
  • dogladytwo
    dogladytwo Posts: 97 Member
    Today hasn't gone the way I have wanted it to at all. My sister has many orthopedic problems and it causes a lot of balance issues. She also is my Mom all over. So many spinal issues, she has gone from 5'8 to 5'4. Her latest injury has put her out of commission for about 6 weeks after she fell and bruised up her rotator cuff real bad. So I took her to the doctor this morning. 10 AM isn't in either one of our vocabularies!!!!:yawn: so that I didn't like. Then we went out to the cemetary to visit our parents graves, the pharmacy to get some medicine for her and took her home. Then I went home, first thing I did was turn the computer on so it would be up and running while I fixed myself some lunch. Well Windows picked this morning to do a lot of updates:grumble: So i didn't have time to get on Face book and do one of my games that you can only do every 6 hours. I knew I had to go to the Y. So I went there and then came back and did my game. So that will put my next game around 9 PM. :grumble: So my day is off!!!!!

    But you went to the Y! That is huge among chaos! way to stick to! :)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    evening ladies,
    worked until 6 tonight, then my computer had to update...under my calorie count again today and I feel full, which is a good thing:laugh:
    I am going to order the fit bit flex from amazon, that way I dont have to pay tax or shipping, but it is on back order:grumble:
    but at least it will be bought and payed for and something to look forward to receiving.will just keep on working with my pedometer.
    Linda- how did you count your steps in tracking exercise, saw that you counted pedometer steps , couldnt find that in there...
    I am being kind of careful now with the laptop, dont want it going haywire on me again:huh:
    It is still chilly here in the north east what gives, I want 75 degree weather with no humidity:bigsmile:
    ok ok at least it;s sunny out
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Good evening!

    My professional learning session went well, but I am exhausted. Another day of having to leave the house t 6 a.m. Tomorrow.

    It took every ounce of energy I had to go walk my circle, but it is done. Two more weeks and then I have a week off.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Cheryl - those horses really do look alike!

    DeeDee - I'll post pics of the landscaping and pool, but not until it's done. Hopefully, that won't be too long! After working on the river rock, believe it or not I'm also feeling it in my anterior delts and my lats. Probably my lats from scooping up the rocks on the pile and twisting to put them in the wagon. Not sure why I feel it in the delts. But I am. Good luck on the plants!

    Did an hour of the Rebounder DVD that I have. Since I knew the workmen would be here early today, I moved my car out to the street, I actually remembered!!!! Miracles DO happen....lol Tomorrow I'm planning to go to yoga and then take the deep water class. When I get home I'll probably do at least one load of laundry while I'm washing the towel that I use for the deep water class.

    Afterwards, ran to Aldi to get the things I needed. I needed to get especially lettuce for the end of season bowling party. I'll need to go there again later in the week to get hamburgers and hamburger rolls. Will need to go to WalMart tomorrow to order the cake and condiment tray. One couple is going to pick it up, they're away right now.

    m3x43 - went to Aldi this morning. I saw a springform pan, I do need a new one. But they were charging $6.99 and I know it's $4 something at Food Lion. It's not like I need it immediately. Sometimes I use my debit card there only because there isn't a bank real close to our house and that's one way I can get cash.

    And they say women are indecisive! That stupid Wii character can't make up his mind. One day "that's normal", the next "that's overweight". And so it goes.

    grandmalle - Sargento makes a low sodium mozzarella cheese stick. You know where I find it? Believe it or not...at WalMart! I do wish there were more low sodium items. Triscuit makes a "hint of salt" cracker and Breakstone makes a 30% less sodium cottage cheese. I also get low sodium chicken and beef bouillon cubes.

    Meg - your gardening chair sounds really neat. Is it on wheels? It must be pretty low to the ground. I know Vince was looking for something like that for when he's putting up the Christmas/Halloween decorations. We found one, I think it's by Kobalt, but it didn't have wheels we found out.. Your garden sounds lovely. Hope you can solve the water problem. Squirrels sure are ingenious when it comes to getting something! I had a bird feeder years ago and tried EVERYHTHING I could think of, but those squirrels were one step ahead of me all the time.

    Lucy in DE - I do appreciate it if someone sends me a thank you for a gift, at least that way I know that they received it.

    Vince and I went and bowled in the Unifour senior games today. Interesting...it was at a different alley than where we usually bowl. It's amazing how different different places are. They had a "lunch" catered by Olive Garden. I had some of the lasagna and a little of the salad. Passed on the breadstick (although I did take it for Vince). Just had water to drink. On the way home stopped at the bank and then went to one store, they had eggs on sale $1 for a dozen, so I bought 5 dozen. I can always hardboil them, so I'm not worried

    OMG - I just logged the lasagna from Olive Garden, I can't believe the calories!!!!

    jodios - wish I could join your cooking group. Sounds like so much fun!

    allison - I always keep a part of an old pantyhose with me. I just cut off the feet part and use that when buying shoes. At least I know what I'm putting on my feet. I know...I'm weird about some things. Oh, I love spanikopita! The only thing is...buying it you don't always get healthy stuff and it's so much work to make yourself. If you know of any decent (nutrition/health-wise) brands, please let me know. Good luck at the bootcamp and your running. Russian will still be there, you have the desire and that's important.

    So nice to hear about everyone's great mother's days. Jessica and Denise called me. Bryan sent me an email "happy mothers day". Nothing more. Oh well, at least I got that much.

    Joyce - congrats on being out of your plateau

    Robin - so sorry to hear that work isn't going well for you at all. Guess "she's" sort-of to blame. But you have such a great attitude!

    One gal is having Rummikub at her house tonight. I said that we got finished bowling early and I started to work on the landscaping and I'm really filthy so I won't be going. The truth is that I have so much to do. I want to make some more cookies in case there are more guys here tomorrow, need to start cleaning the house for the bowling party, get ready for tomorrow.

    yanniejannie - a good haircut always makes me feel better, too. Locks for Love does take gray hair. Vince donated his a while ago. Give them a call, I'm pretty sure it was LOL that he sent it to

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

    Michele in NC
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    Ok page two already, I missed almost all of the last thread, will try to keep up with this one!
    Wish I could retire but that day will never come.

    Jodios, Thank you, that is my Grand Daughter when she was 23 months old. She loved eating the green beans out of my garden. I took this picture and it is my favorite picture of her.

    Katla, I too get freaked out when that happens with the advertising!

    Cheryl, Your Daughter is a little Doll! Love the pictures!

    Michele, I’m not sure what you and you DH are building but a pergola, a pool and river rocks sound interesting!

    Barbie, I also enjoy the open diaries, although lately I haven’t had time to read any!

    Meg, I’m so sorry to hear of your flood problem. I can’t imagine having such a mess to deal with.
    Squirrel tip… I blast the squirrels when they are on my bird feeders with the garden hose, they do not like it one little bit! But they keep coming back and I soak them again. One thing that is effective is sprinkling the feed with cayenne pepper, the squirrels hate it and it doesn’t bother or harm birds. The only pitfall is if it rains you will have to reapply it.

    Brooke, I’m sorry to hear about the job, may something better be in store for you!

    Take Care
    Peace~N~ Hugs
    Carol in WNY
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    :flowerforyou: This has been another busy day, but I wanted to check in so nobody worries about where I am....25,000 steps and ten bags of bark are only part of the story of my day

    :heart: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Back later. On the way to the hospital. Dad has had a minor stroke.
    Amanda x
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Amanda- My thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad. Went through a similar situation recently wit my dad. Praying for a full and speedy recovery for your dad as well as strength and peace for you.

    Deb A in CNY
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    Amanda, good wishes for you and your dad.:flowerforyou:

    Woke up this morning feeling low. No reason really except the weather and my blessed plateau ! I realise it is completely ridiculous when I have so many blessings in my life.:huh:
    Anyway, after a chat with DH and dragging myself to the gym machines I began to lift a bit and switched up the elliptical to one higher level than usual. That seemed to do the trick! Finished the workout in record time and then went on to lift my new weights and do some crunches etc. I reckoned that if you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got. Amazing how one little number on a machine can make a difference. - I could really feel it! :bigsmile:
    I realised I was getting a bit stressed about DH' s family coming, so we were able to discuss that. I have always had a bit of a reputation as a good cook so people have high expectations, or I do of myself. I find I am less interested these days in providing a grand spread. :grumble: I've even got fed up with everyday cooking. DH said he would cook tonight - something he used to do more of, but has stopped since I've been calorie controlling. How nice of him :heart: I'm sure no one will mind next week if there is no gourmet banquet. :laugh: I don't know why I do it to myself.
    Moan over. But please let that plateau shift soon! :ohwell:
    Love to all who have far more to worry about than I do and all of you who are working so HARD! Don't think I could manage those river rocks, Michele. :flowerforyou:
  • m3x43
    m3x43 Posts: 40
    Good morning ladies,

    Amanda, so sorry about your dad. I have prayed for his speedy and complete recovery.

    I am enjoying this site so much, learning so much. Thanks to all of you for your willingness to share!

    Today will be a low activity day: bible study this am followed by groceries and laundry. Plan to do some free weights in between loads. Did mow the front yard yesterday and glad I did it for Matthew. It is a steep hill and, this soon after surgery, he probably would have open an incision or two if he had tried to mow. But it was a great workout for me!

    Have a great day! I hope it is sunny for someone somewhere....gloomy here in NE Ohio.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Morning Ladies,
    my foot is bothering me this morning so,no gym.. im frustrated:grumble: went down to 168 last friday when I was sick, then have been back up to 171. ive been under my calorie count ,been exercising.. I wont totally stress over it,I want to go down not up :sad:
    i dont go into work until noon,so waititng for the lawn to dry out so that I can mow the lawn before I go to work..
    I ordered the fit bit flex, which is on back order,so will just have to wait for it and use my pedometer
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Wednesday!

    Off to the gym in a few to try a new class Chair Antics followed by water aerobics and maybe water zumba. My foot is swollen for some reason and a little painful so we'll see how it goes at the gym.

    Amanda- So sorry to hear about your dad! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family! :heart:

    Hope everyone has a good day and hugs to all that are struggling!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Bj :smile: Hope it warms up soon for you!

    Meg :smile: Maintaining is much better than gaining!!! Glad the basement is drying out, when I first read you had 13 industrial dryers, I thought why would she have so many dryers:huh: , I was thinking clothes dryers:laugh: ! I hear ya about the squirrels, there is one that taunts Noel on our walks, it waits until we are almost on top of it before it scurries up a tree:angry: , all the while Noel is barking and growling:tongue: .

    Lucy :smile: Hope your flowers survived the cold!!! We had that weather pattern before it got to you. Yesterday was fabulous here, low 70`s, today it`s supposed to be 86!

    Katla :smile: Hope you`ll be able to do all of your home improvements! I noticed yesterday I`m going to have to do something with my deck, I refuse to walk on it barefoot, on one board the wood is splitting, I won`t let the dog out there I don`t want a splinter in her paw:noway: ! Wish I thought about it earlier in the year, I`ll probably wait till late fall to do it now.

    Jodios :smile: How nice you took you DDs friends to surprise her!!! It`s nice that she’s working out with you! I want to come to your cooking class, sounds like a lot of fun, and great you`re getting them on the healthy cooking at this age!!! Did you get your flowers planted? Colors sound beautiful, I forgot my purple flowers yesterday.

    Jackie :smile: I have a friend who is Greek and her cooking is fantastic:love: !!! I get all kinds of fabulous goodies from her especially at Christmas, needless to say I gave most of them away last year:cry: . We are having the Greek Festival this weekend, it`s so much fun, I`ll probably pass on the goodies though this year. I think it`s great your daughter wants to take part in the workouts! I can`t imagine 4.5 hours in a salon:noway: , I`m glad she likes her purple hair!

    Joyce :smile: Glad you busted your plateau:flowerforyou: !!!

    Robin :smile: Put your rainbow cloak on, maybe it will help some! Hope things will improve:flowerforyou: !

    Yanniejannie :smile: Congrats on the haircut!! I would check again with Locks of Love! Tick collecting:noway: …..ick. I don`t envy you there!!!

    Drkatiebug :smile: Good for getting that walk in anyhow!!!

    Michele :smile: Ouch, the river rock sounds like a great workout!

    Carol :smile: What a cutie she is!!! Pop in when you can, there are some days I barely get here!

    Barbie :smile: Ten bags of bark…25,000 steps, you are a busy women!!!

    Amanda :smile: Hope your dad will be okay:flowerforyou: ! Sending prayers!

    Cityjane :smile: Hope your mood improves! The weather can get me down after a few cloudy rainy days too:grumble: . I`ve been on a plateau since Nov., it no longer depresses me, makes me mad:angry: , but not depressed! Good for you changing up your exercise, hopefully that will help!!! How sweet DH is cooking for you tonight! I`m sure his family will enjoy whatever you decide to prepare!

    M3x43 :smile: Glad you got the yard mowed, I`m sure your son appreciated it too!! And it is a great workout!!!

    Grandmallie :smile: Sorry your foot is bothering you again, hope it settles down soon! The scale is a tricky little thing:explode: , hang in and keep going, it will eventually move in the right direction!

    I made it to the flower shop yesterday, however once I got there, I was totally overwhelmed. I spent over 200.00 and still didn`t get everything I need:noway: . I totally forgot about my purple flowers:embarassed: , I did get red, white , pink and yellow and some grass and ivy, I still have 3 pots on my back deck, and 4 pots in the front to do. I spent an hour and half digging in the dirt and planting and I`m paying for it today, not only am I sore, my allergies are giving me a fit:sick::sad: , digging in the dirt is not good for me. I`m going to have to take a Zyrtec today and they tend to make me retain fluid:grumble: and they make me sleepy:yawn: , however I do want to be able to breathe!!! Today I`m getting in my closet and hopefully get most of the other side of it done, then tomorrow I`ll make another trip to the flower store to get the rest of what I need. I thought this week was going to be easy….

    Have a great day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in sunny and warm NC:glasses:
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
  • colograndma
    colograndma Posts: 67
    :embarassed: Thought I lost ya'all... had to ask Barbie what was up! LOL

    Busy day today, I am off for the next 2 days and we are going to get weed barrier in the 1st raised bed and fill it. This place has a compost container so will put the old contents in first, and then good soil. Have tomato plants waiting to be planted. Have a SIL that is not working coming to help us.... bless his heart!

    Dee Dee : your flowers sound beautiful!

    Grandmallie: I am with you girl.... love salt... could be my problem as well and that will be almost as hard as me to drink my water:grumble:

    Meg - so sorry about your pipe problem... hope you are all up and running soon.

    Barbie: Thanks for helping this lost soul find home again :tongue: I so appreciate our group!

    Have a blessed day everyone!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    Amanda praying for a quick recovery for Dad.
    busy day,knitting group after getting Violet off to school.
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good morning all,

    DH called me yesterday and said “you’ll have to walk the dog tomorrow”, which means he got a job! He’s been out of work since Thanksgiving so this is wonderful news! He started this morning. He’s a union electrician, so he could be working on a short term project, but any work is better than no work, so we’re grateful. The longer he works, the earlier he can retire and THAT is our goal….working towards the magic number (age & years of service).:happy:

    :wink: Jodios – What a nice idea to have a cooking class for your family & their friends! Sounds like a great way to bond and send a good message at the same time.

    :tongue: Jackie – I’m gonna have to consult with you to see which leaves are good and which are not. Maybe on Sunday when we meet for the Phillies game?

    :laugh: Cheryl – LOL!!! Guess we’re not the only ones having crazy weather!

    :flowerforyou: CityjaneLondo – Thanks for the language tips. I’m going to look on my Nook to see if foreign phrase and grammar books are available.

    :ohwell: Yanniejannie – I don’t see why Locks of Love wouldn’t take your hair. I would try them again. Priorities do change as we age, don’t they? Things that used to seem so important when you’re younger are just not so anymore. Enjoy your company and don’t worry about cooking perfect meals.

    :wink: Michele – It’s funny how you can feel the results of your work in muscles you didn’t expect. It’s like an extra bonus finding out you worked your delts!

    :heart: Amanda – Hope your dad is OK. I’m keeping him in my thoughts and prayers.

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee – We are in the 70’s today and expecting the 80’s tomorrow. My plants came through the chill OK. Gardening is a lot of work and a lot of money, but the results are so worth it! I get happy every time I see my flowers in bloom and get to eat our home grown veggies!

    I am thinking about all of you, even if I didn’t personally respond. Hugs to those who are in need and doing a happy dance for all who have had success!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    Good morning to Vitamin F's...

    I am happy to report the hail and cold of Mother's Day has disappeared like magic today, which has hit norms of warm 22C....Can turn the furnace off again...had to turn it back on this last week! The tulps and my flowering redbud are very confused...

    I am hoping all things flower for you all today!

    BJ, warm again in SWO, Can
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Jodios: Managing all that celebrating so well makes it look like you’re going to be a champion at maintaining. :flowerforyou: I love that you’re teaching the kids to cook. It is a wonderful project! Chopping is a great first lesson, especially when it ends up with something good to eat. :wink: Somewhere along the way, teach them to use a crockpot. At Christmas I bought my daughter a crockpot and made stew in it. She’d had crockpots before, but when the last one gave up the ghost she’d forgotten to replace it. They’re such great tools for people who are busy working and/or taking classes. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Congratulations on breaking the plateau! :bigsmile: If you’re like me, another will be along, and you’ll break that one, too, and the next...:laugh: I think of a Mayan pyramid we visited a few years ago when our daughter got married in Mexico. The whole thing was like a giant set of stairs on all four sides. Going up was easier than coming down. We’d take a step down, rest a bit, and take another step down. Losing this weight seems very much like that trip down the pyramid.:flowerforyou:

    Robin: Hang in there, and do little things to help yourself feel good, even when she who shall not be named is around.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: I love the massage idea! You’re on a good track. I am taking DH in for a pedicure this week. I’ve been suggesting it for years and finally talked him into his first one a few months ago. It turns out that he loves them. So do his feet.:laugh:

    Michelle: Are wii’s female? I thought they were male. :laugh: Olive Garden has calories and nutrition information posted on line. Someone here suggested I look for it when it was time for my friends and I to have our winter birthdays dinner together. I was able to order something that fit my calorie and nutrition needs very well, while they all ate a noodle dish filled with fat, salt, and calories. That was quite a few pounds ago for me, and it was a lesson well learned. I like Olive Garden better since that experience.:flowerforyou:

    Barbie: Thanks for checking in. I hope you’re able to get some rest and do something fun when the bark project is done.:flowerforyou:

    Amanda: I hope your dad recovers from his stroke well. DH had one in February. He has been quite lucky that lost vision in one eye was his worst outcome. He’s now doing a better job with watching his blood pressure. He already had a blood pressure cuff that goes with an apple ipod/phone app, but now he’s using it every day and paying attention. This is a very useful device and not that expensive. If your dad is at all tech savvy, it might make a good “get well” gift. :flowerforyou:

    cityjane: Isn’t it amazing what we do to ourselves because of our own expectations and personal traditions? You’re lucky to have a DH who stepped up and volunteered to cook.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I’m not sure I paid good attention to the flower project details. Are you making planters? If so, the money will be well spent, and you’ll be able to enjoy them all summer.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Today is DH’s 66th birthday. :love: We’re going to the acupuncturist, and maybe the Chinese Garden although that remains to be seen. I don’t have a gift for him yet. :noway: He needs a new watch and we shopped, but didn’t find the right one. I guess we’ll shop some more. We did have an interesting and unexpected "gift" from his new MS doctor yesterday. :heart: We were invited to a presentation he does for his patients called MS 101. He provided dinner for everyone, and it was FREE!:huh: :bigsmile: I learned a great deal about the disease that I didn’t know, and all the new medicines that are now available. DH was denied access to the medicine of choice by medicare, so now we’re on to round two.:grumble: The doctor is confident we'll eventually get where we need to be with that. He also suggested acupuncture to the class, (which DH is already doing,) and yoga or tai chi. I’ve been nagging him to do one or the other for more than a year. Nagging doesn’t work, but I can’t seem to break myself of the habit.:noway:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,989 Member
    YaHoo! I am finally caught up with transcription. It has been really slow since I injured my shoulder. I can do it but the shoulder gets really painful after a short time and I have to quit and ice for a while. The doc is on call this week so no office transcription and the hospital does its own. Yeah! Now I have time to clean house and maybe do some yard work before we leave for Rapid City on Friday. We will be back on Sunday and then my DD arrives on Tuesday.

    Weighed in with health coach yesterday and was up slightly but like many others I am having a problem with sodium just now. Also saw the PT for a session and he thinks the shoulder is a little bit better that he is getting greater range. I certainly hope so. I think it is a little easier to get dressed but maybe I am just learning to accommodate. I see the orthopedist again on May 21 so we will see what he says.

    Cheryl - Love the horse pics. It is so much fun to have a daughter who shares your love of horses. Looks like you have beautiful country to ride in. Wish I could get on my horse but have to be satisfied with "barn time" right now. However I can still brush and get my horse fix and she certainly appreciates it.

    I am jealous that so many of you have gardens started or planted. If the tulips did not come up on their own there would be nothing in my yard. I think the lilac will bloom in spite of damage sustained in the ice storm, it has buds.

    Well wishes to all, Sue in SD