Xvmandsie Member


  • Happy to have stumbled upon this thread. I was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroid and have been on my medicine for 3 weeks now. Find myself having slightly more energy then the dragging zombie I was before, and being able to function with about 9-10 hours of sleep versus the 12+ that was still leaving me dead tired. The…
  • I lose first in my chest, and last in my thunder thighs and big ol' bootay... will gladly take some of your boobage if you want to trade :)
  • Did the old program 5 years ago and lost 63 pounds, my cousin lost 132, and my other cousin lost 145... but when I tried it with the new plan I just cant get into the new program - thats why i'm on MFP - didnt want to keep flushing money down the drain
  • Same over here!! Nekked and potentially crying depending on what it reads, lol ;)
  • Dying laughing!! Wait.. is laughing bad too? eep
  • I'm smoke free, week 3! I have found myself wanting to eat and snack more often, and the only way i've been able to combat it is to try and drink as much water from a straw as possible. I think the straw helps because its shaped cylindrical sort of like a cigarette? I'm not sure, but it definitely has helped me!! I'd…
  • I have a harder time on the weekends as well. I do great until Friday evening, and then the beer and booze starts. That fuels the greasy pizza and other garbage. Then Saturday i'm sick from eating all the garbage so I want comfort food... and lots of it... THEN Sunday rolls around and i'm like "Who are you? Stop it!" - I'm…
  • I'm currently chowing on my healthy "cheesecake filling" lol. Its sugar free fat free cheesecake pudding made with skim milk, and a few crushed up vanilla wafers with a dab of fat free cool whip on top!! HEAVENNNNNNNNN