sunnygirl87 Member


  • YEAH!!! ME TOO! I guess I am a complete convert? No added oil, salt, sugar. For the weight loss win!
  • Huh? The thread is Vegan Vegetarian so, what is your point?
  • Quinoa, oatmeal, nuts and legumes give me more than enough BUT I didn't get here in one day. I would only add a few a week if I were you. Good news, having a high fiber breakfast holds me all day.
  • I get plenty for my age. How much do you think you need daily? If you use quinoa and other similar, it is hard not to get plenty. Consider concentrating on FIBER to "counteract" added carbs. Ive had to undo all of the Atkins mantra. And I lose weight steadily with measurements appearing as if I've lost more. Whole foods…
  • It is better to put in ten minutes on it than ten minutes on the couch. It has helped me but I am very deconditioned. Use it in bursts and work up a sweat.
  • Yeah!!! I have been toying with doing some weight work. Convinced now. Nice job! Yeah!
  • I clicked on this topic because I fell discouraged, too. In 1.5 month, I haven't lost a pound and I have fluctuated in weight wildly. Honestly, I was trying to do this with exercise alone. Okay, time to be honest and write down everything. Good news, after 45 days of stationary bike, I have built up my stamina and can do…
  • YEAHHHHHHH Congratulations! So much hard work and determination. I see a happy mom, dad and son. Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration. I have a similar amount of weight to lose and detested pics. There are enough bits and pieces of me, it is impossible to stay in denial. Okay, 16 days ago, I made a decision to…
  • I was drinking, LITERALLY, gallons of Diet Coke. First of the year, got off and switched to Coke to get me away from the headaches I have with any reduction in drink. Soooooo weaned off the Coke and am now on plain black tea. No artificial sweetners in my tea or lemon water. So, A week ago, I had to have Coke to stop the…
  • When I first started reading your post, I thought, "Did I write this?" I've had chronic pain and injuries that changed my former go-to activities for weight loss and peace of mind. I was put on anti depressants that made me hypomanic, which led to mood stabilizers. 80 plus pounds later on an already obese body.. oh and the…
  • YEAH.. you can do it. The methods are varied here. I love that there are vegans and people doing Atkins! Can I say, I am over people saying I can't have a cheeseburger? If I want to "Spend" my calories on it and it helps me feel like I am not depriving myself.. I am fine with it. AND FOR GOODNESS SAKES.. it took me years…
  • YEAHHHHHhhh I love that you broke your goals down to 10 lb. increments. Sometimes, 2 pound goals get me through. I love that you learned to ask yourself if you are eating your emotions. I love you asking yourself if that was something a healthy person would eat. I love you ignoring some crazy competitive commentary. I love…
  • Diet, as in, "Is that on your Diet? I don't want to ruin your Diet... " screw off. It is food. Meal plan, decision.., etc. I spent too many weeks inpatient and Aetna spent too much on me to pretend my issues with food are going to fit in the word Diet. Mind your own be rigged business. Diet. Irks me.
  • My goal is 140. That would be being fit at that weight. I've been 150 but was swimming about 5 miles a day, competing on swim team. I thought I was fat! AND I've been 117# swimming and riding horses BUT STILL THOUGHT I WAS FAT.. so.. Maybe it's not about a number? Maybe it's about how you feel about yourself, your body,…
  • YEAH!!!!! I started about the same time and have about the same amount to lose. I've been slower at 16 lbs lost. I get disappointed then I remind myself, it's less than I weighed and I am learning new skills. One pound a week for me and I've added exercise including yard work I'd given up 3 years ago! The biggest hurdle…
  • When I was into low carb, I used to slice eggplant very thin, par bake it then use it like lasagna noodles. The partial baking dries it out a bit and then it is not a soggy mess. I bet you could do that with the spaghetti squash. Prepare it in a meal and freeze it cooked? I love having healthy cooked meals ready for one of…
  • I couldn't figure out why I was craving SUGAR! It's not my normal trigger. I had cookies this weekend, makes sense they set me off. I noticed long ago, if I stayed away from McD's fries, I was fine... if I had them, I craved! Anyhow, I added more and more veggies trying to feed the craving. Drank tons of water. Finally, I…
  • Yeeeee Hawwwwwww That's fantastic! Love that and SCOOTING THE CAR SEAT up closer to the steering wheel cause my butt is smaller! Those little things are fabulous reminders, aren't they? Congratulations~!!! Keep it up!
  • Your message had me in tears. Thank you so much for sharing and getting on this journey in the first place. LOVE the BRIGHT SMILE in your picture. You look joyous! Even when we fall off, we don't have to wait until Magic Monday to get back on the journey. Even when I have more calories than normal for a meal, I'll make the…
  • Five minute walk counts. Take your child, your friend, anyone! Just move.. soon, you will want to move more!
  • Pssssssst, I felt the same way V. I have good intuition. I believe your intention to find forgiveness indicates your kindness. The fast track is figuring out how to be kind to you. How you get there is your journey, as unique as you are.
  • Miss Danni, you reminded me at one point someone told me, the best revenge is to live well. When I saw your counter and the numbers showing your determination, dedication and commitment, I thought, "She's Won!" Congratulations on your hard work!
  • That would be worse, wouldn't it? Your life is valuable. Way too valuable to be taken away from those you can help in ways you will never know. Hang on... sometimes, survival is the only thing we can muster and that's all right! This is a great topic you brought up. I wish we had a "Like" button! What you've shared and…
  • You said, "or worse." What is worse than someone killing a loved one? My son was shot and killed three years ago. The shooter never needed my forgiveness. My son's father, whom I had hated for for over two decades didn't need my forgiveness. I tried, prayed, worked, wrote, talked, cried, begged, read everything on the…
  • Get a good style manual on technical writing. Use it! Make lists and check off your to-do list! Helps you keep track of your responsibilities, who said what and what you accomplished! Be polite, no matter what. Never make an excuse for a mistake. Use it as a learning opportunity. Make it right. Be on time every time! Be…
  • Trust the calculation MFP gives you. You don't want to dip too much under what your body has been used to. I've lost about 15 over 3 months with two weeks off. I can live with that! It's less than I weighed three months ago and I am doing more exercise. Little steps, little steps add up! Keep at it and eat enough! BTW,…
  • Make sure you are drinking plenty of water. When your baby eats, you need to be drinking. Fluids, fluids, fluids! La Leche League may have some tips for weight loss and successful nursing. Check them out. Keep up the good work!
  • Congratulations! Kids say the darnedest things!