lesumm3r Member


  • The low fat yoghurt was a pms related desperate fridge raid.. my mum eats a lot of the stuff.. So that's a definite yes on the yolks? Sorry it's hard to shake the cholesterol fears I've had drilled in to me at school. . Peanuts, like the seeds, I'm not comfortable with trying right now but thanks for the suggestion. I will…
  • Yep that and allergy to soya and coeliac and pretty bad lactose intolerance and pretty much the reasons I decided to go paleo... I developed the nut allergy pretty recently so I'm very wary of seeds now and not really willing to risk anything else until I get some test results back next week. Is it ok to eat so many yolks…
  • Yeah I did a full stretch body warm up. I do zumba regularly and never have any problems. It doesn't feel muscular.
  • Bacon chopped up with quartered brussel sprouts pan fried with eggs scrambled in to them SERIOUSLY THE BEST BREAKFAST I HAVE EVER HAD!
  • It only really happens as a result of me being really sick for a couple of months which meant I couldn't really chew or swallow and all I could get in me was pure carb and scrambled eggs with a ton of lacto free milk. As a result I became seriously addicted to carbs because I got so tiny and disgustingly emaciated that my…
  • Wow thank you everyone for this response, it's incredible to feel so supported! I'm now trying very hard to be super low carb to see if that will work for me; today was much better, I opened the fridge absolutely ravenous to see a packet of biscuits and loads of jam and grapes and every cupboard was rammed with…
  • Thank you for all your support everyone! Regarding carb levels as I'm a student and it's summer I'm currently living at home. My mum is really supportive with my intolerances and allergies but she doesn't understand my desire to cut carbs so it's difficult for me to go super low carb. She is very healthy and fit and carbs…
  • Thank you! I'm going to drink lots of herbal tea and water and then continue with my plan tomorrow. I already have meals mapped out with extra room for nutritious low carb snacks and I'm going swimming and to yoga to help relax my body so I'm hoping this will help. I'm so annoyed with myself but I guess these things happen…
  • I have had problems with coconut most of my life so I can totally relate!!! For me it's cream based products which I think comes from the flesh; however I seem to be fine with the 'water' because several tropical holidays and a few cartons of coco-vita have produced no reaction! My reaction to coconut cream etc is…
  • When I finally get to my goal BF% I want a belly button piercing and a new black bikini. Plus I want to go on a lovely 1 1/2 long rowing outing in the sweeet knowledge that I am strong enough to do multiple 2000m sprints without feeling like a zombie by the end! I'm hoping to achieve this by the end of summer so I can…
  • Thank you for all the advice so far. I'm eating at a friend's later so that should help! I've now figured out how to open up my diary so you can see what I'm actually eating which isn't always all that healthy but I naturally only eat small amounts of 'bad foods'. Also I generally eat every 4 hours and usually snack on…