staciva Member


  • I started 2 weeks ago, fell off last week (lots of work and child issues) and back on it this week. I'm doing 'classic' with hubby. I'm considering this week one I think. Add me if you would like - I can always use extra motivation!
  • Way to go on the 30 pounds lost! I'm 7 months PP from my 3rd baby. I BF for 4 months (lost my milk when I went back to work) and during that time I lost about 25 pounds (only gained 32 during pregnancy). However, I kept eating like I was still BF'ing so, I put12 back on. :( I started P90X3 yesterday, but my diet still…
  • Rest. Anti-inflammatories (Advil/Motrin or Aleve as directed on the bottle and take with food to protect your stomach. Or good old ice 15-20 minutes on with something between your skin and source a couple times a day). Using a neoprene sleeve or support may help. If it is truly the Achilles, it should hurt more going up…
  • My hubby and I are starting Monday! So excited and nervous. We did P90X for 2 weeks 5 years ago after my first child was born. The time commitment was too demanding for us with a newborn. Our youngest is 6 months and we decided to try the 30 minute series. She is a much better sleeper than our first, so I'm hoping we will…
  • As a doc, I agree with massage therapist's post. Add ibuprofen if you have no allergy to it, no history of ulcers or reflux and no history of kidney disease. Follow directions on bottle - no more than that without actually being seen by a professional. If no improvement in 1 week, be seen and get X-ray. Good luck!
  • Your bmi is probably The issue because it takes only your height and weight into account, not actual body mass (totally misleading, huh?) If you are feeling good, and you follow a healthy diet, don't listen to them! This is coming from a doctor by the way. Remember, some medical advice changes over time. Remember not too…
  • Ibuprofen is for inflammation. It is the drug of choice by orthodox and podiatrists for sprained ankles. I advise all my patients (barring those with ulcers or kidney disease) to use it to decrease inflammation. Glad to hear there is no swelling or tenderness. Sounds like a grade 1 sprain given the lacks of signs. Can you…
  • Sorry to be the one to break the bad news...ankle sprains take 6-8 weeks to fully heal. They can be worse than breaking the bone because it's not immobilized and generally the pain subsides within a few days to a week, but the ligaments are not healed. This puts you at increased risk for further damage because you will…
  • Talk with your doctor. I'm more concerned about the shortness of breath - may be nothing but could be something. It could still be PPD - also a reason to speak with your doctor. Good luck friend! Hang in there!
  • watp: Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie Sansone? Great program! Totally easy to do in your living room. No bouncing! If you want to kick it up a little, add leg and hand weights.
  • Mitt destroyed Obama last night. Mitt was strong, confident and Presidential. Obama was poorly prepared for someone to confront him. We should celebrate today but not get over confident. Obama is a Chicago politician after all. His surrogates will bring some nasty stuff to try to discredit Mitt. But, today, enjoy the media…
  • Ok, I AM a doctor and your body is definitely trying to tell you something. By restricting too much you put your metabolism into starvation mode and your body will hold on to every last calorie. AND it will start to break down muscle which may be why you 'cant add muscle'. In the end, you have to remember that our bodies…
  • Last time I checked, we pledge allegiance to the United States of America NOT to Obama. We are a country that is of the people, by the people and for the people, not a president. This man is scary. We all must do our part to make sure he gets voted out. Volunteer, talk with friends, donate. It is up to us to save our…
  • PCOS can completely change your periods dramatically. The hormones play havoc with your body and can cause you to hold onto fat which makes estrogen and thus will make you hold on to fat. PCOS is very common in women who are overweight. I agree with the post about carbs - decrease your carbs and increase your protein -…
  • Strength training can be fun and there are tons of ways to go about it. You can do upper body one day, lower the next, or front/back or a mixture. It's just not recommended to do the same thing everyday. I personally used to do upper/lower on alternating days. (of course that was many years ago!) now I do full body every…
  • Pilates may be good for you. You can also do seated boxing for cardio. Most weight training can be adapted to a non-standing position as well, just watch your form. Good luck!
  • Ok friends, first let's all take a deep breath. I too am furious over the events in the last 24 hours. I didn't think I could be more ashamed of this President but can not believe he is right now doing a campaign stop in Vegas. He truly doesn't get the gravity of the situation. And this is unacceptable from the leader of…
  • Hello fellow Republicans!!! I am definitely looking to take back my body and my country! I am excited about my personal journey and 'America's Come Back Team' of Romney/Ryan. My story: I'm a working mom of two (daughter is 4, son is 2). I changed career paths this past January to be able to spend more quality time at home…
  • Me: 1 Monster: 1 I let myself get too wrapped up in someone else's issue when I should have just let it go. I did better today though!