vwkauffman Member


  • I just ate a delicious Fuji apple. It was amazing.
  • You can use chuck steak or chicken with a little bit of broth or water and taco seasoning, use as tortilla filling or in/on a salad.
  • Celery and/or baby carrots with chipotle humus or homemade guacamole Frozen seedless red grapes Almonds or pistachios
  • Buffalo chicken meatballs (I use less than 1/2 the butter called for in the recipe, still delicious) Black bean salad Baked chicken "nuggets"
  • This is almost exactly what we are having TOMORROW, except the potatoes will be baked, and while I will have the balsamic, my husband and daughter prefer French dressing. Tonight we had baked chicken tenders, saffron rice and a big green salad.
  • Hmmmmm...anything white is bad for you...sugar, salt, flour, milk. Spicy food makes you eat less and lose weight. Carbs after 1 pm are bad. Bad, bad, bad. Drink vinegar and water.
  • Well, you could drink extra water, flavored if you like, to fill you up a bit more. If that doesn't work, try some kind of exercise, even if you walk around the block, around your office, up and down some stairs. And if THAT doesn't work, if you still crave something that you might regret eating, brush your teeth ;-) It…
  • My husband enjoys "buffalo chicken dip". 4 chicken breasts 1 block of cream cheese (fat free if you like) 1/2 small bottle of ranch dressing Hot pepper sauce (I like to use Frank's) 1 cup cheddar cheese Roast or boil chicken until cooked through. Shred, either by hand between 2 forks or in a food processor. Add hot pepper…
  • No, I don't think so. I don't like to eat breakfast myself - when I was pregnant, I HAD to eat breakfast or I'd get super nauseated. But otherwise, no. I'm losing weight and I eat breakfast about twice a week. Remember, however, you don't have to eat "breakfast-type" food for breakfast. If you want to eat in the morning,…
  • Pasta - mass quantities of pasta!!! Also ice cream and Oreos.
  • I was the queen of bad snacking...especially at night after my daughter fell asleep. I'd sit on the couch, catch up on a TV show or 2, and eat Oreos or ice cream - way more than I'm happy to admit. And I drank diet soda throughout the day. Now, I have ice cream once a week and keep my evening snacking to a minimum. I will…
  • I eat back some of them, never all. I'm pretty new to MFP but to me, it seems counterproductve to eat back all of the calories I burn. Yesterday, for example, I gained 280 workout calories, and I was 200 calories under my calorie goal. It's not always completely intentional, but it does happen.
  • My husband has lost about 120 pounds, then gained back maybe 30, and now he's lost about 20 of what he gained back. For him, it's a matter of watching carbohydrate intake, drinking a good amount of water, no more diet soda, and exercising 4-5 times a week. He mixes up his exercise routine, balancing weight training with…
  • I used to drink 4-5 cups a day, 1 at home before work, 1 on the way, and 2 or 3 throughout the day. Then when I was pregnant I cut down to 1-2 a day. Now I drink at least 1 but no more than 3 cups a day. No flavor. Fat free half and half, no sugar. I don't like Starbucks myself. I do enjoy DD.
  • I've come to love dark chocolate too...also, I keep chocolate Cheerios in my pantry. It's a good go-to daytime snack (and my toddler likes it as well). They're not super sweet, just regular Cheerios dusted with cocoa powder.
  • Have you changed your caffeine intake? That could add to the issue as well.
  • My husband and I are going out for dinner and a movie when I lose 20 pounds. We have an almost 2 year old, so an adult dinner/movie out is a rarity. He's already lost 20 pounds (and counting) and he got a collectible he's wanted for awhile. We haven't yet discussed what we will be rewarding ourselves with once we reach our…
  • Yes I will. I will be eating some chocolate on Sunday and I'm looking forward to it. No regrets.
  • Well, Idk if you'd really call it health food, but I am kind of obsessed with frozen seedless red grapes. Much better to much on them in the evening after dinner than a couple of cookies or a scoop of ice cream.
  • I've done Atkins and WW. Both "worked" until I stopped. I do believe that WW is sustainable, I just have suffered from poor motivation. Atkins isn't a lifelong diet unless you really can say goodbye to carbs. I can't.
  • Beans maybe, or rice and beans. I make a nice bean and corn salad in the summer that would accompany this nicely I think. Black beans, cannelloni beans, kidney beans, corn, cucumber, celery, onion and cilantro, dressed with olive oil and lime juice.
  • I'm a big fan of red seedless grapes. You can eat a lot with little guilt! There is also a WW dessert recipe I've found to be extremely versatile and filling. Take a small whole wheat or plain tortilla (cal counts aren't much different), put it onto a frying pan over low/medium heat. Roughly chop or shred 2 squares of dark…
  • Absolutely my 2nd time around! Started MFP over the summer, lost 10 pounds, then it was kinda like all hell broke loose in my personal life and I gained it all back and then some. All's well now and I am DETERMINED to get this weight off of me. It's funny, I don't weigh much more than before I was pregnant, and yet my body…
  • I weigh myself once a week. It's better for me. I was getting annoyed with the daily weigh in; jut not for me. Once a week is much better. I understand that there might be some fluctuation with water, etc., but it's better for my psyche to step on the scale once a week.
  • I'm 5'7 and started at a comfortable size 14. I'd be VERY happy at a size 8.
  • I can't have ice cream in the house. Nope, no way, can't have it. When I decide to have ice cream, I go out and get it and eat it then. I bake something for my husband about once every other week, and I'll allow myself maybe 1 serving. Otherwise, no, I still eat anything else that I want...all things in moderation.
  • I really like eating frozen grapes at night in the summer time. They're sweet and slushy and take awhile to eat because theyre so cold. The main reason I gained weight was the cookies or ice cream (or both) after my daughter went to sleep, when I was finally able to relax. Now I still relax, but now with 1/2 cup or 1 cup…
  • It's the portion size for me. I have always eaten pretty "good" food, just WAY too much of them. I also allow myself a treat on Fridays, usually ice cream, and I let my Friday dinner be a little higher in the calorie count. That way, I can eat what I've been craving throughout the week. I will have been looking forward to…
  • Totally not abnormal. I always gain, between 4 and 7 pounds. It super stinks but at least I know why!!