Freedom125 Member


  • I've been keto since May 2016, with the exception of a break on vacation in December. It's so nice to eat foods that taste good and lose weight at the same time. I hesitated for ages but time and time again I failed at plain old CICO because I was just always too hungry, so it made sense to try something completely…
  • I started at 225 and people started to notice right around 160 lbs. Took forever!
  • It's most likely that you're low on electrolytes. You may need to supplement sodium, magnesium, and potassium as Heirgreat said.
  • Since you're new to weight lifting and have a little extra weight to lose, it is possible to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time while eating at a deficit. Google "newbie gains" and "beginner recomposition". If you strength train regularly and eat enough protein (generally 0.8g per lb of body weight is recommended -…
  • I'm very excited about clothes shopping! I've always loved shopping but when I got fat, shopping became my enemy. Looking forward to taking my best girlfriends (both size 4-6) for a shopping trip. But really, my biggest reward will be my irish wolfhound. I've always wanted one, and now hubby's cool with it, so that's my…
  • Congrats, what a great feeling! My mare is 15.1hh and I can only mount from the ground if I drop a stirrup.. but then I feel bad about doing that to her joints, so I just always use the block. I can't wait to be able to just lightly spring up there!
  • I've had both the Body Media armband and the Fitbit One. For me, although I loved the features and accuracy of the armband, I was far too self conscious to wear the armband in public. I did it a couple of days and then started resorting to wearing sweaters, but even then it was pretty visible. So, A++ for features and…
  • It sounds to me like she's afraid you're judging her for her lack of desire to lose weight, and she's afraid you're going to judge even more - perhaps even ditch her as a friend - when you get closer to your goals. It sounds like she's very insecure about her own weight, and she's afraid of how your loss is going to affect…
  • I can't imagine! I just started using a fitbit 10 days ago and my daily goal at the moment is 5000 steps. I'm looking forward to seeing if there are any stories about 10,000!
  • I completely understand where you're coming from. I can't tell you how many times I've started a new "diet" all gung-ho and doing everything perfectly - and I've burned out just as many times, although the last time I lasted a whole 8 weeks! I know what my downfalls are and I have a plan to counteract every one of them…
  • Debbie, if you're eating far under your calorie goal, that could be why you're not losing. Exercise will also make you pack on water temporarily to help your muscles recover. That doesn't mean you shouldn't do it, but it will make your loss seem slower at first. Once your body gets used to the exercise, though, the weight…
  • I often feel the same way. For 2 months I prepared meals in advance, but I just got so tired of doing it and burnt myself out. Between that and working out 6 nights a week I had NO time for my hobbies. Eventually I realized that that wasn't a sustainable lifestyle for me. I started looking for faster, easier meal ideas.…
  • Hi, I'm an equestrian too! I'm working with a mare on basic dressage while I wait for my coming-3 year old filly to be old enough to start (in May, yay!). She'll start in dressage, but my goal is to try cross country as she gets older, so we'll see what she loves. It sure is a total body workout! I had a lesson two days…
  • This! Exactly! I'm 5'3", currently 187lbs, and I was under 130lbs in high school. I remember thinking how fat I was then, but now I would LOVE to be back there again. And I will be, soon. :)
  • I'm also 5'3", 27 years old. Started at 197, now at 187. I think my ultimate goal is around 120, but we'll see when I get there. My interim goals are 168 - overweight BMI category, and 140 - healthy BMI. Feel free to add me!
  • Lately I've also been having frozen strawberries pureed in my blender with water, a little lemon juice, and a little sweetener. Very low calorie and absolutely delicious - it's amazing how much stronger the flavour of strawberries and raspberries is when they're pureed. It tastes like a high sugar frozen cocktail. :) Also…
  • It's all in perception, I guess. I didn't see the responses above as rude, many are just trying to offer a different perspective.
  • What - exactly - is a fruit squash?
  • I didn't believe it was possible that I was eating too little either. But I don't lose at 1200, so I kept decreasing my calories. Then I found the road map and the "Eat More to Weigh Less" board and I started eating 1500-1600 calories each day. I just finished my first week and I'm down 4lbs. I'm also 5'3", although I have…
  • Here's some great information on how to make your diet a lot less restrictive and still lose weight.
  • Caffeine and sugar withdrawal can both cause ridiculous headaches. Try another caffeine free diet soda and see if you get the headache again?
  • I just finished my lunch.. A whole wheat tortilla with ham, romaine lettuce, red bell pepper, onion, cucumber, old cheddar cheese, and honey mustard, and an oz of raw almonds on the side.
  • Have you lost weight recently? I didn't check your profile, but I know three couples who have had serious issues because the woman lost weight and suddenly their husbands were insecure, because they noticed all of the male attention their wives were now getting. In that situation, counselling is probably a good idea. And…
  • I've only started reading about this, but I believe the "reset" is supposed to take 8 weeks or so - no?
  • I'm 28 years old, 5'3", started around 198 and I'm at 189 now, aiming for somewhere between 120 and 135. I'm not really sure exactly what my goal is as I haven't been that low in my adult life. The military body fat calculator says I'm around 45% body fat right now, yikes! I think I'm aiming for around 22% body fat.
  • The average weight for an 11 year old child is 77lbs. You've lost a whole other person so far, that is nothing to sneeze at! Way to go!
  • Thank you so much for posting this! You've done such a great job, you're officially my inspiration. Keep up the good work! I'm 5'3" and started about 10lbs higher than you did, also a size 14/16 and we even look to have a very similar body shape, hair cut, and preference for eating the same foods most days. Your story and…
  • You look great! I'm starting from the same weight and a size 16, so it's great to see someone who's come so far! Way to go! Do you mind me asking how tall you are?
  • Thanks everyone! I'll give it a couple more weeks, and if it doesn't change I'll consider adding a few more calories. I'm glad general consensus seems to be that my food choices are reasonably healthy. I do tend to avoid fat free stuff, but I really don't like full fat sour cream, the texture is just too thick for my…