llalpaca Member


  • Marla, it happens to us all, otherwise we all wouldn't be here! Good luck in the next week. Mrsfitgoals, that's good! That's pretty much a pound, well done!
  • I weighed myself this morning and I'm down a pound! Hurray! Considering the work trip, wedding and mega-hangover binging, this is remarkable. Still, I'll take it! Well done everyone - Katie, walk_fit and hmaddpear it's so great that we're all going in the right direction :) Good luck Marla!
  • Welcome newcomers! I gained a pound. Boo. It's only the second gain I've had since starting this group, so I'll try not to feel too down about it. Going on a cycling weekend as of tomorrow though so hopefully that should shift some stubborn weight. Good luck and see you next week! L
  • Hi guys, great to see quite a few losses for the second week in a row, that's fantastic! Keep up the good work and have great weekends :) We all get an day off on Monday in England... fingers crossed I'll use it for exercise and not eating! Lucy
  • Wow, lots of losses this week! Amazing work, well done RosyBest, SassyD and cicibeanz!
  • Wow, well done to everyone that lost this week. This has been our best week for sure! TheGr8Kimbini - I had the same starting weight as you! Think I'm a few weeks ahead though - I'm currently 166.4. Sure you'll catch me up soon! Good luck in the next week everyone :)
  • That's awesome, well done cicibeanz! All good news so far.. :)
  • Congrats walk_ fit! Keep doing whatever is working!
  • Welcome walk_fit!
  • Well done Sassy D! It's so pleasing when that happens. And well done for keeping up the Shred. I always give up during the 2nd stage - it's the most horrid part! Check in when you can and keep up the good work! Til vacation time :)
  • Despite my two hen weekends in two weeks (ie tonnes of booze), I've got a good feeling about tomorrow. Good luck everyone!
  • Ah, lessons learnt... I also probably shouldn't have started this group the week before your long foody weekend in the US!
  • Welcome everyone and well done for sharing. Keep 'em coming!
  • Wow, great to see so many of us that seem to committed to a weigh in and a steady weight loss. It seems accountability is a big deal to most of us. I'll begin by setting up a board for tomorrow so we can announce our starting weights, and then let's see how we go from there! (I'm 31 and live in London, UK by the way)…
  • Up one pound on last week. Really disappointed :(
  • Greetings from London! I am 173.5 today - down one pound from last week, but I'm off work with shingles at the moment so haven't been able to exercise/move much at all. So I'm ok with 3 pounds over 2 weeks. Good luck to everyone else who has yet to weigh in and well done to all those that dropped 2 pounds!
  • Ok, I started last Tuesday, so I'll declare now: Made it! Down from 177 to 174.5 - 2.5 pounds. Happy with this start - 'only' 35 to go!
  • Hello! I am in the UK and my weigh-ins are Wednesday mornings, which I think is still Tuesday in the US so hope it's OK if I post then! I want to lose about 35 pounds before and need motivation to do this healthily, steadily and with the right choices. See you tomorrow! Lucy
  • Hello! I'm aiming to lose 30 pounds too. I'm 30 (seems apt) and am on week 3 of Insanity. I seem to be very well-behaved Monday - Wednesday, then the weekend starts seeping in and I stop posting my calories on here. A daily reason to log in would be great!
  • Is it too late to join? I'm starting with the Fit Test tonight! Eek.
  • Hi! I'm going to start today with the Fit Test actually! A little nervous...