rc429 Member


  • To log everything and to work out 5 times (2 down, 3 to go).
  • I lost about 25 pounds last year, then gained 5 back. This summer I was pretty good about eating well, and I was running a ton, so I lost another 10 pounds. Since then, I haven't been eating as well, and the weight is starting to creep back up, so I'm hoping to put a stop to that before the holidays. Ultimately, I'd like…
  • Hi everyone, mostly a lurker at C*ette as well, but glad to have this group and looking forward to supporting everyone in our efforts to be healthy!
  • The thing that makes me most consistent is having my friends - we send out our workout schedules to each other at the beginning of the week, so there's no excuse - someone is pretty much working out every day before work or after work!
  • I haven't really used particular resources, but I'll check some of these out! I do use Dailymile to track my runs (syncs with Nike+, which is pretty accurate for me).
  • Uprising is the last song on my race playlist! I know when it starts that I have 5 minutes to kick it in. :)
  • I thought the food was gross too, and was grossed out by thinking of the amount of preservatives that were in everything. The only things that have ever worked for me are Weight Watchers and MFP. I'm single, so I understand how hard it is to cook healthy food for one. I've been trying to make a bunch of stuff on Sundays -…
  • I think they are introducing a new model that will go longer without syncing/charging? Something to check into.
  • Ice the shin splints! Also, make sure you are doing stretches that target the muscles - try googling stretches for shin splints, several of the things that come up helped me when I started running again a couple of years ago. I'd also suggest that you not try minimal shoes unless recommended by the running store where you…
  • I try to keep healthy snacks on hand when I travel so that when I get hungry, I have an option other than something that may be high calorie/low nutritional value. I usually put a few 100-calorie packs of nuts in my bag or pick up some fruit. I think being able to track your intake will be helpful too. Have fun!
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