

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Had lunch yesterday with my 2 BF, we used to work together but 2 of us now retired. Had a lovely lunch one friend has just been diagnosed with Coeliac disease and was so pleased the restaurant has a gluten free menu with plenty of choice. Went over the top with dessert and wine and then met DH and had a couple more drinks. But heyho its Christmas and am back on mini fast today.

    BARBARA not sure when those videos were shot but when we go in Dec/Jan its mostly sunny and often warm enough for shorts and tshirts, if the sun is out there are always people on the beach.

    MACHKA amazing getting your bike back after 3 years ?? I think that's right

    Still loving pics of decs and trees, don't really miss not having to do it (I'm not really Scrooge, I love seeing decorations and listening to Christmas music and watching "The Snowman") LOL

    Awful about the fire in California :(:'(

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    edited December 2017
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    MACHKA amazing getting your bike back after 3 years ?? I think that's right
    Hi Sisters,

    Machka, I love that you got your favourite bike back. You were meant to be together!

    Yes ... 3 years later. And in that time we'd been around the world and back. Meanwhile we suspect my bicycle had been in someone's shed in northern Victoria, where it was stolen ... and then was eventually sold in an auction to someone in Melbourne, which is where we found it.

    My husband recognised the front wheel first, for two reasons ... 1) he built it and it was my "engagement ring", and 2) I use a certain kind of tube with a long stem. The front wheel was being sold off separately. Once he found that, it didn't take long to find the rest of the bicycle.

    Well, the tramping club barbecue was a huge success.

    That's wonderful! Nice that you know some people too ... it helps. It may well be the year of the hiking. :)

    M in Oz
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka That is simply amazing about getting your bike back. Boo hiss to whoever stole it.

    Wendy Sounds like you and the tramping club are a match! So glad it was such a huge success. Frosty woman is probably a bit jealous of the warm welcome you have been given. Oh well.

    Barbie That bear tugs at my heartstrings. Wonderful photo.

    The Ventura wildfires are threatening a house that my stepdaughter has made an offer on. :(

    Karen in Virginia
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Happy Wednesday ladies,

    Machka, what beautiful decorations and pottery. You are very talented. Makes me look forward to decorating this weekend. The ornament keep making me laugh. I love cherries! If I had an orchard, I’d be popping them in my mouth all the time. Pretty wreath! When mind aren’t exactly round, I put in a little “filler” (i.e. baby’s breath, gold sprays or anything little). My wreath making classes are going well at work. Everyone is having fun which is what we wanted as it is part of our wellness program. Got to think us something for next year.

    Michele, love the cheese board appetizer. So festive.

    Barbie, thanks for the tip. Hope you enjoyed the party.

    Kim, you are so lucky to still have your mother around for the holidays. My 34 year old DD came to me a couple of days ago crying because my mom and dad are no longer with us and she misses the family get together every year at their house. Since we don’t communicate with my sister or neice anymore and my cousin is out in Vegas it’s just the three of us. We talked about what we could do that we use to do. She wants to play Yahtzee as she always played it with my mom. So that’s on our list of things to do. When her dad and I divorced I had to come up with my own rituals. One of them was to take a car ride with her wrapped in a quilt, holiday music on the radio and we would go around looking at lights. I started this because it settled her down before bed and we have continued to do it when she came back to VT.

    Barbara, congratulations on the weight loss.

    Kate, I’m having lunch soon with a friend I use to work with. It’s so much fun to catch up.

    Wendy, glad the BBQ was a success. Do you put something special in your deviled eggs?

    Well got to get to work, Terry
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,167 Member
    langman22 wrote: »

    Machka, what beautiful decorations and pottery. You are very talented. Makes me look forward to decorating this weekend. The ornament keep making me laugh. I love cherries! If I had an orchard, I’d be popping them in my mouth all the time. Pretty wreath! When mind aren’t exactly round, I put in a little “filler” (i.e. baby’s breath, gold sprays or anything little). My wreath making classes are going well at work. Everyone is having fun which is what we wanted as it is part of our wellness program. Got to think us something for next year.

    Thanks! :) I'm looking forward to seeing more of yours!

    I wanted to do something a bit different with my new wreath, but I was kind of limited by what I could get ... everything has been well picked over already.

    I am having fun with the decorations this year too. I haven't done much in recent years so it looks a little more festive in here than usual.

    My husband does have to eat the cherries to test their sweetness, and thus ripeness. At the beginning of the season he'll eat a whole cherry here and there ... by the end of the season, he takes a bite and spits it out.

    When it is a business and you're faced with literally tons and tons of the things, they just become objects.

    People used to ask me how I could work in a cherry packing shed (when I first arrived in Australia) and never eat the cherries ... I just don't think of them as food. They're just dark red balls.

    But lots of people do like them, which is good. :)

    Anyway, speaking of orcharding, I think all the cherry growers in the region will be breathing a sigh of relief ... the big storm predicted for tonight and tomorrow is indeed passing to the north and west of us. We'll likely still get a bit of rain, but shouldn't get the quantities they were predicting. Less is best!

    It looks like there's a good chance they'll have a crew in and start picking before Christmas! I had to get my head around the idea that cherries are a Christmas fruit when I first arrived here ... but that's when they come ripe, and they do have that red and green thing going on.

    Machka in Oz
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,419 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Margaret - Good news for DH - and you!

    Going to do Christmas cards this pm. Not feeling very festive.
    I wrote the most difficult bit of my memoir this morning and I should be relieved to have got the second draft out of the way, but I'm still feeling a bit low. Nothing serious, just a bit blah. I think I'm feeling a bit sad that I'm almost at the end. I'm not good at endings. I have been known to sabotage myself within sight of the winning post. ;):* I still have editing and typing up to finish, but the writing is coming to an end. That feels strange.

    I had to email the technical support for the online grocery shopping that I do because their website was not letting me amend my pre Christmas order. They emailed me back to say there was an IT problem with my account and they were fixing it. They seem to have done that - for now - so I've added a few more things to the list. I'm glad it wasn't just my stupidity! :bigsmile:

    OK. On with the card writing.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Thought you might enjoy this article: 5 Reasons to take a cold shower

  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is Put On Your Own Shoes Day!

    Personally, I don't wear shoes unless I'm going out or, sometimes, when I'm standing at the desk. Nonetheless, I do love them. "There is very little information available about this day... It could be a metaphor for walking your own way in life, being independent and being an individual. It could be a day to encourage children to tie up their own laces, or it could just be a day meant to observe the benefits, and the style iconography, of the humble shoe."

    Katla - I definitely identify with the shipping conundrum! During our years in New Mexico, I always had to ship gifts. It affected what I could buy, it was a pain getting everything all wrapped and packed, and it wasn't cheap either. Good thing you have a local shipping business to help you out!

    Barbara - Your list of shows sounds so wonderful. I'm intrigued by the Modern Nutcracker!

    Barbiecat - You all look so festive in your red and black... who wouldn't be cheered up watching you dance?

    Becca - Ooh, Fractured Fairytales were awesome! I like the old cartoons... they often had a nip of grown-up humor that the kids didn't necessarily "get."

    Lisa - Congratulations on maintaining your weight after all you've been up to lately!

    Joyce - Oh, yes, I understand the sense of pressure to live up to our mothers' Christmas magic! I just found out last night that Philip's parents are planning to come to our house for Christmas dinner... ay ay ay. I think we'll do a scaled-down version of Mom's feast, or else I'll go nuts trying to do my job and get the house ready and do all the cooking. I just have to remember that Mom's real magic was love, and all the trappings were just how she showed it.

    Margaret - So happy to hear about your husband's good scan!

    Machka - What a marvelous tale about your bike! It was obviously meant to be!

    Wendy - Speaking of meant to be... sounds like your auction package was exactly the gift you needed.

    OK, time for me to be on the clock.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Today is Put On Your Own Shoes Day!

    -Yvonne in TX

    Funny story – I actually cannot tie shoes properly. I do not have the dexterity or the proprioception necessary to be able to make that knot. My husband realized this last year when I asked him to help me tie a bow on a Christmas package. I also cannot make proper bows. He spent a whole evening trying to teach me this basic skill that he was appalled I had managed to avoid. We actually had a good time that evening when he was trying to teach me, so the time was not wasted. However he did fail to teach me to die a proper bow for my shoes. :)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,699 Member

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member