

  • I'm with everyone else here, you wouldn't build too much muscle while on a retention. I'd actually recommend you keep your routine much simpler. All you really need is basic weight lifting exercises 3x a week for the same if not better results. Classic Body Now's a good program to get started on that. Read my review on it,…
  • Everybody's different, you just need to find a happy medium that gives you the best results. But I learned what works best for my body when I read and applied what I learned in the Diet Solution Program. Very insightful and detailed book about our body's specific needs, and also on what sort of routine fits which body…
  • This happens to me on occasion until I learned some motivational secrets from different sources of fitness and success. My favorite one was the diet solution program. Heck I still go back to it when I'm feeling stuck in a rut! Seriously, read about it here:…
  • This used to happen to me until I learned proper strength training to go with weight loss. I actually learned most of what I know from the Diet Solution Program. Gave great points on how to get rid of loose skin and overall great fitness book. Check it out here:…
  • Hmm, you seem to be on the right track, but the important thing is productivity during those workouts. The workouts that were most productive and that best suited me with my weight loss goals were in diet solution program, I highly suggest you read about it here:…
  • I would ask your doctor, but you should be alright, since I lost a lot of weight around the time of my 2nd pregnancy with the diet solution program. i would highly recommend it for someone with your stats and situation. Here's a great review on it that I found:…
  • I've had that problem too, it's good to do some isolation exercises, that's helped the most for me. The Diet Solution Program gave some great workouts, it was a godsend for me. I recommend you read about it here: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/the-diet-solution-program-review/
  • p90x is nomally a good program, but I guess everyone's different...you ought to try different methods if that one isn't cutting it, like the diet solution program. Read about it here: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/the-diet-solution-program-review/ Good luck..
  • I would recommend you do an exercise regimen that can be done at home, like the Diet Solution program. You can do it anywhere at anytime, and as a busy parent, this aspect of it made my life a lot easier and way less stressful. I recommend you read this review on it, since it's pretty accurate:…
  • Definitely recommend the Diet Solution Program, written by Isabel Des Los Rios, since it has information on both exercise AND nutrition, not to mention that when all else failed, this book helped get me in the best shape of my life! I found an accurate review on it right here:…
  • Sorry to hear about your troubles, I've been there, too. The key is being patient, looking at long-term results, not giving up, and starting a program and sticking with it. I had most of my success with the Diet Solution Program by Isabel Des Los Rios, since it helped me lose most of my fat (and keep it off) in a…
  • I've been there before, at a seemingly endless plateau where nothing seems to make a difference. I know it's frustrating, believe me. The trick is to change up your routine occasionally and to do it the right way. I'd recommend the Diet Solution Program, since it helps take care of plateaus and gives you ideas on how to…
  • From my experience, high interval workouts (fast for 1 min, slow for 2) has always been efficient in burning fat. What really helped get my weight loss progress over the edge though was when I tried out the Diet Solution Program a couple years ago and was amazed at the results. I think you should find a couple exercises…
  • I've been there, constantly trying different methods to lose belly fat, and I don't blame you, it's hard. Try a workout program I did called Truth About Abs by Mike Geary. After all the other programs I tried, this one did wonders for me since it flattened my stomach more than I could imagine. There's a good review on it I…
  • If you want to lose weight, then counting calories isn't completely necessary. That's what I liked most about the Diet Solution Program, because it helped me burn up to 10% bodyfat and I didn't even have to worry about counting calories. Here's a review if you're curious about it:…
  • P90X Lean is, just like others said, designed to make you lose fat and get you lean. I've done it and saw some great results. YOu might also want to check out The Diet Solution Program, another program that'll also get you lean in a short amount of time, since it takes care of your workout routines, eating regimen, etc.…
  • What really helped me was Truth About Abs by Mike Geary, check it out: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/truth-about-abs-review/
  • What you could do is find a diet routine that works towards your goal. My personal favorite was Customized Fat Loss. Not sure if anybody else tried it but it definitely worked for me. But like anything, you should probably look more into it before you decide, so here's a site where you can read about it here:…
  • Yeah, it sounds kinda tough to do those two things at once. What helped me out though was what's called the Diet Solution Program. Lost a lot of weight and managed to not get all bulky. See for yourself what it can do: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/the-diet-solution-program-review/
  • Great way! What worked for me was following the Diet Solution Program by Isabel Des Los Rios. Took care of my high cholesterol and gave me great fitness tips. You should read more about it here: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/the-diet-solution-program-review/
  • muadeeb, If you really want to get in shape then I'd recommend for you what's called the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. One of the best products I've ever used and definitely my favorite. You should take a look here: http://fantasticfitnessreviews.com/xtreme-fat-loss/ Good luck.
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