callumburnett Member


  • Banana - around 100 kcals per fruit and very filling.
  • You have to understand that nothing can replace strength work with a barbell/dumbbells etc. Most exercise done at home will only increase your strength to a point after which you will be working more for endurance. Weigh a backpack down when doing press-ups and pull ups and get creative with adding weight to your body. You…
  • Look up Starting strength or Stronglifts. Both are very good and well used beginner routines. Id start just using cardio as your warm up for lifting. And make sure if you do plan on doing it other than as a warm up do it after lifting.
  • You cannot spot reduce fat. Fact. If thats where your body stores its fat, thats where it stores it. What height are you? I used to be 69kg (181cm) and considered myself skinny. Id suggest that you start lifting with a calorie intake slightly above TDEE. Before you cut any more fat from your body i would bulk up a bit,…
  • Everyone seems to do it differently however i would agree with the weighting it raw.
  • Dont let another year pass you by - if you feel its due to age thats not really going to help. Perhaps try low impact exercise whilst you are injured. I hate advocating cross trainers etc normally but for injury rehabilitation they do have their uses. increased blood flow to the effected part of the body can also help…
  • It was just that in his post he mentioned he was a 25 year old man and his profile says differently. And hypertrophy comes later. If you have no strength base a routine based are hypertrophy is pretty ineffective. Big compound movements first and foremost.
  • Student Phys Ed teacher here so pretty active. In the summer i caddy for one of the best golf courses in the world so at least 6 miles a day doing that plus what ever i do at the gym. Couldn't stand an office job, i think id spontaneously combust.
  • That, im afraid, would be totally ineffective. Choose one and stick with it. What are your goals? You said you were going to be eating over TDEE and exercising so im guessing you are trying to add muscle?
  • TDEE - total daily energy expenditure. There are countless programmes on the net to calculate this including MFP. Macros - Percentage of Carbs/Protein/Fats. So for example im on 40% fats, 30% protein and 30% fats every day to make up my calorie allowance. Shredding/Cutting refer to going under your TDEE to lose body fat.…
  • This. SS (Starting strength) is your new best friend. Buy the book/read up on it on online. If your Pecs are worrying you most add in Bench to each workout. All sets are 3x5 except for deadlift where it advocates 5x1 (i prefer 3x3). Please watch some videos on proper form for all of the lifts, or ideally have someone coach…