Anyone have any suggestion on a jump start program



  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    I have been at it for 5 weeks and have lost 26 pounds. For the first 3 days, I did 1/2 hour on the eliptical. Then I moved to an 800 calorie burned daily goal (about 56 minutes). When I lost the first 10 lbs after like 2 weeks, my goals were re-calculated and 80 calories were taken away from my daily allowance (ughhhhhh!!) so I upped my calories burned to 880 daily. I didn't see the results I wanted that week, so I bumped it up to 1200 calories burned daily. On top of that, I try not to eat more than 1000 calories daily; although on the days I have to be in the office all day, I usually go over. I look at it like this: When I am down to my goal weight, my metabolisim will be functioning correctly and I will be able to eat whatever I like (in moderation), but for now I GOTTA WORK. Which sucks.
    Terrible advice, please be careful with extreme exercise and under recommended calorie minimum.
  • I purchased a good walking/stengh training DVD and did it. I planned my meals. I am 4 weeks in and down 6 lbs, right on track! My 100 lb weight loss has to start with that 6 lbs.
    Wondering what DVD you used?
  • SarBear00b
    SarBear00b Posts: 188 Member
    30day shred level 3 is tough n level 2 defo ain't easy. But wow you must be so determined, Insanity n the likes, it's well difficult, wish I had the time n energy to do it again noticed massive results! How much hav u lost so far?

    I don't agree with everyone else posting saying there is no jump start, bootcamp n clean eating plans see people drop lbs and inches within weeks! But again it's determination n yep consistency is key!!! X

    So often I see people burn out quickly because they go balls to the wall right off the bat. Small steps are often the best steps for people that have had bad habits for so long.

    ^^^ Yes!
  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    I hear the best jump start is with a mini tramp!

  • The DVD is Leslie Sansone's Walk it Off in 30 Days
    Thank you, Cracken99!