renegadegeek Member


  • You don't have to eat "breakfast" foods for breakfast, either. My daughter is just as happy with leftover chicken and rice in the morning. I make quesadillas all the time in the morning (especially yummy filled with shredded chicken or scrambled eggs and cheese). We also do homemade yogurt and granola with berries a lot,…
  • For those that aren't aware of vinegar's various uses, medical or otherwise, and would like to see some of the science: It has an antiglycemic effect, has been shown to affect satiety and caloric intake, may positively affect blood pressure and may reduce cancer risk, among…
  • Wow guys, thanks so much. I can't wait to give it a try. I'll hit the store tomorrow!
  • I grind and use hemp it all the time. I throw it in shakes, on yogurt, in oatmeal, in baked goods... I like flax seed meal too.
  • You can easily take 2g/day of vitamin C (25x the recommended amount) and not have side effects. Don't worry about it. As to the question, I log marinades and lemon juice if I'm inputting a recipe, but I don't sweat the rest. I usually just eat a bit under my calories for the day, just in case.
  • Skip the fried foods. Go for grilled chicken instead of fried, breaded stuff and whole grains like rice in stead of bread all the time. Honestly, a loaded baked potato with veggies is likely to be better for you than another serving of pizza. Grilled fish is often easy to find as well. Make sure half your plate is veggies.…
  • There is no one-size-fits-all magic pill. Every body is different, and many do fine without supplementation at all. However, if you have a specific problem that is hindering your weight loss -- like adrenal fatigue slowing your metabolism -- you can supplement to help that specific condition and may see results. It takes…
  • I make a frittata with veggies and vegan cheese, then store and reheat the leftovers. Makes a quick breakfast on the go. You can throw in meat or shredded potatoes too to bulk it up.
  • Honestly, I'd call the seamstress. You want to be beautiful and energetic for your wedding, not wiped out from extreme dieting. I mean, sure try to lose some to make the fit easier, but don't stress your already stressed body even more. You won't enjoy the day and that's more important than the dress! Best of luck!
  • Back to MFP again. Lost 40 pounds last time. Now back to lose the rest and get in better shape. Last time around I never checked out the communities or made friends or anything, just tracked my calories. But I've met a few people this time, and it would be fun to make more friends -- especially those that are gluten free…
  • Decaf coffee, black 1 slice of cantaloupe ~ 2 scrambled eggs, made with ghee and almond milk Spinach and arugula (1/2 cup each, before cooking), sauteed in coconut oil and about a tablespoon of raw sprouts on top
  • You can read the actual guidelines on the WHO site: They recommend sugars (regardless of where they come from) be less than 10% of your calories, which is very doable. I had my daughter's birthday party yesterday, and even with a cupcake was…
  • For what it's worth, concerning sugar... Storm brewing over WHO sugar proposal Includes links to the studies.
  • BPII here, diagnosed around 10 years ago. I also have a chronic pain condition call trigeminal neuralgia. I'm luckily off meds these days, after counseling and lifestyle/diet changes. My episodes and swings are pretty minimal, but when a bad depressive phase hits, I tend to comfort eat, and I end up gaining. Granted these…
  • Hard to say as the study itself hasn't been released, so I don't have access to the primary literature for the researchers full analysis, but they mention in the release that this may be related to lifestyle issues. In other words, the type of people who tend to rely on diet soda at a certain level may have other…
  • Just throwing this out there... Too Many Diet Drinks May Spell Heart Trouble for Older Women American College of Cardiology and University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Funny thing about science is that they keep learning new…
  • Spent all day in my garden working on spring crops (and putting in fencing to keep my chickens out of my onions). Planning to add more beds next week. Can't wait for the harvest!
  • I went gluten free over two years ago. Tests never pointed to an allergy, but since giving up wheat my asthma, GI distress and neuralgia issues all cleared. Gone. Nice to meet other GF folks.
  • LOL. My ducks go for frogs. Anyway, the eggs do taste a bit different. I know my husband prefers them. Worth a shot for those that don't care for chicken eggs.
  • Well, wheat is a allergy trigger for me, so I don't each wheatberries anymore. Quinoa only. And I prefer the flavor and texture of quinoa. :)
  • I've used a mix of xylitol and stevia more successfully than just stevia. Also, different brands of stevia have different amounts of aftertaste, so you may need to experiment a bit. Most often I just cook with honey or molasses, when I do baked goods, or sugar if I can't get decent results without it. (It affects more than…
  • I have chickens, so it's hard to imagine not eating eggs, but even I can't handle them every day! I like to make hot cereals with quinoa or millet (cook them basically like oats). My kids love when I make a stevia-sweetened brown rice pudding from leftovers. If I think to make extra baked potatoes the night before, hash…