Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was a little 'lighter' day. I started off the day with Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance. Then I did YogaX. Both workouts felt really good today, though I think I've strained a muscle right above my knee. :grumble: It's funny because I started feeling it last night when I got up off the sofa, but I didn't feel it at all during the workouts this morning. But now it is aching a bit. It definitely isn't the joint which is good. I don't think it will be anything that keeps me down too long, but I'll definitely be paying attention to it tomorrow during that Back/Leg workout. Hopefully it will feel better by then.

    Tami, I hope you enjoyed your hair appointment. I used to hate having my hair cut, but lately, that's changed. It seems like anymore that's about the only time I can sit back and let myself be pampered! :tongue: Normally I'm not one for pampering but as I'm getting isn't such a bad thing, is it? :blushing: No, I've never done P90X and Insanity together. I did the STS and Insanity bit during the move last fall for about a month, but this is the first time I've done both these systems together...and in the same day. I'm liking it right now because I'm doing the first month of Insanity, which means the workouts are shorter. I'm not sure how this is going to go for month two. We'll see. I'm not totally committed to finishing the Insanity rotation at all, but I am committed to finishing P90X. So if Insanity gets to be too much, I will definitely drop it in favor of P90X right now. I've done two Insanity rotations since I finished my last P90X rotation, so P90X has to take precedence right now! I think you'll like Insanity if you give it a try. As I've said before, if you don't want to do a full rotation of it, that's not really a problem. I've only done the ones I've done because of moving. So if you wanted to mix in some Cathe weight workouts into an Insanity rotation, I think you'd be fine. I, too, am wanting to do another undulating rotation this year. My debate is between starting in July and starting in September. If Asylum comes out relatively soon, I think I might focus more on that this summer and push STS off until September. Last word on Asylum is....who knows!?! :noway: The rumors are saying it will be released in June, but one of the guys from Beachbody (Steve Edwards) posted recently that they are still aiming for the end of this month. So....who knows?

    Erika, nothing like a good walk in the fresh air, is there? I just love taking my walks. Thanks for the input on the Barre workouts. I think I might look into P57 sometime. Hope your husband gets to feeling better. We've got high pollen alerts here right now, but the only thing it is doing to me is giving me a dull headache. :grumble:

    Laurie, good job on going for a run this morning!! That must have felt terrific! Good for you in creating your rotations and filing them away. I think about some in my head and don't put them down on paper. So then when I get to thinking about what I want to do next, my mind goes blank! Not good. There are two rotations I definitely want to revisit--the undulating rotation (though I want to change it up slightly) and the endurance rotation I started this year and did until I got sick. I'm hoping I can modify the latter to include Asylum, and that's kind of what I'm aiming to do this summer if it comes out in time. I was really leaning down from that rotation, and summer is a time when I want to look/feel lean!

    Michelle, hope you are doing well and this week is going better than last!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Well before work I did my Defined Lines and realized that maybe it needs to be an add-on as afterwards I felt energetic. This dvd does not incorporate crazy lunges, etc so my knee felt fine until now:laugh: My legs definitely do feel tight which is probably due to the lower leg work using paper plates which I love. I'm thinking of looking at a gliding dvd with Mindy Mylrea. Yesterday I was able to get my eyebrows done and then curl my hair so it was nice feeling all dolled up for work.

    Erika- Sometimes a nice walk will do the trick...even better when you have a walking partner:wink: As I hate running walking should be my go to workout but I hate to do it without a buddy.

    Tami- As Erika stated it depends on what you are looking for...I was able to check out the Bar Method from the local library and build from there. P57 is great but truly does not instruct as to position, etc. so it would not be a great introduction to me. I love the tranquil zenness of Core Fusion, love Squeeze for Upper body and abs and Bar Method & Core Fusion for lower body. I'm a true pear and Core Fusion really taps into those muscles like nothing else for me:wink:

    Laurel- If we don't pamper ourselves no one will:laugh:

    Laurie- I had hubby on the hunt for my dvds in Walgreens but this store did not carry them..or maybe he just did not look hard enough:laugh: I would of felt better if he had purchased them versus me:blushing:

    Have a great day ladies.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~:bigsmile:

    Today’s workout is S90 Cardio Challenge & Ulitmate Ball ~ Another fun combo! :smile: We woke up to snow this a.m. :huh: and now it is about 47 degrees…. Craziness! Awww well, Spring in the Northwest forsure.

    Erika: Sounds like you had a fun evening with the girls ~ that’s great! :happy: Good to know you aren’t too, too sore and your walk sounded like it was just what you needed! Thanks for the info on Barre workouts. Michelle commented as well so that is great info. I will look into all of the suggestions. I do have Squeeze – maybe I will look into using this one first and see.

    Laurie: Nice job on the run this a.m. – I bet it felt really good. :wink: Glad you had some nice weather for that. Did you bring your little sweet furry friend with you? Ultimate Ball is definitely a keeper in my book. I think I will often use this one in other rotations as well. :bigsmile: That’s awesome you have a notebook of rotations. I have quite a thick folder of rotations I have printed off of Cathe’s site or what not of ones I could try or create from. So many options …. I know what you mean on being able to keep busy for a couple years! :laugh:

    Laurel: Hope the knee is all good and it was just maybe a little tired.:wink: Nice combo today w/ YogaX. My hair appt was great. I’m always glad to get it touched up a bit. Just feels better & easier to style. My very dearest girlfriend in the world does my hair and she loves to point out grays to me.:grumble: Not funny! I tell her that is the beauty of hair color and her job security!
    Thanks again on the Insanity thoughts. :smile: I could have maybe worked some of it in w/ S90 if they are shorter in the first month - still could I suppose. Hmmmmmmm :wink:
    I hope Asylum comes out soon for you so you can get your plan all in order! :wink: I could see myself starting an Undulating again definitely late summer/fall as well. Who knows, we might be on the same schedule or similar again at that time. :bigsmile:

    Michelle: Thanks for the recommendations/thoughts on Barre.:wink: I appreciate that. I will check into the suggestions and see forsure. Like I mentioned to Erika, I do have Squeeze so maybe that can be my first item to take a peak at for an “add-on” Glad you got to be all dolled up yesterday, I bet that felt nice. Good job on the workout as well, hope your knee was good to go and no worries there.

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Tabata Inferno for me. Still loving this workout.

    Laurel, Have you heard or seen anything more about Asylum? I would just like to see what is included. Hope the knee problem isn't anything serious. I'm shooting for the lean look for summer too. I just have to really tackle the eating, so far so good. Oh yes if you get tired of Insanity you still have lots of workouts to fall back on.

    Michelle, Are you going to be looking at the new low impact disc workouts that Cathe is creating? If you like those discs, maybe that one will be a good one for you. :wink: I found the workouts in the "As Seen on TV Section" in Wahlgreen's. I also heard that they where at Target, but I have not been in the sporting goods section yet to see.

    Tami, Yes Cami seemed really excited about running. Funny thing is last night she seemed exhausted. Must have been the run combined with her doggy daycare day. She wasn't moving at all last night. :laugh: I'm surprised at how easy pikes on the ball are for me now. I was cranking them out yesterday while doing that workout. Usually during the second round of those, the pikes start looking really bad. :laugh: That Ultimate Ball workout really has been creating a much stronger core for me. The first month of Insanity workouts would work great with these workouts. You will find many of the same exercises, and the same feel as the Tabata workout.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies---TGIF! :drinker:

    Long week, and I'm ready for it to be done! This morning was a hodge podge for's TOM, and I was suffering with cramps big time this morning, so didn't feel like doing much. So, I hopped on the treadmill for a walk, while I pre-viewed (and stopped to try on occasion) my Tracie Long DVD's. Well, I decided without a doubt, these are not the type of workouts for me. I have a tough time with workouts where you're doing one thing with your legs while another thing with the arms, and confusion choreography on top of it. Love Tracie, but I know I'll never go to these DVD's, so they are going out the door. Now, I've finally made it through my entire DVD collection, and really weeded it out. Down from 100 to about 50...feels soooo good! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Ahhh, Tabata Inferno :heart: Now that I've pared down my collection, and have clearly defined my "workout style" I can focus on the workouts. I was spending the last couple weeks trying some new instructors/styles, so I could decide what I like. I now can get back into some more S90!! Yeah!

    Tami--Girl, you've gotta stop coming up with these fun S90 mixes...makes me want to ditch my daily workouts, for yours! :ohwell: I may join on the S90 rotation bandwagon before too long! I would say if you like Squeeze workouts, you'd like P57. From what I understand, many of the barre workouts are much slower and more controlled than Squeeze or P57. I like both styles (I have Fluidity Bar DVD's too, which I forgot about, but they are slower), just a matter of what you prefer. I'll have more to try come next week! :happy:

    Michelle--Sounds like Defined Lines was a good one!! Glad you are enjoying the Tracie workouts...I just can't click with them! :ohwell: Fun getting your eyebrows done and getting all dolled up! I'm going to cut a few inches off my hair tonight and finally find a style--and add a few blonde highlights too! :bigsmile:

    Laurel--I hope that your knee is feeling better. I get those pains sometimes too, but can never figure out what it's from. I do know running does that to me, so I gave that up, but get them during other workouts too, that I have done many times. Must just be hitting it at the wrong angle or something. Great job on the "lighter" workout (or as I like to think, more my everyday style! :laugh: )

    Have a great Friday ladies!!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    This week has seemed kind of long to me, so I'm very happy it is Friday. I started off the day with P90X Legs/Back. Whatever was bothering my knee yesterday disappeared last night, and I felt absolutely nothing wrong today. :drinker: Just one of those things, I suppose. Anyhow, the workout felt good, and I followed it up with Ab Ripper X and Insanity's Pure Cardio. I still had some energy and time left over, so I did the leg conditioning drills from Cathe's LBB and that was a perfect end to my workout day. Now my legs feel fried....but it's a good fried! :tongue:

    Michelle, glad to hear you enjoyed your workout and that it didn't bother your knees. I've really enjoyed Cathe's latest work with paper plates/discs and lower body as well. I'm thinking about purchasing the discs since I've been using paper plates. I understand Minda Mylrea is the pioneer in the discs, so if you get a workout from her, let us know what you think. I've heard good things about Minda. BTW, I couldn't find S90 at Walgreens either! :grumble:

    Tami....snow? :noway: I know it's still that time of year, but that's just no fun. I hope it was short-lived. Sounds like a great workout combination you did yesterday! I was laughing at your friend commenting on your gray hair. About two years ago, I was dismayed at what was happening to the texture of my hair. We had just moved to California, and I had a new hair dressser, so I asked her about it. She's like 'Well, you're getting alot of gray in now....' I stopped listening there.....and changed hair dressers!! :laugh: Reality sometimes just isn't what I want to hear! I'd LOVE to do another undulating rotation with you!!! Maybe we'll try to match up schedules as it gets closer to that time.

    Laurie, I read a blog from Steve Edwards (one of those Beachbody guys) the other day, and he had just done one of the Asylum workouts. I don't remember the name of it (something Plyometrics), but he made it sound pretty tough. But he didn't include any other info on the series at all. In fact, some of the responses to his blog were about the ever-changing release date (because, apparently, Shaun T. had indicated recently he had no clue when it was going to be released, and some BB coaches have been indicating June). Steve Edwards said something like 'I think the release will be sooner than you think', and then he kind of back-tracked a bit by saying they were aiming for the release date this month, but some things were out of their control. So that's all I know. I wish there was more info out there on the series itself, even if the release date is going to be later this spring. But that's kind of typical with Beachbody.

    Erika, good job doing something this morning despite how you felt. Sorry you didn't like Tracie Long's workouts. I haven't worked out with her since she did The Firm videos, but I always liked her. But I've seen some previews of her more recent work and, like you, it's just not for me. I don't like doing much work combining upper and lower body moves either. I never feel like I'm hitting anything effectively.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Back too late to edit my last post....but, Laurie, forget everything I said about Asylum. Looks like it is coming available. Here's a link to Total Fitness and a description of the series:

    I'm going to hold off ordering it until I read some reviews, but, for the most part, it looks pretty good to me. Pricey....but good!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Happy to report that after the snow yesterday a.m. we woke up to blue skies today! :drinker: It has been sunny all day and nearly 50 degrees. Very exciting for everyone!!! People seem to just be happier today. :smile: Decided today would be my REST day and will hit the workouts hard tomorrow thru Wed when I leave to see my mom for a few days. :wink:

    Laurie: Yay for TI! :bigsmile: I agree, definitely another one that will stay into many rotations or days that I want a good quick cardio. On Ultimate Ball for me it is the skier’s that I always think … yikes, how’s my form look!?! :huh: Thanks for thoughts on Insanity/S90 combo at least for the first month.:wink: Maybe I will truly put this into the rotation now that I know the time frames will work.

    Erika: Sorry to hear about the cramps and TOM. :ohwell: :flowerforyou: Never fun! It’s so great you are dwindling down that huge library of DVD’s. Hope you get to join us with some S90 soon too! Cardio Challenge & Ult Ball is another combo you might want to jot down. Really fun.

    Laurel: Awww those leg conditioning drills are good. :wink: That is what has had my mind on finding some Barre style workouts. Sounds like you had a great workout this a.m. Glad to hear you knee is just fine. Now I am laughing :laugh: (again) about the gray hair comment and the texture. OMG! :grumble: She was talking to me about the texture thing and how as more & more come in the texture totally changes in your hair. Yikes ! Not fun & she knows I don’t want to hear about it, which she thinks is funny. I tell her to just cover them up with the blonde!
    Great news on Asylum … Yay! :drinker:

    Hope you all have a great weekend ~ :flowerforyou:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Hi ladies,

    It has been hectic as with the potential shutdown I had to cancel my trip next week. As I'm not too good with the govt travel was a major headache since my secretary was not there to assist me:noway: Finally I went to my nearest base and had their secretary fgure out the glich that was preventing me from signing off on my documents. I arrived home at 5:20 this morning so I was exhausted plus the legs are starting to feel tighter so I guess those legs with discs really do kick in:laugh:

    In prep for the shutdown I hit the grocery store and loaded up on meats and veggies and minor treats for the girls. Then it was time to cook a hot meal as we have truly skipped those with my nightshift. I heard via the grapevine that pay for next month will be missing and now that we are both govt people that really stinks. TG we keep a 6 month emergency fund to cover our household expenses.

    Erika- Yes sometimes those multiple moves do not work out well...Amy's kickboxing dvd does that to me and of course it has been sitting in my closet for months. Are you trading or selling on Ebay? Do you have any of her medicine ball routines?

    Laurie - It has been soooo long since I have gone to her sight but I really enjoyed doing the LB with the plates. I will go to her site later and see about those new dvds. Mindy Mylrea is the only one that has a full dvd that focuses on LB with gliding discs.

    Laurel- MM has a great LB gliding dvd that I keep chickening out on but maybe it is time to commit...definitely willl tell all about it when I purchase:bigsmile: I found them at another location and will just buy them as I want to do theTabata workout too:bigsmile:

    Tami- It is 90 degrees here and humid as heck. The air is running in the car and at home and the idea of snow sounds welcoming right now:laugh:

    Tonight we may shutdown early so I may get home early and get some needed rest. My new dvd finally arrived and I'm excited to try it so hopefully this weekend I will get an opportunity. On Saturday I have a 2.5hr spa date and then felt guilty and tried to cancel the appt:blushing: to think that I reminded Laurel of pampering herself this week. So I decided to indulge and just do it so I hope this massage therapist is really good as there is stiffness throughout my body.

    Ok ladies off to prep for work.

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Saturday I got out and did a 30 min. run, and also S90 Shoulders & Arms. On Sunday I did some brush cleaning, and got a really nasty scratch from my wrist to my elbow. I don't like brush with thorns! :noway: This morning was S90 Total Body, and dang that is a really tough workout. Lot's of fun! :wink: I also did another 30 min. run this morning with Cami.

    Erika, That is great that you reduced your DVD inventory by 50! I have never counted how many I have, but have been getting rid of a lot of them also. I'm really enjoying these S90 workouts, so do come and join the party.

    Laurel, I had gotten that notice from total fitness and was very surprised. I to am going to wait for reviews of this system. Looks like he is including pull-ups in these workouts. Those are not my favorite exercise! :noway: That was some really great lower body work that you got in.

    Tami, I always wonder if I'm doing those ski abs correctly. I think that they are similar to the ones that Cathe does in her workouts. We had temps in the 80's yesterday, and I couldn't belive that I was able to wear shorts for a little while. Today we are back to normal temps, but it sure was nice for a short time.

    Michelle, Can't imagine what you are going through with all this budget process going on. Hope you had a really good massage for those sore legs. From what I understand Cathe is using the disc for a total body type workout. This is going to be one of those that I see how people like it.

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!! Whew, what a weekend! :tongue: Busy, busy, and I've been struggling with extreme exhaustion since we got back from our trip. I can't figure out what it could be, but I'm in bed by 8:30 at the latest, and struggling to get up with my 5am alarm. This morning, I didn't even have a chance at getting out of bed for the AM hand slapped that alarm off so quickly, my body never had a chance! :laugh: I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm still SUPER sore from Squeeze Lower Body on Saturday...ugh! I'll have to try to get in my KCM Weights session tonight.

    Tami--I bet rest day felt good! I took one yesterday, and it was heavenly! It's fun to see that my rest day calorie burn is slowly creeping up...always a good thing to see! :happy: Glad that snow is gone, and you got some nice weather. We had nearly 70 on Saturday and 75 on Sunday, but both days were windy and cloudy, so it didn't feel that warm. Have fun at your Mom's house!

    Laurie--Ahhh, Total much fun! :tongue: I'm hitting up some S90 this week...I'm alternating weeks of heavy (or heavier) weights, and barre/lighter weights, so this week it's game on!!! Sorry to hear about the scratch...I got a few smaller ones this weekend as I was trimming back all my shrubs/grasses/plants. Those cuts are nasty! But, sure is nice to have everything ready for I can just sit back and watch it all grow! :bigsmile: It sounds like you survived the bad weather that headed into WI over the weekend...we escaped it here too, thank goodness!

    Laurel--Glad your knee is all better, and you were able to rock the workouts in your usual Laurel style! :bigsmile: Yeah, not sure why, but I can't click with those workouts where you're doing upper and lower body at the same time...I think I feel like I can't concentrate on the weights, if I'm also trying to do a squat or lunge or whatever, too. Well, at least I have confirmed my taste in workouts!!!

    Michelle-What a headache trying to get everything in order for the possible shutdown, and now what the implications will be for government workers since the shutdown was avoided. Doesn't sound like fun trying to figure all that out, that's for sure. I hope it turns out in your favor, either way! Yowza on the legs...I'm hurtin from Sqeeze...I never feel the lower body workout when I'm doing it, but then when I can't get out of bed the next day, I know it did it's job!!! :bigsmile: I am actually trying to trade on VF right now, and then whatever I have left will go on ebay on the 19th, when they make all listings free---forever! So far, I've got some really fun trades, so I'm super pumped! We'll see what the rest of this week brings! No, I don't have any of Amy's med. ball workouts, I'll have to take a peek into those. I really like her as an instructor (she challenges me, but not to the point where I want to giveup), so I'm always checking her DVD's out!

    Alright, back to work! Have a great Monday!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    We had a nice weekend here. The weather on Saturday wasn't great, but we decided to take a drive west and ended up in the Shenandoah National Park. Good thing the gov't was open...because that meant the park was open. It was beautiful. I've never been out there, and I really enjoyed the day away from the city. Yesterday I started the day with Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit, and then did Gym Style Legs. I haven't done that latter workout in quite some time, and it felt really good. I felt it a bit in my hamstrings this morning, which makes me feel like I did something good to my body. Later in the day, my DH and I got a chance to go to the range and hit some golf balls. Boy did that feel good! I must have been feeling somewhat aggressive towards something because I whacked away at 90 balls in no time! :tongue: Too much fun!

    This morning I did Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance followed (after a break) by P90X Chest/Shoulder/Tricep. I'm getting better with the exercises on this DVD, though I know it will never be a favorite of mine. I'm not sure why, but it just doesn't click with me the way some of the other P90X workouts do. But it is challenging, so that's good. And, of course, I did Ab Ripper X. I can recite that workout by heart now! :blushing:

    Michelle, I'm so glad the government didn't shut down. It was a pain even for us last week because of my husband's on again/off again travel schedule which has been significantly changed by the looming threat of a shut down. We still don't know what's up over the next couple of weeks, but what a pain the latter part of last week was for sure. I'm sorry you had to cancel your trip as maybe getting away would have been a break for you! :ohwell: But I'm glad the shut down didn't happen. And I really hope you enjoyed your spa day! Goodness, you deserve it!!

    Tami, hope you enjoyed your rest day on Friday. Hope the workouts this weekend went well. Great job at changing your schedule to fit your upcoming travel. I hope you have a great time seeing your mother. Hope your weather continues to improve!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the scratch! That sounds like a bad one. And cuts like that on me always hurt! Good job and getting out and running. You're inspiring me to try it again sometime soon. I haven't been running in months! Regarding Asylum, I'm thinking some people will be getting it as early as today, so the reviews should start coming in soon. I'm very curious. I'm kind of at a loss where Shaun T. can go after Insanity. Some people were saying over at video fitness that they've heard it is easier than Insanity and, honestly, I think if it is, that's a good move. Harder than Insanity just wouldn't have been available to alot of people. I'm not sure I'd want a system harder than Insanity and I love me some tough workouts! So I'm very curious to read the reviews.

    Erika, I'm so sorry to hear about the exhaustion. Maybe you just need to give yourself a bit of a break. It sounds like your trip was more challenging than what you probably hoped with your husband being sick. And it sounds like he has still been fighting some form of illness. That's stressful on you too! I'm glad you took the morning off if you are that tired. Take care of yourself!

    Hope you all enjoy the rest of your day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    So the two weeks of moonlighting during the day for 40hrs and then adding the additional 40hr work week caught up with me. This morning hubby had early training so I had to wake up the eldest for the bus and then I cleaned the office which the girls had in a major disarray, well after that I actually went to sleep and woke up 6 minutes late for work:noway: One of my workers looking for me actually woke me up..TG I was already dressed and just needed to log in online. This weekend I enjoyed my 2.5hrs at the spa and then I did some shopping at Kohls for the youngest who needs additional gear for these 90 degree days we have been sweating in lately:laugh: I also purchased some career slacks for myself:bigsmile: . Hubby took my truck to get washed and then did the yard so I was happy to see the yards looking great:bigsmile: Last night I baked a chicken with a cranberry stuffing, some steamed petite green beans and yellow rice so we had a cooked meal finally:laugh: Overall I had a good family weekend although I fell asleep during Toy Story 3:laugh: on movie night.

    Erika- Same here..I did Core Fusion on Sunday and all was well until this morning where I can feel it in my hips and hamstrings. Cool to know about free selling..maybe I will get rid of my Chalean stuff:laugh:

    Laurie- Ooh running..actually yuck running:tongue: Glad to see the temps were great for running with Cami:bigsmile: I saw Cathe's disks and I'm actually excited to see what she can create that is low impact and effective. As an instructor she is A+ plus but one of my turnoffs is the high impact plus length of her dvds at times. In the military we are trained that no pain = no gain...well years later my body is showing lots of pain which prevents gain:laugh:

    Laurel- Too much energy lady:tongue: Hopefully now that you have adjusted those calories to match your expenditure you are feeling better. It seems like you wacked out some pent up frustration..:laugh:

    Tami-Oh the fact that you are excited about those S90 workouts will get me in Walgreens soon:wink: ..although I did recommend it to a family member and she purchased it on Saturday:bigsmile:

    Have a great day ladies. TOM is here so my energy is not great but I'm hoping to slip in a workout after this shift.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies:smile:

    Weekend was pretty good! I am pretty much packed and ready to go on Wed. a.m. :bigsmile: After all the conversation about SQUEEZE I went ahead and did that one instead on Sat so I could see how that was.:wink: I liked it and was definitely unique in some of the moves forsure & went by fast. Yesterday I had V-ball in the a.m. and then did S90 Chest/Back later that afternoon after a friend had stopped by to visit.
    This a.m. was Ultimate Ball & S90 Legs. Headed to Turbo Kick after work! :smile:

    Erika: I’m sure just playing catch up from your trip and work, etc. has just got you zapped a bit.:yawn: I’m sure your body needed the extra sleep this a.m. I know that feeling of hitting the alarm so fast you don’t know what happened and the next thing you know it’s time to get up for work. :wink: Glad to hear you will be fitting in some S90 into your rotation(s). You’re weather sounds fantastic.

    Laurie: Awesome job on the run(s) you are getting in – good for you! :drinker: I am not a runner, just never really clicked with me but I appreciate that people love to do it. 80 degrees and shorts, that’s awesome!
    Total Body is on my rotation for next week. :wink: Really looking forward to trying that one & have a couple new ones in the mix next week I think as well. OUCH on the scratch. Those kind can kind of linger on and hurt for a while, I hope it heals fast.

    Michelle: Sounds like you had a really nice weekend with your family despite the exhaustion. So glad to hear you got some pampering in too. :happy: I’m absolutely jealous on the 90 degrees. WOW. We have had 50 degrees and on again, off again sunshine then pouring rain then clouds, etc… :noway: :ohwell:
    I really think you will love the S90 workouts. The length is perfect sounds like and on the cardio, there is some higher impact but not over the top, plus you could absolutely modify. Hope Walgreens has them for you if you decide to get them.

    Laurel: What a nice weekend you had. :wink: Some good weather, a nice drive in the new car (I’m assuming), hitting some golf balls and of course good workouts yesterday. Yes, I know of all people you can relate to trying to fit your workouts in before you go somewhere! I’m hoping to get a workout in even on Wed a.m. but we’ll see if I have time.

    Hope you all have had a great Monday – talk to you tomorrow! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :bigsmile: I *think* this 3 week run of the tireds is finally fading...this morning was the first morning I was actually ready to get out of bed at 5am! I think my body is fighting off the sickness my husband has, as he's been sick pretty much 3 weeks straight! :grumble: Now that he's looking to be on the mend, I'm starting to feel better...hopefully!

    This morning was a brisk walk on the treadmill...felt good, as I wasn't in the mood to follow any instructors today! I'll get in a walk at lunchtime too, which will be nice, especially when we hit 70 today! But, snow in the forcast for the weekend...ugh!

    Tami--I thought you were gone UNTIL Wednesday at your Mom's....I'm not doing so well at reading in the AM, I see! :laugh: Sounds like you are all ready to go! Did you get DOMS at all from Squeeze? I get them so bad I can't move for at least a day...I wonder if that's why the barre workouts have been so effective for me? It's really hitting muscles I'm not hitting in other workouts I guess? I've got S90 on the calendar for Friday, but may switch out my KB's tomorrow for S90 too! :blushing:

    Michelle--Man, you've been busy!! I'm glad you were able to take some time for yourself at the spa...sounds wonderful! Dinner sounds yummy, and fun to have a movie night (even if you fell asleep!). Enjoy those 90 degree temps, and keep them there...I don't do well past about 85 degrees! :ohwell:

    Laurel--Sounds like a fun Saturday at the park! I can't wait until my kids are a bit older and enjoy (and can keep up with it!) going to the park to hike, walk, bike, etc. Right now, they are still in that playing with the neighbors mode, and don't want to take a family walk/ride/hike just yet. Soon, though! Way to work out those legs on Sunday--my legs feel tired just reading about it! :laugh: Nice work on Insanity/P90X yesterday too...always a good thing when you can get through a workout that you don't care for as much as the others!

    Laurie--Good Morning!!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    We had really high temps yesterday (I think it got up to about 87). I like that! This morning, back to cooler and rain. But the house is still warm (I won't turn on the AC for just one hot day), so my workout was a tad....damp....this morning. :blushing: I started with Insanity's Pure Cardio. After a break, I did P90X Plyo, and finished it off with the floor work from Butts and Guts. Really good workout, and my legs are really tired now!

    Erika, I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm also glad your husband is feeling better. After battling that sinus infection for almost six weeks :noway: in January/February, both he and you have my total sympathies. No fun whatsoever. Hope you enjoy your warm day! Sorry to hear about the possibility of snow this weekend. Yuck. Those days seem behind us, though we are getting plenty of rain right now. I can't complain too much about the rain, though, because it is making everything so green and pretty!

    Tami, glad to hear you enjoyed SQUEEZE. Sounds like you're hitting the workouts hard in preparation for your few days off.

    Michelle, no doubt these long hours caught up with you!! I'm glad you enjoyed your spa day AND did some retail therapy after. I hope you're enjoying that heat! I was at Kohl's yesterday looking at summer clothes as well. I didn't buy any....yet.....but I'm ready to. :happy: Your dinner sounds yummy...especially the cranberry stuffing. I LOVE stuffing and I LOVE cranberries, so I'd probably be a goner with that one!

    Laurie, hope you are doing well and enjoying your day!

    Talk to you all tomorrow!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Core Dynamics, really enjoyed this workout. It isn't a long workout, probably around 17 min. it was full of plank work. :happy:

    Erika, Glad to hear that you are getting some of your energy back. I'm glad that we are having some nice weather right now, oldest dd has a track meet tonight. This weekend they said that it would be getting colder, and possible snow. :huh:

    Laurel, Wasn't that great to get that short burst of nice weather. :wink: Well that is good to know that the Asylum workouts are going to be a tad easier! I to don't know how much harder he could go, and still have a lot of people interested in the workouts. I think Insanity is about as intense that I want to go with a workout. I'm glad I was able to make you want to run. I was surprised at how easy it has been, I think the Insanity/Hiit/S90 workouts have been keeping up the endurance. :wink:

    Michelle, The meal really sounds great. I'm guessing those disc workouts will be great, since they are not going to be hight impact. I know that a lot of people don't enjoy running, and I have to admit that I don't like running for the full 30 min. I do intervals, so that I can have a break every once in a while. :wink:

    Tami, If you like plank work, then you will love Core Dynamics. I thought that this one would be a lot like Core Cynergistics from P90X, but all the exercises are very doable. With CC I always felt that I didn't do as good of an effort, because some of those moves where so fast.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    I wrote a long reply and then my daughter's laptop wiped it clean:grumble: Yesterday was Aero Jump/Sculpt which is a pretty intense jumprope session basedon 8 rounds. I worked up to three before back pain grounded me. I'm hoping to do Physique 57 and Jessica Smith 10min solutions Kickboxing.

    Laurie- Running intervals on the treadmill is no problem....long distance, trails, etc definitely impacts my back more than on the fun at all. Goodluck on the track meet. Send me some cool weather if you get any this weekend..please:wink:

    Laurel- The weather here is very hot is definitely too early for this kind of heat. I absolutely love cranberries..cranberry anything and my cheat food is trail mix with dried craisins, vanilla coated raisins, almonds, cashews, peanuts and fiber one cereal to snack on:blushing:

    Erika- It sounds like your body has finally replenished itself. I need to add Tracy to my rotation for upper body as P57 doees not seem to focus too much on hitting those arms for a killer burn. Overall her upper is the best and I wish she would make another dvd.

    Tami- Glad to see that you tried Squeeze...which one Squeeze stronger or Lower body? Enjoy your turbokick class.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~ :smile:

    Later check in for me but didn’t want to miss you all before I leave in the a.m. :bigsmile: Busy day at work getting everything done for the rest of the week. Went smooth so that’s good. This a.m. was S90 Shoulders & Arms followed by S90 Cardio Challenge … :happy: another good combo!

    Erika: I’m happy for you that you have conquered the “tired’s” it sounds! :drinker: Good job this a.m. for getting up and doing something that sounded good. Yes, I leave in the a.m. to see my mom. Surprise party for her on Thurs eve. So it should be lots of fun! :wink: I'll be home Sat afternoon. Squeeze gave my lower back a little bit of DOM’s :huh: I noticed and could feel it in my hip/core region. So it worked some areas forsure :wink: I think the next time I do it then I will probably feel it even more. I seem to always get a bit more out of the workout(s) the more I do them.

    Laurie: I really enjoy plank work so definitely looking forward to S90 Core Dynamics, :smile: yay! Knowing it is really short in length it will be another great add-on too. Great job today!

    Laurel: What a great combo of workouts! :bigsmile: You have really been getting in some good variety along with your P90 rotation, that’s awesome. Can you tell a difference in this round from previous rotations of P90X? I know I probably won’t get much in for workouts at my moms so really wanted to make sure I got in my week of “scheduled” workouts for S90. :wink: I know we’ll do our daily walk in the a.m. though so that’s good. WOW! 87 degrees must have felt amazing. :bigsmile: Very nice, I hope you continue to have nice weather.

    Michelle: I did the SQUEEZE full body workout . . . (Squeeze Stronger). I did enjoy it, the moves were unique and different from a lot of the workouts I have been doing. :wink: Definitely will go back to this one again and incorporate the upper/lower sections with other workouts I’m sure. TK was good. She has been having us do a bunch of lunges and kicks at the end of the workout along with planks & push-ups.

    I may give a quick hello in the a.m. before I head to the airport ~If not, I hope you all have a great day and rest of your week.

    Talk to you soon! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! :bigsmile:

    I've been getting in some great lunchtime walks at work, it's been so nice out, I just have to get out there! :wink: This morning was Kettlebell Goddess Legs/Glutes...I'll be in pain tomorrow, no doubt! :grumble: I was going to add some cardio this morning after that workout, but decided I was tired and didn't have the energy. I still have a bit of the tireds going on, but it's much better than it has been!

    Tami--Have a wonderful time with your Mom! :happy: I hope you have a great time, and great workouts while you're away too! :wink:

    Michelle--Wow, those jump rope sessions sound killer! :huh: I bet P57 will feel good!!! I have Xtend Barre and Cardio Barre on it's way to me in a trade, so I'm excited to try some other barre workouts to see what I think!

    Laurie--Glad you hear you liked Core Dynamics. I can't remember why I didn't care for that one, but I'll be revisiting it soon to see what I think on the 2nd go round! :happy:

    Laurel--Sounds like some nice weather, wow! But, I bet it makes it tough to not turn on that A/C when it's that hot! Way to get in some kick butt cardio!!! :bigsmile:

    Well, off to get ready for work. Today is my birthday, so I'm anxiously waiting to see what the boys have picked out for me (can get rather interesting sometimes!), and then we're heading to a hibachi dinner after work. I :heart: birthdays!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Insanity Max Interval Sports Training. I really enjoyed this workout this morning. I followed it with P90X Back/Biceps, which I just crushed this morning! I must have eaten my Wheaties (as Cathe would say) because I really pushed this workout hard, and now I'm paying for it. I just got back from the grocery store, and carrying the bags into the house was exhausting! My arms!! But I love this feeling. :happy: I finished it up with (of course) Ab Ripper X.

    Erika, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I'm glad you're going out tonight to celebrate. Enjoy!! Hope your boys (all three of them!) spoil you endlessly today! Good job with the KB workout. I remember you had quite a bit of DOMS after you did that one last time. Probably a good thing you skipped the cardio after.

    Tami, enjoy your trip!!! Look forward to seeing you again next week. Regarding P90X, this is my second rotation of it, and the only difference I can really tell is that, over all, I'm actually stronger than I was last time in some areas. This surprises me because I did P90X right at the end of a six-month STS rotation last time, and this time I started it after my endurance rotation (and being sick). I certainly didn't start out the rotation feeling stronger, but now that I'm nearly 2/3rds the way done, I am surprised at what I'm doing. I guess that's a good thing. But I'm enjoying the heck out of this rotation right now, and that surprises me because (as with last time) I thought I'd be bored silly. But I'm not. And, for whatever reason, my body just loves P90X. I'm getting some great results and that really pleases me, especially since my eating hasn't been great since I started the program. :blushing:

    Laurie, that Core Dynamics workout sounds like something I'd really like! I feel a purchase from totalfitnessdvds coming on! I'm still waiting for some reviews on Asylum (there is one on youtube that I found at videofitness), but I have little to no doubt I'll be buying it. So....I think S90 will find its way (at long last) into my cart as well. No doubt the type of workouts you are doing are helping with the running. I remember last year when I went out to run for the first time in something like 10 years or so (maybe longer). I had just done Insanity and was doing STS at the time. I thought I might be able to go for about 3 miles....tops (because I really don't like running). I went six. :noway: And it felt good. Just goes to show the benefits of 'functional training' as I consider all of these programs to be. Hope you continue to enjoy it (and the weather continues to cooperate!)

    Michelle, I hate it when I lose a long post! :grumble: It has happened to me more often than I care to think about, particularly on this site (for whatever reason). Great job with the workout and glad you stopped when the back pain got to you. Your recipe for trail mix sounds great! I started eating trail mix during the move back from Korea last fall (because it was easy to carry with me throughout all the travels) and now I'm addicted. My favorite right now is just almonds, cashews and dried cranberries. Simple and yummy! But I might try adding a couple of different ingredients that's you've suggested because it sounds good!

    Hope you all have a great day!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon ladies..quick post.

    I'm short on sleep as I had to get the eldest up and going so I decided to stay up upon arriving home until she got on the bus at 7am and then sleep in, unfortunately I forgot our new cleaning lady starts today so I had to wake up at 9am:yawn: I woke up with a sore throat and DOMS from my Physique 57 Classic session yesterday:bigsmile: I will skip my Core Fusion and Aerosculpt but will definitely do it in the morning.

    Tami- Have a safe trip and enjoy your time with the family:flowerforyou:

    Erika- Xtend Barre seems to flow like Booty Barre some reviews have tell as I have banned myself from any more bar dvds although I have three more on my list:bigsmile: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you...Happy Birrrthday:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Laurel- Gald to hear that P90x is doing great things for you. Although I enjoyed the program minus pull-ups tthe changes were subtle and the 1800cals were way toooo much. I probably needed at least 2-3 rounds of P90x to really see the awesome changes many have achieved with that program.

    Laurie- How is that weather holding up and how was the track meet?

    Ok off to pop another lozenge aand try to relax.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Mornin' Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Still feelin' tired, but am managing to get in workouts regardless. Most are only 30 minutes, but I gues it's better than nothing! My birthday was fantastic--lots of birthday wishes from family and friends (thanks for the b-day wishes from you ladies too! :bigsmile: ), and the topper on the cake was that I found out there is a scheduled TurboKick Instructor Training coming to MN in July. I'm soooooooo excited, I can hardly stand it!!! :bigsmile:

    This morning was a 30 minute incline walk on the treadmill. I was so tired, I thought I was going to fall off the back on that darned thing. But, I made myself get on there anyway! Tonight I get to go to a couple fun parties (1 is a lady that makes custom workout wear!) and then relaxing at home. I have a big presentation for work tomorrow, so I suppose I'll be running through that over and over again tonight!

    Michelle-I sure hope you got some more sleep after your short 2 hr nap :noway: --that should blast that sore throat outta there! I'll keep you posted on Xtend Barre...I think I'll be getting it today in the mail. I wonder if the DOMS are what is making me so terribly tired. I have been getting them a lot lately?!? Hope yours are diminishing!

    Laurel--I was always intrigued by that Sports Training Insanity workout, but I never did try it when I owned the set. I wanted to like Insanity, but accident prone me figured that would be the perfect workout for me to mess up my ankle or knee or something else. :ohwell: I had a couple close calls in my 1st month of workouts, and decided I better quit while I'm ahead! No DOMS from the KB workout this time around, although I've been regularly doing KB workouts or swings, so I think my butt and legs are getting used to it now!

    Laurie--Good Morning! :bigsmile:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Yesterday was a very busy day at work again. I got in S90 Cardio Challenge, and today is a rest day.

    Oldest track meat went really well. The team came in first overall, and dd's 4x100, 4x200 and 4x400 came in 2nd in each of the races. That was very good for there first time out, running in really cold weather, and having girls running that have not done a lot of hand offs before.

    Erika, Happy Belated Birthday! Hope when you revisit the Core Dynamic workout that you like it better. I just like the different exercise, mixed in with floor and plank work. Really challenging for the core that is for sure. Sorry to hear that you are still tired. July is just around the corner, glad to hear that you will be able to get the training in.

    Michelle, Our weather has gotten colder, there is even a chance of snow. Oldest dd wasn't to happy to hear about that, since they are suppose to have a meet tomorrow. :noway: I need a cleaning lady! :wink: Yum on the trail mix, that really does sound good.

    Laurel, I put that Core Dynamics workout up there with the Jillian ab workout. He does four circuits of about 5 exercises in each circuit. You do 30 seconds of each, and he does move from plank to floor to standing, so you are not wearing out your arms from staying in plank all the time. After each circuit you get a 45-60 min break while he explains what the exercises for the next circuit will be. The only thing that I noticed that was sore after running where my shins, so I think I need to get in a little more Insanity work. He is very good at getting that part of the leg. I love that sports training one, next rotation I will be getting that one out.

    Tami, The Core Dynamics is a perfect add on. I would put it with the Leg workout, since that one is not super long either. I like the fact that he doesn't use the stability ball in this one. I like the stability ball, but I'm glad that he varies the workouts that he uses it in. The last two weight workouts (which I start next week) have chest and tricep work on the ball. One of the shoulder exercises has you sitting on the ball. Enjoy your travels.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit followed by YogaX. Both felt great, especially the yoga today. If nothing else, I have to really thank P90X for making me appreciate the benefits of yoga. It took me forever to get into YogaX, but the first time I really let myself go and enjoy the workout, I fell in love. Today was a perfect day for it because my body was feeling tired, and now I'm all ready for tomorrow and finishing up this second round of P90X. Just one more month to go. Where has the time gone?

    Michelle, I'm sorry to hear about the short nap (instead of a night's sleep) AND a sore throat. I hope you're able to get more rest today and, hopefully, knock that sore throat out of there. Good day to take a day off of the workouts, no doubt.

    Erika, I'm glad you enjoyed your birthday! But I'm sorry to hear you are still suffering from being so tired. Maybe you should just listen to your body right now and get some extra rest. :ohwell: Sounds like you need it. Don't push yourself too hard and risk getting your husband's sickies. Trust me, I learned that lesson this winter. :frown: I'm accident prone too, but, oddly, I haven't hurt myself with Insanity (yet!....Knock On Wood!!!) I feel more at risk everytime I do a step workout because I've been known to fall off my step every now and again. :blushing: Maybe that's why I'm finding myself gravitating to more non-step workouts lately. :laugh:

    Laurie, hope you enjoy your rest day. Glad the track meet went well, though I'm sorry to hear the weather is changing again. Thanks for the breakdown on Core Dynamics. I caved!!! Yes, I ordered both S90 AND Asylum last night! :drinker: I saw one review of Asylum and knew I wasn't NOT going to get it, so.....why wait? I'm really looking forward to getting both programs. I don't know which one I'll do first, but I'll make that decision when I see them.

    Tami, I hope you're enjoying your time with your mom!

    Enjoy the day!

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!!! TGIF! :bigsmile:

    This morning I slept in, felt good, although I didn't get any more hours of sleep than normal! :ohwell: I had a fun night last Zumba instructor has a friend that makes custom workout wear, and I got 2 new pairs of nice yoga pants! She can sew all kinds of designs into the pants, and then make a matching sports bra or cami, or whatever. So cute, but I have to pace myself! :grumble: Then, I went to a Norwex party...great stuff, and so excited to try that out too!

    Laurel--What a great workout combo, sounds wonderful! :bigsmile: Wish I could get into Yoga, but I'll keep trying. Maybe someday it will click! I took your advise and am doing a 2nd rest day today. I have been getting 8-10 hours of sleep each night this week, but maybe my morning workouts are just tiring me out...I dunno. We'll see how I feel tomorrow!

    Laurie--Glad the track meet went well...I bet it was cold!! :noway: I'll definitely give Core Dynamics another go sometime soon. I'm curious to see what I think 2nd time around!

    Michelle--Good Morning!

    Off to prep for a presentation to my peers! I've been stressing about this for 2 weeks (maybe why I'm feeling so tired?!) and will be glad when it's done. It's on a topic I'm unfamiliar with, and we have to use a certain presentation style, which I wasn't here for when the training was conducted. I'm going in blind, but I'm going to go first and get it done! :happy:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Today was S90 Total Body. This workout surprises me, it is a tough short workout. :love:

    Oldest DD is scheduled to have a track meet tonight, but so far the temps are not above 40 deg. It is suppose to rain around the time of the meet also. I sure hope that they call the thing if it gets to cold. Youngest DD has a solo and a duet to sing tomorrow for the solo & ensamble competition. She is very nervous.

    Laurel, Well now you will have to let me know how you like Asylum. What comes with it, and all that good stuff. I saw some of the reviews, and it was stated that the first workout is tougher than the 2nd month workouts. :noway: You could probaly do a combo of both programs. :wink: They might actually compliment each other. I need to get back into my yoga. OK I'm going to mak a valiant effort to get in a session on Sunday.

    Erika, Good luck on the presentation, I'm sure you will do better than you think you will. Will have to check out what a Norwex party is. That workout wear sounds really cool, it is nice that you can get custom made items.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I woke up full of energy today! I mean, bouncing-around-the-house type of energy. It's been a LONG time since I felt that energetic. I don't know if it is the lovely spring weather here, the fact that I ate a bit more yesterday (due to my husband's birthday), or what, but, boy, did it feel good. So I tool full advantage.....of course! :bigsmile: I started my day with Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance. Then I took a break for breakfast and did P90X Legs/Back and Ab Ripper X. And I STILL had alot of energy (and time), so I did the HiiT and Bootcamp portion of Intensity. Even then I was jumping between drills instead of I finished it with the Leg Conditioning Drills from Lower Body Blast. Quite the llllooooonnnnngggg workout, but I still have energy and feel good, so I don't think I overdid it. Maybe I should eat birthday cake every night. :wink:

    Erika, I'm glad to hear you are taking another day off. Maybe you will feel better after this presentation if it has been causing you alot of stress. Are you eating any differently? I changed my diet up a bit earlier in this year, trying to get rid of some of the more caloric protein I eat (nuts and peanut butter) and, boy, did that little change make a big difference in how I felt. I had much less energy, was sleeping alot more, and was more much sore from my workouts. That's one of the changes I've made in the last two weeks, and I really notice a difference. So if you've changed anything (eating less carbs or protein or more processed food or whatever), you might want to look at that too. Just a suggestion.......I hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou: Buying new workout clothes sounds fun! I would have liked that kind of get-together, that's for sure.

    Laurie, sounds like you've got a busy weekend planned with your daughters. I hope the track meet tonight goes well, despite the cold. I would think they'd call it if the temps are near freezing and it is raining. I'm really anxious to get Asylum right now based on what I've seen of it. I think the first workout is definitely hard based on what I've seen, but there seems to be some variety to the program as well, which I like. I'm thinking of pairing it with P90X or some other weight program (Slow and Heavy, Gym Styles, etc) in June after I finish P90X. I've also toyed with trying to pair it with some of S90, but I won't know what I'm going to do until I get all of the programs. Because I'm doing a full Insanity rotation right now with a full P90X rotation, I definitely don't want to jump into a full Asylum rotation next. My body is going to need more of a break than that, and that's why I'm thinking of doing a hybrid next time. But I'll definitely let you know what I think!

    Michelle and Tami, hope you are both well!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    It seems that those 80 hr weeks finally caught up with me and I have literally tried to catch up on missed sleep. Along with the exhaustion is the dreaded sore throat which has turned into coughing, etc. These past two days I have been sleeping in but unable to take any meds because most of my meds are for nighttime due to drowsiness which stinks when you work at night:grumble: I have skipped workouts which stinks as it seems I was able to fit it in when I was moonlighting the other online gig:blushing:

    Erika- I hope your presentation went well and I'm sure that after it is over with you will sleep like a baby tonight:wink: I was sore for two days after P57 esp. in the saddlebag area which is great to me. Xtend has some good reviews but it seemed less intense compared to P57 or tell:bigsmile:

    Laurie- That trail mix is getting me into a whole lotta trouble as I'm willing to skip a meal and just munch on those nuts which are sooooo high in calories:blushing: Hopefully the weather will improve for the meet although I see weather warnings due to incoming storms.

    Laurel- more birthday cake unless you are sharing:laugh:

    Tami- Enjoy your family time:flowerforyou:

    Ok I just took some theraflu and now it is time to get in hopefully another 2-3 hrs before it is time to head in.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! :bigsmile:

    Well, I ended up taking Friday, Saturday and Sunday off from working out. It felt wonderful! I had a bit of a stomach bug (for about 12 hours) on Saturday, so it worked out ok., as I was pretty exhausted. Lots of sleep this weekend and laying around being lazy!

    This morning was Tracey Staehle Parts Upper Body...wowsa!!! That fried my arms! I really like that workout. It's high rep, lots of pulses, and medium weight. Overall fun! :happy:

    Michelle--I sure hope that you are feeling better after the weekend! That is no fun being sick! But, resting is the key...the workouts will be there when you are all better! I'll let you know what I think of Xtend, when I get a chance to try it out!

    Laurel--Send some of that energy this way, WOW!:happy: Glad you got in such great workouts to burn up some of that energy! I was looking at my food intake over the last several weeks, and the only thing I've changed, is that I added Shakeology shakes in the morning instead of my 1st breakfast (usually oatmeal or fruit or eggs) so, I've upped my protein intake from what it was before. I would think that would help! But, my eating schedule (times/amounts/foods) is the same. I ran out of the shakes on Friday, so have gone 3-4 days without them, and don't feel any more energy, so I know that's not the culprit! Hopefully it all gets better from here on out!

    Laurie--I love that S90 Total BodyI I actually got Tom Holland's Total Body Workout in a DVD trade (just him--about 45 minutes long), which I'm anxious to try. Reminds me of S90! The presentation went really well! I was surprised with myself, and it actually was fun to watch the DVD of myself afterwards, as I found out something new about me...most people say a lot of ums or ahhs, or a space filler, and I didn't do that at all. But I started most of my sentences with I think, which I never knew I did! Something to learn from for sure!

    Tami--I hope you had a great time at your Mom's house.

    Time to get ready for work! Have a great Monday! :bigsmile:
This discussion has been closed.