

  • I vote for prepared, not nutty! If you're truly trying to make a lifestyle change, then your eating habbits need to change regardless of where you are. Even though it's a special occassion, it's good to plan ahead to keep yourself on track. Especially now that the holidays are coming up, there will be many "specail…
  • Seattle, WA
  • Occassionally I will if I want a special treat, but typically I don't. I don't find that I need or crave any extra calories, even with working out. But I would say that if you really feel hungry, this is your body's way of telling you something. :-)
  • That AWESOME!! I can absolutely see a difference, and you should be proud of how far you've come already! Focus on that, and not on how far you still have to go. :-)
  • I can SO relate! But yes, we all have those days. As long as you're not "munching away" every day, it's ok to give in once in a while. In fact, my experience has been that if I DON'T give in once in a while, I end up having a much bigger binge down the road. As was said earlier, your scale may not go down that day, but it…
  • Absolutely! I've done that with a number of recipes I have and am amazed at how much I can cut from the calories, fat, and sodium just by making a few tweeks!
  • U2 - How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb. Crazy fan got up on stage & Bono gave her a piggy back ride. :-D
  • I've found some great dinner recipes (under 500 cals) here: Even my non dieting family has loved them. Good luck! :-)
  • My own personal experience is that it doesn't make a difference, as long as you're still eating less than your body burns. I typically only have a latte in the morning (no "real" breakfast), and beacuse of my schedule, it's not unusual for me to eat within an hour of bedtime - but I've lost 20 lbs so far, and am still…
  • Welcome Emily! Making friends really DOES help to keep you motivated. Feel free to send me a friend request (open invite)! :D
  • I'm lucky that way. My son (10 years old) is VERY active, actually likes his veggies, and has been a great exercise buddy for me. :smile:
  • It's a dilema - but a wonderful one! Congrats, and way to go! Keep us posted, as these positive updates help keep the rest of us motivated, too! :-)
  • Will you lose weight? Yes - and quickly; however, I found it to be too extreme to stick for any extended period of time. And no matter how much weight you lose, if you end up putting it back on, it's no good. Better to learn good eating (and exercise) habits over time, so that you can actually lose and MAINTAIN your new…
  • I'm personally a fan of the clean shaven look; but really, you should do what feels right for you! If YOU like how you look, then that's all that really matters. :-)
  • I'm a newbie too! :-) I've been using the app for about 2 weeks and LOVE it! I have a long ways to go, but am already having great success. The app makes me stop & think before I eat something - do I really want to "spend" my calories on this? I'm starting to think of it like money. :D I love that it also makes me more…
  • I haven't tried it yet, but it looks good - and so far, everything I've tried off has come out delicious: