

  • I am six years your senior-same height (5'4") with a medium frame. Most of my adult life I bounced between 117-124. I got up to 137 last winter and my doctor was concerned and encouraged me to loose weight! I am now at 128 and would still like to loose 6-8 pounds. I am post menopausal. I am doing more strength training to…
  • I stay under 1800 calories daily (not net, just consumption). Sometimes there is a 2000kcal day (eating out). I could not do mfp's 1200 calories a day and opted for a slower weight loss with the higher calorie intake. I have gone from 136 to 128 since June and work out 4-6X a week. I do some type of walking or floor…
  • I have not eaten meat since 1985 and never regretted my decision. I raised two children with a meat free diet and as adults, they are still meat free. Both were year-round competitive swimmers (decent race times, too) throughout childhood and ran cross country in middle and high school. Their athleticism and muscle mass…
  • You are young and beautiful. The middle picture scares me. My 22 year old daughter is 5'10, fine boned and about 135 and looks more like your first and last picture-she can't keep the guys away! Her boyfriend and male pals consider her "hot". If she looked like your middle picture, I would be having trouble sleeping at…
  • I like smaller breasts. As mentioned, exercise is so much easier.
  • Restaurants- Mexican, Chinese, Greek and Italian (and these were vegetarian entrees-too much oil in the food and huge servings), bread, cheese, dried fruit and "nutrition" bars (2-3 a day sometimes). Diet sodas-they made me feel hungry, left me foggy headed and in search of carbs and sugar for a quick de-fog. Mix the above…
  • I used the slim fast product eight years ago and it did work. However, as another poster indicated, they are full of artificial things. I am not using them this time and loosing at a reasonable rate.
  • 5'4" and hoping to achieve 120ish (weight before age 40). I'm 56 and it is slower than when I dropped the 15 lbs eight years ago. Menopause...
  • Reconsider the therapist. There are therapists who specialize in helping people with eating issues. I really benefited from therapy and wish I had been involved in it at your age instead of waiting til I was 22. Your college probably has a therapist that focuses on helping students with eating issues. Eating disorders are…
  • Very slow going with the pounds. I had a total of 15 to lose and have lost 4 pounds in seven weeks. Calculations are that it will be Thanksgiving before I hit goal weight at this rate, maybe longer. The inches are going away and I can see little muscles peeping through the flab. The tape measure has been rewarding. I agree…
  • Have you tried using a tape measure to plot your progress? I find that much more rewarding than the scales or photos/ personal observation. 21pounds is no small accomplishment. I am impressed with your loss.
  • You have a great start with the loss. Many folks with a lot to loose don't notice appearance change in a bigger way until they hit the 40+ loss or more. Take photos for your records and use a tape measure for waist, hips, arms, etc. What you can't see through a visual glance will show up there. You may want to start some…
  • I'm 56 and postmenopausal with an initial goal of loosing 16 lbs. I've only been at this program a little over a month but the belly is receding and I have lost a few pounds. Loosing weight is slower this time (I lost weight eight years ago and it came back after menopause three years ago-sigh). I never had issues with…
  • I lived off of cooked dried beans and frozen veggies when I was in graduate school and had a very tight budget. The plain, store brand frozen veggies are cheaper and can be bought in bulk. I also ate canned salmon and canned tuna for a meat source. Dried beans are a wonder-lentils, limas, black beans, pintos, etc and…
  • Here's a link to the calorie content of various theatre popcorns by theatre chain. Most carry as many calories as an entire meal. http://www.livestrong.com/article/162676-nutritional-analysis-of-movie-popcorn/
  • This is my 10th day of working out and keeping records on my fitness pal. I am 56, 5'4" and currently 135 lbs. My goal is anything under 120 (where I was before menopause). I settled into an unhealthy 142 lbs in my early 40's, lost 25 over a four month period at age 48 with a program similar to this and kept the majority…