

  • Thank you! I appreciate all your comments, this is a learning experience.
  • Agreed, this will be a lifelong issue. And thanks for making me feel better about my dairy intake, my diet is not the best so I need to make a great effort at introducing more greens. Going to grab a few light weights and begin exercising after 3 months of nearly sedentary lifestyle. Funny thing is I used to exercise 2-3 X…
  • I totally get that some of us will have more body fat than others, I do. That being said, I do not dislike my body, I hate having cellulite on my thighs and booty. I am nearly 40 and married, I am here to get fit for myself, the husband is content either way :-)
  • I read on here somewhere that one cannot spot reduce, which I already knew, but that cutting 'bad fats' from your diet, i.e. all the dairy I eat, would aid in weight loss and cellulite reduction. It is hard to know who is correct and who is misguided on the public forums.
  • Thanks for sharing! I am confused as to how it cannot be completely eradicated, but again, cutting most of it will be fantastic. Do you mind sharing what exercise routine you followed?
  • Thanks for the link. I simply thought those fat dimples had to do with my excessive dairy intake as I do not eat any meat, poultry, or fried foods. I mean I can eat a few french fries, or mozarella sticks on occasion, but the only food I consume daily which is high in fat is cheese, or sweets. I do eat tuna though, not…
  • That sucks, but I will be happy toning my legs. I agree I do not see how my 'saddle bags' would ever disappear, but the 'wrinkles' as my 4 year old calls them, on my upper legs is fairly new and just looks like very loose fat, not swiss cheese holes. My goal is to get myself to the gym, but for now home workouts will have…
  • Thanks so much, that was a very easy explanation, makes perfect sense. I am definitely going to follow your points. I barely drink water, take no vitamins, and have not exercised in 2 months. Small steps should get me in a better place soon. Thank you :-)
  • I guess there isn't a one answer, but I do understand that many components factor in. My Mom has zero cellulite at age 60,and has a very hourglass shape, size Small, whereas I have been a pear since puberty, always about 20 lbs overweight and started seeing the cellulite in my early 20's. I am going to take my measurements…
  • Tenho medo , mas vou tentar! Se eu puder eliminar o açúcar , é uma vitória :-) XD!
  • Thanks for your feedback. I honestly cannot cut out cheese completely; I can cut ice-cream, yogurt, butter,and I do not drink or add milk to any of my drinks. I was confused about Cardio because I did not think it could help with celullite, I thought only weight training could do it. I am totally wrong I guess :-(
  • Great job Kelly, it is amazing how hard work and dedication will pay off. Cheers to you!
  • Twin, where are you?! lol I am 38 5'5" Starting weight- 166 Current weight- 143 Goal weight- 130 I am a working Mom to 2 beautiful, strong willed, hilarious, sweet girls ages 4 and 5. I am married and struggling with the bluey blues, so exercising from home to try and feel good about myself. Would love a twinsie that can…
  • Hi There, I am 5'5, 140 lbs, 28 inch waist, size 34D. There is no way on earth you will look good at 100lbs, I am serious. Can you work on toning your lower half? I am very pear-shape and can't stand the size of my thighs and hips so I am weigh training and doing lots of upper leg workouts and squats. You sound like you…
  • Thanks for the walking group suggestion, we used to do the stairs together twice per day, then stop. While I go alone, I enjoy the team aspect. As soon as the weather permits, we will be going out for those half hour walks. You guys have great feedback, much appreciated.
  • Congratulations on being cancer free!
  • You guys have awesome ideas, thanks so much for the info on the group, and sharing your routines, it really helps expand my routine, the core/strength training is my goal as I already get off 2 stops before my home stop and walk about 20 minutes when the weather permits, I am in NYC. I am also not making excuses, I am far…
  • Thanks so much for the suggestions! I really like the pictures, look challenging as I am just starting out with different exercise types vs the typical cardio. I do workout at home 3-4 times per week. The issue is that I have gone from working retail, in a multilevel store, on my feet for a good 75% of my time, to now…
  • You look terrific, congrats on your hard work!
  • I meant to write that I was on Effexor and had barely any appetite, lost weight, but side effects were not good so had to change meds. I agree that they all affect your weight.
  • Do you eat the same foods each day? Do you not snack or have drinks other than water? I started at 1200 calories, lost 20lbs in about 8 months, then one day woke up starving so I am trying to exercise more so I can eat more, I am doing 1300 and have not lost in 2 weeks. I suggest logging all your food on this site and…
  • My weight fluctuates a by +\- 3lbs, every day. It's all about water retention/dehydration. What I do is wait until my weight has been consistent for about a week, then I use the lowest weight to weigh in. Careful with your sodium intake, I love Ramen too!
  • A partner that loves you is interested in your health and well being, not creating a bad body image, eating disorders, or putting you down. Sounds like you are, or will be emotionally abused y that *kitten*, please value yourself and reevaluate why you are with this *kitten*! Stay strong, stay healthy!
  • Terrible advice, please be careful with extreme exercise and under recommended calorie minimum.
  • Thanks so much for your feedback guys, I appreciate it. I have a cheap stepper, not even sure if it's a stepper, it's called Sunny Health Twist Stepper, I don't feel the resistance much even though I've adjusted to the max, but I get a good sweat after 40 min of use. So far I go up the stairs at work, I'm in NYC in a…
  • I only have two pathetic 5 lbs dumbbells. I live in an apartment and have a 3 and 5 year old, I am afraid of getting a barbell. I am so embarrassed I let myself go this badly, I lived with my brother who went from a 130 lbs high schooler getting picked on by all kids, to a pro bodybuilder after about 5 years of heavy…
  • Thanks so much, off to read :)
  • Please add me, I am a vegetarian, only eat tuna, and rarely lox. I have not had meat or poultry since about 10 years old and I have put on the pounds due to dairy and carbs. Would love to see others with open diaries for ideas, Here to support you all :)