
megot78 Posts: 31 Member
That's all I can think about right now. I just want some candy. Swedish Fish, Lemonheads, Mike & Ike, Gummy Bears.

This too, shall pass, but until it does I just wanna scream, "GIMME SOME CANDY!!!!!"

What's your favorite candy when you allow yourself to have it?


  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I only discriminate against mint and peanut butter. Everything else is fair game! :-)
  • PunyPete
    PunyPete Posts: 14 Member
    I eat jaffa cakes and rich tea biscuits to get where I want to be. All about hitting macros/calories.
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    chocolate. essential for living.
  • briabner
    briabner Posts: 427 Member
    I am a big fan of dove chocolates. My favorites are dove dark chocolate (only 42 calories per piece) and dove milk chocolate with carmel (only 40 calories per piece)
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    Peanut butter cups and Milky Way Midnights. When I'm really craving chocolate but don't want to splurge too much, I'll have a small handful of m&ms.
  • DesDawn24
    DesDawn24 Posts: 147 Member
    Dinosours. Especially the red and green ones. They are my weakness! I'll only let myself buy some every couple weeks, and when I do it's from the bulk bin so I can buy just enough to satisfy the craving.
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    Chocolate covered raisins, Mounds bar, Lindor Lindt chocolate truffles, Reese's PB cups
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    M&M's, Mike&Ike and classic jelly beans. I have some almost every day.
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    Almond joys, peanut M&M's and cinnamon bears are my downfall.
  • DankaCibulka
    DankaCibulka Posts: 91 Member
    chocolate ice cream:)
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    The very occasional hard candy that's usually sugar free or ONE gourmet jelly bean.
  • lisa198013
    lisa198013 Posts: 6 Member
    I love the caramel filled Hershey Kisses... 21 calories a piece
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Chocolate, of course, Cadbury creme eggs or caramel eggs. I still have a couple of dozen.
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Hershey's Hugs & Kisses and Sour Patch Watermelons! YOMMMM.
  • lisapalla
    lisapalla Posts: 21 Member
    smarties and lemonheads
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I love gummy bears, but I usually don't keep them around these days. That being said, I have much better self-control these days, so when I do have something like that, I can get by with less than a listed serving.
  • deannakittygirl
    deannakittygirl Posts: 228 Member
    dark chocolate! I work it into my day often.
  • knitbytes
    knitbytes Posts: 114
    Butterfinger bars. Luckily I discovered that Slim Fast makes a snack bar (peanut butter crunch time snack bar) that is VERY similar to a butterfinger and OMG so delicious! Best part is it's only 100 calories.
  • Brizoeller
    Brizoeller Posts: 182 Member
    The very occasional hard candy that's usually sugar free or ONE gourmet jelly bean.

    One jelly bean? Was that a joke?