1800 Calories too high of a goal?

Ok, so I'm going to be very bold and ask a very personal question. I'd appreciate honest answers and (please be kind) to my feelings :)

My goal is currently set at 1800 calories. I currently weight 305 lbs and I am 5'4". Is this goal too high for me? Should I lower it? I've been on the 1800 calorie diet for a week and I've lost a little more than a pound. (it doesn't show in my ticker because I had gained weight from a past weigh-in)

I feel like the 1800 calories is working, but I feel like I could maybe do better. However, I'm not sure if its healthy or not. Thoughts?


  • twinmom14ek
    twinmom14ek Posts: 174 Member
    At your current weight, there's no way that goal is too high for you. Your body may be adjusting to the new calorie level, nutrition (depending on possible diet changes), etc. If anything, it may be a bit too low. To maintain my current size (5'7", 160lbs, exercising 3-4x a week), I average around 2100 calories a day.

    Check out this thread to get a better idea of a good calorie intake for yourself. A lot of people have found it helpful. Good luck!

  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    1800 calories is a measurement of the energy value of food you eat in a day. On its own, it doesn't mean anything.

    The question is how much energy do you use in a day? Put simply, if your total daily energy expenditure is greater than your intake, you will lose weight.

    Your basal metabolic rate (energy you'd burn if you lay in bed every day) is about 2100 calories based on your height and weight and estimating your age.

    The more you walk around, pick things up, etc, the more energy you will burn.

    I don't think an 1800 calorie diet is necessarily unhealthy, especially if you're eating nice vitamin rich foods that aren't full of junky ingredients and super high sodium.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am 5'4" and 227 pounds. I do 30 minutes of cardio three times a week and some strength training. I am on 1800 and losing an average of two pounds per week.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    I have a pretty sedentary lifestyle due to my office job and going to school part time in the evenings. I don't have very much time to work out. My work outs usually consist of walking my dog in the evenings and occasionally going to the gym for a weight lifting class. In that sense, is 1800 calories too low? Will I burn more if I eat more calories?
  • Bevkus
    Bevkus Posts: 274 Member
    If you are losing weight, continue at 1800.

    Eventually your body will become very efficient at 1800 and you will stop losing. This is called a plateau. At that junsture you have to shake things up. That woukd be when you want to drop your cals.

    With weight loss...dont rock the boat tooo much or too often when the scale is moving in the roght direction. Go with it.

    I would also suggest adding just a smidge of movement into your day, each day. I know its sooooo hard, but just a little. This will help ALOT to improve your stamina. Eventually it will be hard to break out of a plateau just by dropping cals alone, you will have to add walks etc...and you want your body to be ready!!

    You are doing super fantastic!! You asked a very good question!!

    Good luck...you can do it! We are cheering for you!
  • jess2126
    when you say you eat 2100 calories a day is that net calories?
  • Mrsbrandnewmeslimandtrim
  • sunnygirl87
    sunnygirl87 Posts: 40 Member
    Trust the calculation MFP gives you. You don't want to dip too much under what your body has been used to. I've lost about 15 over 3 months with two weeks off. I can live with that! It's less than I weighed three months ago and I am doing more exercise. Little steps, little steps add up! Keep at it and eat enough! BTW, when I was in treatment for bulimia, we were all on about 2200 calories a day. Those who needed to lose, lost. Those who needed to gain, gained. Look at your salt and carb intake. That could be making you hold on to weight, not necessarily fat. Best wishes!
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race. MFP will readjust your calorie goals once you lose enough weight to need to consume less. If it's working for you, rock it.
  • twinmom14ek
    twinmom14ek Posts: 174 Member
    when you say you eat 2100 calories a day is that net calories?

    Nope, that's gross. The link I posted explains it pretty well--bottom line, figure out your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). To lose weight, you want to consume a number of calories between those two numbers.
  • DJRicDoc
    My personal opinion, you're going to see the greatest amount of weight loss early on and like other users have posted you're going to reach a plateau where you're no longer shocking your body. But I would PUMP UP THE VOLUME on your nutrition...it seems weight loss is a very easy equation; eat less burn more. I would drop down to 1500 calories, drink lots of water and look critically at your day; where could you fit in some exercise? You'll have plenty of fatty acids to burn before you kick into starvation mode.

    For exercise, could you ride a bike to work or school...if it's within ten miles and it's spring summer or fall I would say yes. Are there stairs at your workplace, how often do you use them? Could you replace your office chair for a ball to sit on, stengthen those abs! Could you wake up an hour earlier or go to bed an hour later...

    We all make excuses, excuses are what got us into obesity or poor shape in the first place. It's tough, it's hard work...but it's supposed to be. It's going to hurt and it should...if you want to lose the weight you've got to suffer. Look at the biggest loser, do they look like they're having fun? Kick it up a notch, let's go.
  • BrotherCricket
    I work in an office as well and have a sedentary lifestyle because of that. I purchased at amazon.com a Stamina InMotion Elliptical. It was about $80 but well worth it because by watchng my food intake with myfitnesspal.com and using that for exercise while I'm at work (it's super quiet! and fits under my desk!!) I have lost 25 pounds since 7/1/12. I have gained a few pounds back here and there but that, again, is normal as your body adjusts to the changes and you can't stay so strict on your diet all the time or you'll get sick of it and find yourself hating it. I feel so much better in just these 3 months that I am psyched about getting to my goal weight. My caloric estimate came from the system as 1830 per day but with all the exercise, I can afford to have healthy snacks throughout the day and not bust my calorie budget! I forgot this: I also drink at least 100 ounces (12.5 cups) of water a day. That has helped a lot, too.
  • konerusp
    konerusp Posts: 247 Member
    you should eat your BMR calories atleast(should be around 2200).I know weight loss can be intimidating and we like to see quick results,but respecting your body and feeding it well is equally important while losing weight.

    reasonable deficit,with healthy choices will take you to your goal.1800 is perfectly fine for your weight.
  • MrsScheidt
    MrsScheidt Posts: 207 Member
    Thanks DJRicDoc for the pep talk :) I have thought about bringing in an exercise ball to sit on while I am at work. I take the stairs while I am work, however its only three flights so its not too much of a challenge. We do have a skywalk that goes across a six lane highway and I sometimes walk that back and forth about 3 or 4 times. Eight times back and forth is a mile. I'm still working up to eight. I don't like getting too sweaty while I'm at work :tongue:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    not too high, esp if you actually exercise too
  • _granola
    No, not high at all. At your height and weight, I'd say 1800-2000 calories net to lose weight. Seriously.

  • EPortJake
    EPortJake Posts: 54 Member
    A week is not long enough to make any conclusion about whether it is working or not IMO. Give it a couple more weeks.
  • DJRicDoc
    Awesome, just keep pushing yourself...I'm trying to do the same. I used to work in an office and loved having the ball, plus you can bounce when you're bored! The human body is pretty amazing at finding its medium, once you start losing more weight the things you're doing now will be too easy for you so you'll have to up the ante. Keep up the hard work!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    No it is definitely not too high. In fact like others have said, it may be a bit low. Personally I would go with 2000 cals a day to lose, but 1800 is still decent. Contrary to popular belief, you don't have to suffer to lose weight :smile: It does take effort though, and planning to make sure you are eating healthy the majority of the time and finding time to get exercise in. Get creative! I like the idea of sitting on the ball. Fit walks in whenever you can. Maybe invest in some hand weights to do in your spare moments. Just move everyday! Good luck !