ixa73 Member


  • How hungry you are can depend on what type of food you are eating. Sugar has the effect of stimulating your appetite so if you are eating high carb refined foods like bread (esp white), rice, pasta, cereals, muesli bars etc you'll get hungry faster. I couldn't see your food diary so I have no idea what you're eating but…
  • 16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes. Colour safe Napisan overnight does wonders for the smell... don't mix colours though :)
  • I agree with this - strength training changes your shape in amazing ways. Do your measurements, take progress pics and don't worry about the scales. It's about body fat % not kilos (pounds).
  • Wow congratulations you have lost so much! Good luck with final push - you'll have an amazing body to go with your pretty features.
  • Hi! I've also tried atkins (and other versions of low carb). My probem is I can't maintain it when the rest of the family eats a normal range of foods. I decided that diets were a waste of time and the only thing that would work was to choose smaller portions, eat a good amount of protein, fresh vegies and fruit, keep…
  • You could try HIT (High Intensity Training) suposed to be brilliant for improving your general health and reducing fat/blood sugar levels and cholesterol. Google It:)
  • Don't do it! I ate 700 cals over yesterday - white choc chip homemade - they weren't worth it. Have to work out twice as hard today and it's raining outside..... don't want to ride in the rain.....
  • Bike riding gives you great calves. If it's too cold to ride you might lookat either an exercise bike or a trainer that you can clip your road bike into. When riding I have my seat high enough that my leg is at full extension when the pedal is down- this gives you the fullest range of motion. I also have my bars low so…
  • Hi I don't necessarily have a solution, but have a few suggestions... * Psyllium husk, which is a natural fibre serves lots of uses, when you mix a tabelspoon with a glass of water it helps make you feel full for longer, increases your fibre intake and helps bind with fat to lower your cholesterol. Try having a glass…
  • Just listened to the news on the radio (Australia) and scientists have completed a study that shows intermittent fasting (2 non-consecutive days a week) reduces your chances of getting chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. This was allowing up to 500 cals (???) on the fasting day, don't know if the radio…
  • Check out Wiggle.co.uk Best investment i ever made was Max Shockabsorber run bra - literally no movement and really comfortable. I wear nike Dri fit run shorts also from wiggle. I don't wear cotton/lyrca as I only like the moisture wicking material and cotton just gets too wet (bit gross sorry). I have also found awesome…
  • Hi I run mostly 3x a week (a long run, a set of sprint intervals and a medium run). Completed first 16km race yesterday - awesome feeling. I use Runkeeper app on my phone (android, but also avail for iPhone) which is both motivating and keeps really good track of all my run km's. It uses GPS to track your run/ride/walk, I…
  • Thanks that is really interesting (i.e. cravings article) I will research this some more. Thank you
    in cravings Comment by ixa73 February 2013
  • Thank you everyone for your posts. I just logged on to find some motivation and encouragement - I've had no willlpower the last month or so. Only logged food every few days if I remembered... Also eating heaps of junk and feeling flat and sluggish... Still exercising so keep eating all those cals as well (and then some).…
  • Hi, I've noticed that my cravings go in cycles, some days I could eat throughout the entire day and I get really annoyed that I'm hungry all day. Not hungry for salad mind you! Hungry for calorie dense rubbish that makes me sluggish, gives me bad breath, a bad mood and fluid retention... Other days I'm not hungry and can…
    in cravings Comment by ixa73 February 2013
  • You are quite right. My work colleague has a degree and a masters in exercise science and he is has trained international athletes as a strength and conditioning coach, as well as having 25+ years of weighlifting experience. He actually said the same to me only a month ago (after i joined the gym and told him the trainers…
  • Hi You can reduce the incidence of muscle soreness (which is essentially bleeding in the muscle) by following the 10 suggestions in the link below. Ice is especially useful as it restricts the bleeding, but not always practical (who has big bags of ice lying around at home). After a big run I sometimes hose my legs down…
  • Hi Lauren I have added a link to some pretty good height and weight percentile charts which indicate that your daughter is on the 95th pervcentile for her height. Looking at the equivalent 95th percentile for her weight that's sopmewhere around 52lb. I think it is marvellous that you're looking at addressing this early as…
  • Sometimes my HRM registers my pulse intermittently, I discovered that making the contacts damp gives it better connection with the skin.
  • Thank you! So glad you posted this! People are using "morbidly obese" wrongly. It is not about how fat you look. It is a mathematical calculation which takes into account the percentage of fat you have relavitve to your height, age and gender. So if you're my height (5' 3") female and weigh153lb you're obese but if you…
  • I think we interpret how we look in the mirror quite differently to how we see ourselves in a static image like a photo. I spent my teenage years thinking I was fat when I was in the normal BMI. Then I did put on weight and hit the overweight BMI bordering obese but I kept telling myself it was still fine and I wasn't…
  • I had to scroll up and back a few times to convince myself it as the same person! Inspiring! I'm determined now to stop eating mindless calories even though I'll jump on the treadmill to counter most of them - as I'm not doing myself any favours! thanks for the encouragement.
  • Protein suggestions for vegetarians: low-carb flat breads, chickpeas,kidney beans, baked beans, tofu, almonds, peanut butter, soy milk, dried apricots, avocado. Also if you eat eggs they're great too. However your tiredness might not be related to protein there could be other things you're low on - iron, B group vitamins?…
  • Hi! Happy to have few friends too! Ixa
    in Any Aussies? Comment by ixa73 July 2012