Cathe Fans Part 4!

fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise
Good Morning Ladies! I hope this works! :tongue: I figured I'd start a new thread before we got locked out of the last one! :wink: This morning was Supreme 90 Day Tabata....Ok, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED this workout! Didn't think I'd love it so much! :love: It's I thinhk 6 rounds of 4 minutes each--20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, and then a minute rest inbetween. I was sweating buckets and really enjoyed it. We did things like jump squats, woodchoppers, plank jacks, mountain climbers, burpees, split jump lunges, high knees, pushups, etc. Lots of "drill" style work, and it was fun to push really hard for 20 seconds and move on to the next move. I'm going to go ahead and say this is my new favorite cardio workout! :bigsmile: I really enjoy drills (like in drill max), and especially love them when they are short lived, but close together and a decent break between circuits. Just enough time to catch your breath and not feel like you're dying, but getting a good solid workout. I think this one clocked in around 40 minutes with warmup and cooldown included.

Laurel--Glad you are feeling better, but dang on losing that voice! :noway: I had an episode like that a month or so ago (however I didn't even have a cold or anything) and had to still be at work, and let me tell you I was getting lots of laughs on the other end of the phone. I had just enough of a voice for squeaks to come out, and sounded like a chipmunk! :laugh: I had 2 days of it. Best part, is that my kids thought they would be naughty, as they knew I couldn't raise my voice at them, or even call them downstairs for that matter. They laughed hysterically...of course I cried! :sad:

Tami--Great workout and good news from the dentist! I always get nervous going to the dentist, due to how much work I had as a kid (nothing much as an adult--thank goodness). I have a very small mouth and big teeth...lots of them had to come out! Ugh! :noway: Now the early morning wake up makes a bit more sense. I think if my hubby had been getting up that early, I would have gotten in a habit of getting up that early, and just keeping with it too. I get up about 2 hours before anyone else in our house. I'm the only real morning person here, but I think at least 1 of my kids will follow least they aren't grumpy in the morning--that's a good sign! :bigsmile:

Laurie--I'm glad you figured out the source of the pain, but that root canal does not sound like fun! :frown: Hopefully the pain is gone now! Great workouts--especially the STS "dang I can't remember" disc! :laugh:

Michelle--Good morning and Happy Friday!:flowerforyou:

I think I'm stuck at home again with Carter. My hubby took him to the doctor yesterday and they said it's just a virus, as his ears, lungs and everything else checked out ok. At least it's a low fever, as many of my friends' kids that have this same thing were facing 102-105 fevers...that's too high for my liking!


  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was so dang tired this morning, that I decided not to do a workout. Will do STS Disc 18 Back & Biceps after work tonight. I don't know what drugs that dr. put in those shots, but it knocked me out. After I ate dinner I went to bed and didn't wake up until this morning. :laugh:

    Erika, When I went to Wahlgreen's last night to get my amoxicillin perscription, I found those Supreme 90 Day workouts, and picked them up. :wink: I couldn't resist the temptation, hey for $19.95 why not. That tabata workout sounds right up my alley. :laugh: How do you like the fact that Tom Holland doesn't do the workout, or is he doing the work in this tabata one? Take care of that little guy, hope that fever breaks soon.

    Tami, So glad your dentist appt. went better than mine did. :laugh: My dentist sent me to a specialist for this root canal, and I must say it will be well worth the $ that I have to fork over (insurance will probably not cover all). I didn't feel anything through the whole procedure! WTG on getting the step work down, you are steps ahead of me. :laugh: Now what the heck are they putting in these drugs I'm taking! :laugh: I've been doing this all morning. :laugh:

    Laurel, Glad to hear that you are improving, but so sorry that the voice isn't there. Maybe it is good that you don't have to do a lot of talking. :wink: Progress is good though. :flowerforyou:

    Michelle, I don't know about that Capone! :grumble: Have you been dealing with those rolling blackouts too? Hope it starts to warm up for you, we get used to those type of temps. :wink: Hope that knee and back pain goes away for you. :flowerforyou:

    Busy weekend for us, oldest DD has a college visit tomorrow and then we go to my nieces b'day party. Sunday of course is the Super Bowl! Go Pack Go! :happy:

    Have a great day everyone!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    Nothing much new here this morning. Still think I'm at least a week away from being able to workout again. I want to make sure I'm 100% better before I start, and I'm a long way from that. But every day is a little better, and for that I'm thankful. I can even say a few words today! I was supposed to go to a nice dress-up military event tonight, but I think I'm going to have to skip it. My voice isn't up to that and how much fun would it be for those around me to listen to me cough all night? Not much fun. I'm upset because this was supposed to be our first such event since we got back from Korea, and I've missed getting dressed up. Oh, well.

    Tami, thanks for the info on the 4DS premix. Sounds like that is the calf work from the Lower Impact Step portion. I will definitely give that premix a look. Glad the dentist visit went well!

    Laurie, so sorry to hear you had to have a root canal! Yuck. I've never had one, and I hope I never do. No doubt you were tired this morning. I think it was a wise choice to skip your workout and give your body a little extra rest. Have fun with the college visit! And Go Packers!!!

    Erika, thanks for starting the new thread. That Tabata workout sounds absolutely terrific. I'm beginning to wonder if I shouldn't look into this program. I mean, as Laurie said, for $19.95....why not? I'm so sorry to hear your little one is still sick. Nothing to do with a virus like that except wait it out. Hopefully the weekend will be just enough time to get that done.

    Michelle, hope you are doing well!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member
    Morning Ladies.

    Rain, Ice and Snow equals roads and schools closed and essential personnel only:bigsmile: The girls woke up to snow here and both parents at least until dad heads in to work as his students had a test today and they are working out logistics, etc:grumble: Although I have my dvds selected since 5:30am this morning I'm truly feeling lazy and this swelling on my right toe is causing some major pain in my foot:grumble: I bought those bunion covers and covered the area but the friction from the boots is still causing discomfort:grumble:

    Erika- That workout sounds like Dozois Cardio intervals which I have scheduled for Sunday morning as that one is a sweatfest:laugh:

    Laurie- Sounds like your body needed that rest..I need one of those shots as my body now wakes up at 4am everyday unless I drink some Theraflu or take Nyquil:blushing: Oooh so Walgreens it is for those workouts great...tell us how you like the workout:bigsmile: Yes we had two days of rolling blackouts but were unaware of the decision so it did catch hubby and the kids in the morning hours but I was already gone for the day. Last night they did give us a warning to ease up on usage so the fireplace has been on at night and definitely this morning too:wink:

    Laurel- Hopefully you are feeling better as the days progress. Soon you will be back on track by next week and kicking butt as usual.:wink:

    Tami- How was your spinning class? when do you head out on vacation?

    Off to fold clothes and get rid of household chores a day early. I'm also hoping to do P57 & Cardio party this evening as we already have neighborhood kids over:ohwell:

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning Ladies & TGIF :bigsmile:

    This a.m. was BH Pure Burn Super Strength . . . I realized I hadn’t tried this one yet and what good reviews Kara had given us and also Michelle. LOVED it! :smile: It was light weights & using your body weight a lot. Similar to his Cardio one as far as the fast paced style & not letting your HR get down but works those muscles. :wink: The weights were feeling heavy at the end, it was great.

    Erika: Thanks for starting the new thread for us. :smile: What a fantastic sounding workout. I am going to also say for $19.99 it is definitely worth a try. Very nice! Might have to just check into that. Hope your little guy gets a lot better this weekend.

    Laurie: YIKES on the root canal & not being able to get out of your house.:noway: :noway: I was wondering about your area and all the storms. On the root canal, I have not had one of those and it is my huge fear that I will ever have one someday. My DH said the same thing you did. He had gone to a specialist when he had his and said he would prefer that over a cleaning because he didn’t feel a thing. I’m glad you are on the other side of the pain of that and the appt. ::bigsmile: : Hope you get to your workout this evening and have a fabulous weekend & your Packers win!! :drinker:

    Laurel: Sorry to hear you won’t be able to go to your fancy event tonight. :ohwell: I’m glad you are doing a little better and continue to hope each day gets better & better! :flowerforyou: I bet it is driving you a little crazy (in your mind anyway) not working out …. I know I would be but at the same time you probably physically don’t even feel like it. I hope you get to enjoy your weekend with some good movies and relaxation. :smile:

    Hi Michelle ~ Hope you have a great Friday! :bigsmile:

    Have a great weekend everyone! :flowerforyou:

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member

    The workouts would be either on the end of the aisles or in the section that all the As Seen on TV items are at. I actually lucked out and someone asked me if I was looking for something. He had them in a cart, ready to put out on the display.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member

    Tom doesn't do anything but the warm ups and cool far, it hasn't bothered me. Probably because it's moves that are familiar to me, so I don't find myself watching the screen as much. Also, he's not doing a ton of drill sargent like talk, which is what really gets me. Don't yell at me to get moving faster when you're not doing it too! Tom says several times that it's not easy, and he knows that...makes me feel better!
  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    Laurie- Great..for 20.00 bucks you can't beat that price for the amount of dvds in the set. Hoping to look for them tomorrow on my way home from work, not that I need another dvd:blushing:

    Laurel- No worries on the dressing up as you are in the heart of "meet and greets"...the next time you will be healthy and ready to flash those sculpted arms:laugh:

    Erika- OMG.. I finally did my P57 FB 57minute workout:noway: .it is bad when you can feel the soreness before the workout is completely done:laugh: I really need to commit to this at least 4x a week to truly test how effective the program is on these thighs..although I have noticed that my booty is lifting:blushing: now if only it will squeeze in and become compact:wink:

    Tami- Yes Friday turned out to be an ice-bound day with hubby and the kids. We had the fireplace roaring all day and just enjoyed being with each other for an extra day:bigsmile:

    Off to make some tea and prepare for a new work week...annoying manager is away at training this week..Yahoo:laugh:

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Happy Monday Ladies! :flowerforyou:

    I had a great weekend, filled with some family time, time with neighbors and some ME time! My hubby took the boys for about 2 hours on Saturday and 2 hours on Sunday, so I could just veg! It was so nice...finished up a book, did some cleaning, and got in some workouts!! Saturday was Supreme 90 Ultimate Ball. LOVED it!!! It was tough, but so fun! I just was reading an article last week about working the abs, and this workout followed the recommendations. Yesterday was a quick workout (supposed to be my rest day anyway). Cathe MMA Heavy Bag...about 20 minutes, but definitely a sweatfest!

    This morning was Supreme 90 Day Chest and Back. I already knew, from reviews of others on VF, that this one moved very quickly, almost frantically. I would agree with that, but I just chose to take my time, and ended up doing about 8-10 reps of everything instead of 12 (except push-ups...I did 12 of those each time!). I felt entirely worked out in my chest and pretty good in my back too, and it was all in around 40 minutes. Just lovin' the shorter workouts these offer!!

    Michelle--What fun to have a day off!! Not fun to have all the ice, but still, I'd take a day stranded at home with my kiddos for that! I hope your foot is better, that sounds like it hurts!!! Good Luck finding the Supreme 90 Day set...I hear from people in other states, that it's easy to find. I'm glad I ordered from BBB's customer service, as I haven't seen it anywhere around me. I'm really impressed with the set so far, especially given the very low price! :bigsmile: I know what you mean on that P57 workout...ouchie! :noway: I am really starting to see some nice definition in my legs and my booty is starting to get that rock like feeling to it...yeah!!! :happy:

    Tami--Sounds like a great workout!! :happy: Little man is all better now, he ended up having the strep virus (but no sore throat, just a fever for 4 days). He's glad to be back at school! Now, let's hope no one else comes down with it! :huh:

    Laurel--Bummer on missing that event, but I'm sure it was better to get the rest you needed. Did you get put on any meds, or just a virus? Carter took 4 days to finally come up positive with strep virus, so he's finally on meds, and after 1 day sounded much better (he was REALLY congested!). He's feeling 100% now, so was raring to go this morning! I hope you are feeling much better! :flowerforyou: I would say the Supreme 90 Day set is well worth the money. If anything, just to mix in with your current workouts. I like the variety, and the fact that they are short, so I can thow them in after another workout, if I want.

    Laurie--I hope your mouth is all better...sounds like those meds knocked you right out, but then I'm sure it made it much less painful to deal with! Good for you on getting the set...I think it's one of the most underrated purchases I've made...for the price, you just can't go wrong. I figured if I liked at least 1-2 workouts, it was worth my money, and so far I've liked all of them that I've tried! :bigsmile:

    Well, gotta get back to work. Have a fantastic day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Even after being up really late watching Sports Center on ESPN, I got up this morning and did Disc 11 Back & Triceps. :yawn: Totally awsome experience for us, and it was an awsome ending to the Packers season. To bad that my two favorite players ended up getting hurt, but they still ended up with a ring in the end.

    Saturday our oldest went to the college that she want to attend, and she fell in love with the place. I wasn't able to go with DH and her, because I needed to get the youngest to her dance class. After we got home we had to get to my sisters for my nieces b'day party. She turned six, and was all excited that her cousins where there for a sleepover. She reminds me of my oldest, and that is scarry. :happy:

    Friday DH and I went to see The King's Speech, and I really enjoyed it. Probably helpful to know some of the history of the monarch, because they really don't explain why King Edward abdicated the throne. They kind of glossed over some huge things involving Hitler and the Kings mistress. But Colin Firth is wonderful in this.

    Michelle, Hope your week goes well with the annoying manager. :wink: I know I don't need anymore DVD's, and really wonder when I will get them into my schedule. :laugh: I guess we DVD addicts just need the variety, we could have more horrible habits. :wink:

    Tami, Glad that you are enjoying those BH workouts. Did you have volleyball yesterday? I know anything that was scheduled for Sunday, was cancelled around here. They have closed the schools in Green Bay for the afternoon, so that the kids can attend the return of the Packers. Dang I wish I was there too! :happy:

    Laurel, How are you feeling today, hope all is going better for you.

    Erika, So from what I'm reading he really doesn't do the workout at all. That doesn't bother me at all. :wink: I would love the shorter workout times myself, but really want to finish this Undulating rotation. :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi ladies! Doing better every day. I think I'm still a week away from working out because I still have alot of congestion in my chest, and I want to make sure that is gone before I attempt a workout. But, by and large, I'm doing MUCH better. This morning I scrubbed the house from top to bottom, so my energy is definitely back up again. It seems so weird to be sitting around as much as I have. But I also know that when a virus settles into my chest, it is best for me just to let it run its course and I'll be good to go if I do that. If I try to push it, I'll be coughing for months. So I'm just trying to enjoy this little break for what it's worth right now.

    Erika, I'm glad your little one is better. I toyed with seeing a doctor last week, but I think I'm kicking this on my own. I hate being on meds, so I avoid them at all cost. I know that's probably not the smartest thing, but I haven't been on antibiotics in over a decade, and I've managed to fight off eveyrthing pretty well. When I do get sick (like now), I have a tendency to get REALLY sick, but I only have myself to blame for this one. I sure wasn't doing too good in letting my body rest when I was coming down with this. Anyhow, thanks for more info on the Supreme 90 set. It really sounds like a good one. I was at first interested in these for my sister, but I think you're right that they may be a good addition to my set of DVDs as well. Goodness, do I really need more workout DVDs? :blushing:

    Laurie, I'm so glad you DD liked the college she went to visit. Is she visiting any more or has she known where she wanted to go for some time? I knew where I wanted to go to school when I was a senior, and I only did one college visit. It worked out great for me.

    Michelle, hope you've warmed up there!! I can't believe how cold Texas got last week. I was reading yesterday about animals freezing to death at a zoo in Northern Mexico! So sad, but I can see how they might have been totally unprepared for the temps last week. Good job with the workouts. I'm glad you are enjoying the results. Hope your work week goes well without the annoying manager.

    Tami, glad you enjoyed Bob's strength workout. I noticed how similar it looked to his cardio workout. Would you say one is more cardio than the other, or are they about the same when it comes to that? I'm anxious to try them.

    See you all tomorrow!

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~ :smile:

    Got in some good workouts over the weekend. Sat was KCM Cirucit Burn and yesterday I did Lower Body Blast + Leg Cond. Drills. I haven’t done that pre-mix yet and LOVED it. :bigsmile: Those leg cond drills are good and felt great. My first go at something similar to a Barre workout.

    Today I had STS Total Body scheduled and I woke up in the middle of the night w/ an amazing sore throat. What in the? :huh: Couldn’t go back to sleep for quite some time so I decided to rest instead and see how I feel tonight to get in a workout. Don’t want to push it ….. as I’ve learned from chatting w/ you Laurel since your sickness arrived. :wink: Thanks for setting the example. Usually if I get sick it is a sore throat and I sound excellent but don’t feel too bad physically. Hoping that’s how it stays.

    Michelle: Sorry, I forgot to answer you several posts ago about our vacation. We are going in March. March 21 – 25! :drinker: . Should be nice & warm there by then. Sounds like P57 is really working those buns! :wink: That’s awesome. Which is your favorite Barre workout would you say?

    Erika: Glad you little man is feeling better and glad the sore throat didn’t come with the strep. :smile: I had strep throat once and thought it was the worst thing ever as far as a sore throat goes. Sounds like you are getting in some fun workouts, that’s awesome. :bigsmile: Your weekend sounds like it was the perfect combo of family, workouts & YOU time. Good on ya!
    I will also say that I am now really interested in finding the Supreme 90 out as well. Like Laurel, do I really need more workouts!??! No, but for $19.99 and some good ones in there why not! :ohwell: :wink:

    Laurie: Congrats on the Packers! :drinker: I was rooting for them … knowing you were probably glued to the TV. That’s amazing that school gets cancelled for their return. It’s like a holiday! Very fun. V-ball was definitely CXLD. They would have too many “no-show” teams so they have learned to just not schedule games for that day.

    Laurel: So happy to hear you are doing much better and again, I commend you for taking it easy until you know you are better. That’s so healthy and I know probably a bit of a challenge. :wink:
    On the BH workouts. Yes, definitely similar but the one with weights is different as far as working Various muscle parts: Shoulders, biceps/triceps, etc. Mixing in cardio bursts to get your HR up or doing lunges while shifting the weight from one hand to the other. The Cardio Cond. workout you are using weight mainly to get your HR rate going and keep it going – while at the same time working those muscles. Definitely working at a quick pace in both DVD’s. Did you see Cathe's February rotation? That looks like a pretty good one.

    Hope you all have a great day! :flowerforyou:
    Talk to you tomorrow. . . .
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Morning :bigsmile:

    Went to bed early with a little Nyquil and feel good this a.m. So went ahead with STS Total Body! :smile: Felt good & again LOVE this wrkout although my DVD keeps freezing right at the last tri-set of legs, right before abs. :grumble:

    I'll check in with you all later today! :flowerforyou:
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    This morning was KickMax Cardio Leg Sculpt Premix. That was a fun one! :bigsmile: I'm really sore in my chest back from Supreme 90 yesterday, and my hamstrings are sore...maybe from my barre workout on Saturday?!?!? So, I couldn't kick as high as I wanted.

    Tami--Great workouts this weekend! I bet those leg conditioning drills are fun...anything barre is right up my alley! :happy: Good call on resting with that dang sore throat. Hopefully it's short lived, and you can get your workout in tonight. I really think that Supreme 90 is a great deal, and lots of fun. I just saw yesterday that Total Fitness DVD's is going to carry that shortly too.

    Laurel--I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I'm like you, I hate taking meds too, but I'm a bit more cautious after my Dad pulled one of those "avoid the doctor" situations and ended up in the ICU with a staph infection in his lung. I think he was much worse off than you though. Take it easy and enjoy the rest! :bigsmile:

    Laurie--Congrats to your Packers (even though it kills me to say it! :laugh: )!! Sounds like you had a fun weekend, and glad DD liked the college. That's good when you find one you like...took me a couple visits to find one I liked. I've done a few different workouts now, and I have to say these are the only workouts I've ever done, where the instructor doesn't do the workouts, that doesn't bother me. :happy: I think it's because it's not unfamiliar moves, and I don't need to watch the screen to see how to do it, so I'm not looking at him not doing the workouts as much. I really do like his style too!

    Michelle--Good Morning! :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Disc 32 Plyo Legs for me this morning. Dang why do the adds on this site look so good. That Vita Muffin is chocolate, they shouldn't do that to me. :laugh:

    Laurel, I'm so glad that you are feeling better, sounds like you really got a nasty virus. This is the college that she really wants to go to, so I'm very glad that she found the facility to her liking. She really loved the athletic department. All the things that are available to NCAA D3 athletes amazed her.

    Tami, Oh yes do take care of yourself. Wonder why that DVD is freezing up on you. Does it have a smudge on it? Apparently this Super Bowl had the largest audience yet for any show. :wink:

    Erika, Glad that the Supreme 90 workouts are doing your body good. Usually the back is one area that doesn't get sore on me with some workouts, so that is a plus. I know how hard it is for a Viking fan to give congrats to the Packers. :happy: I grew up with only being able to see MN TV stations from Duluth! :huh: Only saw the Packer games when the Vikings where not playing at the same time. :wink:

    Michelle, Hope all is going well with the manager! :wink:

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Doing better every day. :drinker: I just went for a two hour walk. It felt great to be moving again!! Definitely as much as I want to be doing right now because the energy isn't quite up there yet, but it just felt good to be out and about and doing something besides reading a book. I'm going to do this again tomorrow and then take a few days off because I'm going to be away for the weekend (Air Force business, not pleasure, unfortunately) and, hopefully, be ready to start up with some light cardio/weights again next week.

    Tami, sorry to hear about the sore throat. Continue to monitor it because I was going through the whole 'bad one day, good one day' thing for almost two weeks before this knocked me on my behind. So don't push it too hard until you know for sure it was a temporary situation. Thanks for the info on Bob's workouts. So glad you enjoyed those leg conditioning drills in Lower Body Blast. I just love that section. :love:

    Erika, I don't think I'm going to end up in the ICU. At least I hope not!!! No, mine is a classic sinus infection, and I feel better about not being on antibiotics after reading last night on a couple of different sites (which I trust, like WebMD) that antibiotics don't really do much to help sinus infections. So since I'm improving and the killer headache is gone, I'm not too worried right now about getting long as I don't do anything stupid. Great job on the workouts. Sounds like mixing it up is really working right now!

    Laurie, I forgot to say YAY PACKERS!!! yesterday, because I definitely was cheering them on on Sunday. I was SOOOO happy they won. I bet it made everybody just a little more pleasant yesterday. I try not to look at the ads on this site for that reason. Sometimes I'm like....really? Are you trying to make me gain weight or what? :laugh:

    Michelle, hope you are well!

    See you tomorrow.

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    Laurel- Glad to see you feeling better and a two hour walk..did you end up near D.C?:laugh: Yes you are definitely on your way back to 100%.

    Laurie- Yeah to those cheeseheads:laugh: Green and yellow, green and yellow:bigsmile:

    Tami- Nothing like Nyquil for a good night's desperate moments it has done wonders for me:blushing:

    Erika- My quads are really sore from those 57mins really dig deep and I love that burn right under that cheek muscle:laugh:

    I decided to hit some heavy weights and went with Jari Love Get Ripped 1000 circuit and had a great sweatfest. I'm wondering if a two week heavy and two week high rep routine will help to prevent some of that bulk that comes so easily to these arms. I definitely enjoyed the traditional workout and every area was hit which seemed to energize me afterwards.

    I missed lunch today so I'm to eat some tuna.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hi Ladies ~

    Still feeling good today ….. So that is definitely encouraging! :wink: Have a little cough but no sore throat at all.
    My DH has the same thing but his sore throat is hanging on. I am planning on going to the Cycling class tonight after work.

    Erika: Great workout today! :drinker: Sounds like you are really enjoying your workouts a lot and the combination of things. Hopefully you don’t stay sore too long. Is your favorite Barre the P57?

    Laurie: Plyo Legs #32 is one that I have noted as one of my fav’s for the Plyo legs! :bigsmile: I’m not sure what’s up w/ the DVD. As you guys know I was having problems before w/ my Intensity one and they sent me a replacement, works fine now. So I contacted them again today because I have been struggling with this since I got it. Hopefully they will replace this one too. So is your daughter going to run X-Country in college? How exciting for her to be looking at colleges. I bet it is fun for you too?!

    Laurel: I bet the walk and the fresh air felt really good to you. :wink: Good to know you are having some steps in the right direction day-by-day. Definitely monitoring how I feel so that I don’t slip backwards forsure, thanks! You’re welcome for the BH thoughts. Hopefully it made sense.

    Michelle: Great job on JL Get Ripped! That used to be one of my "go to" favorites! How are things going with your manager?!

    Have a great afternoon & evening everyone! :smile:
    Talk to you tomorrow.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!

    I had a great Supreme 90 Day workout this morning, Shoulders and Arms, and WOOOOOWWWWW! LOVED that one!!! :bigsmile: I can't remember the last time my arms felt worked this hard! It was 4 circuits (3 times each) with a shoulder move, bicep move and tricep move...only 30 seconds in between circuits. 8-12 reps each time, so I was able to pretty heavy (Most like Meso #2 weights I'd say?). I love the short, but intense workouts in this set. I really think this is what my body needs, as this is what I felt I was missing from STS.

    Tami--Glad to hear you're still hanging in there, and hopefully fighting off what is trying to take over your body! :noway: I would say P57 is my favorite Barre workout so far. I think the music makes it fun, and it's non-stop, which I'm realizing is the type of workout I really like. If I have breaks of too long, then I lose motivation. This keeps me going the whole time.

    Michelle--That P57 work really does get those legs and glutes good. I always have this constant dull ache in my legs/booty for a few days afterwards! :bigsmile: Great job on Jari's workout, I bet you were feelin' that one!! I'm actually doing a rotation that started last week, where I do Week 1: Barre/Cardio; Week 2: Heavy Weights; Week 3: Barre/Cardio; Week 4: Circuit/Total Body work. I'm excited to see how it goes!

    Laurel--I bet that walk felt fantastic! :happy: Glad to hear you are continuing to feel better each day, and also glad to hear it's mainly sinuses and not all settled in your chest. That always gets me worried when things settle into the chest! Keep getting that fresh air and rest, and you'll be better in no time!

    Laurie--Way to go on Plyo Legs!! That ones a toughie! I think you're really going to enjoy the Supreme 90 Workouts...they pack a punch in a short amount of time! I'm actually REALLY sore from this mornings workout, and even took extra time to stretch. I think I'll be hurtin' tomorrow!

    Have a great day!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I was in the mood for TaeBo this morning, so that is what I did. Get Ripped #2 was my choice.

    Laurel, So wonderful to hear that you are doing so much better.

    Michelle, I would think that doing the two week heavy/two week endurance would not make you bulk at all. I don't like it when I miss a meal, it always causes me to eat more. :wink:

    Tami, Disc 32 is a keeper that is for sure. Of course I really enjoy all four of them. :laugh: DD is only doing track at college, she likes middle distance running more than the long distance. I was surprised at how excited she was, and now I think it really is hitting me that she will be away from home next year. :cry:

    Erika, Oh man how much longer do I have with this rotation? :laugh: These workouts sound like what I have been wanting for a while also. I was wondering if the weight that I would use in Meso 2 would be good for these workouts, so thanks for that reference. Did you get a different case for your DVD's, that cardboard case the DVD's came in isn't the best is it.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi ladies!

    Things here continue to improve. I went for another long walk this morning, and am thinking about going out again after lunch. We'll see. I'm hoping to be back to some workouts on Sunday. That's my goal right now. I'm thinking the 4DS Kickbox/Legs workout. I think that cardio will be 'light' enough for me to see how my body responds. I want to ease back in, that's for sure. But I'm getting anxious now. At least it feels good to be moving again.

    Tami, hope you continue to feel well! I'm sorry to hear about your problems with Cathe's disks. At least they are being cooperative in replacing them. I've not had any issues with mine (yet). I have had problems with some DVDs in the past, though.

    Michelle, I'm with Laurie in thinking that a two week heavy/two week endurance wouldn't make you bulk at all. Sometimes it is just good for the mind to do something different (like lifting heavy). And it's good for the body too!

    Erika, I'm so glad you are enjoying this new rotation. Are you done with STS then? Sounds like you weren't getting the results you wanted from it this time around, that's for sure. It's funny how our bodies change and react to things so differently at times.

    Laurie, good job with TaeBo. I haven't done TaeBo in years! I used to really enjoy those workouts. But I'm not going to look into them because I definitely don't need any more workouts!!

    Hope you all enjoy your day.

  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Good Afternoon Ladies ~

    Today was Circuit Blast and will be heading out to the later Cycling class tonight after work.

    Erika: So glad to hear that Supreme 90 is treating you so well and you are loving it! :smile: Even more inspiration for us to check it out, sounds like a lot of fun. Thanks for the well wishes on this little cold I have going. I am hanging in there forsure and just letting it run it’s course . . . but hoping to cut it off! :wink: How’s your little guy doing by the way?

    Laurie: It has been quite a while since I have done a TaeBo workout . . . sounds like it was the perfect thing for you today! Are you feeling anxious for STS to be over? How long of a rotation did you go with? :smile: Very exciting for you DD and her new adventure next year. I’m sure it is bitter sweet for you. Hopefully she will be fairly close though.

    Laurel: Nice that you were able to go for another long walk and it felt good.:wink: Sunday sounds like a perfect day to see how you feel for a workout. I’m sure you will be good as new before you know it and pulling out those Super Woman workouts! :bigsmile: Yes, it’s been a little frustrating on the DVD’s since I have not had this problem before and really love these workouts.

    HI Michelle :flowerforyou:

    Hope you are all having a great day! :smile:

  • bajangrl29
    bajangrl29 Posts: 691 Member

    Erika- That rotation sounds great and I'm thinking along a similar routine. I will be in VA all next week so I will use those late nights to plan out fully a mixed 8 week rotation to include weekly measurements and weigh-ins. Yes, I felt the soreness deep in those glutes which is finally easing three days later:love:

    Tami- The manager is gone and there is a sense of calm and order without her there:ohwell:

    Laurie- Yeah Taebo ....I looked at that one this week when I laid out my cardio dvds. I'm hoping that something like that will not so I will be the group's guinea pig:wink:

    Laurel- Yes it felt great to go heavy..reminded me of years ago when the heavier the better for me:wink: I need to dig out my 15's and 25's now and get to planning:laugh:

    Tomorrow a co-worker and I are heading to a Zumba class if the weather holds out:bigsmile: Anyone have any of Jeanette Jenkins dvds..any reviews.

  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    Hello's almost Friday!! :bigsmile:

    This morning was Hiit 30/30 followed up by Core Dynamics (I think that's what it's called!) from Supreme 90. That workout was ok...nothing too special about it, so not sure how much I'll use that one. Just the standard crunches, planks, side planks and lots of variation of crunches/planks. I think it ended up being close to 30 minutes. All I could think about during the planks was how sore my triceps are from yesterday's workout...they got fried! :tongue:

    Michelle--Are you headed to training next week? That will be nice to have time to plan out your rotation...I do much better when I have time all to myself to plan it out! I hope you get to make it to the Zumba class, they are fun! My instructor has been on vacation the last 2 weeks, so I'm having Zumba withdrawls!

    Tami--Good workouts again! Yes, I'm thoroughly enjoying the Supreme 90 workouts. I have decided I like my workouts better if I don't follow the rotation as is (so mix it in with other things), otherwise i just get burnt out. I'm having fun switching my weeks around with heavy, light, and barre. Carter is 100% now, so he's feeling great, and I think the rest of us escaped it! But, it's going around, as the first symptom is a really bad headache almost like it's behind your eyes, and then the fever kicks in. I know of probably 10-15 people that have it, and every one started the same. I hope you're continuing to feel good!

    Laurel--Glad to hear the walks are going well and you're improving every day. :bigsmile: Yep, all done with STS. I was completely burning out on it...I had to drag myself out of bed to do the workouts, and really just wasn't into them, so decided I better stop before I completely stopped working out all together. I'm realizing I do much better when I'm constantly rotating instructors, otherwise I start noticing the little things like how many times they say a certain word, the tone in their voice, etc. and can't get past it. So, I'm just going to make sure I have lots of variety!

    Laurie--Ahhh...TaeBo...haven't done that one in ages! I have the old VHS of the first ones, and those have always been my favorites! :love: I did switch my DVD's to individual CD cases, as I didn't like the packaging, but I kind of expected it to be iffy, with how cheap the cost was. I have 3 more DVD's to try out to complete all 10, and I'm very impressed. I like the get in, work your butt off, and get out kind of workouts. Anything more than 45 minutes, I start to drag, especially if it's full throttle the whole time.

    Enjoy your day ladies!!!
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    My workout was Disc 4 chest, Shoulders & Biceps. Tonight is a hair cut and color, so my evening will be taken up with that. :bigsmile: Last night we went out to Carrabba's for dinner with DH's family. I'm hoping that the counts on this site are accurate for that resturant. I picked the Minestrone Soup, Chicken Marsala (one breast) and roasted veggies. Everything was really good. :wink:

    Laurel, 4DS Kickboxing/Legs is a great workout, probably will a good one to do. That workout is actually on my schedule for tomorrow! :wink: I don't blame you for not looking at the TaeBo, his new ones are not as good as the old VHS copies.

    Tami, I'm determined to do this undulating roation to the end, and I only have until April to get finished. I am on a 4 month rotation right now. The beginning of May will start a new rotation for me. So many options, so little time. :wink: The college that DD has chosen is only about 45 min. away from us, but she will have to stay on campus because of her athletics. At least she would be able to come home on the weekends when she wants to get her clothes washed. :laugh:

    Michelle, I have one of Jeanette's workouts, and I only did it once. I like her personality, but the workout wasn't that tough. I know that some of her newer workouts are supose to be more intense, but I have not gotten to the point of wanting the workouts. Have a great time at the Zumba class!

    Erika, Even if you have only found one DVD out of the 10 that you probably won't do that often, you still got a great deal. :wink: I'm going to go look for some new cases for the DVD's also. Hope they have some multi pack cases, or find those slim cases. :wink: Glad to hear that your ds has recovered from his illness.

    Have a great day!
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    HI Ladies ~

    No workout this a.m. I had a bit of a cough fest going on last night after Spinning so decided a little extra sleep might be a good idea. :tongue: This seems to be the tickle in the throat, cough type cold that I have. No sore throat though or headache so that’s good. My plan is to get in a workout this evening - We will see what DH is up to.

    Erika: I’m with you on the almost Friday cheering! :drinker: Sounds like a good combo of workouts this a.m. even if that one wasn’t quite as star quality as the others have been. 1 disc out of 7 so far is pretty good …. Especially for the $$$. :wink: If they are short workouts it sounds like something that would be good paired up with a good HiiT workout before/after or a short cardio of some kind.

    Laurie: How fun to be getting your hair done tonight! :bigsmile: I really need an appt for a trim and color touch up forsure! Are you enjoying the rotation or anxious to start on to the next one? Knowing you and your excellent rotations you probably already have one picked out!? Good job on the workout this a.m.

    Michelle: Glad things are running along smoothly with your manager being gone. :wink: That’s pretty sad when the person that is being paid to run things is not missed and things run smoother without them. Hope you have fun at Zumba tomorrow if you get to go. How’s the family adjusting to your new schedule and the little one’s daycare, etc. Things feeling pretty smooth now?

    Laurel – Hello, Hope you are feeling even better today! :flowerforyou:

    Talk to you all tomorrow! :smile:

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,885 Member
    Hi ladies! Just time for a quick check-in tonight. DH and I are headed out to Dover, Delaware in the morning, and I'm looking forward to that. I'm feeling better. Was up early this morning for an all-day training course at the Pentagon. I'm coughing a bit more today, but I think that's just lingering sinus drainage. I'm hoping to kick this infection away this weekend! I was also able to get in a long walk today, so that felt good. But I'm ready to get back to my workouts, without a doubt.

    Tami, I hope you feel better. These colds are annoying! This one has really knocked me down, and I'm done with it.

    Michelle, you should have terrrific weather here in Virginia next week. Right now, it looks like temps in the 50s and 60s, so maybe not as warm as home, but good for these parts this time of year. Sounds like a great time to work on a new rotation.

    Erika, I totally understand what you're saying about needing variety. I think that's why I've been enjoying this post-STS rotation so much. It has me thinking about whether I want to do another P90X rotation because I can repeat what Tony says in each workout already. But I loved my results from that routine, so I do think I'll tackle it again.

    Laurie, dinner at Carrabba's sounds great! Sounds like you made some great food choices too. Hope you enjoyed your haircut. I love how 'clean' I feel when I get my hair cut and colored!

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,517 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    I'm sure glad that it is Friday! This morning was 4 Day Split Kickboxing in it's entirety. Had to get up a little earlier, so that I could get to work earlier. :wink: Hair turned out really nice, I sure liked the way she styled it this time. Does that mean I have to get up a little earlier, so that I can use the straightener on my hair! :noway:

    Tami, Glad you are not pushing it with the cough. Not fun when you are working out, and then have a coughing fit. You know me pretty well, yes I do have a rotation in the mix for after STS. :laugh: I have to say that I'm enjoying the undulating, so that is the main reason why I want to finish it. I like the fact that I'm alternating workouts, and going from one type of Meso to another, but I still feel the workouts.

    Laurel, I like how you are able to go to different places all over the east coast. The closest I have been to the east coast is North Carolina. Sending you some ~~~Kick the Infection vibes ~~~ :bigsmile: You sound like you are ready to get back into the workouts. :wink:

    Erika & Michelle, Hope you are doing well.

    Kara, If you are lurking, let us know how you are doing with school. :wink:

    Have a wonderful day!
  • fitzfour
    fitzfour Posts: 1,306 Member
    TGIF Ladies!!!! Sooooo glad it's Friday! :bigsmile:

    This morning was Supreme 90 Legs. Wow, I didn't think a short workout could make me so sore! I think that one came in around 30 minutes? Non-stop leg work until the end...squats, deadlifts, lunges, ball hamstring/glute work, etc. My booty actually hurt after this workout. I followed up with Beautiful Core Sleek Physique--Lots of planks!

    Laurel--Sounds like a nice weekend away with the hubby! :bigsmile: I hope that the increase in coughing just means you're getting it all out of your body! Wouldn't it be nice to be better after the weekend so you can get right back into your normal routine? I'm with you, I love the results a rotation brings, but often I find that I get burnt out and don't put the effort into it that I should. I wonder if that's why STS just seemed so "easy" to me this time around. I was burnt out and just wasn't giving it my all. I think I'll stick with the rotation I'm doing now, as it's really not any set workout, just types of workout each week. That way I can switch up instructors, etc, as I see fit.

    Tami--Good call on the extra sleep! :wink: I'm glad I got out of my "funk" where I thought I had to workout every day, no matter how horrible I feel. I now know that missing 1 workout, or doing it later in the day, isn't going to set me back! The Supreme 90 set is nice and short, but I'm not sure about adding least yet. Many that have been doing this on VF are saying they aren't sure they'd have the energy to add on yet either. I think after a few more tries, I might be able to, but right now I'm feeling as spent as I would during a 1 hour workout. Mostly because the moves that Tom has you do are both strength and also have a cardio effect, so your HR stays up the whole time.

    Laurie--Ooh, a yummy dinner out and pretty new hair?!?!? :bigsmile: I bet you're all ready for the weekend now!! Great workout and great job on the dinner selection!

    Michelle--Happy Friday!:happy:
  • BiloxiBelle
    BiloxiBelle Posts: 680 Member
    Kara, If you are lurking, let us know how you are doing with school. :wink:

    Of course I'm lurking!! :laugh: Sorry I basically dropped off the face of the earth. It just became too hard to stay on top of the boards. Sometimes I can catch up on stuff on Fridays & SUndays, but not always. BUT, school is going well so far. I ended last semester with a 4.0! We have actually started clinical days at the hospital, so I'm doing some 'for real' stuff on patients now. Starting the clinicals has made me so excited to get out of school & start working. The down-fall to clinical days is that my alarm goes off at 3:50am those days!!! Those are tough days! As of now, I really think I'm going to enjoy being a respiratory therapist. I hope that doesn't change.

    So, I'm on my 1st week of Meso 2 with STS. I'm enjoying STS so far, although my initial shock of all the needed equipment was a big turn off. I'm liking Meso 2 better than Meso 1 so far....seems more organized & less all over the place. My lower body got a bit (dare i use the term) 'bulky' doing Meso 1. No weight gain, but my jeans are fitting tighter?? So, I'm kinda scared to do Meso 3 leg work. I'm doing basically a STS/Turbo Fire hybrid. I really didn't see the big deal with TF when I 1st got it. I expected it to be the most fun I've ever had (based on all the glowing reviews). My 1st week, I was thinking that I have step workouts & some Amy Bento that's more fun than this! BUT I LOVE IT NOW!!! I don't know what changed, but I LOVE TF!!

    Glad to see you ladies are still at it everyday (minus some feeling under the weather here & there). I pop in about 1-2x per week to see what ya'll have been up to!! :flowerforyou:

    Take care,
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    TGIF Ladies ~:drinker:

    Well it was a long night …… DH is right behind me in this cold situation and he is not pushing along quite as smoothly as I am. :huh: He was really feeling it last night soooooooooo he moved to the couch and I didn’t want to wake him up this a.m. Will just hit the Cycling class after work tonight instead and get in a good one tomorrow.:ohwell: :wink:

    Laurel: Have fun with your hubby in Delaware. :bigsmile: You really get to see so many things with your traveling, that is really nice. Glad to hear you are feeling better and ready to get back into the workouts, that’s excellent! This was a bad one for you that’s forsure. :ohwell: :tongue: I’m going to be scheduling out some more workouts this weekend. Thinking about incorporating some Gym Style workouts next week to get a little more strength training in there.

    Laurie: Very nice on the pretty hair and how good that always feels! :smile: I’m glad you are enjoying the undulating rotation. I really liked that about it as well that it is constantly changing.

    Erika: Another great workout and combo sounds like! :bigsmile: The titles alone sound like they would be really good. Yes, I try not to be too hard on myself when I “miss” or what not but always have the tendency to want to make it up somewhere the next day. It's a hard habit to break :blushing:

    Michelle: Hope your Friday is great and you enjoy a nice weekend with your family prior to VA next week.:smile:

    Hi Kara ~ Congrats on the 4.0!! :drinker: That is so amazing. You have to be really proud of yourself. I’m glad you have been “lurking” out there and doing well in school, workouts, etc. :wink: Thanks for popping in & keep up the good work!

    Hope you all have a great weekend! :bigsmile:

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