Having the same problem now! 🤬
Where you buy your veggies and fruits can make a difference. Places like Natural Grocers have produce that is ripe and ready to eat NOW! In a few days it's past it's prime.
Loose leaf tea is the way to go if you want tea that tastes good. If I need it sweetened (I rarely sweeten my tea) I use a teaspoon of raw honey. I miss coffee but tea and crio bru fill the void 99% of the time.
I've been doing pole for about 3 years. I take studio lessons, online lessons, and practice alone and with friends. It is by far my favorite form of fitness!
Sounds like getting him going on here is the unanimous answer to start out. I do understand that I can't do it for him and it's going to take him sticking to his goals of his own accord but since I do the shopping and cooking I can help or hinder his progress. I'm kind of a hit and miss cook so that hasn't helped because…
I can finally do a scissor climb! It's not super pretty yet but I am finally strong enough to do it. Also inverted butterfly is now added to my list.
True Lemon is my go-to.
I'm not a breakfast person either. I find that some almond milk, vanilla protein powder, and instant coffee (or Pero as I prefer no caffein) makes a tasty "Iced latte" for breakfast.
Hey all! I've been into pole dancing about 2 years. I started in a studio until she raised her prices so high I couldn't afford it. Now I buy the studioveena lessons. I can do simple inverted moves like Scorpio, Gemini along with a few other moves like star, sad girl, etc. I would really like to work on shoulder mount and…
Althea - Grateful Dead
I share similar interests with you, add me if you'd like. I stay active with horses, pole, yoga, piyo, and swimming.
Stop seeing it as dieting and denying yourself food. That's not what weight loss is about. It's about changing your relationship with food. If you eat foods that are better for you you can often eat more volume because "empty" foods like chips and sweets are loaded with calories (let's not even get into the sugar, salt,…
I'm hoping to reduce body fat % and bulk up a bit. Count me in. I do better when I'm held accountable.
You'll still lose weight if you skip breakfast as long as you have a calorie deficit BUT... I think most people feel/function better if they eat something in the morning. Even if it's just a banana or granola bar as you head out the door.
This whole thread was started on the basis that if the Food Industry plays a big part in obesity then why aren't the inmates fat? It was based on opinion and not actual fact of how prison meal systems are run. However, just because bad food is out there doesn't mean we have to eat it. It's my personal belief that ADDED…
Lots of obese inmates in the system here. In a lot of cases long term inmates are pretty thin upon intake but gain considerable weight while they are in. Some workout and muscle up and some just get round. The most popular commissary item here is peanut butter packets.
The prison system is required to provide nutritionally balanced meals. The food in prison is usually better than that in schools and nursing homes. It's sad but very true. Inmates do have daily health care. They do exercise as well.
Oh yeah, but sadly the crush ended when he grew the mustache....
I've found the body adapts to our actions. Like stated above, we are an indulgent people and our bodies become used to being "full" all of the time. When, truly, there is no harm in being hungry between meals. Your body should adjust. It's not fun at first because our first reaction to feeling hungry is to eat until that…
Those little bites here and there are exactly what will halt your progress. If you don't log everything you are wasting your time.
I've got a foam roller on order from right now. Several in the pole community recommended one as well as you guys here. The whole reason I decided to get into lifting is because of pole actually. I keep finding definition in muscles I didn't know I had. Which made me realize that, while I've never had a big…
Chocolate is every day for me :smiley:
30% for me, 36% for DH
I can't go super low on my carbs anyway or I'm a total witch :) I need the carbs for brain function. I could have told those scientists that years ago. Ha ha! Didn't realize Kashi has such high protein. Hey it's better than grapenuts! That stuff is like chewing aquarium gravel.
1900 TDEE not trying to lose so much as increase muscle and lower body fat Hubby TDEE 3400, trying to lose 70 lbs.
My calculated fat % came up higher than my protein %. Is that normal? It feels so wrong... Fat 24% and Protein 26%. Hubby's was Fat 35% Protein 25%. He's got quite a bit more weight to lose...