Veering off track on weekends!

So Mon-Thur I am on track, focused, and ready to take on a healthier lifestyle. However when Fri-Sat rolls around I veer dramatically off track! These are two days where I normally work 10-12 hours and try to squeeze in socializing with friends. I don't get any fitness time in and I am running around so much I normally forget to eat and then end up shoveling down some unhealthy something or another at the end of the day. Sunday (only day off) has always been my rest day and time to be with family and get some stuff done around the house.

I am not sure how to stay motivated on those crazy days of the week :/ on Sunday I feel like I did so bad the last two days and get pumped up for the rest of the week...and then friday/saturday rolls around and bam! same thing.


  • smokinjackd
    Don't beat yourself up over it, I believe the majority of us start out this way. Who goes from sitting on their butts for 7 days a week to hitting the gym 7 days a week, overnight. Just do the time you can and that will lead to healthier choices as you see progression.
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    For me I just had to commit to it. I was horrible about this, specially in the beginning. I got to the point where I told myself no matter what I eat I will track it and see how bad it is. Over the months, I've gotten to the point where some times I will have a splurge meal or something, but more often then not I follow normal healthy eating. Its a life style change that I had to accept as that and not a diet that I'm doing Mon-Friday afternoon. If you don't already track everything you eat, seeing that sometimes helps me realize how bad I was doing.
  • char155
    char155 Posts: 5 Member
    I understand the weekend trouble. I get off course also. I suggest making your meals for the weekend during the week. Put them in containers you can easily take with you. You can do it!
  • CariBgood
    CariBgood Posts: 88 Member
    My personal trainer advised me that Saturday could be my free day and boy do I utilize that. Unfortunately since I have I can tell you that it just isn't working for me.... When I splurge and eat whatever I want I find that I do not like the taste or the crap makes me feel bloated and miserable. So this morning I have decided that I'm going to avoid splurge day and eat healthy like I should, but maybe have an extra helping of healthy or splurge on one thing instead of the whole day.....Now if someone comes up with a solution for Friday night fun!!!! I am all ears.
  • Xvmandsie
    Xvmandsie Posts: 8 Member
    I have a harder time on the weekends as well. I do great until Friday evening, and then the beer and booze starts. That fuels the greasy pizza and other garbage. Then Saturday i'm sick from eating all the garbage so I want comfort food... and lots of it... THEN Sunday rolls around and i'm like "Who are you? Stop it!" - I'm currently still feeling sick from a boozey lunch yesterday. Ate too much grease, and my stomach hasnt been right since :(
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    Try packing a feed back with all of your meals for the day and eat from that. See how that works. Pack it like you are gonna be gone all day, include your waters and healthy snacks.
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    I'm pretty bad Fri-Sun and it's something I need to work on. I say one cheat day and then it turns into three. It's hard especially since my husband can inhale food and not gain anything.

    I've decided that this week, that cheat-weekend stops. I'll have maybe one cheat meal on either days but that's it. It's too easy to go nuts and eat everything in sight :/
  • clarebrad
    clarebrad Posts: 188 Member
    very true being prepared is the bigger key. Can be hard when so busy but makes such a difference and helps you get off track. Is there any way to factor in a small work out or walk or something as often then energises you more. The best thing i did was look at what was happening and instead of making excuses came up with solutions so it wouldn't happen. Slips up happen though but if you can adviod when you can make your slip ups fun ones instead of being hungry and eating whatever and feeling bad. when i slip up is for an event etc. Don't be too hard is to change your ways and takes time, it is all learning.
  • auntiedonna2000
    I have trouble with the weekends too. I do great during the week, but then the weekend comes and I tend to over indulge too. Try a walk or talking to others when you feel like eating. Sometimes I'll go shopping at Kohl's, there is no food court there! if you can avoid the mall and try smaller stores. Try to be more active, it does seem to help.
  • MissShyloh
    Thank you everyone for the replies.

    I am going to try and prepare my meals better on Thurs night for the weekend and see how that goes!
  • TheNewLeslie
    TheNewLeslie Posts: 44 Member
    I have a harder time on the weekends as well. I do great until Friday evening, and then the beer and booze starts. That fuels the greasy pizza and other garbage. Then Saturday i'm sick from eating all the garbage so I want comfort food... and lots of it... THEN Sunday rolls around and i'm like "Who are you? Stop it!" - I'm currently still feeling sick from a boozey lunch yesterday. Ate too much grease, and my stomach hasnt been right since :(

    This is totally me.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm the same way! I eat super good and then BAM! Friday night, it's all down hill. Saturday, I ate a half a pizza after 9pm! It was horrible! At first, I wasn't logging on the weekends and now that I am, it really has opened my eyes to how much and what I'm eating. But it's hard when you're going out, hanging with friends, going into restaurants, or running around doing errands and need a quick something. At this point, I try to allow myself to only go over calories once a week, but it ends up being twice, even three times. And then I feel so guilty about it! :(