20 Things No One Tells You About Running



  • 11. You will be pissed if someone refers to you as a “jogger” instead of a “runner.”
    Most certainly!

    22. The first mile (or half mile) tends to be the longest, until you realize that very little concerns matter at the moment. Simply step and breathe.

    YESSS!!! My first mile is always SO HARD!!! I never feel like I can keep going....And then I just do.

    For me it's the "getting changed into my running clothes and getting out of the door" that's the hardest bit - especially on nights like this when the rain is pounding and it's 4 degrees

  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    Excellent posting, OP!

    A few of my thoughts:

    1. Your feet will look like crap. Blisters, black toenails, callouses. If you get pedicures, just apologize when you go in.
    - Mine got jacked in the military from wearing badly fitting boots, and never really recovered. Running a lot certainly hasn’t helped!

    2. When people (non-runner types) learn you are a runner, they often like to tell you how much they hate running or that running will ruin your knees.
    - Yes, they are all experts on something they hate and have no experience with!

    3. You don’t have to look like a runner to be a runner.
    - True, although the longer the distances you race, the more people seem to “look like runners”

    4. If you only run and don’t do anything else (cross train, strength train), you will probably get injured.
    - Yes. Also, runners who do nothing else are usually the ones who look toneless, dehydrated, and sickly.

    5. Most people, especially non-runners, really don’t care that much about your running.
    - Without a doubt! And yet I feel compelled to chat about it with them once in awhile, in exchange for listening to the fascinating details about their fantasy football league.

    6. You will run a race and in the middle of the race you will tell yourself you will never do this again. Yet, 30 minutes after you are done you will surf the Internet for your next race. Running is kind of like childbirth that way.
    - Pretty much every run over 10 miles you go through this!

    12. Sometimes other runners won’t always say “hi” to you when you run by them.
    - Forgivable not to say “hi” if you’re panting, but you can at least nod.

    13. You might pee yourself while your run, or worse.
    - allowing for pre-run port-a-john is one of the most critical tasks on your race prep agenda!

    14. Running is expensive. It’s not just about a pair of shoes and shorts and a top. There are race entries, massages, watches, sports bras, cute running skirts, gels, blocks and recovery stuff.
    - hotels for races out of town, knee and ankle braces, compression sleeves, sunglasses…

    16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes
    -if you can’t wash them immediately after a race, always hang them from something (a hook in your car, over a lawn chair, etc.) This will get rid of the moisture quicker and a lot of that stench, instead of letting it fester.

    17. You will never be the fastest runner you know. You will always never be the slowest runner you know.
    - words to live by..

    19. Running performance is as much, if not more, about mental strength as your physical strength.
    - that’s what makes running transcend simply “working out”. It takes mental tenacity to persist mile after mile, with nothing but more exhaustion and pain ahead of you.

    20. You will never forget crossing the finish line of your first marathon or half marathon. That moment in time will come to mean a lot to you. Your feet might not even touch the ground.
    - I finally did my first full last month, and the finish was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.
  • mheebner
    mheebner Posts: 285 Member


    I love the look on the runner face at that sign...classic !
  • Kyog
    Kyog Posts: 32
    #4 about crosstraining to prevent injury is so true!!!! My knees were killing me a few years ago and I thought I was giving up running completely. Now, I strength train AND run and have no issues! Might not be true for everyone, but so true for me!

    What sort of cross training works best for you? I'm a runner, working towards a 10 mile race. I'm planning to start swimming as soon as my costume and goggles get here! :)
  • #7 and #8, for sure.

    My first year of running was a bit like being manic depressive - really happy then really disappointed. My second year is much better - older and wiser, fewer injuries, getting good at pacing.
  • ixa73
    ixa73 Posts: 24 Member
    16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes.

    Colour safe Napisan overnight does wonders for the smell... don't mix colours though :)
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    11. You will be pissed if someone refers to you as a “jogger” instead of a “runner.”
    Most certainly!

    22. The first mile (or half mile) tends to be the longest, until you realize that very little concerns matter at the moment. Simply step and breathe.

    This is so true for me. Love it.
  • Wow! This is really stuff no one told me!

    I'm still a noob, but trying to get into the habit of running :) I have a 5-km dream run coming up in January! So yay!
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    That first mile advice helped me on the "dreadmill" today!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    20. You will never forget crossing the finish line of your first marathon or half marathon. That moment in time will come to mean a lot to you. Your feet might not even touch the ground.

    While I appreciated all of these...some of them more than others, it is #20 that rings truest right now.

    crossing the finish line of my first half marathon was surreal. crossing the finish line at my second one was even better - beat my time. now i look at my two medals with pride :)

    all these are true though!!!!
  • kittymoney
    kittymoney Posts: 115 Member
    LUV all of them!
  • SkinnyPop50
    SkinnyPop50 Posts: 2 Member
    #18 laughing, kept looking behind me hoping no one was there.
  • slimster1970
    slimster1970 Posts: 65 Member
    #4 about crosstraining to prevent injury is so true!!!! My knees were killing me a few years ago and I thought I was giving up running completely. Now, I strength train AND run and have no issues! Might not be true for everyone, but so true for me!

    What sort of cross training works best for you? I'm a runner, working towards a 10 mile race. I'm planning to start swimming as soon as my costume and goggles get here! :)

    What kind of costume you swimming in, is it fancy dress?
  • I love this post! I'm a beginner and I can't wait to experience some of these things :)

    Not the peeing though... LOL. Or the ugly feet. Yeah. I could do without those two. Haha.
  • MGreensides
    MGreensides Posts: 173 Member
    THIS!!! Every single one. There seem to be a few running noobs following this post so I'd like to share the article written about my running experiences. Not meaning to hijack your thread, hope its ok. Made me think of it when you said running being as much mental as physical. Cheers!!

  • dreamer12151
    dreamer12151 Posts: 1,031 Member
    OMG - These are so good! I'm a beginning runner, so I,knock wood, have not had an issue with black nail, but the whole "Runner's Trot's" thing....dear lord!

    #20, though, I'd have to add a 5K in there as well. I know for me, I had to move away from everyone else and I let myself cry up a storm. For someone like me (battling weight since I was a kid, presently 44 year old, bad knees, definitely NOT athletic until a few months ago - in fact, when the idea to run a 5K popped into my head, I actually had to google how long a 5K WAS!) accomplishing it was a HUUUUGE deal. I train solo and was there solo, so it was a pretty emotional deal for me.
  • summerroxygoodin
    summerroxygoodin Posts: 62 Member
    #21 , Never eat oatmeal before a run.
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    Most of them. #5 happens whenever I bring up the subject
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    1. Your feet will look like crap. Blisters, black toenails, callouses. If you get pedicures, just apologize when you go in. - nope, never had that problem once.

    2. When people (non-runner types) learn you are a runner, they often like to tell you how much they hate running or that running will ruin your knees. - Nah get that from people here not people I know in real life.

    4. If you only run and don’t do anything else (cross train, strength train), you will probably get injured. - nope, I get injured from doing all the other stuff....never been injured from running.

    5. Most people, especially non-runners, really don’t care that much about your running. - actually quite a few do care & ask me all the time.

    6. You will run a race and in the middle of the race you will tell yourself you will never do this again. Yet, 30 minutes after you are done you will surf the Internet for your next race. Running is kind of like childbirth that way. - nope, only did one race, loved it the whole 10km but found that I do not like running in a pack where I got to wait till there is a spot to pass the slower people.

    7. You will go through phases where you feel totally inadequate as a runner. - nope again, I always feel like I do a great job running otherwise I'd never do it again.

    8. You will go through phases where you feel totally like a rock star as a runner. - phase? Nope all the time I AM a rockstar

    9. You might gain weight instead of lose weight while training for a marathon. -never trained for one, but then never put on weight either.

    10. Having a spare pair of shorts in your car is important. Soiling of all kinds can happen. Eww! - dont drive, never had an accident & never taken a spare pair..... there is a reason to run on empty.

    11. You will be pissed if someone refers to you as a “jogger” instead of a “runner.” - never happened.

    12. Sometimes other runners won’t always say “hi” to you when you run by them. - nope cause I have headphones in that are so bright you cant miss that I cant hear you.

    13. You might pee yourself while your run, or worse. - nope, once again...running on empty

    14. Running is expensive. It’s not just about a pair of shoes and shorts and a top. There are race entries, massages, watches, sports bras, cute running skirts, gels, blocks and recovery stuff. - nope, 1 pair of runners costs me $30 & a re perfect for me. I run in leggings $8 and tops cost me $5 (I have 2 I swap over) ....bra is the bra I wear ALL the time (sports bra that I get 2 for $19).... I thrift spend & it suits me

    16. After awhile, you cannot get the stench out of your running clothes. - what stench?

    18. Farts happen. A lot. - nope.... I dont fart while running, I do after drinking though

    So many were not needed to be told... does not happen
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    This is great. :bigsmile: