

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Sending prayers for your parents Beth.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited December 2017
    Beth - I feel for you over your dad and also your mum. You must be feeling so anxious. <3 Hoping for the best outcome.

    Katla - Also sad about your dog. What a worry! I hope he manages to improve on his own.
    Great news about the new grandson. Nothing is better than that! :D<3

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,431 Member
    Katla - congrats on the new grandson! My DH's brother was born on Christmas day and his middle name is Noel ;-). So sorry to hear about your dog! Glad the meds are working - hopefully he'll have many more happy years with the help of a little medicine from time to time. To me, if they can eat and do their business, they are doing pretty good! How old is your pupster?

    Karen in VA - love the story of your mom and the reservation! Do you have photos? That history is a wonderful thing to leave for the children.

    Heather - also loved the story of Elizabeth and Don and the chrysanthemums! Isn't in interesting the little things we notice and remember as children - gnarled hands, dirty fingernails, smashing earwigs at night. Precious, precious memories. Thank you for sharing them so eloquently. I can see their red cheeks. I think it's good for our brains to bring these "photos" back and turn them over in our hearts, because that's what we do.

    Rye - I want to move into your house and live among the floor to ceiling library. By golly, one of these days... Looks very cozy and inviting, that's for sure.

    Beth, your tree and home looks so inviting too. Praying too for your folks and your dad's surgery. So glad a neighbor is there for them. I can't remember - did they move into a senior community or an assisted living situation? UPDATE - Yay, only adhesions! Much better than sewing parts of the bowel together! Hope he has a speedy and easy recovery. Your mom must be very relieved!

    Thanks to all of you sharing your Christmas photos, I enjoy each and every one!

    Wendy - way to go! Glad you made it and didn't get blistered up. I too thought the gal was being a little tough on you at the initial phone "interview" considering the folks that are in the hiking club that may need close watching, but I can see why now. Loved the victory photo, lol. You are so kind to welcome needy folks and dogs into your house like that.

    - that sparkly Christmas bulb is really cute. I was going to gripe about it only being 38 here right now but I'll be quiet. You have some REAL winter weather to contend with. Drive safely and stay warm!!

    Felicia - don't blame you for being stressed out about Mexico. Best vacations I ever had were with girlfriends, lol, at least when it came to finding fun things to do together. DH's make us roll our eyes way too much!!!! GGRR. I truly understand his frustration and being caught up in the job thing. Wave at me when you whip by the Hwy 12 off ramp on I-5 north of Toledo. I'm about three miles down the road! Have a good time on the Olympic peninsula!

    - well, after I posted about my DH not eating, his appetite came back! Thank goodness. NO guarantee it will last. I do wonder too if it's part of the RA thing or their stomachs get jumpy from the arthritis meds or what?? I bought a rotisserie chicken today so hopefully he can help me eat on that at least a couple days. If I outlive him, absolutely NO WAY I'd ever get married again! We are a lot alike but I'm also the "up" person (or try to be) and he has depression/anger so badly sometimes (I know they are related) .... I try to be understanding - sometimes the best I can do is just stay out of his way. I'm sure all marriages are that way at times. I just have to admit there are things I just cannot fix. He's one of them, lol.

    OK, time to get busy around here.

    SW WA State
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Beth Sending peace and healing thoughts to your mom and dad.
    <3<3 NYKAREN
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    evening ladies~ fed and walked the dogs.... and the baby did his business outside..
    have alot to do before work tomorrow... gonna hit the hay early...
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Beth, happy to hear that your dad is doing better than expected, must be a huge relief for everyone involved!
    Katla, sorry to hear about the dog, hope the meds help.... on the bright side, certainly cheaper than surgery! And congrats on the new grandson! That is so awesome!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Beth- So glad your dad is doing well. I have been in Hospital twice for sbo and it is no fun. So far I have not had to have surgery but go 4-5days without food or water just iv fluids.
    Terry - I like those sappy movies two but it is always obvious how they will end.
    Made my Cajun chicken gumbo this afternoon. Will freeze it tonigh to take to DS’s for Christmas Eve dinner.
    My goal for the holidays was to maintain and I am hanging on by a thread. I love the matra no two days in a row.
    SueBDew n TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I've been missing in action with a family pet crisis. Our dog fell off of a hassock in our bedroom and damaged his back. We took him to our vet who wanted him to have surgery and referred us to a specialty vet clinic. They declined to perform the surgery due to his age and condition, and sent us to another vet clinic miles away. They also declined to perform surgery. They gave us a bill for the evaluation anyway and sent us home. We went from there back to our vet and worked up a plan using a number of medicines. Our dog is doing better today, and can walk outside to do his business. We have an appointment for him to be seen again on 12/29.

    On the even brighter and most fabulous side, we have a brand new grandson! He and mom are healthy and doing well. Our son is in the clouds with pleasure and happiness. Baby's name is still a secret. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Foggy NW Oregon

    sorry to hear about your poocher :0(
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :'(Katla, so sorry to hear about your pooch. Hope the meds will keep him happy and with you for a long time. <3
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    DH's tooth is out. His face is swollen and he is miserable; but he has good painkillers that make him go to sleep! (Thank God) >:) This tooth was one of his upper molars. His upper jawbone seems much stronger than the lower. Earlier this year he had a tooth out on the lower jaw and the bone splintered and kept coming up through his gums for about a month or so after the removal. I really hope this doesn't happen with this one.

    I feel for him. Mine is still giving me trouble and it has been weeks.

    klanders30 wrote: »
    DH is in a terrible mood, the holidays set him off horribly. I'm just ignoring it and going about my business. We've never had the happiest time together at this time of year, I've grown use to it I suppose. No regrets, he is actually quite good company the rest of the year, go figure!

    Is there something he'd like to do rather than the traditional Christmas stuff?

    I like the whole Christmas thing, but a couple of my favourite Christmasses with my husband have been when we've gone away, just the two of us, and have spent a few days cycling, swimming and hiking ... with no family or anything around.
    My cancer friend managed to scald her arm while making tea in the hospital this morning. She said the b÷=×+ nurse was an angel. :laugh: Waiting to hear if they have let her out.

    Oh, ouch. Having burnt my left foot to the bone with boiling water, I cringe when I read something like this!! :astonished:

    langman22 wrote: »
    Happy Friday before Christmas!

    Machka, I’m usually in bed by 7 or 8 so that I can read until 11:00. Although first I check in with my MFP friends.

    Every night? How do you manage it?

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    The stockings were hung by the Chimney with care...

    House is mostly ready for the big family gathering here Monday. I love sitting in my living room just feeling the season.


    Fa la la la, la la la la


    Is that your place? Very nice! I could be quite comfortable there. :)
    I discovered that my mysterious hiking boots that I found abandoned upstairs (where my kids, their boyfriends and visitors often just leave unwanted clothes and things) did just fine on a challenging hike and did not put any blisters or black toes on my feet. I do need to update my day pack. I was using one that actually belongs to my horse Mani-he won it as a prize at a horse show for being so clever- but it didn't sit quite right and made my shoulders and neck ache. So I will be keeping an eye out for the sales and get myself a newer model made for women. And I am going to trial using a walking pole as I could see they came in handy in places. I do like having my hands free for grabbing onto rocks but if I get a telescoping stick, I can hang it off my pack until I need it. It was a good "learning" hike for me. Plus I spent the whole time talking to the others about their favourite hikes and places they'd been. So entertaining!

    That is one thing I like about doing things like this with a group of people ... it is entertaining and you get tips. :)

    Just getting into running, I've found a couple people at work who I can talk to. It's helpful! One had loaned me a book over the Christmas season.

    M in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    Rocky’s 1st Christmas with Santa, I still miss him
  • HandiCrafter
    HandiCrafter Posts: 56 Member
    edited December 2017
    Just checking in. Have a warm and safe evening.
    Martha in Eastern Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Went to the deep water class. Boy, it seems like so long since I've been there. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Stephanie Vittorio Body DVD

    When I got to the class I realize "oh c***, I forgot to eat breakfast". Fortunately, I have some mints with me so I had them just to get something in my stomach

    Sharon - I hope you get better fast

    Wendy - BIG CONGRATS to you

    Lisa - what mountain range are you going to? (hope, hope, hope it's near me)

    Heather - my heart goes out to your friend. Elizabeth was a really special person

    Terry - trust me, staying away from those cookies was HARD. Today the gal who teaches the water class gave us some candy. Well, I was super hungry since I didn't have any breakfast so I had 2 kisses. The thing is, that really didn't affect me at all. I only had them so that I had something in my stomach since I was so hungry after class. First the mints before class, then the chocolates after class. But home to have my oatmeal with strawberries and almond milk.

    The Y started this new guest policy. Get this -- it would cost someone $5 if they come with a Y member and $10 if they don't come with a member. At those prices, there is no way I would use the Y. Actually, the Y by Jess charges you $5 but I have guest passes and use them the few times I can use the Y. If it weren't for the guest passes, I would only use the fitness center at the hotel. Heck, I've already paid for it.

    Stopped at WalMart to get more cod so it can start to defrost and also wanted to get more sardines. They're pretty filling. They don't carry the brand that I like, so I got another brand.

    Will be leaving in a few to take Jess to the airport.

    Rye - I do hope one of those packages is for me :) Great picture

    Beth - Prayers coming from NC. Update: they must have worked, so glad he's better somewhat. I know that this puts your mind somewhat at ease

    katla - so sorry about your dog. But big congrats on the grandson. What a Christmas present!

    Took Jess to the airport. She called, she's in TN now.

    Michele in NC