

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Kelly I had no doubt you were gonna fill up your roster, you rock! Enjoy every second of your 2 weeks off, today alone will be a test of your strength, this is my last day before break and it's gonna be a long one.

    DH is in a terrible mood, the holidays set him off horribly. I'm just ignoring it and going about my business. We've never had the happiest time together at this time of year, I've grown use to it I suppose. No regrets, he is actually quite good company the rest of the year, go figure!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    desismileys_0522.gif Wendy, Congratulations on your amazing achievement and thank you for telling us about the challenges you encountered.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited December 2017
    Becca stunning!

    Extra sleep can help with will power. Something to think about. Reach for the pillow not the treat.

    :heart: Margaret

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Just noticed that the bulb I attached has wording on it. Anyone know what it says?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member

    Extra sleep can help with will power. Something to think about. Reach for the pillow not the treat.

    :heart: Margaret

    Good plan. In fact, I am usually more hungry when I'm tired ... it's the body's way of crying out for options to help it stay awake and functioning, so carbs are usually right at the top of the list because the body figures sugar might be a good choice to give things a boost. However, a 20 minute nap would probably be a better choice if a person can fit one in.

    Over the last few days, I've picked up all sorts of running clothes. I have a massive heap of cycling clothes, but wasn't sure what to wear when running. Now I have a collection!
    A friend has also loaned me a book about running.
    I'm planning to have my gait checked and get the right shoes early in the new year.
    And ... I'm off and running!

    No, I am not giving up my cycling. In fact, I'm hoping that the running will give my fitness level a boost and that I will be able to cycle longer and stronger more easily.
    We'll see.

    So after leaving work early today (everyone did), I went shopping and amassed much of that collection of running gear. :)

    I also picked up several different boxes of tea in different flavours as a very low cal treat ... and a whole bunch of baking supplies. I plan to bake over the next week or so! There's a reason I'm running and cycling.

    My husband got off work early too, and so we stopped at a cafe we had never been to before for lunch, and then decided to go to a Thai place we'd never been to for dinner. Very nice, and we'd go back to both.

    The lunch place had a music theme, and a woman was at a grand piano in the corner playing various songs, some Christmas, some of other sorts. It was a great way to begin the immediate holiday season ... sandwiches and lemon meringue ice cream while listening to live piano. :)

    We were also very pleased to have discovered the Thai place ... it was recommended to my husband. We had tried a Chinese place in our suburb a little while ago, but didn't really like it. It felt straight out of the 1970s with an attitude that they didn't really care whether we stayed or got up and left. We have got a couple good Indian places, but wanted something a little bit different ... and now we've got it!

    And now I must go to bed ... almost too tired to get out of my chair and walk down the hall!

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    well Auntie Jean met Alfie and of course Uncle Sean, and Buddy there dog, has a new cousin to play with...
    Tom changed his flight so will be coming in at 1, rather than 10pm, so will be a whirling dervish when I get home tonight...
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Good morning ladies. The surgeon gave me meds for my TMJ so hopefully I will be normal in a week or so. I have to continue my no chew eating for at least another few days. He said if I’m feeling up to it I can try soft food Christmas Day if I must. The upside is I don’t have to worry about holiday weight gain or food temptations. My weight had a nice drop this morning.

    Have a great Friday!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country

    I'd say just hit the egg nog but with the meds you better stick to sparkling grape juice.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Almost caught up will post later.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    Forgot to say - Beth, your decs and home look amazing considering how busy you've been! I don't know how you do it! <3

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 675 Member
    Amazing Wendy...what a hike. Love the Christmas pictures everyone. Wishing everyone a good Friday.

    Betsy in NW Washington
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Terry Thanks. I believe you are right and I need to contact Wayne. He'll remember my mom, of course, and will probably appreciate the contact. I will remind him of the story of his adventure with his brothers...that will give him a smile...

    Wendy Amazing! Was the skeptical woman along? I'm really amazed she thought you might not be fit enough when there were people with medical conditions that went! You were a hero and an Amazon!

    Karen in Virginia
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Happy Friday before Christmas!

    Pip, I so enjoy seeing your ornaments. You must have the funkiest tree in town. Love it.

    Becca, the London pic reminds me of our Christmas in Madrid. Beautiful! Yes, I’m a cat lover.

    Michele, good for you staying away from the cookies. Wish I can say the same. Eating out of control. It will be good to get out of work and away from all the goodies.

    Karen, I think you should try and contact Wayne. I spent time with my cousin when little (he is a year older) but not as an adult until about 5 years ago when we reconnected. I’m glad I did as he is the only family I have contact with and I’m the only family he contacts. We both have sisters we don’t speak to and both our parents have passed. I love him and am so glad we have reconnected. My ex husband was always miserable during the holidays. It was because of his childhood. The holidays always brought up bad memories for him. Seems better now (or so DD says).

    Machka, I’m usually in bed by 7 or 8 so that I can read until 11:00. Although first I check in with my MFP friends.

    Sharon, looks like we are going to be right there with you as far as snow goes. Suppose to get a storm today. It has already started and I need to leave work earlier than I planned to get my tire fixed.

    Wendy, I’m so proud of you! What an accomplishment. The view looks spectacular.

    Lisa, I say go for the podcast but stay safe. Don’t give out any location info. You go girl!

    Kelly, good news about the new family. What a nice Christmas present. Hope DH gets well soon.


    Well, the snow is coming down. Guess it just couldn’t wait until I got home this afternoon. Thinking of all of you and sending my best wishes.

    Terry in a VT snow storm


    it does get alot of looks... :0) one year, we hung the tree upside down, that was coo.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    ryenday wrote: »
    It says Zalig Kerstfeest: merry Christmas in Dutch.

    Thanks. I was afraid it would say something unpleasant. Guess I better be more careful next time. At least I was able to post it.

  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    langman22 wrote: »
    Just noticed that the bulb I attached has wording on it. Anyone know what it says?

    I'm guessing "Merry Christmas" because of the "Kerstfeest." Kerst looks like Christ, and while Feest doesn't look like Mass, still, that's my best linguistic major guess. :-)

    Who majored in linguistics about a hundred years ago, but used to teach an intro class every other year.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,584 Member
    Amazing job, Wendy. It sounds like an eventful but fun hike/climb.

    Today is my last day of work for nearly two weeks! I am so ready to have some real down time. My husband is making me stress out about Mexico again. I don't know if you saw the news out of Cabo yesterday, but it was pretty bad. I really would rather stick with tours/organized activities so we don't accidentally run into the wrong area, and he announced last night that he just wants to rent a car and tour around on our own, and maybe take the ferry over to the mainland. :anguished: The hotel sent us a list of activities to do, and he basically panned all of them, even SCUBA and snorkeling. He really does have a phobia about water. He didn't even want to do the whale watching because they take us out in a large rubber raft. Which I think sounds amazing. But he said he would be worried the whole time that he would fall in the water. So all water activities are out, which makes no sense, but renting a car and driving around is okay in a country where drug cartels string people up, literally. Makes even less sense. I'm pretty frustrated with him right now.

    The good news is that I actually did real Christmas shopping this year. I didn't decorate much, but at least I wasn't grinchy about gift giving. I even sent money/cards to my husband's kids. :astonished: We'll be at my mom's for two days, and my husband is giving me grief about that, too. He's trying to find something to do to occupy himself . . . on Christmas Eve. Seriously? That's the only full day we will be there, and my mom is planning a big dinner. I swear. That man is on my last nerve right now. :lol: To be fair, he is really stressed. He hates the management at his work and has been interviewing with another company for the past two weeks, and he doesn't know what to do if he's offered another job. Of course, I've told him to jump. Better to go on your own terms than someone else's, but he doesn't like change . . . I'm weary of talking about it every night.

    I went to Centergy (kind of like yoga/pilates) last night and I have dance tonight. Then Saturday morning I'll spend a couple hours at the gym in classes, then at around noon, we'll head up to my mom's -- about 3 hours away. I'll wave at everyone in the NW as I pass, sort of, nearby as I drive up I-5 into the Olympic Peninsula.

    Much love.

    Willamette Valley Oregon

    But I'm going to try to let it all go and just have a fun time in the sun. I am going into the water, somehow.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi ladies. Let's see if this works:

    Thanks Becca for the insight and for the cute cat cartoon. I have to run do some last minute errands now that our ice has melted. BFIN is coming over later to jump the Saturn (has a brand new battery and ran 2 days ago, now is dead) and to drive the jeep around for a while. Take care. Meg from icy Omaha