

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Ok Alfie it is 4 of my friends all picked same name...Wendy awesome suggestion...

    Allie, not wild about the name either. Maybe something that expresses this new part of your life. Indie as in independence?

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Also, Captain Finn is what I call my Beta fish at work.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi all,

    Mary, love baby buns. That is so very cute.

    Joyce, I know the temptation to use your arm but please go easy on it so that it won’t take longer to heal.

    Bbjnkidz, welcome to the group. Can you tell us a little about yourself and what you want to be called?

    Becca, love the ornaments. Can’t wait to get my tree up this weekend.

    Betty, Good for you not giving up. You should continue because YOU ARE WORTH IT! I know you can do this. I can hear how discouraged you are. Try to push through this time period. Just think how much worse off you would be if you didn’t lose the weight. My advice is to focus on something else. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my head that it becomes overwhelming. I’m on meds too. ((HUGS))

    Heather, congrats on the memoir. What’s next?

    Kelly, Joaquin is so cute. I’m sure he will love the gifts more than Santa.

    Okie, the mention of bubble wrap reminds me that I’m going to roll up some and tie it up with a pretty ribbon and maybe a Christmas ornament as a stress reliever to give as one of my secret Santa gifts. We do one a day for a week. We give just little things. Most that don’t cost anything. This year my gifts will have a “recycled” theme.

    Marceyln, you have more snow than I do in VT. But I hear it is coming soon.

    Karen, since my daughter is adopted I never had to try and guess the sex. I’m going to say boy for obvious reasons.

    Here is a picture of one of the bookmarks made from a Christmas card I had saved from last year. Knew I saved them for a reason. DD and I had fun making them. It was a Youtube video. I’m making them for gifts this year.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2017
    Kelly - Joaquin's pout is the most precious thing I've every seen <3<3<3

    Mary, I agree that baby diaper peeking out of the hospital gown is absolutely classic :)

    Terry the bookmarks are gorgeous :)

    Thanks for sharing,
    Janetr OKC
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited December 2017
    Terry in VT Ooh! I like the bookmarks!

    Edited to add: I just watched the You Tube, Terry, and I like your bookmarks better, they are more artistically planned. Great work!

    Karen in Virginia
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Oh, about the Christmas decorations/ornaments. My tree is up (did I tell you that?); but it's still naked. lol The kids ask every day "Miss Kel, when are you going to put lights and ornaments on?" I told them I will do it this weekend. It has been nice to have the smell of the tree all week, without the worry of the little hands all over it. I even gate it off, mainly so that they can't get under it or try to climb it (it has happened before the gate idea). But they always want to touch. Many of my ornaments are bells and miniature nutcrackers. Then there are the eight to ten cardinals that I have perched here and there on some fake snow on the branches. I will post a pic or two when I get it done. Also not in a big hurry because putting on the lights is my LEAST favorite thing to do during this season! What a headache.
    Karen- Is that a butt shot? Looks like the legs and butt and wee-wee of a boy. Congrats!
    Terry- L <3 VE the bookmarks! Do you make them for craft shows?
    Rye- You are an angel to be caring for that feral cat. Sounds like over the years he is becoming more of your "outdoor" cat, rather than a feral cat. He seems to like how you love him. o:)
    Marcelyn and Cheri and Sue- Wow! Just WOW! On the snow! :o DD called this morning asking if both of her winter coats were here. Yup. Both here in snowy Michigan. We are sending her one in the mail today! How bad does it get down there with four inches of snow? Do the schools close? Are there travel advisories? Just wondering what we may be driving into in January.
    Okie- A neighborhood party! You lucky gal! We used to have those in our old neighborhood; then we moved into this house and this neighborhood doesn't get together. We used to hold a neighborhood Halloween Party, but as the kids of the main families grew up, the party petered out. I like your gift idea for your sister. I think that is how you should shop for people. Listen to what they talk about. Most people talk about things that they like or want. I tell my kids that all of the time, when they say "...but we didn't know what to buy you!" Me: "I'm your mom! Think about all of the things I have mentioned that I would love to have and also think of what I have gotten you. I buy you the things that I like." <3

    ttfn KJ
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Oh, about the Christmas decorations/ornaments. My tree is up (did I tell you that?); but it's still naked. lol The kids ask every day "Miss Kel, when are you going to put lights and ornaments on?" I told them I will do it this weekend. It has been nice to have the smell of the tree all week, without the worry of the little hands all over it. I even gate it off, mainly so that they can't get under it or try to climb it (it has happened before the gate idea). But they always want to touch. Many of my ornaments are bells and miniature nutcrackers. Then there are the eight to ten cardinals that I have perched here and there on some fake snow on the branches. I will post a pic or two when I get it done. Also not in a big hurry because putting on the lights is my LEAST favorite thing to do during this season! What a headache.
    Karen- Is that a butt shot? Looks like the legs and butt and wee-wee of a boy. Congrats!
    Terry- L <3 VE the bookmarks! Do you make them for craft shows?
    Rye- You are an angel to be caring for that feral cat. Sounds like over the years he is becoming more of your "outdoor" cat, rather than a feral cat. He seems to like how you love him. o:)
    Marcelyn and Cheri and Sue- Wow! Just WOW! On the snow! :o DD called this morning asking if both of her winter coats were here. Yup. Both here in snowy Michigan. We are sending her one in the mail today! How bad does it get down there with four inches of snow? Do the schools close? Are there travel advisories? Just wondering what we may be driving into in January.
    Okie- A neighborhood party! You lucky gal! We used to have those in our old neighborhood; then we moved into this house and this neighborhood doesn't get together. We used to hold a neighborhood Halloween Party, but as the kids of the main families grew up, the party petered out. I like your gift idea for your sister. I think that is how you should shop for people. Listen to what they talk about. Most people talk about things that they like or want. I tell my kids that all of the time, when they say "...but we didn't know what to buy you!" Me: "I'm your mom! Think about all of the things I have mentioned that I would love to have and also think of what I have gotten you. I buy you the things that I like." <3

    ttfn KJ

    First time I've tried the bookmarks. They are pretty easy to make (especially if you have two good hands. I made them just for small token gifts for me to give this year. I've got some other things I'm going to try as well and will post pics if they turn out.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Kelly As Heather noted, it's a boy! Katie is in shock, she was sure it was another girl. She's a bit discombobulated, LOL!

    Terry OK, this is my first attempt at a bookmark, minus the hole & ribbon. Not as nice and neat as yours, but I am kind of excited about doing this with old cards I love (what good are they? I would eventually throw them away). And people do still read real books, so...


    Karen in Virginia

    I think your bookmark looks good! They really aren't too bad to made either. Love a quick craft.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Wendy: Tell all. How do you do the unicorn horn? :huh:

    Allie: Yesterday I met a woman with an elderly Yorkie-poo while I was out walking my dog. Her little dog was full of zip and energy at past 15 years old. Good luck with the job and the pup, and congratulations! :star: I like dog names with two syllables so Toby & Alfie appeal to me more than Finn does. I think the two syllable names make it easier to call the dog. Just my thoughts.

    bbjnkidz: I am sorry for your loss, especially at the holiday season. :(((HUGS)))

    M in OZ: The holiday meal sounds like it is quite a feast. I love prawns, but no chowders for me as they universally contain milk or cream & I can't digest it. It sounds like there are plenty of choices and you should be able to take good care of yourself. :star:

    Becca: I have never seen Larry, Moe and Curley Santas before. What a hoot! :bigsmile: We have some crocheted snowflakes like yours that I bought at a craft sale in the 1980's.

    (((Betty ROC & Barbara, the southern Oregon Coastie))) Never give up on yourselves. Barbie is an excellent success story of someone who has grappled with cholesterol issues and come out healthier than ever. The right medicine and lifestyle choices can work miracles for you. Don't give up until you've found the balance that works for you. :heart: DH has a home blood-pressure monitor from ihealth. He's had guidance from his doctors, and found an article in NPR about six months ago that helped him get accurate readings. :flowerforyou: :star::flowerforyou:

    I actually got my slippers on my feet and the stubbed toe is not complaining. I think I'll give yoga a try today. Were having a bit of deja vu all over again. The furnace isn't working & needs a new part. We expect to get it all done today for a price. $750+ seems high to me. There is a $600 part, plus labor and incidentals. :ohwell: I'd rather not freeze again this winter. It has to be done. :grumble:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    Heather posted a quote similar to this that I wanted to use, but I couldn't recall it quite right. I went online and found this one.

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    How bad does it get with 4" of snow in Houston.... well......

    North of us it isn't a problem. They get snow enough that people know how to drive in it, or on ice. The biggest problem in Houston is people refuse to slow down so they are trying to drive 70mph bumper to bumper on ice and you can imagine the mess it creates. We have so many overpasses and fly-overs that ice badly and that's where the majority of accidents happen.

    I was raised in the Colorado mountains and grew up driving snow so I just stay home until the idiots get off the road... lol

    Yes, they have travel advisories out. Yes, schools can be closed. Today they were all just delayed in opening, the schools opted to wait a couple of hours until the ice thawed.

    I always love when it snows in Houston. You see the news crews out doing "on the spot" news segments and they are videoing one lone single snowflake falling... people really do lose their heads over it. lol But to be fair it isn't really their fault, they just haven't experienced much snow. In fact this snowfall is the first time that two of my grandchildren, ages 4 and 6 have ever seen snow. No kidding, they've never seen it. Their dad got them up at 4 am to make sure they got to see it and play in it before it melted... a good dad, he knew how excited they would be. And they were! Played in it, got pictures, went back to bed then got up and played in the bit remaining.

    hoping her lemon tree survived at the home house
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 401 Member
    Thanks for all the encouragement and advice, ladies! I guess I have been trying to control these cholesterol numbers for so long and do not want to admit that I might not be able to control this either. There is so much else in my life that I cannot control right now. I am going to visit the doctor on Monday and consider my options.

    The past six months have been pretty much nonstop stress for me. I could write a book. Through all that I have kept logging and mostly staying within my calorie allotment and trying to exercise when I can. It was just so disheartening to see the numbers go up. But maybe this is one thing I have to stop worrying about for now. Barbie, you have said some inspirational things and I thank you for them.

    Just about an hour ago I got word that my friend had died. Feeling very sad but I left my desk and went for my lunchtime walk anyway. Tried to enjoy the sunshine and blue sky. I think I need to spend the rest of the year tying up some loose ends and figuring out what I can shoot for next year. What is do-able? What is really important for me to do? For those of your who are still working--how do you fit exercise in to your life? Especially you colder climate ladies? I do the lunchtime walk and try to hit the elliptical a couple of times a week, and cannot figure out how to do more and still sleep and do laundry etc.

    I probably have a year to a year and a half to go before I can retire. But I am more determined than ever to have a healthy and active retirement. My friend only enjoyed hers for a year before the cancer struck.

    I am enjoying the crafts you all are posting. If I can get my hems done I will take a picture of my embroidery for you.

    Betty ROC
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Betty, sorry that your friend has passed. I believe in a pain-free, beautiful spirit world of joy, so she is in a better place now, I believe. We all have to take the journey one day. Reading near-death visits to the other world give me so much peace...

    Katla, I am still working on the perfect unicorn horn but trialling and gathering ideas. Apparently you can order some pretty cool ones. I am trying home=made ones first. I found a likely stick on one of my forest walks and painted it horn colour, (ivory) then hot glued it to a flower head band and just put the headband on Esme's forehead and arranged her forelock around the base of the horn. I have heard of using paper mache to make horns as well as clay. The problem is the weight of the horn will pull the band downwards and make the horn droop, and of course movement will also affect the placement of the horn. I am trying to design something I can ride with that will stay pertly upright. I think people glue them or attach them through holes and twine to the headband of their bridles. I really wanted to make a horn that would stay in place without needing any bridle or band...using fishing line to attach it invisibly... May be possible on a horse with a thick forelock to braid it into the forelock. So, 1. create a very lightweight horn 2. attach to headband, bridle band or forelock. Anybody else have any bright ideas? I can feel my next photo shoot coming on...

    I'm loving those bookmarks. Do you use a craft knife to cut out all those little windows, or is there a crafty secret?
    <3 Wendy
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Betty My job is pretty stressful and busy and I live in NY (here comes the snow!) so I can relate about fitting it all in. If I had a treadmill or eliptical or bike at home, I know I would just start my day that way then head to work. I don't so I pack my gym clothes along with my lunch and a snack, i change into my workout clothes before I leave work, I walk out of work with the gym clothes on and drive to the gym. I don't always stay 45 minutes, sometimes all I've got in me is 30 minutes but it is something and has made a difference in keeping me in maintenance and my bp in the normal range. It is a small thing, but I try to be consistent with it, if not I would not feel as happy, not as energetic and couldn't eat the foods I enjoy.

    So sorry about the loss of your friend, I think a walk in the sunshine was the right thing to do, peace-filled.

    That southern snow is headed my way, I may get a snowday from my rehearsal tomorrow (not sure if I'm happy about that or not). I did manage to get in some frantic grocery shopping before I got home, so we are all set for a happy snowy morning tomorrow, big breakfast in bed if it snows, always fun!

  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Today, Friday, my husband and I both had very long busy days at work, although his was about 3 hours longer than mine! Since I was off earlier than he was, I had the time to go to the first Carol's Service of the season. :) I've been going to this one for the past 4 years and I enjoy it. My husband has accompanied me for 2 of those years, and was hoping to come with me today, but he had too much work to do ... and in fact, will be putting in a full day tomorrow (Saturday) as well.

    Then I went down to the local oval and ran 2.2 km! Round and round and round ...

    I struggled running 1.2 km yesterday because I had difficulty breathing. But during the run, it occurred to me that my asthma was acting up (I was squeaking when I was breathing), so today I used my inhaler before I went out and it was better. This year has been really bad for hay fever, and I'm guessing running around a grass oval with trees surrounding might be affecting me.

    I'm still not loving running, but I'm thinking it might give me more "bang for my buck" than walking and possibly also than cycling. It might also help me improve my cardiovascular system. Maybe less huffing and puffing cycling up hills.

    M in Oz

    I would rather run as well....I have allergy related asthma but I do most of my training inside. I think I have less need of my inhaler when I am cardio fit so, if running does it for me.....run I must, Glad to hear I am not the only one that feels this way! :smiley: