butterfly1210 Member


  • Protein and fiber rich foods will keep you satisfied a lot longer. Think whole grains and lean proteins. Lots of options available. And a good protein bar to keep in your bag or purse is Think Thin Protein bars with 20gram of protein and 0 sugar. I keep those on hand for when I know I'm not going to be able to get a meal…
  • You're on the right track... maybe it's the type of food you're eating. Stay away from processed food/high sodium food. Eat protein, healthy grains, veggies and berries. And really stick to your calorie range. If you do that and walk 4 miles a day you should lose up to 2lbs a week! Good luck!
  • If you're doing most of your walking on a treadmill try and mix up your speed with your incline; like lower it to a 3.5mph and 6.0 incline and then go a little faster and then lower the incline... if you change it up 3 or 4 times during your total time on the treadmill it will help you burn more calories and makes it a…
  • Try Circuit Training... that is what the 30 Day Shred is; cardio mixed with strength training. I'm doing the same video right now too, mixing it up with the Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout.
  • I do the BL Last Chance DVD too and I enter it under circuit training, because that is pretty much what it is... cardio mixed with strength training. It is a GREAT way to work out and burns way more calories that just sitting on a treadmill. Good luck!
  • Try eating more protein and fiber rich foods. Whole grain breads, egg whites, almonds... add a slice or two of turkey with your veggie snacks or a teaspoon of peanut butter. That is what gets me through the day. Oroweat Health Full bread is full of grains and fiber and is only 80 calories a slice. Try to stay away from…
  • Wow, I'm exhausted just reading your schedule. I don't think you should feel guilty at all for letting laundry pile up or the house getting messy... you apparently get quite a lot done in your day so give yourself a break. I'm a stay at home mom and I still let the laundry pile up sometimes... that's just life. Spending…
  • Thanks for all the suggestions! I think tonight I will try some protein an hour before bed and not look at the tv or computer either... see if that helps. Also, I may start trying that one red potato a day. I really do seem to have this problem mostly when I cut out the white food. Of course it doesn't help either that my…
  • I used to use the Body Bug and it measures the amount of calories you burn by wearing a sensor on your upper arm. It NEVER matched what the machines said, especially the elliptical machine. It was a real eye opener for me as to what the machines said and what the BB said, such as the EM would say something like I burned…