Girls, how many calories are you eating?



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I am 5'5" 125 lbs and eat 1500 cals a day for maintenance.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    5'10, 125/126, 1600-2600 to maintain.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weigh 189lbs. I eat around 1200 calories a day.
  • JoniBologna
    JoniBologna Posts: 653 Member
    I'm 5'6" and 150lbs. I eat 1650 on rest days. My BMR is approx 1500 cal. Some days I eat upwards of 3000+ calories. Eat up, ladies.
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    5"5 149, I net around 1700 on avg
  • 5'5, 110lbs and on 1350 calories, dont usually eat back my exercise though...seem to be losing weight slowly which is how i want to do it :)
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm 5'3, 147-148, eating 1400 a day and losing weight. You're fine.

    Type in your height, weight, and age here. As long as your daily intake is lower than the number it gives you, you'll lose weight.
  • kiwilan
    kiwilan Posts: 90 Member
    I'm on 1700 (recently changed it) but not eating exercise cals as its 20% off my TDEE.
  • uwdawg07
    uwdawg07 Posts: 372 Member
    5'3" and 121 pounds. I eat around 1200-1300 calories a day. Planning on upping it a bit soon, to about 1400 - 1500, so when I go to maintenance my body doesn't freak out.
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    5'5" - approx. 130 pounds. My calorie goal is set at 1500 calories per day. I can eat anywhere between 1300-1700 calories and be happy as I currently am exercising 5 days per week for minimum 60mins and it includes a lot of weight training.

    I originally was eating 1200 calories from January - March and then once I begun proper weight training I upped it to 1300 (to cater for my protein shakes) and then eventually I upped it to 1500 calories as a trainer told me that I could do so and still lose body fat (which is my goal now, not a number on the scales).

    Keep in mind you may initially gain a teeny bit back after the first week - as your body will go into "shock" getting more food than its used to and will probably hold onto some of that food in case you restrict yourself again, however you will quickly lose it again as your body recognises that it continues to get a bit more food and what your actually doing is putting your body into fat burning mode again and your metabolism will no longer be as slow (or at least that's my understanding).

    Give it a go, what have you got to lose! :bigsmile:
  • 1,200 zig zag. Zig zag is to have high calorie days and low calorie days (think about weekly goal instead of daily goal)...but I eat my exercise calories back. The problem may be you:

    1. Are retaining water because of that time of the month. This can last anywhere from 5-10 days. There is nothing you can do about it but wait. Reducing sodium and increasing water consumption can help mitigate symptoms, however.

    2. Have plateaued as a result of not getting enough calories, which causes metabolism to slow. Try eating your exercise calories back.

    3. Have plateaued because you are overestimating your calories burned. Get a heart rate monitor for more accuracy and don't count on what MFP or the machine tells you. Ellipticals are often wrong by 42%.

    4. There is also a theory that people plateau as a result of their bodies getting used to a certain amount of calories a day and are adjusting metabolism accordingly. This seems to be more theory than anything, but just in case there is any truth to that, I have taken it into account by undertaking the zig-zag plan, which makes more sense to me anyway, since on social days my calorie intake is higher...and its not like I'm going to not go out to eat because I'm watching my weight.
  • MeccaLoves2Sleep
    MeccaLoves2Sleep Posts: 43 Member
    5' 9", 214 lbs, 1474 calories

    workout 3-4 times a week and burn 300-900 calories a each workout.

    It's working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    2487, I average a 350-400caloric burn at the gym.

    My BMR is 1895, so I make sure I never net below that
  • caseyjade88
    caseyjade88 Posts: 89 Member
    I started out with 1200 calories as well, but I always felt hungry and unsatisfied.. So I upped my caloric limit to 1350 and I seem to be doing much better at that. Still losing weight at a steady pace! (and I sit at a desk for 10 hours a day at work)
  • hs1956
    hs1956 Posts: 16
    I stay under 1800 calories daily (not net, just consumption). Sometimes there is a 2000kcal day (eating out). I could not do mfp's 1200 calories a day and opted for a slower weight loss with the higher calorie intake. I have gone from 136 to 128 since June and work out 4-6X a week. I do some type of walking or floor exercises on my days off from the gym. I am 5'4". I am older (56) and, for me, the key to my ideal weight has always been cardio and strength training along with eating healthier-limiting bread, pasta and cheese with portion control and upping the veggies and fruit. I have not eaten meat in 30 years but do eat tofu, dairy and eggs. My goal is 120 (what I was for most of my adult life). I hope to see it by Christmas!
  • ok im curious, people plateau at their BMR??? i have been at this for a week on here and have lost 3.8 lbs and my BMR is 1200. When I was doing WW after having my son I lost 55 lbs in 6 months with NO exercise, but my body doesnt work like that anymore :( So if you up your BMR just a little the weight melts off?? Can someone explain this to me please lol. Oh and by the way I am 31 yrs old, 5 ft 2 in and 179 lbs.
  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    6'1 CW 212 Exercise 5-7 times a week and NET 1500
  • MummaSue
    MummaSue Posts: 242 Member
    I'm 5'7 and eat 1500 + exercise cals... I swear by (I set it to sedentary simply so I can earn my exercise cals and enjoy). I've been losing .5-2 lbs a week.

    So pleased to read this - I'm much the same: 5' 6.5" (important half-inch!) have just recently re-set my MFP goals to the recommended cals on the site you link to and, like you, using the sedentary setting so I'll still log exercise. Cals are set at 1525 per day, (Carbs 40%/Protein 30%/Fat 30%) I've been doing it less than a week so I can't really say if it's going to work for me, but there was a (small) shift downwards this morning so looking good so far!
  • reasnableblonde
    reasnableblonde Posts: 212 Member
    5'9", CW 155, net 1600 calories a day, give or take.

    My BMR was tested by my dietician (using that mask breathing test), and it was very low (~1300 cals). I have been weight training to build more muscle and wake up my metabolism and have found that I must eat more in order to keep up. MFP recommended 1350, but I upped it to 1600 and already feel SO much better and my weight is already dropping again.
  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    im about 5,6 and i eat any where from 1200 to 1500 but most of the time i dont go over 1400