tanyab222 Member


  • Thank you everyone for the support, the adds and extra ideas on what is helping you lose weight! I've just been recently diagnosed with Lupus/RA and well the FIbro was diagnosed back in '06. But that isn't stopping me from going forward!! I'm determined and will definitely keep going no matter what happens! Sounds like we…
  • Are you sure that the medication is causing the sinusitis? The reason I ask is because literally this past week with this crazy *kitten* weather I'm having here in the midwest, I've been getting daily headaches/migraines again too and serious pain in the sinuses. So maybe it might not be the meds? I'm not sure but like you…
  • I get chronic yeast infections and they FOR SURE DO make the Fibro tremendously worse. I officially have chronic candida and have to take antibiotic meds (fluconozale) once a week for a month or two and then once a month for a month or to. For me, it doesn't take much for me to get an infection either. Anytime there is a…
  • Hello Ronnie, I'm sorry to hear about all you have been through. I too have CMP, but, its mixed with in with my Fibromyalgia and a million other chronic ailments that I have. Its definitely a never ending battle for sure. I don't know about curable, but, I have heard that Myofascial pain is treatable for sure. Some time…
  • The reason I haven't jumped on the lets get tested wagon is because they haven't come up with any new treatments with this new discovery. So why get tested just so we know? We already know, we suffer with it every hour of our existence! But I'm glad they are new discoveries and I think this one makes more sense than some…
  • Kudos! And welcome! I'm fairly new to this as well but not new to Fibro. I've had it since I was a child. I am also sick and tired of being sick and tired. Definitely takes time and work to have such a lifestyle change! I hope to have a baby too soon (hopefully this year!). :)
  • I have to be careful with probiotics because many times if I take it regularly I get really nauseated and then have to run to the bathroom numerous times (I have IBS-C). I've tried quite a few and most regular, non-refrigerated ones didn't do much other than make me really sick. I will try a refrigerated one when I am able…
  • I can relate especially because i'm sure plenty of people (my husband included) are tired of listening to me complain about my struggles/pains/frustrations/pains/ailments/did I mention pain?. But, I don't always think we are complaining. We NEED to vent our frustrations regarding these conditions because if we don't, it…
  • Sugar is a guilty pleasure of mine that I know makes a huge impact on my ability to function and on my health. I'm trying to cut out but its soooo hard. But I'm getting there! Coffee...another guilty but horrible pleasure of mine. Really bad for the Fibro too. Ho hum...
    in Dang it! Comment by tanyab222 March 2013