed it up with YogaX. A great combination. I must admit that I'm counting the number of days right now until I'm finished with this rotation, but I'm more surprised at how long I have done it than anything. But it is beginning to tire me now, that's for sure.

    Michelle, I'm sorry about the not-so-friendly manager, but it sounds like you are handling it well. And congrats on the compliment about your arms....though I agree from your pictures that your arms are way more defined than Mrs. Obama's arms. :smile: Regarding this rotation, it has definitely defined my upper body more, without a doubt. I think this is the best my arms have looked since the last time I did P90X. I think if my eating had been better throughout this rotation, I would notice it elsewhere, but it hasn't been very good. :blushing:

    Tami, have you noticed any difference in your physique doing S90? I know both you and Laurie have mentioned how it is impacting your core (and Laurie mentioned losing weight). But I ask this because I'm really liking my results from P90X in my arms right now (as I said above), and I want to maintain it with S90. So I'm curious if you feel like you've maintained your 'cut' look. Regarding Insanity, I think you should probably focus on the following workouts: Pure Cardio, Cardio Power and Resistance, and Plyo Circuits (or whatever the Plyo workout is called...just not the Max Plyo one!) Those are the three cardio workouts for month one, and if you alternate those with three S90 workouts for six workouts a week, I think you'll get a good feel for Insanity, get used to the workouts, and not overdo it. You are right about my current rotation being a personal goal I set for myself. I think what's driving me is my upcoming 46th birthday. For the first time ever, I'm beginning to look at that number and thinking :huh: . I know I shouldn't let it bother me because it is just a number, but still.......

    Laurie and Erika, I hope you are both doing well!

    Take care!!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello Ladies...I finally got a break to get on here and say hi! :bigsmile:

    Yesterday went well...I was running from one place to the other, but it all worked out in the end. I kept telling myself that I was handling it much better than I know most people would--afterall, I had a puppy that got loose (she must have rammed into the baby gate enough times to loosen it up), but with no accidents, a kid that got pretty badly scraped up at daycare and had a leg and arm wrapped up in gauze when I got there, then the pup chewed through the gate later that day, and off to baseball we went. Needless to say, I was exhausted by 9pm, and off to bed we went. Lily must be really attached to my husband, as she whined like a baby for awhile, and then after the 12am potty break, I just brought her to bed and we slept in. I figured a workout this morning wasn't going to happen! :noway:

    Anyway, I'm hoping to get a walk on the treadmill in tonight after my other son's baseball game. At least tonight I'll be able to get home early from work to get them some actual dinner and not just a quick snack! :blushing:

    Laurel--Wow, that workout on Tuesday sounds brutal...heck I think yesterday and todays do too! :laugh: Maybe if I wasn't so tired, it wouldn't sound that bad! I can tell you though, I feel much better when I get more sleep (9+ hours), but based on all the research I do for work about the "normal" amount of sleep a body should need, I don't know why I would all of a sudden go from needing 7-8 hours for years, to now needing 9+. My workouts are much lighter than they ever have been, so not really sure what's up. Maybe next week will calm down so I can get into the doctor!

    Tami--Another fun lineup of workouts. I am trying my hardest to really narrow down my DVD selection (although I have 4 that I REALLY want to add right now!), so I can focus on those that I really enjoy (KCM, S90 and barre/pilates). I miss my KCM workouts and S90 too. But, I did get 2 fixes of S90 this week, and #3 is in store for tomorrow! :bigsmile: Next week is a barre/pilates week!! YEAH!

    Michelle--What an AWESOME compliment on the arms!!!! :bigsmile: I bet that made your labor intesive day better! I would say you got in a good upperbody workout with the breaking down of the displays!! Hang in there with that not so fun manager...ugh is all I can say to that! :ohwell: I hope your hot/humid/cloudy/rainy weather goes away and brings more comfortable weather. I hear we're going to lose all our hot/humid in exchange for rainy/cold this weekend. Just can't win!

    Laurie--Good morning!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was S90 Legs & Ultimate Ball! :wink: Haven’t planned anything for this evening (yet) but will probably do something. DH is gone again tonight so I have my workout area to myself. If the weather stays decent I may take the kids out again. It’s been bordering on rain all day so we’ll see! :wink: Also making a Chickpea Coleslaw for a girls get together tomorrow eve after work.

    Laurel: Great rotation of workouts today! :bigsmile: I bet the Yoga felt great after the first two. I can only imagine that you are feeling it now and anxious for the rotation to be over. At the same time it will be such a great feeling of accomplishment I’m sure. :drinker: When is your B-day again? :blushing: :wink: I often feel not as happy as I could about the “number” – not sure why we do that to ourselves. I am thankful for my level of fitness and health, etc. but yes anymore the number does give me a twinge and maybe 46 is bothering you just because it is closer to ……. :huh: well, you know. My sister turns 46 this year and she is freaked out a bit only for that reason. She just can’t believe it.

    Thanks again for your help with Insanity/S90 rotation. :bigsmile: That’s what I needed to know so that I’m not doubling up on say an upper body workout or over doing it and then the dread-factor could kick in straight away! :huh: I have noticed that my abs and my arms are definitely getting the results from S90! :smile: Yahoo. Also, my clothes are fitting looser as well, tops & bottoms. When we had finished up our Undulating I was really starting to feel like results were happening and then the few months of endurance based workouts. But definitely things are happening w/ S90! Once I figured out my weights too for this style of training that has helped as well. :wink: Yesterday I had a shirt on that showed my arms since it was actually sunny out :drinker: and someone at the office said “man you are buff” so that was a nice compliment to hear. I’m happy also for the endurance factor. I think because those workouts are a constant and your HR is up even during just a weight workout it has improved my overall endurance already.

    Hi Erika – WOW! What a day …… :noway: that sounds like one of those days you just flop down at the end and go to sleep. Sounds like despite the “tired’s” you handled it like a champ. :wink: Hope you get your walk in on the Treadmill tonight. I’m sure that will feel good. Hope S90 happens for you in the a.m. as well. :smile:
    Those 3 into your rotation will be great. I understand wanting to narrow the collection down. I need to try and sell some of mine again on Ebay.

    Hi Laurie & Michelle – Hope you both have had a great day! :flowerforyou:
