

  • Awesome girl I am so excited!! Did you order you kit yet?
  • I think it is because you have worked in Month 1 to gain more muscle (which burns more fat) and that you know the workouts better so you are able to dig deeper through them and they add more of the killer Ab workouts lol. Wishing you the best luck and greatest results!!
  • Month 2 is where I saw all my weight loss. Month 1 built up muscle for me since I had none lol. I loved it and I am starting it again next month!!
  • If your goal weight is to loose 42lbs I would just do another round of Insanity for right now. If you were wanting to add some extra weights in to build muscle than I would suggest you find yourself a circuit you like off of youtube or something like that. Doing Insanity and P90X together is something some people do but it…
  • Yes it does have a prep workout schedule that you can do as many times as needed! It is also a great program and I know a lot of people that had great success with it!
  • Awesome! Sorry I haven't been on in awhile I haven't been around my computer! I love Turbofire I would love to add you as a buddy and I am also on FB :)
  • I use a heart rate monitor also :)
  • I had thought about doing the Pump at home workouts and I know that is only 3 times per week which is how often you should do weight training because you need to give which ever body part you lift with a day of rest before doing it again. I did some weights with P90X and that was 6 days a week but never the same body parts…
  • I loved Insanity!! I did it when I was very overweight and lost 30lbs and 10 inches off my waist! That was just in the 60days! I am starting again in May! (after I finish my round of Turbofire!) What kind of workouts are you going to be doing at the gym? Insanity is pretty intense I don't know if I could have done the gym…
  • I am on day 43 of Turbofire and I really like it! I have done some P90X but was so over weight I was not enjoying it at all. Changed my eating and lost 10lbs walking and swimming and jumped into Insanity. It was so hard but I pushed everyday and got great results lost an additional 30lbs and so far have lost 7 with…
  • How are you liking P90X? I have a workout schedule that a lot of my fellow Beachbody coaches use and I have had some customers of mine use. If you want to PM your email I can send it to you. :)
  • I started my TF Yesterday and love it!! I have done P90X and Insanity but I love TF to most!! I have not used shakeology yet but I do make my own protein shakes and I will be starting Shakeology in May!! I am also becoming a Beachbody coach on March 1st!!! I would love to help motivate y'all and use y'all for motivation…
  • They say that everything that you burn in your exercise you should eat to refuel your body. So if you are suppose to eat 1500 and burn 550 doing TF than you should be eating 2050 calories in the day. I know when I figured out my calories for Insanity they said I should be eating 2200 calories a day plus what I burned. I…