Why am I gaining 1-2 pounds a week?

For months now, I've been gaining 1-2 pounds a week no matter how much I diet or exercise. I am having the worst time trying to lose any weight. I eat under 2000 calories a day always, but it's usually 1200-1500 (Never below 1200 including exercise). I fast one day a week, which I started due to the weight gain hoping it would help deter it.

I eat low carb/paleo/gluten-free, so lots of veggies, eggs, protein (chicken, fish), and fruits, and very rarely nuts. I do not eat/drink any dairy products. Only drink black coffee, water, or tea.

Exercise is only 30min 4-5 times a week. How am I gaining weight every single week? Even if I wasn't dieting, 2000 calories or less a day shouldn't cause this much weight gain. I keep a real journal, so my MFP journal is empty for the most part.

I'm 27, female, 5'3".

Are there any physical/medical reasons my body is gaining weight? My Dr. is testing for hypothyroid but is very doubtful that's what it is. I've been complaining to her for about 2 months now. She thinks it is also unlikely my paxil (SSRI) as it does cause weight gain, but usually not this fast and usually because it causes one to eat a lot, which I don't do.

I'm so lost and helpless! I started this diet 6 months ago and I've gained 50 pounds instead!! :(:( I weight more now than I ever did and its making me so depressed.


  • You must be eating more than you are estimating.
  • morwilwarin
    morwilwarin Posts: 5 Member
    I am so careful about what I eat. I count every little calorie I put in my body. I am not eating more than I think I am. :(
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Calorie surplus=weight gain
  • You don't put on 50lbs by not eating more than your TDEE. It's not magic.
  • morwilwarin
    morwilwarin Posts: 5 Member
    I know I do not eat over 1500-2000 calories a day. I barely break 1500 calories. That's everyone's only solution - oh, you're gaining weight? You are obviously over eating.

    I'm not being difficult; I just know what I'm doing and know it's physically impossible to be gaining this much weight without some underlying issue. I was hoping someone else had experienced this.

    My typical breakfast includes 2-3 whole eggs, spinach, peppers, other veggies, and maybe some bacon (2 pieces max). I never use butter/oil for cooking. Lunch is a large mixed green salad with no dressing, 1/4 avocado, 1 tin tuna, peppers, cucumbers. Or sometime tin of tuna or ground beef in lettuce wraps with other veggies. Dinner is baked chicken breast or thighs (4oz), no skin, roasted Brussels sprouts or broccoli. Or sometimes soup made with chicken and veggies. Snacks are usually an apple it banana once a day.

    I am not eating more than I think, and unless my calorie intake should be like 500 calories a day, I should not be gaining this much weight without me knowing why or how.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    For months now, I've been gaining 1-2 pounds a week no matter how much I diet or exercise. I am having the worst time trying to lose any weight. I eat under 2000 calories a day always, but it's usually 1200-1500 (Never below 1200 including exercise). I fast one day a week, which I started due to the weight gain hoping it would help deter it.

    I eat low carb/paleo/gluten-free, so lots of veggies, eggs, protein (chicken, fish), and fruits, and very rarely nuts. I do not eat/drink any dairy products. Only drink black coffee, water, or tea.

    Exercise is only 30min 4-5 times a week. How am I gaining weight every single week? Even if I wasn't dieting, 2000 calories or less a day shouldn't cause this much weight gain. I keep a real journal, so my MFP journal is empty for the most part.

    I'm 27, female, 5'3".

    Are there any physical/medical reasons my body is gaining weight? My Dr. is testing for hypothyroid but is very doubtful that's what it is. I've been complaining to her for about 2 months now. She thinks it is also unlikely my paxil (SSRI) as it does cause weight gain, but usually not this fast and usually because it causes one to eat a lot, which I don't do.

    I'm so lost and helpless! I started this diet 6 months ago and I've gained 50 pounds instead!! :(:( I weight more now than I ever did and its making me so depressed.

    Sorry for posting twice but is blame it on the meds
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    For months now, I've been gaining 1-2 pounds a week no matter how much I diet or exercise. I am having the worst time trying to lose any weight. I eat under 2000 calories a day always, but it's usually 1200-1500 (Never below 1200 including exercise). I fast one day a week, which I started due to the weight gain hoping it would help deter it.

    I eat low carb/paleo/gluten-free, so lots of veggies, eggs, protein (chicken, fish), and fruits, and very rarely nuts. I do not eat/drink any dairy products. Only drink black coffee, water, or tea.

    Exercise is only 30min 4-5 times a week. How am I gaining weight every single week? Even if I wasn't dieting, 2000 calories or less a day shouldn't cause this much weight gain. I keep a real journal, so my MFP journal is empty for the most part.

    I'm 27, female, 5'3".

    Are there any physical/medical reasons my body is gaining weight? My Dr. is testing for hypothyroid but is very doubtful that's what it is. I've been complaining to her for about 2 months now. She thinks it is also unlikely my paxil (SSRI) as it does cause weight gain, but usually not this fast and usually because it causes one to eat a lot, which I don't do.

    I'm so lost and helpless! I started this diet 6 months ago and I've gained 50 pounds instead!! :(:( I weight more now than I ever did and its making me so depressed.
    I blame it on the paxil. I once
    Was on Zoloft and gained weight.
    Also my experience you have to choose you gonna do pales or calorie counting?
  • silken555
    silken555 Posts: 478 Member
    You mentiom age and height but not weight. Would it be possible to share that please?
  • YorriaRaine
    YorriaRaine Posts: 370 Member
    Are you weighing the foods you eat. Unless you tell us you weigh everything (from flour to sauce to EVERYTHING except maybe liquids), then you cannot tell us that you are not overeating.

    Start weighing your food.

    I would also start using mfp, instead of a real journal, you may not be accurately logging, mfp makes it easy. The only thing you have to watch out for is that some entries are wrong.
  • ebayaddict0127
    ebayaddict0127 Posts: 523 Member
    Paxil.... When I was on Zoloft I gained weight. When I was on Celexa, I gained. I couldn't get the weight off no matter how hard I tried. I'm now on Effexor and am finally able to lose. It's a slightly different class.

    And doctors will tell you these meds have no effect on your weight, but I beg to differ.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Chances are you're eating too much.
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    Do you eat the same foods each day? Do you not snack or have drinks other than water? I started at 1200 calories, lost 20lbs in about 8 months, then one day woke up starving so I am trying to exercise more so I can eat more, I am doing 1300 and have not lost in 2 weeks.
    I suggest logging all your food on this site and buying a food scale, I for one can guarantee that my portions are larger than what I am estimating, else I would have lost a few more lbs by now.
    BTW, I am also taking an SSR and have not gained weight, but now struggle losing.
    Wishing you lots of luck figuring this out, take the suggestions on here and be open-minded :)
  • morwilwarin
    morwilwarin Posts: 5 Member
    I weigh 188 as of this morning. Was 135 this time last year (was hoping to only lose 10 pounds, not gain 50!!)

    I do weigh everything! Every stinkin' ounce of everything I eat. I only weigh my food, I NEVER go by the serving size measurements, only the serving size weights.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    Can you open up your food diary. Feel free to look at
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    Paxil.... When I was on Zoloft I gained weight. When I was on Celexa, I gained. I couldn't get the weight off no matter how hard I tried. I'm now on Effexor and am finally able to lose. It's a slightly different class.

    And doctors will tell you these meds have no effect on your weight, but I beg to differ.
  • morwilwarin
    morwilwarin Posts: 5 Member
    I've just been doing some quick research since a few of you mentioned it actually may be the paxil. Looks like paxil is notorious for not only significant weight gain, but also making it impossible to lose weight! I am going back to the Dr. in a week to get my thyroid tests (hoping to not be hypothyroid, esp. at only 27!!), but I will tell her that I want to try switching my meds. I didn't realize how much these meds really affect your weight!!!
  • lexbubbles
    lexbubbles Posts: 465 Member
    Seriously, blame the meds. I was gaining 1.5lb per week eating 1,800 calories when I was on medication. Weight gain is a side effect, but it shouldn't have been as much or as fast as I was experiencing (they've taken me off for the time being so I can actually lose some weight)
  • Yilsip
    Yilsip Posts: 50
    Paxil.... When I was on Zoloft I gained weight. When I was on Celexa, I gained. I couldn't get the weight off no matter how hard I tried. I'm now on Effexor and am finally able to lose. It's a slightly different class.

    And doctors will tell you these meds have no effect on your weight, but I beg to differ.
    I meant to write that I was on Effexor and had barely any appetite, lost weight, but side effects were not good so had to change meds. I agree that they all affect your weight.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Some medications (including the ones listed in this thread) can make weight loss more difficult, but not impossible.
  • caminoslo
    caminoslo Posts: 239 Member
    Some medications (including the ones listed in this thread) can make weight loss more difficult, but not impossible.
    Obviously impossible for me.

    I quit Zoloft cold turkey after 2 months. Now that I'm off meds and doing paleo I've been losing slowly but surely