Tips for resting a twisted ankle?

I had the misfortune of twisting my ankle while on a run yesterday. I don't really have any pain in it but I notice that the outer side is super tight today... I'm afraid to stretch it too much as I don't want to risk pulling something/making it worse. I'm signed up for a 5k this coming Saturday, so the question is... does anyone have any advice on what I could do to make sure my ankle is in better condition by then?


  • staciva
    staciva Posts: 21 Member
    Sorry to be the one to break the bad news...ankle sprains take 6-8 weeks to fully heal. They can be worse than breaking the bone because it's not immobilized and generally the pain subsides within a few days to a week, but the ligaments are not healed. This puts you at increased risk for further damage because you will likely go back to regular activities too soon. Doctor's orders: ibuprofen (as directed on the bottle and only if you do not have problems with ulcers/reflux or kidney disease), ice, elevation and rest (I.e. no running!) wrap it in a supportive brace or ACE wrap. You can walk on it, but I would not recommend running just yet. You may see bruising along the outside of the foot - normal. Gentle stretching is fine, but don't overdo it. Good luck!
  • Well, I don't know what I expected to hear lol but you're right, it's probably sprained. I don't have any bruising and there's no swelling or tenderness, so I think I'll be okay without the ibuprofen (is it only for pain relief or meant for something else?). As much as I'd be bummed to miss a race, I'd much rather avoid a worse injury. Thanks for the advice!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Well, I don't know what I expected to hear lol but you're right, it's probably sprained. I don't have any bruising and there's no swelling or tenderness, so I think I'll be okay without the ibuprofen (is it only for pain relief or meant for something else?). As much as I'd be bummed to miss a race, I'd much rather avoid a worse injury. Thanks for the advice!

    I just wanted to add that I agree with the above poster. I've had some severe sprains and it's so much better and easier in the long run if you give it time to heal.
    Ibuprofen is for pain but it also helps with inflammation caused by the injury. That's probably the tightness that you feel.
  • staciva
    staciva Posts: 21 Member
    Ibuprofen is for inflammation. It is the drug of choice by orthodox and podiatrists for sprained ankles. I advise all my patients (barring those with ulcers or kidney disease) to use it to decrease inflammation. Glad to hear there is no swelling or tenderness. Sounds like a grade 1 sprain given the lacks of signs. Can you walk the race? May still be tough, but even doing part of it may make you feel accomplished.

    Best of luck to you!