lavender101 Member


  • I've just started, so I'm a little light for where I'd like to be eventually, but: Squat: 100 for 1 rep, 70 for sets of 8 Bicep curl: 20lb for 3 sets of 10 Leg Press: 200 for sets of 8 Leg Curl: 40 for 3 sets of 8 Working my way up! My goal for 2016 is to squat my body weight (currently around 140ish)
  • M&m's. Chocolate chips. Cookies. Anything sweet
  • I don't count it. I make sure to drink 2 cups before my coffee just to stay hydrated because coffee is a diuretic, and dehydrates you. I feel like a drink that's dehydrating shouldn't count as water even if that's the primary ingredient.
  • Yup. I mentally give myself a pep talk, knowing that it WILL be up, and that it's a mix of water weight, and undigested food. I don't record my weight until Friday, but I just like to see where I am so that I don't get lazy and continue "feasting" all week. If I see that the number is higher, it's a constantly reminder to…
  • Yes! Amazing job!!!!
  • Do it now. If you wait til later, you'll most likely change your mind. If you have the time now, get it over with and be proud later.
  • That's fantastic, go you! Same thing has happened with me. I know that I'd rather see my caloric goal met, and not have to see it over my limit, so I've been making better choices in more controlled amounts. I have definitely had some slip-ups late at night that I've just chosen not to record, but overall, the change has…
  • Thanks for the support! It went incredibly well. The trainer had me go pretty light on everything just to get my form right (ex: 10 pounds on the bicep curls, 60 pounds on the leg press), but I can't wait to progress to harder weights. Thank you!
  • I love coming home from church Sunday mornings when it's raining. Not sure why, but it makes me happy :) My evening cup of peppermint tea with 2Tbs. honey exactly (it makes it PERFECT) Waking up early every morning to enjoy my coffee and just have "me" time Having perfectly curled hair salted caramel bars waking up feeling…
  • "OMG, and of course you're eating an apple. You're soooooo healthy!" ..... .... ...It's an apple. I happen to like the taste of apples.
  • I'm at a healthy weight (5'6 and 130) but id like to lose a little fat and get toned. This has gone on for probably about 2 years on and off (it's easier in the summer for some reason)
  • I'm starting to think it's water too. For the amount of water I drank yesterday, I wasn't using the restroom nearly as much as you'd think I should've been needing to go. I'm actually doing that right now! I'd say my restricting was around 1,000 calories a day, and right now I'm eating about 1,250. I know that's not…
  • I just found today a Starbucks Peppermint Hot Chocolate, SO EXCITED. I plan to mix it into my coffee this morning for a mocha.
  • THANK YOU. I've never heard this advice before (it's always been "You just woke up! EAT!!!") but it totally makes sense. I plan on bringing a snack to have probably around 10am, when I normally get hungry. Thanks so much for the clarification.
  • I'm in the exact same boat. I've made healthier lifestyle changes this week (doing FitnessBlender workouts, and eating more wholesome, nutrient-dense food) and while I do feel "tighter" over all, I'm up 4 pounds, am bloated/constipated, and just a little discouraged.