

  • Have you checked out the many protien shakes on the market? At GNC they have many protien shakes and they range from HIGH calorie shakes for body building to LOW CARB, ZERO sugar, low cal shakes like Atkins. I know those can provide not only calories, but protien and vitimans.
  • I have had many frozen diet meals. The lowest sodium meals seem to be Healthy Choice meals. However the overall best FLAVOR diet meals are LEAN CUSINE. Weight watchers has VERY good pasta meals, however, I think they have a fair share of salt.
  • I notice that Coffee Mate's POWDER creamer is only 10 calories a spoonful! THAT is great because to me it even tastes better than the liquid real stuff.
  • OHH THAT SOUNDS AMAZING!! I will have to try that one.
  • Low carb/ calorie ROLL UP's: You buy those mission tortilla LOW carb tortillas. Mix salsa with LOW cal CREAM CHEESE, spread this onto the tortilla, add low fat lunchon TURKEY. ROLL them up and cut them into slices. These are tastey and low fat, low carb, and low calorie! The are actually a croud pleaser too! You can add…
  • Hi there! I am glad I read your post. I had RNY (Gastric Bypass) on 02/12/09 and I lost 100 LBS! I am only 5'3 and I went from 270 lbs to 170 lbs, NOW I AM STUCK! I am in a size 9 and that is great, but I want to be in a size 4-5 AND between 120-135 LBS, so that is another 50 LBS that I need to shed. I have been exersizing…
  • I have the same problem! They say the best thing to do is have a LITTLE bit. I know its eaiser said than done. There are other tricks that work for me and my friends like: Chew flavorful gum Frozen grapes have 1-3 Hershey kisses (not to bad in the calorie dept)