Cathe Fans Part 4!



  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies!

    So today was P90X Back/Biceps. I remember not caring much for this workout, but, like Back/Legs, I realized this morning that has nothing to do with the actual workout but with the background exercisers. What's up with that? There is a lady in this workout I find very annoying because she seems like an attention hog....and Tony pays her too much attention (I my opinion, of course). But since this was the first time I've done this workout in this rotation, I wasn't TOO annoyed by her and found myself very pleasantly surprised at how good this workout made my arms feel (or how bad....I don't know....because I'm finding it difficult to move them right now :laugh: ). I took a long break and then finished my workout up with Insanity's Pure Cardio. Love that one! I don't know how long my body is going to be able to handle this P90X/Insanity rotation since I'm doing BOTH every day, but, so far, I'm really enjoying it. And it's a nice break from Cathe. No doubt I'll start missing her soon, though, because I always do.

    Tami, glad you had a good workout last night. Isn't it surprising how you can get sore from workouts after only being away from them for a few days? That's something I really am noticing as I get older....that my body's 'set' point is on 'couch potato', and I really have to fight hard to get it from reverting to that, :wink: The soreness I get from a break is always a good reminder, and that's one of the reasons I like it.

    Michelle, no doubt you're exhausted!!! I get tired from just reading your post. I hope your daughter is doing better, though it sounds like she is since she made you breakfast. What a sweety!! I'm glad the babysitters are working out for you. What a challenge you've got with the hubby away, working nightshift, etc. You amaze don't beat yourself up!!! I know I always have a tendency to look at the things I didn't get done at the end of the day, and then I have to remind myself of the things I DID get done. At the end of almost every day if I do that, I feel much better than I otherwise would have about my accomplishments.

    Erika, goodness that workout you did this morning has quite a title! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Sounds like another KB workout I might have to have a look at.

    Laurie, I hear you about busy vs non-busy days at work. Give me busy anyday, no matter how much I might complain about it. I've had jobs where I've had nothing to do (and I mean, very literally, nothing to do) and the days couldn't have possibly been longer. It was horrible. Sounds like you're doing great on the S90 rotation, though. Great job!!

    For the three of you doing S90, can you give me a quick run-down on the equipment needed and whether they'd be good for a relative beginner to strength training (she's fit, but just hasn't done much resistance training). I have a friend on another thread who is looking for new workouts, and I'm thinking of recommending these to her because of the price. But I want to make sure I'm recommending something she could use, so any input is much appreciated. :flowerforyou:

    See you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    Well this morning I made cinnamon rolls for the girls and after getting the eldest medicated and off to the bus it was 7am:yawn: Thank goodness I took Friday off because between the extra hrs working from home and my hubby away on business I'm worn out.

    This afternoon I needed to gas up again :grumble: and then cook dinner while working a 4hr shift. Hopefully I will get to take a 1hr nap before leaving at 8 tonight if not I need a strong cup of Cuban coffee:laugh:

    Erika-Today the young babysitter starts with a swim practice so I will see how that goes. The pain is a combination of being on my feet for 8hrs daily although I wear Skechers toning shoes and then the KB rotation where the lunges and curtsey lunges triggered soreness and it gradually progressed. I was worried that Bar would affect my knees but as time progressed the knee seem to strengthen.

    Laurel- That is great thinking:wink: I will try to focus on the accomplishments from now on.:bigsmile:

    Laurie- Yes we are now cool and cloudy/sunny..although I must admit I do prefer the coooler temperatures:laugh:

    Tami- Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was S90 Shoulders/Arms. :wink: Shoulders were on fire at the end, I was surprised (in a good way) and was glad the pace allowed me to grab my weights, etc. for the 12 reps. Still very quick moving, so while you are working on strength the endurance is also being worked. Didn’t have enough time for my addnl shorter workout this a.m. since this one is about 44 min, but planning on heading to Cycling tonight! :wink:

    Michelle: That is so fantastic after you hectic day you got P57 in! :smile: I bet it felt really good. Definitely give yourself a huge standing “O” for all of your accomplishments!! :drinker: You’re amazing. Great news on the sitter and how helpful that will be for you. YAY! Very sweet of your 10 year old to bring breakfast upstairs to you. Thanks on the “legs” comment. :smile: Yes, that was quite a calorie burn yesterday ~ felt great though. I hope your knee pain is gone very soon.

    Erika: Great workouts! :bigsmile: Sounds like they worked you pretty good with all the sweat rolling off ya in the end! Are those new into your library of DVD’s? Just don’t remember you mentioning these before.
    My legs were actually feeling good this a.m., I wondered if I would be sore too but wasn’t so that’s good.

    Laurie: I really enjoyed Shoulders/Arms. Just like you mentioned, much better tempo, unlike Chest the other day. Tomorrow a.m. is Cardio Challenge for me – looking forward to it. :wink:
    I’m with you on loving to be busy. This week has been the busiest week at work I have had in a very long time. Being gone and then filling in for someone (who didn’t leave any info/notes or have a system in place) while trying to play catch up myself. It’s felt really good. I like to feel like I am valued vs. just going through the motions waiting for the next task to happen.

    Laurel: Truly - - Way to go on the P90X and Insanity workouts! That is a great combo you have going. :bigsmile: I’m with you on loving new rotations but I know will miss Cathe’s too. For my 2nd Leg during this S90 rotation I am going to incorporate some of my favorite Cathe “leg” workouts for that day. :wink:
    It is crazy how you can take just a few days off and feel it. It’s been good to feel the soreness but yes, surprising.:huh: I’m hoping it also has to do with the new S90 rotation!

    My thoughts for suggesting S90: I think definitely recommend it!! All she will need is a set of weights … maybe 5, 8 & 10 LBs to start and also a stability ball. He doesn’t give a whole lot of instruction on form; more a review of what you should be doing for each set. He does give form pointers throughout but not in an explanation like Cathe for example. The moves are pretty straight forward though, so once you know which 3 he explained, you just do those 3 consecutively and repeat. He does mention to people who may be just starting out to take their time and do what they can do. So instead of 12 reps, do 8. There are also modifications to some exercises if need be too. I think for the $$ it is worth a try. Happy to give some more specific break-downs of the exercises if that helps too.

    Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening! :smile: Talk to you tomorrow …… :flowerforyou: Thanks for being my Fitness Friends. I truly look forward to chatting with you all every day. :bigsmile:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :Hi Ladies!!! I had a tough day of those days where I was sitting at work (we've had terribly slow days since January 1st--wihich is normal until around June/July :grumble: ) and wondering why the heck I'm doing the job I'm doing! I got roped into insurance by the awesome benefits and pay, and it's really tough to get out (as you take a pretty hefty pay cut to do so). I like the customer interaction and meeting face to face with clients, but that's about where it ends. So, I spent my afternoon daydreaming about what I want to do. I know what I want to do (honestly, I've wanted to teach TurboKick for a LONG time--just too scared to do so), and have talked to someone here in MN that works for Chalene Johnson (this is the wannabe Chalene lady that I mentioned I took a class from) that would do my certification, but they only do 2 per year, and they just did one back in February that I missed (she's trying to set up another one for this summer though!). So, I've got that figured out, but then it's down to how to go from a FT great paying job, to very PT, not so great of pay? We did it once when I stayed home with the boys and worked a jewelry business on the side, and it was tough being stressed about money all the time. Ugh, I wish I could just make the leap and be done with it! So, that was my day yesterday (sorry for the rant! :blushing: )

    This morning was Amy Bento's Kickbox Xtreme, and it was my 2nd time doing this one. I actually felt that I "got" her choreography down for about 90% of the workout...pretty good, considering how complex her choreography is (and cuing not that great).

    Tami--Kettlebell Goddess I've had for about 9 months, but I usually only do the Lower Body workout. This was my first attempt at Upper Body. The company that produces the DVD is here in MN, and it came recommended by several friends as a good DVD to learn the moves. It has no music, which was interesting at first, but then, there is absolutely nothing for me to get bugged by (usually after doing a DVD many times, the music can either irritate me, or I like it more), and they move slow enough that you can really work your muscles and concentrate on what you are doing. I think there are 6 or so different workouts...all about 30 minutes long. Gorgeous Core I got about 3 months ago, and have done 3/4 of the workouts on there. I think there are 7. All are 5-12 minutes long, so I usually do that workout 1 x per week. Great job on Shoulders/Arms...I remember that one frying my shoulders too! :noway:

    Michelle-- I hope your night shift went well, and you are sleeping as I type this! :happy: Glad to hear that the barre workouts are strengthening you knee up...YAY for barre! :happy: You're doing an awesome job at keeping up with the house, kids and work. Rest if you need to, and the workouts will be there when you are ready!

    Laurel--Great job on the workout this morning. :bigsmile: Always a great feeling when you fell fully worked out! I was trying to imagine myself doing a P90X/Insanity rotation, and all I can picture is myself laying on the floor! :laugh: You go girl!!!!

    Laurie--Why is it that so many jos are crazy busy or dead slow...I still have never worked a job that is a steady flow of work....ugh! I hope the busy eases up a bit. Great job on the workout!

    Off to get ready for the day....hmmmm....what to daydream about at work today. It's been SOOOOOOO slow. I actually caught up from being out for a full week, in less than an hour! :grumble:
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Afternoon Ladies!

    Today has been a low energy day for me. TOM showed up :grumble: and my husband came home late last night from the airport (keeping me up late) and it's low energy is here. I decided to do my usual low energy day thing and asked myself what workout I wanted to do....and I answered 'Intensity'. I think it's because the background is from Hawaii, and that always brightens my spirits. :smile: So off I went to do Intensity, and it felt surprisingly good. Not really a 'low energy' workout, but it is what I felt like doing. I finished it with YogaX, which absolutely flew by. That was a perfect workout combination for me today.

    Michelle, you rock! You really do. Taking time to make breakfast for your girls when you got home just shows how special a mom you are. How long is the hubby gone? I hope it isn't too long because your schedule right now sounds absolutely brutal. Take care of yourself during this time. :flowerforyou:

    Tami, thanks SOOOO much on the answer about Supreme 90. I recommended it to her. I figure she can't go too wrong by spending only $19. She's new to DVD workouts and seems to enjoy them, so I wanted to recommend something that she didn't feel was too much of a financial commitment since she is new to the process of DVD purchases/working out. If she has any specific questions, I might just point her to all of you doing the program for input.....if you don't mind, of course.

    Erika, I'm sorry to hear about your day yesterday. I've suffered through way too many jobs I just hated. That's one of the reasons I'm not working right now. I know if I had to do it all over again, I would have pursued being a pastry chef (yeah, I know kind of a strange thing to admit on a fitness site!), but that's where my passion really is....not behind some desk pushing papers around (which is what I pretty much did for the government all the years I've worked for it). But at nearly 46, I feel I'm a tad too old to be starting over. And that's probably more of a mental thing for me than true reality because much of that 'mental' issue is tied up in the fact that my husband will be 'retiring' from the military in three years, so his career future is uncertain right now. Anyhow, I say to you, since you are much younger, to follow your passion if you can. I understand the realities of money but, at the end of the day, when you are 50, are you going to live with career/life regrets if you keep going down this path? I hate living with regrets (and I've got a few). So think about it and do what's best for you in the long term. Just my thoughts....of course. :flowerforyou:

    Laurie, I hope you're doing well.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon Ladies,

    I'm slowly waking up after the incessant barking of the dog who wanted to go out and sunbathe:grumble: Today was picture day for my eldest so I slept until 7am and then took both girls to school for better quality sleep.......not sure that route workd out best for me:yawn: Yesterday I did Exhale Core Fusion Thighs and I honestly think that is worst than Physique 57:noway: man oh man last night underneath my saddlebags were screaming:laugh: Today I'm too exhausted but tomorrow is Exhale Fusion Bodysculpt plus I took a day off from work:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: :drinker:

    Erika- Aaah the struggle of making ends meet or living your life's passion. In this recession that is a hard choice with so many people out of work and working any menial job to make ends meet. It sounds like teaching is your hearts desire and if money is a concern create a 6-12 month financial nest so that you can transition slowly after certification. Having been lucky enough to stay at home most of my marriage and also having jobs where I hated dreaded being there with every cell in my being I can honestly relate. As Laurel hubby retires in a few and although he can transition easily enough into another great civilian job making more he wants to take a year off:noway: Now being the planner that I am I decided to get back out there to ensure that when the time comes that it is a smooth transition for all of us afterall he deserves a break if he wants one:wink: I believe in limiting regrets and like Laurel, I already have a few on my plate and I'm honestly working hard everyday trying to make sure that my decision does not become my greatest regret all for the sake of a heftier nest egg in our savings account. In other words I'm trying to find that one thing that truly excites me like writing a great novel like the ones that I sounds like teaching fitness is yours:wink:

    Laurel- Oooh the dreaded TOM and rain:laugh: Glad the scenes of Hawaii did the trick although it does not sound like an easy day to me:laugh: you are not too old to start over esp. after reading your bio which is a journey of itself:wink: Just imagine a network TV show featuring a toned and defined pastry chef without the mufifn top sporting awesome bis & tris:wink: I think you rock too:wink:

    Tami- Thanks for the review. As i don't work the back much what is the breakdown of his back dvd and also his legs dvd?

    Laurie- Thanks for the sun..she is back but she also brought 45 degree temps:grumble: . An interesting mix for April:laugh:

    Ok I'm off to shower, work for 4hrs and then off to see my daughter's art which was selected to be displayed as a part of the city's Young Artists Exhibition.

  • clohessy
    clohessy Posts: 394 Member
    Whose workout DVDS are you doing? They sound great! Something I'd be interested in.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Today’s workout is going to be after work. :wink: I had to go in early to try and make some deadlines. Last night’s Cycling class was good. Looking forward to S90 Cardio Challenge this eve.

    Erika: I’m so sorry to hear about your tough day ….:flowerforyou: I can absolutely relate to this entire topic today! :sad: OY!!! I have been at my job now for 17 years and have struggled more in the last 5 years than ever before. Feeling like, “Is this it?” Is this my life/job forever? Knowing for certain that it doesn’t have to be but then when the economy turned I decided to just sit tight and wait it out. At the same time struggling with guilt because I should be thankful everyday to have a job.:ohwell: Which I am, don’t get me wrong there. :blushing: :smile: Just truly have spent a substantial amount of time & many days of just absolute boredom as well so I can completely relate. Laurel & Michelle have given some great thoughts on this and I think if you can figure out a way to “make it work” you should pursue your dream! :drinker: Don’t have the regret later in life. It might take some time & planning but if you can make it work, how fantastic.
    Great job on the workout and glad to know the choreography came a little easier this time. Love it when that happens. Great info on the KB Goddess workout, thanks!

    Laurel: I think that sounds like a really great combo you did today.:wink: If you were feeling low energy I’m not sure other than the Hawaii moments why Intensity came to mind! :laugh: :bigsmile: :laugh: Very good that you got through both and it felt good. Love Intensity so much. :wink: I agree with Michelle by the way that you could still absolutely pursue your “dream” and I love the picture she painted of a buff pastry chef, fit & lean baking away! :wink:
    Glad to help out on S90 anyway I can. Of course, send her over …. Between the 3 of us, I am sure we can answer questions. Thank you for the words you gave to Erika . . . I feel inspired myself in reading them. :smile: Very good thoughts!

    Michelle: Hope you enjoy your day OFF! :bigsmile: :drinker: Here is a breakdown on the Back/Biceps along with Legs. Both have a nice core warm-up to start after a brief 5 min warm-up. He really emphasizes your core in everything you do I have noticed so far w/ S90 workouts.
    S90 Back & Biceps:
    Circuit 1: Alternating arm pullover on ball (8 to 12), Renegade row (8 to 12)
    DB Curl alternating in and out (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Circuit 2: DB Deadlifts with prone press (8 to 12),
    Stability Ball diagonal pull, alternating (8 to 12) DB Curl (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Circuit 3: Reverse hyperextension on the ball (8 to 12), Db bent over row, underhand (8 to 12),
    DB Concentration curl (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Circuit 4: DB deadlift with bent over row (8 to 12), Db one arm row, horizontal (8 to 12)
    Db hammer curl, alternating (8 to 12) Repeat 2X

    Also, Chest/Back which I did the other a.m.:
    Shoulder circles, 15 forward, 15 backward, Repeat
    Push ups (8 to 12), Bent over row (8 to 12), Repeat 2X
    Chest press (8 to 12), Alternating pull over (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Decline push up on stability ball (8 to 12)
    Prone stability ball alternating press (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Db uppercut, across to opposite shoulder (8 to 12)
    Db deadlifts (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Chest fly on ball (8 to 12)
    Superman on ball (8 to 12) Repeat 2X
    Db push up/row (8 to 12) Repeat

    S90 Legs: Core warm-up with SB (stability ball).
    Prisoner squats 25, Triple heater: Glute raise with feet on stability ball, roll ins w/ feet on SB glute raise with feet on side of ball.
    DB lunge forward/back 12 per side, Sumo squat, come up on toes 15 to 20.
    DB straight leg deadlift 12, Side lunge 12 per side, Split lunge on SB, 12 per side
    Forward lunge with a reach 12 per side, DB squat 12
    Repeat - 3 times Triple heater, etc. . . .

    Hi Laurie – Hope you are having a great day! :smile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow. :flowerforyou:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Whose workout DVDS are you doing? They sound great! Something I'd be interested in.

    Hi there! :smile: We are all doing a variety of workouts here .... most definitely! :smile: Some that have been mentioned though are: Supreme 90 workouts, Cathe Friedrich workouts, (hence the Cathe Fans :laugh: ) and P90X. I would highly recommend Cathe Friedrich workouts if you are coming off of Jillian Michaels DVD(s). She is a fabulous instructor and offers good intensity in both weight training and cardio. Her selection of DVD's and the premixes she offers on several are endless! You can't go wrong there. :wink:

    Supreme 90 is a system/rotation that I just started and for the $$ it is a great system so far! Only $20 for 10 DVD's and if you like shorter workouts they range from 35-45 min each.

    :flowerforyou: Tami
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    It's here...FINALLY!!! YAY for Friday!!!! :bigsmile:

    It's been a long, emotional, stressful, and just downright testing week, and I'm glad it's almost done!!! :bigsmile: I had a really good talk with a couple other co-workers late yesterday afternoon, that do the exact same job as me. I felt better knowing that they too are struggling with "What am I doing here?" I think for them, it's more of the fact that the job has changed so significantly (they've both been there for close to 10 years--I'm about 2.5 yrs), that it doesn't feel like the same job. The reason I took the job, was to be around people...I'm a people person...I love to talk to people, hold meetings, heck, even do presentations (when I know my topic well!), but now our jobs are turning more into sales than ever before, and lots and lots of streamlining, so we can't personalize stuff. Ugh! But, I'm with the rest of least I have a job, so I just have to make it work until I figure out how I can swing the teaching thing. I'm already hunting down ways to get certified sooner than this summer/fall (which means I might travel to another state to do the testing), and then work on doing it PT, until I can fully get up and running.

    This morning was S90 Total Body! :bigsmile: I just love that one, and I honestly didn't stop huffing and puffing until the end! I felt left out not doing a S90 workout, so had to throw one in there!! :laugh:

    Tami--I'm glad cycling was good, and looks like you got in S90 Cardio Challenge...way to go! :happy: I feel so much better knowing I'm not the only one going through this. My hubby makes me feel like I am, as he either really does like his job, or does a good job of convincing himself he does...he's always been like that. But, knowing his family, they all will "like" their job, if it means good pay. That's how he was raised. I told him, I'm not motivated by pay, I'm motivated by things that I love or that challenge me. As long as I can pay for the stuff we need to, I'm fine. I don't need all the extra "stuff". We come from 2 totally different worlds, when it comes to that!

    Michelle--Girl, you ROCK!!!! :bigsmile: I don't know how you to it, but you do, and you are awesome at it!!!!!!! Way to go on those Exhale workouts! I have tried them, and as much as I want to like them, I can't because of the voiceover. But, I know they are good! I love that you have a plan all laid out for you and your hubby, so he can take some time off, but you guys can still live financially comfortably. I know that we can make it work if I wanted to quit my job and teach FT (or PT, depending on the demand), but my hubby is way too comfortable with a good dual household income to let that happen. He said he wouldn't go back to when I was staying home, I have to come up with something. The kids are in school FT, so maybe I can work out something where I can teach a few days/nights a week, and then work a PT job while the boys are at school to fill in the gaps. Still looking into that! I hope you get some sleep on your day off!!! :happy:

    Laurel--Darn TOM and then a rainy, gloomy day on top of that?? :grumble: I had to laugh though, when you said you were having a low energy day and wanted to pick out a good workout for that...I was thinking something more like a slow walk on the treadmill, but you rocked it with Intensity!!! Way to go! :bigsmile: Thanks for your input on the job thing. I appreciate it! I just wish I knew how to slowly transition into things. I always jump both feet in, right away. I have a hard time waiting for things to move to the level I want them to, I just want it NOW! But, I know this is something that can't work that way, so I have to come up with a better plan! I'll let you guys all know, once I figure it out!

    Laurie--Good Morning!

    Well, it's off to get ready for work, and then go out in this rainy/snowy mix. Sounds like a grey day here too, but I'm going to hit up Zumba tonight and lift my spirits up! I need a little Jillian to whip my attitude into shape (I've been terribly grumpy all week--not at all normal for me!)
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    This is going to be a quick one. I'm on a big project right now at work, so that is taking up a lot of my time. And I have been super busy after work the last couple of days, but hopefully I can get on tonight.

    I'm keeping up with the S90 workouts though. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Man I thought I would be early today..should of popped in earlier.:laugh: This morning when I arrived home I decided to do Exhale Fusion Bodysculpt and after my 4hrs of moonlighting hopefully I will get some quality sleep.

    Laurie- Hey at least you were able to get that workout in:wink:

    In references to videos...Physique 57, Bar Method, Tracie Long, Cathe..of course, Paul Katami, Michelle Dozois, Kelly Coffey-Meyer as you can see we love variety..well I need it:laugh: but a visit to collagevideo or totalfitnessdvd will provide you with clips of videos. Most of these sites also offer weekly sales.

    Erika- In reference to Exhale I alctually like the peacefulness of their dvds but more importantly really feel it in those dreaded areas. Right now their Thighs dvd has created DOMS similar to when I went heavy with barbell squats:noway: I did Bodysculpt today and once again I could really feel the burn and my legs were quivering:laugh: In reference to your future slowly transitioning sounds like a great plan. As far as plans..getting certified is first and then contacting instructors so that you can be used for subbing for them is a way to get into the field . Another option is connecting with gyms or small businesses and leasing a room and offering classes at 5 per class which is always great for people like me who like to test gym classes without monthly or longterm contracts. In reference to personalities my hubby is an old fashioned southern raised boy who loves what he does and despite many offers/opportunities to make twice his salary is comfortable right where he is. I on the other hand tend to look at schooling and salary as critical and yes it is definitely due to family too:laugh: Although my plan is not my ideal plan I'm working it until things align themselves in the right direction because age does bring with it the wisdom of happiness vs monetary gains/material acquisitions.

    Tami- Thanks for the great breakdown of the dvds:wink: I also go through those days of "Is this it" and then feel guilty fo rnot counting my blessings:blushing: It is good to see that we all share that common goal of wanting to live life to its fullest and with meaning, hopefully by following our true calling. The great thing is that it is never too late:bigsmile:

    Laurel-Our buffed Chef:wink: Hoping some of your energy has returned today:flowerforyou:

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Happy April Fool's Day...and, more importanly, HAPPY FRIDAY!!

    You guys are the best. :flowerforyou: I've been feeling a tad down this morning, and I just read through your posts from yesterday and this morning and you've completely cheered me up. Thank you!

    So I started off this morning with Insanity's Plyo Cardio Circuit. It felt good. I then finished it up with P90X Legs/Back and Ab Ripper X. I'm sticking with Legs/Back for least until I rip it out of my DVD player and throw it against the wall. :laugh: Actually, this morning it didn't bother me at all because I was so focused on my bad mood that I barely heard anything Tony or anybody else was saying! I'm thinking part of my mood the past couple of days is because of the intense workouts and that, perhaps, I'm just not quite getting enough to eat. I think I'll work on that right after I finish this post with a good lunch!

    Michelle, I LOVE your description of me as a Pastry Chef!!! I always think that I'd get fat if I pursued that career and then I remember that I almost never eat anything I bake because after spending all the time baking, I have no interest in the food at all. It would probably end up being the ultimate weight loss plan for me because I might be able to finally rid myself of this horrific craving for sweets I live with almost perpetually. Gives me something to think about. Frankly, I wouldn't care if I was working at Safeway baking their other words, I don't need to own a bakery. But I just love the process of baking and creating and making things look pretty and seeing the pleasure in other people when they get something really good. Weird, I know. But thank you SOOO much for your encouragement. Your workouts sounds great! Hope you get a chance to relax and catch up on some rest this weekend. Congrats to your daughter for having her art work on display. How fun!

    Tami, thank you, too, for your kindness. It sounds like we've all been in the same boat when it comes to wondering 'what am I doing with my life?' I suppose it is only natural. Great breakdowns on S90. Thanks for posting those because they give me some flavor for the types of exercises in the workouts. These are the first breakdowns I've seen!

    Erika, I'm glad you're not alone at work right now in how you are feeling. That always makes me feel better too. I'm a 'jump in with two feet' kinda gal too. When I make a decision, I want it done. When I know something is going to happen, I just want it to happen NOW. I think that's part of my problem right now in choosing what I want to do with my life. We know my husband is going to have to retire in about 2 1/2 years, and we know this is our last assignment. Well, that would be great if we wanted to stay here. But living in one of the most expensive cities in the country really isn't in our plans, to be honest. Besides, I'm a midwest/west girl at heart (Denver born and raised), and I'd love to get back closer to home. So I'm here thinking 'Do I get a nonsense job for the 2 /12 years and then try to focus on building a career again when we're settled or do I try to get a career here since we've got long enough of a time and stability (for the first time in over 10 years) for me to actually do something but also maybe have to maybe give it up (like I had to my previous career) when we move....again?' And I don't know the answer. My husband doesn't either. On one hand, he's always talking about me going back to work, but when I say 'I'm trying to find a job', he's like 'Why?' :grumble: I'd much rather him just retire NOW so we can get on to getting on instead of this holding pattern we are in living in. But like all of you, I should just be thankful that my husband is gainfully employed, will have a steady retirement income regardless of what happens in a couple of years, and we have SO many options open to us once his military career has come to an end. I just need to focus on that! Hope Zumba is fun tonight and knocks the 'grumpies' right out of you!

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the project at work. Glad to hear you are keeping up with the workouts thought!!

    Enjoy your weekend, ladies! And, again, thanks for cheering me up today! :flowerforyou:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Last night’s workout went good …. I liked it even more my second time around on S90 Supreme Cardio. After that, our weather had made a nice little break (no rain/wind) so I took the kids for a walk. They were thrilled and pulled me down the street a bit but then it was nice after they settled. :laugh: :wink: Decided to take today as my REST day instead of tomorrow. Plus I can have a longer workout tomorrow. :wink:

    Erika: Sometimes knowing that people are on the same page and feeling the same way as you are just simply makes it better. :smile: :flowerforyou: It sounds like you have a good perspective on all of it and going into the certification/instruction part time to start will be the perfect plan. Plus, it will feel good to be pursuing something you love! Another “just so you know you aren’t alone moment” my hubby is exactly the same on that as well. :ohwell: He always tells me, that’s why they call it a job. Great to hear S90 Total Body is a good one. I’m looking forward to it (and the others I haven’t tried yet). :smile:

    Laurie: Glad to hear S90 workouts are going well and you are keeping up w/ the rotation despite your very hectic schedule this week. Hang in there and hopefully you get some down time this weekend with the family. I wanted to ask, are you going directly off the S90 schedule?

    Michelle: You’re welcome. :smile: I’m glad I found that info for myself as well. It’s nice to break them down (time wise) so I know each a.m. if I might have time to incorporate a 2nd workout, etc. :wink: You are amazing to get your workout in the a.m. when you get home before heading to bed. :drinker: Great job! Hope you got some good sleep afterwards.

    Laurel: I’m sure T.O.M. and the gloom of the weather did not help with how you were feeling. :huh: I’m so glad we could help and I agree, chatting with you all always seems to help me too! All this rain and gray days we have had are taking a toll. I am so glad I got a little burst of sunshine last week. :wink: Fantastic workouts AGAIN today. Hope you had a nice healthy lunch and feel refreshed.

    Hope you all have a great weekend! Talk to you soon …….. :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Getting on before I head out to do some more organizing in our stockroom. :wink: Got S90 Cardio Challenge done this morning, still loving these workouts.

    Tami, Yes I am following the schedule as much as possible, but I changed the rest day. I put it before the Cardio Challenge workout, because I thought the arms needed the break. This morning when doing cardio challenge I noticed that one of the songs was from the P90X workouts. Since it is instrumental I remembered it was from PlyoX during the one legged cross hops that Tony does. :laugh: Funny how I could remember that. I've heard music from some of the Jillian workouts also.

    Laurel, I was suffering from grumpies last week also, probably because I was exhausted. :wink: I took a nap both days this weekend, and that is something that never happens. Hopefully I can get this project done this week so that I don't have to go through all of that again this weekend.

    Michelle, I was watching E-News this weekend, and they had the creator of Physique 57 instructing Juiliana on her workouts. I wonder if they will highlight all these Hollywood instructors at some point. :wink: I love the variety of my workout instructors also. I have decided that I'm going to give some of my older workouts to the church, they have a group of ladies that workout on Tuesdays to videos. I have some that I know I will never do again.

    Erika, Sounds like you have a solid plan in place to get that teaching licsence. I can't wait to try out that Total Body workout, will be next week alread. :drinker: Jobs change so much sometimes, but sounds like yours went in a totally different direction that what it was to begin with. This project I'm on now has been a long time in coming, and I'm happy to have my butt back in the stockroom making changes. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    :bigsmile: Hi Ladies!!! :bigsmile:

    I hope you all had a great weekend!!! I had an awesome time at Zumba Friday night, even though I almost didn't go. I was glad afterwards. My body was SOOOO sore Saturday from Zumba, that I had to take a rest day. She has us do a lot of moves where our butts are nearly touching the ground in squat fashion, and my butt and legs were not happy with me. Yesterday I did sections of a few of the Bosu workouts, and decided that set is going bye bye. I only liked 1 of the 6 workouts, so I figured it has to go. I still have a Tracey Staehle DVD that uses the Bosu, that I love, so I'm good with that. Actually, I'm doing a trade on VF...kinda fun!

    This morning was Tracie Long Leaning Out. I really like her style...non-stop, but not super killer. I got a nice burn, and was sweating from it, but feel worked out, but not wiped out. I'm excited to try other DVD's of hers later this week!

    I had a great conversation with my hubby about all my job turmoils this week, and he told me to work on getting certified, and finding a PT gig, to make sure that's what I want to do. Then, he said if I really do, he'd support me quitting my FT job and doing that, but supplementing with a PT job (nothing too stressful) for a few hours a day on the days I don't teach. The savings of daycare costs, he said, would be worth it for me to quit my job, and be able to take the kids to and from school during the day. YAY!!!

    Laurie--Sounds like you are doing great with those S90 workouts. :bigsmile: I have a feeling these are going to be ones I'm going to love for years (like my KCM's). I just love the length, intensity, instructor, etc. Glad you are keeping busy at work, and doing a project that sounds like it's long overdue!

    Tami--Yay, you got some nice weather too this weekend! :happy: We had a beautiful day Saturday and yesterday, so I got both of our vehicles completely cleaned out, which was nice! All of this talk about S90 Cardio Challenge, makes me want to put that one into this week...maybe tomorrow morning, as I have to leave early for a meeting out in western MN, so I'm limited on time.

    Laurel--I just remembered all my April Fool's Day pranks I pulled on Friday, after seeing your greeting! :bigsmile: I had so much fun. It's gotta be one of my favorite days of the year. I usually do pretty harmless things, so it's all in fun, but I got everyone. No one saw any of it coming. I put in a fake notice of resignation with my boss (you should have seen his face!), I taped the sensor on a couple people's mouses, so they wouldn't work, lowered peoples chairs, and taped down the receiver button on some phones, so when they'd go to answer, they couldn't. I had a good laugh (and much needed!) Maybe some of that goofiness got sent your way by me, as it sounds like your mood lifted! Great job on the may be right about the intensity/food affecting your mood. I pushed myself pretty hard on workouts last week, and was trying to keep my eating down (I put on a few pounds since my last weigh in...more than I wanted), and it made me crabby too. My hubby even commented on it on Saturday. I think I really just need to stay at the 2000/cals per day, and focus on workouts, instead of trying to cut back a bit!

    Michelle--Great job on the workout...ugh, it's that the best/worst feeling at the same time when those thighs are screaming? :noway: I'm excited to get certified, and get started with teaching. I have so many connections with people that teach that I should be able to get something going, even if it's free to start. I am not going into it thinking I'll be at a local health club right away, heck even just what my Zumba instructor does 2 nights a week would work. She uses a Karate shop's building, and the owners get free classes, and I'm sure she pays them some sort of rental charge, but they also get free advertising out of it. Works out well! Keep on truckin' lady, I hope this week is better!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This weekend was more work but I was able to fit Squeeze and JS 10 min Solution KB on Saturday. On Sunday my body just crashed and I slept in until it was time to sign in online for work. TG hubby was back because he is the breakfast chef:bigsmile: Hubby also brought back some Beignets from New Orleans so I did indulge with my cup of coffee:blushing: Delish!

    Erika- I'm so happy that you have a plan and I'm sure that was a huge load off of your shoulders. With daycare costs eliminated a Pt income is balanced out anyway:wink: Tracie's Defined Lines is fun too and I actually woke up this morning thinking of doing that one:laugh: So far Core Fusion creates DOMS in my quads and P57 hits those saddlebag region whereas Bar Method gives me a slim look immediately...all great workouts so hopefully these next 8 weeks will do great things:wink:

    Laurel- I'm glad that we were able to lift your spirits:flowerforyou: I definitely need my daily dose of you ladies also:wink:

    Tami- I was able to go to S90 website and preview each dvd this weekend. It also mentioned that each dvd is 30mins average which sounds even better with my crazy schedule.

    Laurie- Glad to hear that you are truly enjoying those workouts. Are you combining S90 with anything else? Great idea with the church donation..they will love that:smile:

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Saturday was my rest day, and I needed it. I was feeling pretty run down and cranky by the end of last week, and a day off was exactly what I needed. It didn't hurt that we spent the day buying me a car!! :drinker: We've been a single vehicle family since we moved to Korea 17 months ago, and I've had enough of relying on my feet to get me everywhere. It was really beginning to make me feel like a prisoner in my own home (and neighborhood). So now I have my freedom again! We bought a little Honda Civic coupe. I drove one for 10 years which we had to sell when we moved to Alaska five years ago, so I know I love the little Civic. This one is so fun and peppy and just a real pleasure for me to drive. I think I'll be taking trips to and from the store every day this week....just because I can. :laugh:

    Anyhow, yesterday I got back to working out. I did Insanity's Cardio Power and Resistance followed by STS Disk 20/Legs. I love those STS leg workouts, and I felt it really nicely in my booty this morning when I got up! Today was Insanity's Pure Cardio followed (after breakfast) by P90X Chest/Shoulders/Triceps. Both workouts felt great today. I ate more over the weekend and that, the car, and some lovely weather, seems to have really lifted my mood AND energy levels. Let's hope this continues!

    Tami, glad to hear you had a little break in the weather towards the end of last week. Sounds like you're enjoying this S90 routine. How do you feel about the shorter workouts? Do you feel that you are completely worked out by the end or do you feel the shortness? I'm just curious since, like me, you kind of gravitate towards the one hour workouts a bit more.

    Erika, I am SOOOO happy to hear you talked to your husband about a potential job change AND that he is being supportive. It sounds like you've got a great plan in mind. He's right about the child care costs because.....yowza! I know those costs are killer. Sounds like you had fun with April Fool's on Friday! I'm sure the people around you appreciated a little levity as well. About calories, I cut mine down quite a bit and, no doubt, it was way too low. I think I need to eat at least 1700 if I'm trying to lose weight, but my body is happier at about 2000-2200 when I'm maintaining. Recently I've been trying to get back down to my lowest weight (for no particular reason, to be honest), so I had cut my calories down to about 1500, and with these two intense workout programs, that was just WAY too low. So I've raised them back up, and it makes the world of difference. I don't feel like crawling into bed at 4:00pm anymore! :laugh: Glad you're still loving your Zumba!!! Sorry to hear about the Bosu workouts, but at least you gave them a try.

    Laurie, sorry to hear you had a case of the grumpies last week as well, but I'm glad you got some rest over the weekend. I hope this project doesn't make this week TOO bad for you. Great job continuing with the S90 series!

    Michelle, glad your husband made it back home safely and he brought you some goodies! Great job on the workouts over the weekend. Hopefully this week will be a little calmer for you now the DH is home.

    I just read Cathe's newletter, and it looks like she is in the process of filming a low impact series. Interesting. There is no pre-sale information, but I haven't read the forums over there yet to see if there is going to be a pre-sale. I might be interested in these if they are in fact intense but low impact.

    See you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    Happy Monday! :flowerforyou: I had a pretty good weekend. As all of them do, it flew by. I did get Lower Body Blast in on Sat. a.m. and then yesterday was S90 Chest/Back along with my V-ball games and a nice walk with the dogs. I was hoping to get a little bit more in later in the day either day but just didn’t happen. :ohwell: When the rain/snow mixture came back I kind of nestled into putting on my sweats mode. We are supposed to have crummy weather all week but this weekend might be nice?!?! Fingers crossed for that. :wink: This a.m. was Ultimate Ball and tonight will be Turbo Kick.

    Laurie: Great job on Cardio Challenge this a.m. that one just flies by I think. :smile: I was asking about your rotation because you are the Queen on rotations and I I have changed the rest day on my schedule as well. :wink: So doing the first 6 workouts they have on the rotation + whatever I add and then that Sat being a REST day, or last week I took Fri. I am also trying to implement an extra leg workout and maybe alternating in some cardio too. Next week I am changing it up a bit but will double up so I don’t miss any because I am going to visit my mom. That is a great idea on donating some of your workouts to the church. Good luck with your project and finishing that up!

    Erika: Sounds like a very fun ZUMBA class on Fri night. :smile: Tracie’s Leaning Out sounds like it was good. It has been a really long time since I have done one of her workouts. So glad to hear you had a conversation w/ your hubby about your job, etc. :wink: I bet it was very nice to feel supported in the decision and to know you can truly get moving in that direction. That is such good news to hear, I’m happy for you! :flowerforyou:

    Michelle: Very nice to hear your hubby is back and he brought you some special treats. :bigsmile: Sounds like the workout line-up you have with P57 & Bar is going to be great. Yes, the workouts all range from 30-40 min for S90. So for a shorter workout, that is perfect.

    Laurel: That is so fantastic you got a new car and just as exciting your FREEDOM to go wherever & whenever you want! :bigsmile: Yahoo. That is excellent. I am very happy for you. I love Honda Civic’s. My mom just bought a Honda Fit about 3 weeks ago and she is in love with it. At any rate, very nice - I bet you will definitely have reasons to go “somewhere” at any given moment.
    I saw that e-mail Cathe sent about her “new” Low Impact workouts she is putting together. I’m glad they won’t be out for several months. I am interested as well to see if they are a good intense workout w/ low impact. Might be nice to have on those particular days you want a little more but not high impact. :smile: More for the "wish" list?! :laugh:
    To answer your question on the S90 --- I definitely feel like I should add a 2nd portion to the workout. Now this a.m. I didn’t only because I started later and ran short on time. :huh: :ohwell: Where I feel worked, I feel I can do more so I am trying to figure out something that compliments what I just did so that I’m not doing an extra workout for 30 min just because. It is definitely a different style as far as cardio/endurance based while working a body part(s) due to the pace of the workouts. He talks about purposely making the system that way. So that is unique and I think kind of a shock to my body to try that out, but I definitely want another shorter workout after I am done.
    Thanks for sharing on the calorie intake. I am always “never ending” wondering where my best range is. :noway:

    Hope you all have a great afternoon/evening! Talk to you tomorrow.:flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Have not even attempted to do anything with my project this morning, it has just been a busy phone day for me. :wink: Today was S90 Legs, really do enjoy that workout a lot. Legs always feel well worked.

    Erika, That is great news that your DH is behind any decision that you make. I think you would do just fine with a PT position, and of coure you will have fun doing it too. :wink: Glad that you are enjoying that Zumba class, sounds like you really are getting a great workout.

    Michelle, I have not combined these workouts with anything yet. I am going according to the scheduled rotation (changed the rest day though), and am following the eating plan as good as I can. I'm waiting to do measurements/weight until I am finished. My pants have started to get roomy! :wink:

    Laurel, Congrats on the new car! We will have to get new transportation soon, since my vehicle is heading toward the 200,000 mile mark. :smile: We have been looking at the Hyandai Santa Fe. I saw the newsletter from Cathe, I'm not sure how I feel about those right now. I'm not a huge fan of the discs. :wink:

    Tami, I think that some type of leg work would be a good addition to the S90 upper body weight work. Maybe some floor work! At least that is what I had thought when I was doing them. I do know that the other two weight workouts are longer, so those will probably take up the full hour. I have been enjoying the short workouts, and am seeing some upper body improvements! I have been trying for years to get rid of that little extra under my arms, and it is going away. :noway:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    We had record-breaking heat yesterday (high of 85 or 86), massive thunderstorms this morning at 4:30am....and now the temps are in the 40s where they are going to stay the rest of the day. :noway: It must be spring. :happy: I started my morning with Insanity's Max Interval Sports Training. I don't know why I think of that workout as 'easier' and reach for it when I want something 'easier'....because it isn't. I wanted to take down the intensity a bit because I was also doing PlyoX today and, instead, got in two tough plyo-type workouts. Oh well. :ohwell: They both felt good and I took a long enough break in between them that I wasn't suffering through them back-to-back. I am really beginning to experience some good results from this P90X rotation now. I can definitely see it in my arms, and I can feel it most in my core. I remember the last time I finished my P90X rotation, I was, without a doubt, stronger than I had ever been in my core, and I'm definitely getting the same results again. I guess that's one of the reasons I'll probably keep coming back to P90X.

    Tami, sounds like you did some great workouts this weekend. Sorry to hear your weather changed but, hopefully, you'll finally get some more spring weather this weekend. I must admit, it was nice to have all of the windows open in the house yesterday. I just love that. Thanks for your answer on the S90 workouts. What you've described is one of the reasons I've not actually gone ahead and purchased the series....I'm afraid that I won't feel worked out enough but confused on what to add on. I'll have to give it some more thought because while I don't have problems with shorter workouts in particular, I do want to feel worked out at the end of my workouts and, sometimes, shorter workouts don't do that for me. Hmmmmm.......anyhow, thanks again for the information.

    Laurie, Hyundai's are actually really good cars anymore. We were seriously considering the Elantra, but I couldn't get over the interior (all of them we saw were kind of bright gold, and I like darker colors). But they've made huge improvements in their vehicles in the past decade, that's for sure. I, too, don't quite know what to think about this new Cathe series. On one hand, I'm excited to have some intense low impact workouts for those days, as Tami says, when I don't want high impact. But there are a couple of things that have me raising my eyebrows right now at this series. One is the discs (like you've mentioned). I love her most recent use of the disks for leg work in STS Total Body, LBB, and High Reps. But I really don't like using them for my upper body at all. So I'm kind of curious how they will be used. The second is it really looks like this series is going to be a hodge-podge of various workouts that people have requested over the years--spin, yoga, barre, etc. I'm not sure how many of those I want from Cathe. I love Cathe, but, for instance, I've never 'clicked' with her stretching, so I probably won't like her yoga at all. So I sincerely doubt I'll pre-order the entire series for this one. I'm curious to hear more details, though, that's for sure. Hope you get off the phone soon and can get back to your project....unless you want to stay on the phone of course. :tongue:

    Erika and Michelle, hope you are both well!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was Tabata Inferno followed by S90 Legs. :smile: Really like this combo together, great workout!
    Last night’s T.K. class was fun as well! Planning on Cycling tonight after work. . . . :wink:

    Laurie: We did the same workout today! :happy: Glad to hear that little extra addition under your arm is going away :drinker: and as you mentioned to Michelle your pants are getting roomy! Very nice . . . Yes, on the additional leg workouts I was thinking of maybe a Plyo or Barre style workout as an add-on.

    Laurel: That is some crazy weather you are having but I bet everyone was loving those temps yesterday! :bigsmile: Yay for results on your P90X rotation!! :drinker: It is always nice to put in the time and see the results in these rotations. You’re welcome on the S90 thoughts. Definitely don’t want to discourage you from trying them out by any means :wink: As Laurie mentioned, on some of the others they are longer in time, so I may feel more worked. I think I am just conditioned in my brain to doing longer workouts. Today’s combo to me felt great. T.I. is right at 40 min and Legs is 33.

    Erika & Michelle – Hope you both are having a great day! :bigsmile:

    Talk to you all tomorrow.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Afternoon ladies,

    Lack of sleep due to the barking dog has led me to miss my Defined Lines with Tracie Long:explode: Along with that the online scoring contract has been extended so I'm working a few more days:blushing: Hopefully tomorrow I will be able to get my workout in but last night's shift led to an aching knee as my stability shoes were forgotten and 8 hrs later I'm limping:sad: Yesterday I was able to do P57 Thigh and Seat Boost which my seat felt that evening:bigsmile:

    Ok I'm starving and ready to get started.

    Laurel- Yes we are having wierd weather here too...80 in the day and then cold at night.

    Laurie- Glad to hear of the loose seat in those pants, are you following Tosca's eat clean eating plan?

    Tami- That combo sounds like fun for a leg day..I'm thinking a S90 rotation may work during the Summer when my shift is back to normal.

    Erika- Hello lady:bigsmile:

    Have a great day:flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm glad to be back! :bigsmile: Yesterday was 5 hours of driving to an early meeting and back, and then out the door with the family and in-laws for my 7y.o.'s choir program! Busy, busy day!

    Yesterday morning was a KPC pre-mix. Felt good, but for some reason it felt REALLY easy (it was all the combos plus abs). I kinda felt like Cathe was in slow mo. :ohwell: I wonder if it's because of some of the faster kickboxing workouts I've done lately? I'll have to look into that more! This morning was P57 Classic Workout #1. Ok, so I can TOTALLY tell I haven't been doing as much barre workout as I did pre-vacation: 1.) my inches went up again since about 2-3 weeks pre-vacation and 2.) I struggled BAD through the workout this morning. My whole body was on fire! So, note to self...more barre work!!! :bigsmile:

    Michelle--Ugh, I'm sorry that you're lacking sleep from that darn Mr. C! I hope the knee is feeling better today, and you can still get your workout in today. Great job on getting in that workout too!!! :happy: Great job on getting the workouts in this weekend too! BTW, I just got Lotte Berk Muscle eats Fat and High Round Assets in a VF trade...excited to add to my barre collection! Next, I'll have to try to get some Bar Method ones!

    Tami--This spring weather is giving us all a run for our money! :bigsmile: It's been snowy, rainy, warm, cold, windy, calm here, all within a few days. I just want it to stay nice for awhile. Now, they're talking thunderstorms tomorrow night and lots of rain. I could do without the rain! :grumble: Great workouts you've had going on. I keep saying I need to get in S90 Legs/Tabata together...the neverending list of "to try" workouts!!! :laugh:

    Laurel--YAY for the new car! It has got to feel so different after not having a 2nd car for so long! Great job on the workouts (as usual!), and knowing when to up the calories. I would love to lose just a few pounds ( I actually hopped on the scale yeterday and was down 3 pounds from last week...must have been retaining a lot of water!), but my body gets all shakey and weak feeling if I eat any less than 2000 calories in a day. So, I'll just stick with what I've been doing, and see where that gets me! I hope your weather gets back to the nice warm variety, instead of this up and down, raining/not, crap! :grumble:

    Laurie--Great job on the Legs workout! I bet that project (and the phones) are keeping you busy--you're lucky! :happy: I was gone out of the office all day yesterday, and I was able to get everything caught up in a matter of a few minutes. Now, what to do at work today?!??!

    Have a great Wednesday ladies. I'm off to work, and then a dinner with my closest girls after work. Super excited!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    S90 Chest & Back for me this morning. Had a sinus headache, and was up at 2:30am. It is so much better now that the rain has started up, but so hard getting back to sleep.

    Laurel, I'm not sure on those other workouts either, like you I'm not a big fan of Cathe's stretching. Glad you are getting some gains from P90X, they really are some great workouts. I should be given a bonus, because I think I saved the company some more money yesterday by taking some time to handle the major problem that developed. At least they can give me a "night on the town". :laugh: I'm just a problem solver, or I just deal with way to many problems that I'm the only one that has had to deal with supplier payment issues. :noway:

    Tami, Both great workouts! How are you doing with the warm-ups. I'm ok with them, and it really is nice knowing when I'm getting close to those cross jacks! :laugh:

    Michelle, Ouch, hope you start feeling better. I'm following her plan as close as I'm able, the evening meal is a bit difficult. I don't like making two meals. I like the fact that it isn't weird foods, one of the easiest eating plans I have ever tried.

    Erika, Hey you can have some of my busy time! I was here late yesterday, and I'm not one to do overtime. :wink: I went out with my girlfriends last night also, it was nice to get together with them.

    Have a great day!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Here drinking a cup of coffee with the 4 year old and her bowl of frosted flakes:bigsmile: Last night I aggravated my knee again and I'm not sure what to do at this point although I did wear my skechers. My last day for this contract is Thursday so hopefully Friday & Saturday I will get some kickbutt routines to make up for these missed days before boarding the plane early Sunday morning.

    Erika- Sorry about those inches creeping can definitely nip those in the bud with P57. Lotte High Assets is really good but based on your experience it may be too easy and definitely too short. Bar Method has 2 new dvds this month so I would wait and invest in those or trade for Dancer's body:bigsmile:

    Laurie & Tami- Hope those morning workouts were great:flowerforyou:

    Laurel- Taking your words of wisdom to heart and I will not beat myself up about the missed workouts but instead will pat myself for eating well this month and shifting the scale downwards:drinker:

    Have a great day!

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Today was Insanity Plyo Cardio Circuit. These shorter Insanity workouts are beginning to feel easy! That's always good. I took a long break for food, and then did P90X Back/Biceps and Ab Ripper X. It felt great today!! I'm thinking that I might just be able to continue this Insanity/P90X combo through the next rotation now that I've figured out the food thing. I can't quite figure out what to do after P90X right now. I was kind of hoping Asylum would be out so I could do that and then start up with STS, but I haven't heard anything about Asylum in a little while. Oh, well. I've got six weeks or so to figure it out. But I'm such a planner it feels weird not to know what I'm doing next already! :blushing:

    Michelle, I'm reallys sorry to hear about your knee. Just take it easy and don't push it too hard when you get back to working out. Like you said, as long as the scale is moving in the right direction and you're eating well, you can take the time to take care of those joints! Congrats on moving that scale downward too! Sorry to hear about the barking dog keeping you awake as well. Nothing more annoying than that in my book! :grumble:

    Erika, sorry to hear about the long day yesterday. But it sounds like fun to be able to see your little one's choir program! I have never done a true Barre workout, and now you have me intrigued because, boy, could I use to lose some inches on my backside right now. :embarassed: Any recommendations on where to start with Barre? I've read alot about the P57 workouts, but I haven't looked into any of them in depth. Regarding KPC, I find those drills to be too easy for me if I don't do the first part of the workout along with them. No doubt the kind of workouts you've been doing lately have improved your endurance as well.

    Laurie, sorry to hear about the sinus headache. I've been suffering one as well the past two days because our pollen counts are really high (and the weather is changing every 13 seconds or so :tongue: ). But mine hasn't been nearly bad enough to get me up at night. No fun! I'm glad to hear you are doing a better though. And congrats on getting a bonus!!!

    Tami, great workouts! And thanks again for the advise on S90. I think I really need to just sit down and see what's included in the program to determine whether it will work for me. If I can combine the workouts like you did yesterday, then I think it sounds like a great addition to my collection because of how different it appears to be from anything else. So I'll definitely take the time to do that. I keep telling myself that it's only $20!! Why am I even thinking about it? :laugh:

    Talk to you tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~ :smile:

    This a.m. was S90 Shoulders/Arms. :wink: My shoulders were talking to me at the end! I am getting my hair prettied right after work so won’t be able to do a p.m. workout later. I’m sure I’ll make up for it later in the week :wink:

    Erika: Sounds like you had a super busy day yesterday, Yowsa! Great job with the workout this a.m. :smile: Hopefully you aren’t suffering from DOM’s too much tomorrow. No worries on the inches … you will be right back where you want to be in no time, I’m sure it is just some water retention but great news on the LB’s being down.:drinker: In my ongoing goal of wanting to “lose a few” I seem to lose the inches and my pants are baggy but the weight seems to stay pretty much the same. :ohwell: :huh:
    I’ll be anxious to hear your thoughts on good Barre workouts too. :smile: I am thinking of incorporating those into some of my workouts. I have enjoyed the Leg Cond Drills on Cathe’s LBB workout so much it's definitely got my interest. Plus with the results you & Michelle have talked about, they sound awesome. :happy: I have looked into the Cardio Barre workouts, they look good.
    p.s. Definitely keep the S90/Tabata Inferno on your “to try” list. It’s a great combo I think.

    Laurie: So sorry to hear about your 2:30 wakeup and headache. Glad to hear it is already improving from the rain. Good job getting in the workout. :drinker: The warm-up is going pretty good …..:laugh: I think I already have it memorized. I like the cross-jacks! I might get a little tired of the same one every time, but it’s all good! Today at the end of the workout I paused to stretch my upper body a little bit before doing his stretch though since it feels a little bit more lower body stretching. I’m thinking about implementing their food program into my regime while doing this rotation as well. It looks good and I love just about anything Tosca suggests! Are you liking it?

    Michelle: That darn Mr. C :grumble: and then your knee bothering you today as well … I’m sorry. :flowerforyou: Hope the pain goes away soon and it isn’t something too major. I know you already know this but it’s always worth mention - don’t push it. . . ease back into that workouts so you don’t aggravate it.

    Laurel: Great combo of workouts! :bigsmile: Glad the Insanity/P90X rotation is working out better now that you have the food part figured in better. I would imagine the two programs would definitely complement each other. Have you done this combo before?
    I absolutely know what you mean on wanting to know what you are doing next … I can relate! What are they saying on the Asylum? Hope it comes out soon for you, I know you have really been looking forward to it. I’ve thought about finally trying the Insanity rotation after I finish S90 ….. but I’m sure I will be having Cathe withdrawals by then. :wink: :blushing: We’ll see. Forsure wanting to do another Undulating rotation this year though. :drinker:

    Hope you all have a great afternoon and evening! :flowerforyou:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    I had a great night out with the girls last night and am looking forward to another sunny, warm day here! I got out for a lunchtime walk yesterday, and I forget how much I missed those! This morning, I did a treadmill walk, while I reviewed some DVD's....time to trade on VF or sell on Ebay again...the collection is getting a little too big for me! :ohwell:

    Tami--Great job on Shoulders/Arms...that one is a goodie! :bigsmile: My booty and legs are definitely sore today...thus, the decision to walk on the treadmill instead of KickMax! :laugh: Let's see....barre workouts...there are SOOOO many, and so many different styles--fast, slow, big movements, small movements, etc. I would say my favorite barre workouts right now are Physique 57. Volume 2 is harder than 1, and the Classic workout gets your whole body. I also like Booty Barre with Tracey Mallett, but some people get bothered by her voice (she's from another country and has a higher pitched voice). I'm just starting to dive into some of the workouts Michelle has been doing, so she might be better suited to answer this question!

    Laurel--I don't think you'd ever hear the words Insanity and easy coming out of my mouth, no matter how long I would be doing them. :laugh: That's great that your endurance is up and you've figured out the food thing! Regarding barre workouts, like I told Tami above, I think Michelle might be a better one to answer this question. I have several other types of barre workouts coming my way from VF trades, so I'll know more soon, but right now, I've really only got P57 and Booty Barre (I'd consider Squeeze to be barre like too).

    Michelle--Hang in there, that knee is giving you a run for your money! :grumble: Thanks for the info on the barre workouts...I'm trying to get Dancer's Body!

    Laurie--I hope those sinuses are cooperating for you today! My hubby has been miserable, and keeps thinking he's getting a cold, and I reminded him he has allergies. I think he's getting the same crap he had on vacation (a sinus infection) though, as he sounds about the same. We'll see where it goes! Hope work is going ok, and you will still be busy, but not overtime busy!

    Off to get ready for work! Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    This morning was S90 Ultimate Ball, and I got in a very short run this morning. What can I say it was in the 40's and no breeze. :laugh:

    Michelle, Dang on the knee! Oh yes please don't beat yourself up over those missed workouts. You are a Mom, and a very busy woman right now. Sometimes life just has to get in the way of those workouts sometimes. :wink:

    Laurel, I get the need for planning. :laugh: I'm awful about wanting to know what my workout is going to be well before. I have created a file of all the rotations that I would like to try, and I think I can last for another two years. :laugh: Sinuses just fine this morning, we have overcast and foggy this morning so I think that is keeping the pollen down.

    Tami, I love those cross-jacks also. Usually Tosca has tofu items mixed into her eating plans, I am happy to report that she doesn't have that in there at all. I am a person that is unable to eat soy products. It is very easy to mix things up also if you do not like the option that she has. I don't eat tuna steaks, so I opt for another fish or another meat.

    Erika, Have fun with your trading and selling. I just gave some of my DVD's to our church, and all my VHS tapes (except the Taebo) I gave to charity. Sorry to hear that your DH is suffering from allergies also, it can turn into an infection so quickly.

    Have a great day!
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