

  • sunshine61250
    sunshine61250 Posts: 68 Member
    Good morning everyone. Feel a little better today but still plan on doing NOTHING today. It's a holiday here so hubby is home today and he is taking care of me. Chat tomorrow!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    To my fabulous friends, Surgery in the morning on my left wrist for carpal tunnel. I may not be replying to your comments for a few days, but DD will enter my diary info. I don't want to lose my consecutive days of logging! Keep working on your healthy habits, they will eventually become part of your life and your reality! I am forever grateful for you, my dear friends, my support team! ????LindaS

    I haven't been on this message board for a couple of days! Wow, I can't
    Believe there are 13 pages already!! I think I will have time to catch up over the next couple of days!
    I have ordered a protein powder to make drinks! Thanks to M , who told
    me about a powder called The organic whey! Sold on amazon. Should arrive this Thursday!
    I am planning to use it as a meal replacement. I need to get past this, plateau and lets
    Just say my exercise will be limited for awhile! Keep strong my friends, keep working towards your goals!
    We can do this, one day, one minute at a time!
    Forever grateful for your support and friendship! LindaS:heart:

    Hope everything went well Linda.
    Love and healing to you.
    Amanda x
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    As a matter of fact, whenever I get a strike (which isn't very often) I do a little dance -- I'm known in senior bowling for it...lol - where I just wiggle my hips. One guy gave me a bowling towel that says "I only bowl so I can do that funny little dance when I get a strike". I had it framed. That is SOOO me.
    Michele - I love this!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    :flowerforyou: Brooke, when the dogs roll around in the grass and leaves and stuff and get it all over their curly hair, I call them “salad”.
    Love this too Barbie. I always remember my gorgeous cocker spaniel going for walks in the snow and coming back with big snowballs attached to her feathers. Dogs are such a joy!

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    So when I got home yesterday I had a missed call from my dad's lady saying that they almost lost him. that his heart isn't under control at all and that she thought I should know. My dad doesn't want to waste time to drive into the city to visit him. He says he is just fine. So I compormised and said I would call today to see how things have been going. If it isn't going to well I will drive down to the city. Today is my work for the good boss day so I am busy but not so stressed out. But the queen has requested that I work a 13 hour day this Friday. At least I will get a little overtime for the effort.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
    Still sunny PNW
    Robin, parents are such a worry. I hope your dad improves.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I wanted to share the link to the article that helped me finally break my plateau...maybe some of you will find it of use at some point: http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/weight-loss/tips/diet-tips/weight-loss-plateau-tips/?sssdmh=dm17.666243&esrc=nwfitdailytip050713

    Just read that and yep, I agree - extra water and protein were definitely a big help when I was losing.
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Dear VIT Fs

    Sorry to hog the board with separate posts - I was trying something!

    Anyway, I have read as much as I could but have to get back to work now.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • Brookland72Hartley
    Hello, first time posting - not sure if I have pressed the right button to post. Still we will see.
    Started myfitnesspal in January, have lost around 35lbs - well thought I had until I replaced the now broken scales with some new ones yesterday - which show me right back where I started! :sad:
    Goals for this month - not to let the new scales get me down, to the point that I give up! Add in some pedalling to my daily exercise routine.

    Know I have lost weight as my favourite trousers literally fell down when I put them on the other day and I have now dug some out of the attic, which I haven't been able to get into for years and they fit comfortably.
    Hi to anyone who sees this. :smile:
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Hi all, glad to hear some of the illnesses are improving.:heart:
    We woke up early this morning so were able to get our gymming in and then headed out for the bluebell wood before the forecast rain arrived. Oh, how beautiful it was! A complete carpet of shimmering blue under the budding trees. And the scent! I don't remember them ever smelling so amazing. We got in a 50 minute walk and headed back to the car as the rain arrived. Went food shopping and got home by 11. A great morning! Plus I strode around the wood with no aches and pains, even taking in the slight inclines without difficulty. It feels so good! Last year I would have found it all a real struggle, could not rise on my feet to walk properly and had pains in every joint. I used to dread a hill!
    I haven't lost anything so far this week, but have had a lot of salty food so I'm not panicking. I did measure myself though and have lost 1/2 inch off both waist and hips. Now 33 and 38. Last year I was 38 and 44. NSV for me!
    This afternoon I will check over my seeds to see if I need to buy some more for our veg patch. Also bake some blueberry and lemon muffins for DH who seriously needs his calories. :sad: Also make yoghourt which we eat most days with stewed fruit for dessert. I adore home made yoghourt.
    Love to all.
    If you don't go out on a limb you don't get any fruit. :flowerforyou:
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    I've been busy packing to move back west. I'm proud of myself, I've kept up on logging now for 35 days! I can't wait to get this move over - I'm not sure how long it will be to get back on the computer to participate in the community but will be logging from my phone. :happy:

    Have a wonderful day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi all, glad to hear some of the illnesses are improving.:heart:
    We woke up early this morning so were able to get our gymming in and then headed out for the bluebell wood before the forecast rain arrived. Oh, how beautiful it was! A complete carpet of shimmering blue under the budding trees. And the scent! I don't remember them ever smelling so amazing. We got in a 50 minute walk and headed back to the car as the rain arrived. Went food shopping and got home by 11. A great morning! Plus I strode around the wood with no aches and pains, even taking in the slight inclines without difficulty. It feels so good! Last year I would have found it all a real struggle, could not rise on my feet to walk properly and had pains in every joint. I used to dread a hill!
    I haven't lost anything so far this week, but have had a lot of salty food so I'm not panicking. I did measure myself though and have lost 1/2 inch off both waist and hips. Now 33 and 38. Last year I was 38 and 44. NSV for me!
    This afternoon I will check over my seeds to see if I need to buy some more for our veg patch. Also bake some blueberry and lemon muffins for DH who seriously needs his calories. :sad: Also make yoghourt which we eat most days with stewed fruit for dessert. I adore home made yoghourt.
    Love to all.
    If you don't go out on a limb you don't get any fruit. :flowerforyou:

    Hi Jane
    We always try to get to Ranmore Common for a walk in the bluebells - they are spectacular. I have an amazing photo of our old golden cocker spaniel running through them, ears akimbo. Great times.

    I meant to ask earlier, was it the Pompeii exhibition you went to see? I'm thinking of booking to see it.

    Back to the grindstone.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    The sun is shining:glasses: !!! Haven`t seen the big yellow ball in ages, this make me happy:bigsmile: !!!

    Katla :smile: I just love Nora Roberts! I need to make some time to read, lately all my books have been gathering dust:grumble: . Hope you got DH and the dog out for a walk!

    Lin :smile: How are you doing on maintaining your weight? I love heirloom tomatoes:love: !!!

    Jmv :smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat!

    Drkatiebug :smile: Hope your today is not as crazy as yesterday!

    Joyce :smile: Hope your DH gets on board with the Drs.!!!

    Barbie :smile: Salad dogs:laugh: , I love it!!!

    Liz :smile: Hope things at work get less stressful!!! Good luck on your new goals!

    Michele :smile: Put the blueprints for the ark away, at least for today:tongue: …I hope the sun is shining as beautiful for you today as it is here:glasses: !!! Sunshine and blue skies, I`ve really missed it!

    Dovergopp :smile: High school baseball, sounds like a fun night!

    Viv :smile: Yay, you`re getting your exercise in!!!

    Joy :smile: Glad you`re feeling a bit better:flowerforyou: ! Let hubby wait on you today!

    Amanda :smile: Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Brookland :smile: Welcome!!! Scales are sometimes mean:angry: , make sure you measure yourself, the measurements don`t lie!!! Congrats for the “old” pants now fitting!!! Come in often and chat with us!

    Cityjane :smile: “A complete carpet of shimmering blue under the budding tress”,:love: it sounds just fabulous!!! Congrats on the ½ inches lost…that’s fantastic!!!

    Drvvork :smile: Congrats for logging in 35 days!!! Keep it up! It really does make a difference! Hope your move goes smoothly!

    After I finally got off the computer yesterday, Noel and I went out for a walk, by that time the skies had darkened again:angry: , we got caught out in a thunderstorm:noway: , about a ¼ mile from the house, I finally just picked her up and jogged home carrying a wet dog, we both got soaked:grumble: . She actually loved it, I dried her off with the hairdryer, prissy little thing she is, she stands there loving every minute of it:laugh: !
    Well, it`s after 7am again, time to get my behind moving!

    Have a wonderful day ladies!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in finally sunny NC:glasses:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy a great day!!
  • Johanne1957
    Johanne1957 Posts: 167 Member
    Good day all...posting to read later... :)
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Jumping in for a quick post this morning. I was at work until around 11:45 PM last night and have to get back in shortly. It was so crazy yesterday! Hopefully..... BBL.

    Have a great day!

    Gail, metro Atlanta (page 15!)
  • mwheatcraft54
    mwheatcraft54 Posts: 235 Member
    Good morning, everyone! I confess I haven't had time to read back too far but am wishing everyone a healthy and happy Mother's Day weekend - whether it's your MD or not this weekend.

    DH and I are off to NYC on Saturday to spend the night and meet up with DS and his GF. I'm looking forward to it so much! Normally I'm not a big city fan - it seems fun in theory but I'm always overwhelmed and feel like I don't know the area well enough to make it fun. However, we already have reservations for Sunday for dinner, and I know I want to go to the zoo and maybe a stroll through Central Park and maybe a museum or street fair - and that and shopping and I should be done.

    I have to confess my exercise has really tapered off in the past week since I finished with the yard (well, finished for a minute - the weeds are already poking through the mulch :grumble:). I am trying very hard to get back at it. I did an hour of kickboxing day before yesterday, but yesterday should have been weights - instead I sat down at the computer and that was it. I need to stop doing that! Work isn't going anywhere.

    Have a wonderful weekend and I'll post more once I catch up with everyone.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,329 Member
    Amanda - we did the Ice Age at midday, went out for a long lunch and walk and then did the Pompeii. Both truly excellent. Book soon.
    Must go and rescue my dahlia from the garage where I have had it buried all winter. It's probably rotted away!
    Tandoori chicken tonight - one of my favourites - yum! And soooo low calorie!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Good Morning Lovely Lively Ladies, :happy:

    Not much to report, just checking in and marking my spot. I'm actually caught up on all the great posts! Well, although I love the water zumba class, as usual I managed to overdo and my knee is paying for it. Besides being bone on bone, both knees, I also have a shallow groove in both as well which unfortunately both my kids inherited from me. They have both undergone immobilizations and physical therapies in times past due to dislocations. Anyhow, I knew when I was doing a certain movement yesterday, swinging my leg back and forth at the knee, that I probably shouldn't be doing this. I was right but as usual had to learn the hard way. Knee swelled a lot last night and even with icing and meds, still isn't feeling great today. Time to back off a little but hopefully will finally tackle a closet later. Hugs and best wishes to my great Vit F friends!

    Barbie - Peach lavender ice cream sounds yummy!! Maybe I'll put this festival on my bucket list.

  • akp4Him
    akp4Him Posts: 227
    shhhhh....I tried making brownies this morning for Vince BUT instead of the oil you are supposed to add, I'd read that you can substitute silken tofu. So I'm trying it. Now you don't seriously think I'll tell Vince that I added tofu, do you? We shall see how they come out. Oh, I just made another batch since I'm not sure if the tofu takes the place of just the oil or the oil and egg. So I made one batch without the egg and one with.

    @exermom....I have made brownies and substituted applesauce 1 to 1 for the oil. It works and no one was the wiser!!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Just popping in to say Happy Thursday.

    Have a great day all.

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile: