P90X... Why so much hate?



  • kao708
    kao708 Posts: 813 Member
    Exactly, they can't go thru it, they can't do it... then they hate it. Oh wait, I don't want to pay 150 bucks for it, but I'll go spend hundreds or thousands in surgeries to remove the fat from their stomachs and in weight loss pills which sooner or later will affect their hormonal functions no matter how natural this pills are.

    I guess I haven't been reading the posts that closely because I don't recall seeing a haters fest on P90X. :bigsmile:
    I would LOVE to try those once I get closer to goal again...right now, they are way to intense for my body to handle! :sick:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    anyone who has tried it and hates it please send me a message. I would like to buy it from you.

    Well now that's just brilliant!! I sure wish I would've thought of that!! :happy:
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    I don't hate it, no. I just didn't enjoy it. I gave everything to my friend who more than LOVES it. I think it just depends on the person. It just wasnt mean for me. Congrats to everyone else though :)
  • ernurse77
    ernurse77 Posts: 73 Member
    VERY well said Yass! I'll be honest, I used to be one of those people that thought "there is NO way that you can loose that much weight in 90days." Yeah, I was wrong, and I"ll be the first to admit it. I have not graduated P90X, but I do own it. I have graduated Power 90. I started Power 90 in March of 2010. I lost 20 lbs with Power 90. I am GLAD that I started there, because I know that I would have hated P90X and been one of the whiners. I started doing P90X last fall and I injured my left knee doing it. I then got back into my bad habits of shoving crap down my throat. I decided to take the holidays off of trying to get myself back into P90X, because I know myself. I know I would have made excuses EVERY day to not do it.

    Anyway, I started the beginning of this month with Power 90 3/4 and I have been kicking it's *kitten* every day since I started it. I have only lost 3lbs so far, but, I feel better, my clothes feel better. It is not time to do my measurements yet, but I know they are smaller. I still eat every 2 to 3 hours, I do not follow the diet they suggest. I eat what I want, but in smaller portiions. I also THINK about what I'm putting into my body. I can't begin to tell you how much better I feel!!!!! I will start P90X again after 45 days of Power 90. I will graduate P90X, and I will look and feel great about myself!

    Have you ever seen the movie WallE? Might want to consider watching it. I believe that our society is headed in a direction similar to that movie.
  • bri495
    bri495 Posts: 21 Member
    I bought P90X about a month ago. I am just starting 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michaels) and then I am doing P90X. It is an extreme system, but it works! I've seen several people who have used it, and achieved exactly what they wanted too. People hate it because maybe they can't get through it? So by hating it, it gives people an excuse to not do it. That's the only thing I can come up with.

    Do you like the 30 Day Shred Jillian Michaels? I heard about her workout but never seen it. I also have the P90X and working back on it. I started this week and a friend of mine brought me to this site and I think its a great site as well as Tony Horton's P90X program. He rocks.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    Have you ever seen the movie WallE? Might want to consider watching it. I believe that our society is headed in a direction similar to that movie.

    Yes!!! I love WallE lol and that's probably true too :P

    Good luck with your journey and I'm sure you'll graduate this year :D
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    I am curious: where you are finding this rampaging tide of "hatred" against P90x? I spend a lot of time of these forums and I would say the ratio of love:hate for P90x is about 10:1, maybe 50:1.

    I suspect you are referring to the one forum topic in which the OP explicitly attacked P90x. To the best of my knowledge, in the almost 2 yrs I have been on this site, that is the first anti-P90x topic I have ever seen posted--compared to the multiple daily positive ones. And even in that thread, which is up to almost 200 replies last I looked, it seemed like there were less than 5 people that actually agreed with the OP.

    So my response is: why do P90x fans feel compelled to launch an all-out (and continuing, based on this topic) attack on anyone who dares cast a discouraging word in their direction?

    Indeed: why so much hate?

    Even more disappointing is the recurring attitude I see written expressing the idea that those who criticize P90x in any way are "unwilling to do the work it takes to achieve their goals", "whiners" (that's in the post I am seeing in front of me as I type this), and other condescending characterizations.

    I mean, seriously. All this for that?
  • I completely agree with you comments. I have been using INSANITY and it lives up to its name. Not for the faint of heart, not for people who think if the pay $150 bucks or whatever they magically shrink and look like the people in the videos. They are missing the fact it is all about one simple thing weather it is exercise or diet. Its damn hard work.
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am curious: where you are finding this rampaging tide of "hatred" against P90x? I spend a lot of time of these forums and I would say the ratio of love:hate for P90x is about 10:1, maybe 50:1.

    I suspect you are referring to the one forum topic in which the OP explicitly attacked P90x. To the best of my knowledge, in the almost 2 yrs I have been on this site, that is the first anti-P90x topic I have ever seen posted--compared to the multiple daily positive ones. And even in that thread, which is up to almost 200 replies last I looked, it seemed like there were less than 5 people that actually agreed with the OP.

    So my response is: why do P90x fans feel compelled to launch an all-out (and continuing, based on this topic) attack on anyone who dares cast a discouraging word in their direction?

    Indeed: why so much hate?

    Even more disappointing is the recurring attitude I see written expressing the idea that those who criticize P90x in any way are "unwilling to do the work it takes to achieve their goals", "whiners" (that's in the post I am seeing in front of me as I type this), and other condescending characterizations.

    I mean, seriously. All this for that?

    Well, besides the OP original post and those who replied to it agreeing, the majority loves P90X, but I just don't get the hate. And probably more than 5 people hated P90X.

    About an attack, I'm not attacking anyone here, just stating my point. People complain when they don't get results, then again what are they doing about it? Complain about having to work hard. It would be wonderful if people would get in fabulous shape the same way they got overweighted. The reality is different. So no, I'm not attacking, I'm just giving my opinion.

    Now, with all the respect Azdak, I think I made myself pretty clear in my original post that the reason why I decided to post this topic is trying to figure out why people hate P90X. I didn't say that those who hate the program are unwilling to work hard, and maybe in different words I called them whiners, but guess what? I also mentioned "if you're planning to drop pounds of body fat, gain muscle, build endurance, etc in just 90 days....", and what I was trying to imply there is that the faster you want results, the harder you have to work. If they don't have the physical condition or willingness to do so, it doesn't make any sense to me they blame the program for it.

    All this for what? Just for the sake of stating my opinion, just as they can state their own. Isn't communication based on exchange of ideas, opinions, etc?
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I dont hate it I just rather go workout at the gym myself. Been working with personal trainer since November and I just like the outcomes I have had so far. once I am done I am going to do spin class twice week plus some weights from what I learned from my trainer to keep up where I am.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Have you ever seen the movie WallE? Might want to consider watching it. I believe that our society is headed in a direction similar to that movie.

    When I first saw Wall-E we were on a Disney cruise. We were using the ship's gym and walking up and down each flight of stairs. After watching that movie I realized how much our society is fine with us grazing all day and getting fat as cows. Even the entrance standards for our military is getting less stringent, our kids are too fat to even enter the military now. just like the characters in Wall-E we are allowing our muscles to atrophy and we are walking around like veal.
  • bpanter
    bpanter Posts: 10 Member
    Shawn T... Insanity... 100% All the Way.

    I did P90x, and yes, I saw results - but it doesn't even compare to the workout and sweat you get from Insanity. Since doing that program, I have lost 30+ total pounds, am able to run a 10k, which i've never done before, in under 1hr, and can religiously do a 5k in under 27 mins. Although it takes dedication, I agree with @YassFitness that hard work and dedication pays huge dividends. No one can go pick up a copy of 7min Abs and expect to get results in 60-90 days - regardless of what the infomerical says. BeachBody puts out quality products, and they have different options for everyone to succeed. Although I started this post saying "Insanity All the Way," whether you choose that or P90x - you're sure to find a winner if you have the will power. I'm living proof, and I'm proud to say that (those) products gave me the ambition to get where I'm at today.
  • bri495
    bri495 Posts: 21 Member
    I haven't experienced with anyone who does not like the P90X program, perhaps they are wondering if it really works or not Well to be honest, if you do what you are told on following the books and Dvds, you will see results. I never had any of the P90X books, however, I do have Dvds and in the first phase I had lost 20 lbs from it. Trust me, this program really works. I just recently gotten the full collection and also the books so I am studying the books to see how well it would help me become better fit and toner.
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    What makes me uncomfortable is that it SEEMS like everyone who does a BB program then becomes an "Independent BeachBody Coach" and starts selling. Kinda reminds me of Amway. Anyone who completes a BB program has way outworked me and props to you. However, that doesn't mean that I want you to be my coach or sell me Shakeology or anything like that.

    I hear what you're saying. And I genuinely apologize if there are push coaches out there who are missing "the point" of coaching and trying to push a sale on you! Those who become coaches do so because they honestly LOVED the products. If they didn't have a true passion for the product and have their own success, they couldn't be successful. They should never be TRYING to sell anything to anyone, really. Coaching is about sharing success, motivation and support, not sales. Is it a business that you can make money in? Yes. Is that what it's about? No. We put our services out there for those that want them. If someone doesn't, that's okay too! I'm a coach, and I hardly make any sales. I do it because I went from over 200lbs to 140lbs using Beachbody and only Beachbody products and I want to share the success I've had with others. :)
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I for one hate P90X! It makes me grunt, sweat, fart, cuss, pop joints, get rug burns, muscle soreness and a runny nose. My kids laugh at me and my wife watches to make sure I'm not going to keel over. But everyday I look in the mirror and see a bit more weight loss and know the results are comming, I go back for more, push play and do it all over again. I hated basic training too when I was in the military, but was never in better shape. I'm being a little facetious here... its hard core for hard core people and not for the un-committed or faint of heart.
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I am curious: where you are finding this rampaging tide of "hatred" against P90x? I spend a lot of time of these forums and I would say the ratio of love:hate for P90x is about 10:1, maybe 50:1.

    I suspect you are referring to the one forum topic in which the OP explicitly attacked P90x. To the best of my knowledge, in the almost 2 yrs I have been on this site, that is the first anti-P90x topic I have ever seen posted--compared to the multiple daily positive ones. And even in that thread, which is up to almost 200 replies last I looked, it seemed like there were less than 5 people that actually agreed with the OP.

    So my response is: why do P90x fans feel compelled to launch an all-out (and continuing, based on this topic) attack on anyone who dares cast a discouraging word in their direction?

    Indeed: why so much hate?

    Even more disappointing is the recurring attitude I see written expressing the idea that those who criticize P90x in any way are "unwilling to do the work it takes to achieve their goals", "whiners" (that's in the post I am seeing in front of me as I type this), and other condescending characterizations.

    I mean, seriously. All this for that?

    I agree. Compared to most other fitness sites, this place is a love-fest for exercise DVD's along the likes of P90X, turbo-this, or whatever other exercise DVD's are out there.

    Some of these other people from other fitness sites do have legitimate complaints about P90X, but I believe that is due to their goals being different from what P90X can provide them (and it's not because P90X is 'too-tough').
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