dogladytwo Member


  • Lots of great advice here! I am having similar issues (gained 15 with late night eating) so I am plan to shift my big meal to dinner and add protein snack for bedtime. Carbs before bed are not my friend, tempting though they be!
  • I now have select machines that are on my 'get away from me' list :grin: ' I love the hm's as they truly are a good indicator of when you are being stupid just trying to get a good cardio workout. If I over extend myself, I am less likely to want to go work out so keeping it at a full but not stressed pace is essential for…
  • I would rather run as well....I have allergy related asthma but I do most of my training inside. I think I have less need of my inhaler when I am cardio fit so, if running does it for I must, Glad to hear I am not the only one that feels this way! :smiley:
  • A month back in the gym and today I finally broke the heart rate barrier on the treadmill! It is always too high and keeps the darn machine from doing inclines past the first part of the it stayed inclined the entire hour, with the second half of the workout higher than the first. Thank goodness, progress at…
  • I love my Wii! It got me moving back in 2012 when nothing else interested me. I still use it to weigh and occasionally play games with but I am healthy enough to go to the gym now and so I do....I am not sure there would be much advantage to the Wii U so I may just wait. Nothing last forever,after all. :) Pay station…
  • Losing the same 45 lbs. Again. I have kept off 45 of the lbs I lost in 2012-2103. I can't keep this other 45 off without exercise. I have made the food adjustments but I really hate exercise. I have to have goals so, for now, I have a goal of running a 5k in the spring. I can currently walk one in 50 minutes and I was…
  • Fourth 5K completed at 35:26 Not much improvement but at least an improvement. Life has me busy lately so running has taken a back seat (I ran just often enough to maintain evidently) but I am back at it with a gusto! I am running another one Dec. 7th and I am determined to trounce this time by several minutes, if not 5!
  • I added back a few calories on my daily food, but I splurge on the weekends (I just don't go overboard) so it all equals out in the end. I have been maintaining since May and think I have found a way to have my cake and eat it too! :)
  • dairy is about it for me, short of broccoli and nuts. I know you said besides dairy, but I use plain nonfat yogurt (I use it generously instead of sour cream as well as in fruit parfaits), cheese (sparingly) and I supplement as well. I hate milk but have it in protein shakes and cereal. I get the calcium chews (caltrate)…
  • Hi, I am Kristin and a computer programmer, old school mainframe, if anyone knows what that is anymore. At 50, I am an IT baby dinosaur if you consider the fact that all the people I work with are about 20 years older than myself. I am active in animal rescue and am in the process of placing my 157th foster animal in a…
  • I bet eating more turkey will help keep you satisfied and you might even see the carb craving lessen somewhat (that's what happened for me, I still like my carbs, but I am so busy fitting in the protein, who has room for them, lol) Good luck to you!
  • Wii fit got me off the couch 2 years ago and I built up from there to running 5K's and losing a total of 90 pounds! NEVER thought this would be me. Start small and fun like Wii fit and then make a game of challenging yourself! (I just kept trying to beat my best scores on them for the first year, then I joined a gym when I…
  • When I was young I never needed anyone And making love was just for fun Those days are gone Livin' alone I think of all the friends I've known When I dial the telephone Nobody's home All by myself Don't wanna be All by myself Anymore Hard to be sure Sometimes I feel so insecure And loves so distant and obscure Remains the…
  • 5' 8.5" at 145 with good muscle mass and am hoping to keep it right here!:drinker:
  • When I eat a toasty warm red velvet Pop Tart, the song MacArthur Park plays in my head. All that sweet cream icing (filling) flowing down. so good!
  • Congrats, and yes, it is a very happy day!
  • I totally agree, they are totally WRONG on sugar so I just pay attention to carbs. If it were only added sugar, they would be on track, as it is, I ignore.
  • here's the good news: either! congrats!
  • I agree with you totally! I never ate back my burned calories, just stuck with a calorie range and it worked! 90 lb down! I now eat more calories, but am not losing much, which is fine since I am right at where I want to be and I am trying to navigate into what will be my way of life from here on in. Good for you and best…
  • But you went to the Y! That is huge among chaos! way to stick to! :)
  • slow and steady will get you to the finish line! Go and enjoy and congrats at hitting your two mile mark. That is a huge accomplishment!
  • My 3 Spring 2013 5K's are now complete with my third time of 35:47 in the PAL Run Walk Wag this morning. I shaved a minute off my time so I am happy. I will now train until the fall, and then I plan to run at least one more to finish out the year.
  • thanks for posting this. I am suffering too and my 5K training is way off!. I had hoped to increase my pace for my upcoming run, but I am going to count it as a total success just running it at all. Zyrtec helps but I keep an inhaler handy as well ( I have allergy related ashtma) Good luck and, believe me, I feel your pain!
  • Good for you! Fun is the BEST exercise! I started exercising by playing Wii Fit! Totally changed how I looked at exercise! FUN, who knew? Congrats and keep on shakin your groove! :)
  • chocolate. essential for living.
  • 2nd 5K went smoothly. 36.44! (I will run #3 in 3 weeks!) racing against myself is fun. :smile:
  • woo hoo! I don't know what it is about that 199 that feels soooooooo good! :) Great work!:drinker:
  • 39.3 and was 119th out of 227 so I fit right in there.....
  • I think you are like me, I like slow and steady progress. Running just isn't that way, I guess. I am having a bad running week but that just means next week will be great. Off then on this whole time. (I finished C25K a few weeks back). just like the hills we tackle in running, just tackle this valley with determination.…
  • I have the hardest time late in the day too. I try to leave 'a little on the table' for that time. There are some people that say not to eat too late but, if you are going to do it anyway, do it within budget and don't feel guilty. sometimes I get tired of having plan every bite but it has worked for me so far. not easy…