How do you curb those evening/night cravings?



  • chica23GK
    chica23GK Posts: 100 Member
    I've been drinking water w/Crystal Light for sweetness to which I add Fiber-Sure (no taste, mixes smoothly) - I usually have it just before I leave work because the time I get home from work is usually when I'm weakest - the added fiber & water seem to eliminate cravings or desire to graze. I also go to bed at a regular time because if I stay up too late, +4 hours after dinner, I sometimes get hungry again. But, if you plan ahead, you can always work something into your plan. :)
  • chicaaax3
    chicaaax3 Posts: 6 Member
    Make yourself comfortable in your bed with a nice cup of tea and a good book! Keep yourself distracted and occupied.
  • kathleendunlop
    kathleendunlop Posts: 8 Member
    This has been a constant issue and I have finally tamed it, and this has been consistant for many months.
    At night straight after dinner I have a LARGE cup of tea and two arrowroots biscuits. I find coming straight from dinner this really fills me up and keeps me satisfied for the evening. If I do have problems later on I eat some sultanas or an apple, that seems to settle it. I stay up late as well till about 11 and this still works.

    I have always loved desserts but I have finally concluded that when I eat dessert I have more cravings in the evening so I don't eat dessert anymore but have my tea and biscuits instead.

    So thats my tip.
  • hhayes06
    hhayes06 Posts: 189 Member
    I started replacing my chip snack with carrots dipped in ranch, I now crave carrots with ranch. Occassionally I will give in and have something not so healthy for me. I figure as long as it's not every night then I am good.
  • acman145acp
    acman145acp Posts: 76 Member
    cottage cheese
  • karenlavinia
    karenlavinia Posts: 12 Member
    This is just what I was looking for. Looking at my food diary, it's amazing to me that I do so well...until... about 7pm. Then, I eat more calories than I had all day. It sucks to see that, but I can't help but think the knowledge will help me in the long run. So, I'm going to try planning for it -- saving calories for after dinner snacks.

    Also, I just need to go to bed earlier. I am self-employed, so I often feel like I have to stay up late to get work done, when in reality, I don't get much done when I'm so tired. My goal for the rest of the month is to not eat after 8pm.

    Thanks for all the great tips here! We can do this! ~K
  • WillPowerYes
    WillPowerYes Posts: 103 Member
    Quaker Carmel rice cakes. Sweet tasting but only 50 cals.
    Quaker Chocolate rice cakes. Great choco fix with only 60 cals.
    Sugar free fudge cycles (get the half-bar ones), 40 cals per 1/2 bar.
    Sugar free & fat free hot coco mix, 20 calories

    Sometimes eating protein will help distract me. I will eat a hard boiled egg with salt/pepper, or 1/2 c. fat free cottage cheese.

    I just face the fact that I like a late evening snacks, and arm myself with low calorie choices. (Some of my choices have artificial sweeteners, which you might not eat. But for me, I use it as a tool.)
  • scrittenden
    scrittenden Posts: 79 Member
    i find that saving calories for a nice hot chocolate (with skimmed milk) gives me the sweet *naughty* thing that i crave without doing too much damage :)
  • blonde20fan
    blonde20fan Posts: 233 Member
    I find I HAVE to save calories for a late night snack. I can't sleep on an empty stomach. I love having greek yogurt or air popped popcorn as a snack. It's also a good time to get my fruits in with an apple and peanut butter or banana and pretzels.

    I used to binge late night because my husband is a night worker and I am alone at night (emotional eater). Some nights all I can do is go to bed before I binge on everything in the house. It's real easy to eat more calories than my workout that day.

    I can also relate to calling it a "demon". Keep at it and the sugar snack habit will turn into a healthy habit snack. Good luck.
  • allyjoy83
    allyjoy83 Posts: 176 Member
    I suffered. I don't know exactly when I started snacking in the middle of the night -- my schedule has never been too structured, and I suffer from insomnia off and on. Any who, late night snacking was a huge problem for me, and when I decided to stay away from late night eating, I had a rather difficult time, but allowed my stomach to growl at me like a rabid dog. Water only. I had crazy food dreams when I would go to sleep. Now, not an issue, and it didn't take very long for my body to realize that after I had my last meal, it didn't need the late night snack, it just thought it did because that's what I had been doing for however long.

    Now, the goal is to not eat after 7p. Today, I made it before 8p (I was working until 7). Brushing my teeth did help immensely, but going to sleep was no good for me because I would just wake up, go to the fridge, find a snack, and go back to sleep. Sooooo not good. Ignoring the hunger pangs, and suffering through seemed to be the best bet, and no more hunger pangs.

    Good luck on the curbing your late night appetite!
  • Bssh
    Bssh Posts: 123
    I either budget for cravings when I pre-log my food diary or I have a mug of low cal hot chocolate (38 cals) which seems to satisfy.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Brush your teeth

    Crew some gum
  • breezedm
    breezedm Posts: 12
    I floss my teeth for 15 minutes, brush my teeth thoroughly, and use fluoride mouth wash (cant eat for 30 minutes after using it). Also on days I meet my goals I have a yearly calender that I put a sticker or gold star on it and I can't put it on until the next morning. Both of those seem to work for me.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I would just budget in the calories and eat a sweet evening/late night snack.

    Agreed. Or in internet parlance... "^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS".

    I tend to eat more later on in the day. You know that "Eat breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince and eat dinner like a pauper" phrase? I find turning it on its head is completely fine for weight loss. Which makes you think... what other old wive's tales about weight loss that you know are nonsense?

    So I tend to eat about 50-60% of my daily allowance before 6pm and the rest after. I also train in the evenings on work days.

    Mind you, going to bed hungry isn't a terrible thing... hunger is just a feeling. (Caveat: does not apply if you're living in Sudan and haven't eaten for 3 weeks.)
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I budget for them. I try and save 200 calories for the evening just in case I have to have something!
  • I fall for the late night cravings too :( but reading every1 elses ideas it has got me thinking in trying some - like drinking water and cleaning my teeth again because I know I hate eating anything after I brush my teeth - an apple doesn't even taste good after that lol..I usually hit the sack around 11pm or later as I get busy on the net or reading - as it is some me time after my 2 year old finally goes to bed...I keep seeing the word 'Crystal Light' what is it? and what does it taste like? as I never heard of it and am wondering it is because I'm from Australia and we don't get it over here - cause I have to admit I don't drink as much water as I should because sometimes I crave something that has sugar or caffine in it like Coke Zero or a Rush Ice Latte Milk.
  • .. on days I meet my goals I have a yearly calender that I put a sticker or gold star on it and I can't put it on until the next morning.

    I like this idea breezedm :smile:
  • vwkauffman
    vwkauffman Posts: 39 Member
    I really like eating frozen grapes at night in the summer time. They're sweet and slushy and take awhile to eat because theyre so cold. The main reason I gained weight was the cookies or ice cream (or both) after my daughter went to sleep, when I was finally able to relax. Now I still relax, but now with 1/2 cup or 1 cup of frozen red grapes!
  • I really like eating frozen grapes at night in the summer time.

    This is a good idea too - I gotta try it :smile:

    They really need a 'like' button under each person's comment so u can indicate to them that u agree/like there idea