

  • colonmec4
    colonmec4 Posts: 3
    I am 62 years old and sometimes ask my self Is losing weight at age worth? Thanks to all you yes!!! is worthy . colonmec4
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Gonna be an overcast Tuesday here in Denver,

    Welcome to all you newbies:flowerforyou: This is the BEST group for total support come back often.

    Lucy- 2 years til retirement:flowerforyou: lucky you. Hubby and I were talking last Friday while in the Hot Tub and retirement is still a far off dream somewhere between 5-7 years:sad: and I am ready NOW.

    Meg-:flowerforyou: Happy Birthday tomorrow:flowerforyou: Two graduations for you to attend? I'm sure it will be a feeling of accomplishment to see former students heading out to use the skills you have taught.

    Barbie- spreading the bark? I'm sure it's easier then building the rock wall you were doing last year. I don't think I could give up baking 100% I love doing it too much:ohwell:

    Michele- We put in river rock around our plants and side yard. 13 tons and hubby and I moved it all ourselves :noway: it was hot, heavy, hard work and the rocks stay where we have put them unless the grandsons come over and think they should be in their dump trucks:wink:

    yannie- that's a great amount of steps:drinker:

    Gail- shrimp burgers:huh: sounds interesting.

    jodio- congrats on breaking the plateau:drinker: they say that if you shake it up a bit that it helps when things seem to be stuck and it looks like you found the right formula to shake it up.

    BeckyRay- setting goals is a start and looks like you have set some good ones.:heart: Maybe try preplanning the meals so that you know what you will be eating that day, enter it into the diary and keep a glass of water close at hand to drink whenever you feel the need to put somethingin your mouth.

    Cheryl- So sorry to hear that you aren't feeling better.:cry: Hoping that the antibotics work. The pictures of your daughters prom:love: how beautiful.

    Katla- hoping the new exercises helps your DH. My hubby was noticing that last weekend your weather was in the 80's:noway: For the PNW that's so unusual, especially in May.

    Marisa- that sounds like a wonderful receipe, will have to give that a try.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee- YUCK just the thought of all that dental work hurts my mouth:sick: Hope you are able to get it taken care of soon. I too want to keep all my teeth:wink:

    CityJane- Congrats on that NSV, that's quite a feeling when you can move like that and not be out of breath:drinker:

    Joy-hoping you feel better toosn:flowerforyou:

    Linda(sundance) -:flowerforyou: Thank you for all your positive encouragement:flowerforyou:

    It will be a short week for me as Son #3 graduates from CU in Boulder on Friday morning. He will be getting his MBA & CIS (computer information) Masters. We will be picking up Son #2 at 5:15am to take him with us and then we will be joined at lunch by his wife. Saturday evening is an openhouse party to celebrate #3's graduation and at 8pm his MIL will be cutting his hair. He has been growing it these past 3 years and will be donating it to Locks of Love, he has hair like mine ~thick and black:wink: Then Sunday night we will be joining them again for Mother's Day Dinner...so a busy weekend is in store.

    Nothing like getting back to the routine at work where my eating and drinking of water is so controlled. Hubby has been struggling with his diet these past 3 weeks but says he's ready to get back to being serious about what he's eating and I'm sure it helps me too.:wink:

    With only 3 days left this week I'd best get moving. I have a lot to get done so will check in later to see how everyone is doing.

    Log it ALL, water, exercise and food it really does make a difference:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy tues.
    Happy birthday Meg.
    A beautiful day here today,70`s and sun.
    Had a fun day playing with Violet outside after going to Chuckie cheese with Alliyah and her mom.Got a beautiful yellow daisy plant.
    Enjoy your day!!
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    Good afternoon everyone,

    We had a server update at work and I had major payroll problems getting my payroll to import yesterday. I had to do the entire thing manually. It wouldn’t have been so bad, but it coincided with a new contract which meant that everyone’s rate and union dues percentages had to be changed. It couldn’t be completed until today, but it is finally done and they are expediting it so we will receive it this afternoon. Whew! Glad that’s done!

    We are having lousy weather all week, so I’m so glad we put in our garden this past weekend. The rain will be good for the new flowers and vegetables.

    :noway: Barbie – The thought of never having cake (or ice cream, or wine, or……etc.) again would make me sad indeed! I don’t ever want to enitrely give up the things I enjoy. Now that I’m on maintenance, I’m just trying to work on moderation.
    That’s where logging has helped me the most. If I don’t continue to log, it can get away from me really quickly. So I am here for the long term.

    :laugh: Michele – We are on a hill & everything (except for the gardens, which are on flat ground) grows on a slant, including the trees. We put a border around the tree to contain the pebble rocks. I don’t think they’re going anywhere anytime soon.

    :frown: Jodios – I think at this point we’re not going to change the dog’s habits. They’ve been going there too long and their scent is already there. I was told by several sources (M being one) that you can’t kill ornamental grass (although it looks pretty sad), so I’m just leaving it the way it is and hoping for the best. I did clean it up a bit and I think once the mulch is down it will look better. Glad you finally found the answer to your plateau problem!

    :heart: Cheryl – I feel your pain! Sending good thoughts your way that the antibiotics will work.

    :ohwell: DeeDee – Looks like your dentist is forcing you to make a decision. When that happened to me, I opted to get the tooth pulled because the root canal was so expensive, but all of my teeth shifted and now they just feel weird.

    :flowerforyou: Joy – Hope you feel better soon.

    :wink: Laura – I wish I could say that in two years I’ll be completely done with working, but I’m probably only going to retire from the full time job. I still will have to work part time, but it sure beats full time any day!

    I love the fact that we are all different and may achieve our goals in different ways, and yet we share a common goal of wanting to make changes to improve our health. I appreciate reading about all of your experiences and have gotten many wonderful suggestions that I’ve incorporated into my personal plan. Thank you all for sharing and for sticking with this program! We can do this together!

    Lucy in DE.:bigsmile:
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Good afternoon. I'm taking a little break at work to post on my favorite thread!

    Yanniejannie, I'm with you. I cannot keep up with this thread, no matter how hard I try. It moves too fast. I apologize to the all the lovely ladies that I am ignoring.

    BeckyRay, it sounds like you are gaining awareness, which can only be a good thing.

    Wessecg, so odd. I once went to the dentist with a hurting tooth and was told that he couldn't find anything wrong, it must be a sinus infection. The complete opposite of your problem.

    Sunshine/Joy: So sorry you are sick. Take care of yourself.

    Meg, Happy Birthday! Have cake or not - it's your birthday - you get to decide!

    Now back to work. Its crazy here. Our entire testing system crashed in the middle of End-of-Course-Tests and they had to be suspended. So glad it's not my problem to fix it. I just get to hold the hands of all my teachers as they cry! You may not want to read my food diary anytime soon. It isn't likely to be a pretty site until summer vacation. My only hope is to pound the pavement to relieve stress instead of hitting DH's candy dish.
  • nanasorchid52
    Hello wonderful ladies!

    Well time to catch up after my 4 day trip away to DD#2 along with DD#1 and family and DH - which meant 6 adults and 5 children all together! It was a Bank Holiday weekend which meant the Monday off for all of the workers!

    Saturday we went family bowling which was great fun followed by a family meal our.

    Sunday both daughters ran a half marathon - very proud as DD#2 had a chest infection and prob should not have run - DD#1 stuck by her and ran slower to help her sister - they ran holding hands and I cried buckets! During the race we took the children to the park and had a fun time. Another family meal then cooked by DSIL# 2!

    Monday we went for a Chinese buffet - which was lovely! So many lovely salads and fruits it was easy to balance a healthy meal.

    When we arrived home we went to a BBQ to celebrate 2 good friends birthday! Today I have craved my low calorie dense foods!

    Today I had DGS aged one for the day. We walked to the beach - sat and watched the cows for a while and he slept all the way back. After lunch we went to the park and the swings followed by the library , finally stoping off to see the chickens! He fell asleep on the way home again and did not stir when his mum came to pick him up!

    The weather has been so beautiful here for the last four days and this makes life so much better. I feel so truly blessed.

    I wish you all happiness - I cannot catch up on all of the posts - I am so behind!

    The weather is about to change so I am off to enjoy while it lasts!

    Keep smiling - keep logging!!


  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi ladies

    Had a busy few days so haven't posted much. Still logging and have also upped my exercise to try to prevent another arthritis flare up.

    Off for another stomp now, so will wish you all a good rest of the week.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member

    Early to mid stage dementia is a very strange thing. They will have days of extreme clairity but these get fewer. They have more recollection of the past than the present.

    It is an odd and ugly disease that steals the person you know; changes their personality and behavior. While it doesn't really make it much easier to deal with, educate yourself as much as you are able. Being able to understand WHY helps a bit.

    We are living out the end stages right now, so I feel your pain.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    <=== I was once 16 and dressing up for "Hoe Down Day" :laugh:
    Popping in to say hi.
    Work is crazy and she is on the war path. I will only get to work for the other manager a day and a half this week. and not at all next week. I hate this situation.

    I found out on Friday that my dad had been in the hospital all week with a blocked colon. He went home Friday and called to let me know.( I hadn't had time to check my email and my phone was eating messages so I never got them) Then he was back in Saturday with a fast heart rate. He went home again Sunday. He called to let me know that we had to cancel our brunch. I am glad he is fine. I am concerned because he has never really been that sick and he has been spending more and more time at the doctors. I realize he is 91 years old but he is still my daddy and its hard to realize that he won't be here forever.

    The sun has been glorious. This is why I live here. When it is beautiful, it is so beautiful that I forget about all the gray days.

    Have a great day all,

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Goals: :smokin:
    * Get moved to Texas
    * Find work
    * Keep logging daily
    * Keep eating right
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    When did the time here change to military time? Or do I have some kind of setting all bonkers? I don't mind it since we used it in the hospital.

    Rode the recumbant bike 6.3 miles and burned about 540 calories. I could have ridden it longer but the ike has a TV on it and I didn't want to start another TV show. About the last 1.5 miles I put it up to level 4 and I did OK but my husband did say I looked pretty beat when I got home so I know I should be careful. This is only my first week.

    Joyce, feeling god about myself today in Indiana
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi to my favorite vitamin F pals. Interesting day today; we had our all college forum at the zoo. The morning was our business meeting, then we had lunch, then were sent on a scavenger hunt for the afternoon. I didn’t do the hunt, but I did walk for an hour and a half. It was beautiful. AND our zoo is fabulous; in fact Conde Nast travel mag just listed it second after the Smithsonian for museums, zoos and aquariums in the country.

    I went to a garden store and bought mostly veggies to plant. DH is still working on putting the garden together so I won’t have a huge one…tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, ONE cucumber, some herbs and I hope to get some peas and bean seeds.

    Lucy: sounds like you have had similar garden experiences as I have!

    Jmkmomm: great workout! There’s always some kid or some old lady who knows how to work things

    Grandmallie: I wish I had bought my fitbit in a store; I still don’t have it and they have no customer service that I can find other than an email address. The UPSP tracking number they sent does not show up on the post office website either

    Barbie: your friend is lucky to have you!

    Drkatie: so sorry about your loss and such a long day

    Michele: great idea about the fruit for mother’s day. Usually I ask for a corsage, and this time I’m asking for a specific dinner so at least I’ll know the calories even though it may be higher than I’d like. In Russia birthdays are HUGE big deals, so I know I am giving in to others ‘ expectations, but when I requested no cake and no dinner out a couple of years ago both my daughter CRIED! So I guess I’ll have a birthday dinner although they won’t tell me where. I am going out to lunch with coworkers to Olive Garden, so I can pick some lighter fare there. You know, I never realized your soon to be DIL doesn’t speak English! How did I miss that?

    Gail: hooray for a productive day!

    Jodios: so close to your goal…congratulations!!!! You must be very happy

    Teresa; welcome to our group. I have trouble with motivation and find I just have to wake up each day and say “I’ll try again today”. If you fall off the wagon, don’t beat yourself up. Just keep going

    Dover: hi and I think you are new to me, so welcome!

    Becky: it’s good to have realistic goals. Remember the cartoon strip Cathy and how she always wanted to lose 10 pounds by tomorrow That’s me! I have had to learn to make reasonable goals.

    Carol: I hope you feel better soon and the antibiotics work!

    Sail: welcome to the group and come back often

    Joy: sorry to hear about your MIL. My mom had vascular dementia and MIL had Alzheimers. It’s always tough; hope you feel better too. Seems the plague is going around again

    Katla; I have missed some days here; did DH get the mS diagnosis confirmed or no decision yet?

    DeeDee: UGH! Tooth problems stink! I’ve never had a cavity and dread ever getting one. I can’t imagine having a root canal! I think I would bawl like a baby!

    Cityjane: great nsv!!!!! Sounds like you had a wonderful time!

    Laura80111: Ihad a similar experience….but didn’t find out until we moved my parents to assisted living…my mom was completely demented but dad wouldn’t accept any help offered by the independent place they lived in. Dad was keeping mom from going to the dining room so people wouldn’t see her confused, he’d order meals for her but wouldn’t help her eat. He didn’t give her medication correctly and when she started having bloody stools (she was on an anticoagulant) he did nothing until she fainted and the paramedics had to come get her up. She looked so bad they took her to the hospital. He limited the time we spent with them so she really didn’t seem so bad. She was very socially skillful and covered it up well until the end. Then after they moved, so many people came up to us and told us all these things that were going on and no one had ever told us. Had I known I would have called adult protective services. Cograts to your son!

    Jane: are you all settled in now?

    Jo: you have had some fun days!

    Amanda: always nice to see you even briefly!

    Robin: glad dad is doing better.

    Well that’s all from here. Thanks to all who have sent early happy birthdays! Maybe I will have cake, ormaybe not. It’s good to know I can make the choice or compromise and have cake but no frosting! Take care meg from gorgeous Omaha
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    evening ladies,
    under my calorie count but not by much.. and ate ok... I fairly tired today went in to work earlier than usual and we were busy as all get out..
    Dee-Dee- I am a dental assistant so i see your type of problem alot..It is very hard to know what to do.. dental coverage covers some of it if you have it and if not your paying big money..but I have had teeth pulled , and have had teeth replaced.. including one inplant...good luck on your journey and I feel your pain..:frown:
    didnt get alot of exercise today will get to the gym in the am.. I drink alot of water ..but probably way to much sodium..
    gonna go hit the hay.. talk with everyone in the am.:heart:
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Laura: Our weather has been unusually dry this year and we’re taking advantage of it. We’ve had rain, but more than the usual amount of sunshine. I just hope we don’t end up in a drought.:noway: Congratulations on your son’s graduation with a double Master’s! I’m sure you’re very pleased and proud.:bigsmile:

    DeeDee: Enjoy your hair appointment.:smile: I had a tooth with a root canal and it was a very painful process, but that was because it was infected. It was done in the dentist’s office after hours on a workday, I was loaded on painkillers, and DH was the lovely dental assistant. :tongue: If I wasn’t such a mess I’d have laughed until I was silly. :laugh: If yours isn’t infected, it might not be so bad. I hope. Thanks for your good wishes for DH’s doctor appointment. I suspect he’ll need another test or two before a final diagnosis.:ohwell:

    cityjane: “Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun” was one of my mom’s favorite witticisms. Thanks for reminding me. You made me smile.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Glad you’re having a good day.:bigsmile:

    Meg: DH is still in the air for his diagnosis. We meet with his MS doctor on Thursday morning to find out what comes next. Thanks for asking. I’m sure I’ll report in afterward, but don’t actually think I’ll have an answer. I think I’m a realist, but some might consider me a pessimist where this is concerned.:grumble:

    Today we ran errands. I hope we can do something fun tomorrow. I’d like to take the trikes out to a local park and ride. We have a return appointment from the clock lady who messed up setting my clock chimes and we won’t be able to leave until after lunch.
    Did you all remember that Sunday is Mother’s Day? I’d totally forgotten. :noway: I want to take flowers to my mom at the cemetery but our DIL is coming for the weekend so Mom might have to wait a day or two. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • skinnylady2014
    skinnylady2014 Posts: 101 Member
    Hello, All You Beautiful Ladies!

    Just joined MFP on April 15, 2013. Am happy to be here. Still figuring my way around on the site.

    Having this site and the support is extremely helpful. Of course, I had to be ready to lose weight and develop a healthier lifestyle.

    Have an awesome week!

    More later.....
  • cooky56ny
    cooky56ny Posts: 96 Member
    work, work, work = SICK, SICK, SICK! NO LIFE ANYMORE, NO TIME TO READ AND POST TO MY VIT F PALS, Hardly have time to focus on my diet and food logging, MISS YOU ALL!!! Heading to bed, throat feels like I swallowed shards of glass.:sick:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I feel for you and your dental woes……I have all my teeth including wisdom teeth and can’t imagine the horror of considering having one of them pulled.

    :flowerforyou: Lucy, the treats I have now are pretty nutritious so I don’t feel totally deprived but I am very clear about my desire to stay healthy and behave in ways that have been shown to increase longevity……I gave up alcohol over thirty years ago because I was having trouble with it and I’ve substituted nuts as a treat instead of sweets….I do have lavender ice cream every year at the Lavender Festival.

    :flowerforyou: Meg, if I had my way, I’d never go out to a restaurant on my birthday but Jake loves restaurants so we always go so I can please him…….your challenge with your children is even greater.

    :flowerforyou: Today was a day with no dancing but a lot of work in the yard. I’m putting down weed cloth under the rocks that ring various parts of the yard and covering the growing areas with red bark…..it’s a labor intensive job and very satisfying. I do most of it on my knees but get up frequently to carry rocks from one part of the yard to the other. I don’t know how much I’ll be able to do on dance days so I tried to do a lot today. I have no deadline so I can enjoy the process.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: “The only real freedom a human being can ever know is doing what you ought to do because you want to do it.”
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Mailed the LAST (I swear it's the last!!!) pkg. of the yr. to DD at college to get her through exams. Got caught up on necessary outgoing mail and there was tons of it, at least that was how it seemed
    Mother's Day cards, birthday, graduation, sympathy, get well, thank yous and, of course, a few bills........sometimes I think I'm alone in keeping the U.S. Post Office in business. Mtg. for the police support group tonight to get ready for a big fundraising drive at a local festival later this month. Lots of work coming up to get ready for that one.

    Jodios......YAY! for breaking the plateau...glad your plan worked for you..on the yoga: length of class, a few other people also said that is a reasonable time.....I had only attended 45min classes so far; guess I've been slacking!!

    wessecg.........certainly hope you're feeling better by now!

    Sunshine........also hoping you are feeling better

    Dee Dee.........root canal---major yuck.......hope you had sunshine today, I have been up since 3:45 when a thunderstorm awakened me

    Laura........congrats to your grads and huge kudos on the hair donation

    drkatiebug.........wow, end of term chaos!!! Good luck.

    Jo in Wales........sounds like you had a wonderful time

    Lucy......glad your payroll worked out

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    OOPS(almost forgot)........................HAPPY BIRTHDAY to MEG!!!!!!!!!!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    To Meg
